Coach Dana Lizen

Coach Dana Lizen

Holistic health coaching programs and resources that support the creation of sustainable healing practices and habits leading to an inspired life.

I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that I look at how all areas of your life are connected. Does stress at your job or in your relationship(s) cause you to overeat? Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from exercising? As we work together, we will look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole. I work with my clients to get in touch with th


Hello everyone!!!

For those who are new here, welcome to my page!! Allow me to introduce myself again 🙂

I am Dana. I am a health coach certified in Integrative Nutrition by The Institute for Integrative Nutrition, the world's largest nutrition school headquartered in New York.

My coaching practice incorporates aspects of mind, body, and spirit. It is centered around helping people, especially women, who are dealing with digestive issues, emotional eating and hormonal imbalance.

My personalized M.E.A.L. programs (Mindfulness, Empowerment, Attitude, Lifestyle) guide clients through overall lifestyle changes and practices that are right for their own body and goals, with a focus on nutrition and self-care.

Feel free to send me a message if you feel like there’s an area in your life that I may be able to help you with.

You are worth it! 💖


I lost 2 kilos and my maskne marks became visibly lighter in 7 days 💖

Ask me how! 😉😊
👉🏻 📩📩📩


Kindness is just like coffee. It awakens your spirit and boosts your mood, improves the quality of your day. Fill your cup with both coffee and kindness every day. 💖☕️
Have a happy weekend! 🙏🏻

Timeline photos 09/08/2020

Laugh on your troubles
Sing out your worries
Dance in the rain

Don’t ever doubt the power of positive things. The storm has got nothing on you!

Timeline photos 18/07/2020

Kindness is like coffee. It awakens your spirit and improves your day. Fill your cup with both. 💖☕️
Blessed Sunday! 🙏🏻

Timeline photos 05/07/2020

Strawberry season + a rainy Sunday afternoon = my healthy homemade strawberry-chia jam on my low-carb quick bread 😋🍓🥰
I wonder! 🤔 Should I sell these too? 😅
Happy Sunday! 💖

Timeline photos 05/07/2020

We often think of silence as the absence of sound, but silence has its own weight and quality. When you listen to silence, you may perceive its intense depth and power. Taking time to experience silence calms the mind. It is the void where we can hear the sounds we tend to ignore - the voice of our intuition telling us the truth, the sound of the breeze blowing, and the noises we make just because we are alive.

Timeline photos 03/02/2019

The universe is always well aware of the goals we actively pursue and the dreams we have yet to refine. Everything that brings us inspiration, our passion, is within the range of universal perception. To manifest our aspirations, we need not only to know what it is we wish to achieve, but we also need to clearly articulate these goals to ourselves and the universe.

Put them in words, write them down, make a list. When we articulate our desires, each one in as much detail as possible, they take on a new substance. When put into words, they become real — they become achievable.

As you pour the contents of your heart and soul into your list, your well-defined ambitions become a part of you. The universe, then, responds to your new determination by placing opportunities in your path.

Whatever the nature of your desires, your list can help you channel all your powers into your efforts to realize them. The list you create should not simply be a record of your goals; it should be a comprehensive, exhaustive catalog of each target you want to reach and your reasons for aiming for them. This may mean that your list will encompass many pages of text. In this way, when you review what you’ve written down—your ambitions, your passions— you empower yourself to focus your efforts more directly to your goals. You then also have a framework in place that helps you distinguish success from setbacks. If you keep your list in a convenient spot and review it daily, you will inadvertently reaffirm your conviction to your aspirations, demonstrating to the universe that you are truly devoted to your chosen path while keeping your objectives fresh in your mind.

Timeline photos 14/01/2019

Happy Monday! ☺️♥️
Throwing back to this pretty plate I made a few years back! I am honestly missing Shanghai because I am missing the way I eat. 😅 It is so difficult to eat the way I used to when I am home and all my childhood favorites are within reach and local delicacies are found anywhere! More so that healthier choices sound expensive when you came from a country where the money gets you more; ¥1=Php7.50, get my point! 🤑😅 Maybe I should start converting? 🤔 or not? What do you think? Makes it even more challenging when you are working with a tight budget. I need suggestions and recommendations! 😅 I guess, I’ll start with reassessing my priorities 🤔
I am just missing my rainbows and my roses and my body is already giving me warnings and signals. Time to take better care of me now!

Timeline photos 09/01/2019

Attitude of Gratitude

There is always something to be grateful for, even when life is hard and times are tough.

Every day is a blessing, and in each moment there is something that you can be grateful for. The world opens up to you when you live in a space of gratitude. When you are grateful and appreciative, the universe glows a bit brighter and blessings start to pour down more generously.

There is always something to be grateful for, even when life seems hard. I understand that at difficult times, during a bad day or when you are stuck in what may feel like an endless rut, it is hard to feel grateful. Yet, these times are when gratitude is most important. If you can look at your life, during periods of challenge, and find something to be grateful for, you can transform your reality in an instant. There are blessings to be found everywhere. When you focus on the negative or on what is lacking, abundance can be easy to miss. But choosing to see what already exists, that we can appreciate, will change how you see your world. Begin by noticing one blessing, and then another, and find yourself seeing more than you have thought.

When we constantly choose to be grateful, we notice that every breath is a miracle and each smile becomes a gift. We begin to understand that difficulties are also invaluable lessons. The sun is always shining for us when we are grateful, even if it is hidden behind clouds on a rainy day. A simple sandwich becomes a feast, and a trinket is transformed into a treasure. Living in a state of gratitude allows us to spread our abundance because that is the energy that we emanate from our beings. Because the world reflects back to us what we embody, the additional blessings that inevitably flow our way give us even more to be grateful for.

The universe wants to shower us with blessings. The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.

Timeline photos 04/01/2019

Timeline photos 08/12/2018

Lesson on Reflection

We need to be reminded that we are bio-individuals. Each of us is unique in every way, and we all have unique ways of dealing with and learning from life.

We often care too much about the people we love we want to save them from pain by giving them the benefit of our experience; feeling like we know what is best for them. Sometimes we sense the need to step in even if we are not asked to. Then we would find ourselves frustrated and challenged when loved ones seem to ignore our insights or don’t follow our advice. We may even find ourselves becoming angry when they choose a different path. This strength of feeling is usually a sign that there is a lesson for us to be learned and that our motivations go beyond merely helping.

We need to be reminded that each of us has our own unique path and that we all deal with and learn from life differently. It is best to trust that there is a higher power at work that knows what is best for our loved ones. So we may, instead, offer them our counsel so as not to deny them of our experiences that may be essential in the growth of their spirits. After we have given them this gift, we need to release it, along with all judgments and all our expectations of them and their choices, with love.

When that is done, we can be reminded that our relationships are reflections of ourselves; they are mirrors that allow us to see ourselves more clearly. This is why it is easier for us to see solutions to other people's problems than to see answers for our own. But if we are willing to look within and see why we are being irritated by other people’s life choices, we can turn this knowledge into wisdom; like an oyster that make irritations into pearls. With these pearls of wisdom, we will learn to release the desire for control over others and instead enrich their lives as we enrich our own.

Timeline photos 03/12/2018

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone and Grow With the Flow

Putting off doing what scares you only creates more obstacles in your life.

I am quite sure you’ve had some experience of tackling some dreaded task only to come out the other side feeling fulfilled and with a new sense of confidence; wondering what you were so worried about or why it took you so long to do it.

Whether you avoid something because it is scary or because you think it will force a change you’re not ready for, putting it off only creates more obstacles for you. Facing the task, no matter how difficult, creates a flow in your life that allows you to grow. The relief is palpable when you stand on the other side knowing that you did something even though it was hard or you didn't want to do it. On the other hand, when you cling on to your comfort zone, never addressing your doubts and your fears, you cut yourself off from the flow of growth.

We all have at least one thing in our life that never seems to get done. Bringing that task to the top of the list and promising ourselves that we will do it as soon as possible is an act that could liberate a tremendous amount of energy in our lives. Whatever it is, we can allow ourselves to be fueled by the promise of the feelings of exhilaration and confidence that will be the natural result of doing it.

Timeline photos 22/11/2018

At the root of all growth, we find CHANGE

It is the only thing that is constant in our earthly existence. Sometimes, the circumstances are a source of extraordinary joy, but often, they provoke feelings of discomfort, fear and uncertainty.
Though unavoidable, we are not subjects to the whims of its unpredictable nature. How we experience change is dictated by our own choices — our power to control our reactions and choose our responses. Because no matter how chaotic change is, no matter how difficult, there is always substance. It is when we no longer resist the discomfort, when we face the fear and embrace uncertainty that we will find we are far from helpless and is it when we will see that every change is an opportunity to grow.
Hello my lovelies! 💖 Thank you for sticking around. I am back! And I am home! 😘

Photos from Coach Dana Lizen's post 04/11/2018

My first ever Fitness Leaders Summit and what an invigorating experience it was! Being around like-minded people is so inspiring and empowering I hope someday I will be one of the speakers. 😊😁 There’s so much to learn from and a lot to share with these leaders, health and fitness enthusiasts and entrepreneurs.

Timeline photos 03/10/2018

The last week of September had been marked with roller coasters of emotions! A lot has happened in such a short span of time, both good and bad, and a huge decision has been made.
With our priorities and schedules rearranged, I have decided to take some time off from posting while we try to regroup, gather our hearts, strengthen our souls, and rewrite our calendars to be able to focus on relocating our life and our home.
We are lifting everything to The One who, we know, orchestrated all of these for us. His presence has been very stong and we feel that He is in control so we are surrendering.
So I hope you all stay around. I promise to be back with a brand new perspective in our brand new home. But I will still be here to look and find inspiration from all of you. You have been a huge part of my journey, one that I am determined to take to the next level when I get back! Please stay! 😘🙏🏻♥️
See you again very soon!

Lifestyle: Stress 30/09/2018

To heal, the very first thing to do is REST!

Lifestyle: Stress     STRESS. It is the result of over stimulating the body.  Always under estimated and often misunderstood! &nbs

Lifestyle: Stress 30/09/2018

How have you been? How was your day? Have you been busy? Are you getting enough sleep?

Sharing with you the first article in my Lifestyle blog series on STRESS.

Read on to learn what inadequate sleep does to your body and how stress can disrupt sleep. Then dig on some natural solutions to get that restful shut-eye that you deserve and heal from stress! 💖

Lifestyle: Stress     STRESS. It is the result of over stimulating the body.  Always under estimated and often misunderstood! &nbs

Timeline photos 25/09/2018

When your husband’s annual executive checkup results arrive, a day after receiving news that a dear friend lost his battle to a disease, and the numbers are not as clean as you hoped... 😰 I got a mild panic attack!
Chronic stress is the devil! Please always take time for yourself to refill and refuel, do not let yourself run on fumes. Selfcare is also an expression of great love for the people you care about. This is a shout-out especially dedicated to all our architect friends.
I wish you love and healing. 💖

Timeline photos 25/09/2018

This photo, a perfect representation of how I feel right now. Sunshine and shadows. Uncertainty, sadness, joy and gratitude all in one place. So many thoughts going through my mind. I want to write about them but their concepts are so difficult to grasp.

Timeline photos 24/09/2018

Take care of your self so you may be able to take care of the ones you love the most in a way that you will feel full and they will feel complete. 💖

Timeline photos 23/09/2018

W30D21: Hello sunshine! ☀️😍
We are off to church! 🙏🏻 Blessed Sunday! ♥️

Timeline photos 22/09/2018

W30D20: Happy Saturday and long weekend for us! We are off to the farmers market today! 😊

Timeline photos 22/09/2018

W30D19: Forgot to take a decent photo of last night’s dinner but it was exactly the same as this one, as requested by my boys. 😊 I love this kind of meal because it is fast and convenient and healthy! 💖

Timeline photos 21/09/2018

W30D19: Summoning Mr. Sun 🌞 🍳😍

Videos (show all)

You ask, I deliver! This is the video I posted last year. 😊 Enjoy! 🥑 🌹💚#avocadorose #avocado #avocadoart #video


Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 16:00
Thursday 10:00 - 16:00
Friday 10:00 - 16:00
Saturday 10:00 - 13:00
Sunday 10:00 - 13:00