Alisha Popat

Alisha Popat

I am just a girl who loves to sing! Music is my thing, my passion, my inspiration and my means of in Imagine every song you love with a lion king twist.

Alisha Popat is a well-known Kenyan singer/songwriter and influencer. She has been in the creative industry for over 15 years and achieved many accolades within those years in numerous creative avenues. Her African rendition of ‘We Found Love’ with the world respected violinist Lindsey Stirling went viral and is now on a staggering 60 Million views, making Alisha the Kenyan artist with the most vi


Berlin people … come hang with us this Wednesday .berlin for a super fun festive concert from 6pm to 10pm. The line up is great .bvz and myself all doing our thing for a charitable cause. Free entry, donations for charity at the venue encouraged 🙏🏼 - let’s all make a difference for all those in need this festive season one way or another ❤️

Photos from Alisha Popat's post 30/11/2023

The time has come when in the year when you get a little progress report in your inbox.It’s an exciting moment but also a little scary because you just hope that you have had some growth. These statistics show in some way what all artists aspire to- we aspire to share our stories, our souls, melodies with all of you. We want our music to be of value in your everyday life. We want to make you smile, laugh, cry… express… we use this international language to reach into your souls. It’s incredibly hard to be an artist in this day and age. It’s not just creating amazing music, it’s about getting the right people to hear it. It’s creating 24/7 content, it’s algorithms , marketing, live gigging… it’s strategy and timing … it’s hard. To see ‘progress’ is just beautiful! More importantly to see how many people listen to YOUR music around the world and that your little gift to the world is being shared even by just one human, WOW! Now that’s magic. I have so much coming up next year and I am so thankful to all of you who follow my journey, listen and share my music. I am truly humbled! 🙏

Photos from Alisha Popat's post 21/11/2023

‘In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer’ Albert Camus WHICH IS YOUR FAVOURITE? 1, 2 or 3? 📷


I don’t know about you but life can sometimes be really hard. We have these big ideas in our 20’s or fresh out of Uni /college that everything will just fall into place. That we have done the pre - work and now the universe will just open up its arms to us. It’s a real humbling experience to understand that we may not have as much control as we thought. We are actually not ‘assured’ of anything. That things don’t often happen for you when you believe they should, that life has a mysterious and mystical way of putting road blocks on what you always thought was an open road. We learn that our definitions of ‘success’ change over time and that they differ from person to person. Some of us get to understand what anxiety feels like, we often feel that we are not enough … we feel like time is going so fast and it kills us to think that we aren’t where we thought we would be by this time. I have felt ALL these things. I have had a myriad of road blocks, I feel anxiety from time to time- I struggle with my career from time to time, my overall purpose. I feel like I can be doing SO MUCH MORE with my life - really making an impact on people lives but just can’t seem to get that spring in my step to make it all happen the way I want. It’s NORMAL- normal to feel like you are sometimes stagnant- normal to feel anxious about your future. It’s normal to have a ‘wobble’ now and then. This is just a little message to tell whomever needs to hear it that ‘YOU ARE ENOUGH’ - ‘YOU ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE’ - you are seen, you are important, you are where you need to be at this present point and you will get in some vicinity to where you want to be with hard work, hope and a little luck. I’ll leave you with a quote that has given me so much solace in life ‘what you seek is seeking you’


I feel vulnerable today … I feel totally undone. I feel defeated, I feel the air is heavy and there is a pit in my tummy. Today I feel vulnerable… but tomorrow I will feel hope again. Tomorrow I stand stronger, tomorrow I will get back up, tomorrow I will find that resilience that was instilled in me. Tomorrow will be better. For anyone who needs to hear this today, tomorrow you will feel stronger. Today, just be vulnerable and feel the universe’s arms around you! 📷


A bright light has left this earth today but I know he resting in peace. was one of the most inspiring friends and artistic mentors to me. He never had a bad word to say about anyone. Talented like you can’t believe- a true storyteller through his art. He was incredibly kind and supportive and I will miss his smile. I had the privilege of knowing him as a friend but also working with him on so many projects and I learnt so much from him. I miss you friend.


It’s my dads birthday! He is so incredibly special to me. He has taught me humility, taught me to be generous, he has taught me to appreciate all that I have, the world and the people around me and not to be unhappy with what I don’t have. He has taught me to dream, given me wings to fly my own path along with my amazing mother of course . He has taught me that nothing is out of reach. He has shown me the meaning of the word sacrifice and love. I am far away from him today but there in spirit. This here everyone is part of the reason my heart beats. It’s a big big part of the reason I am who I am. Place a little heart in the comments if you too are a


‘Sexiness is a state of mind’ its not all about your physical appearance-it’s more about inner confidence, attitude and embracing your individuality.


Spent the day processing… life never goes the way we plan or rather perfectly to plan. There are so many twist and turns along the way and that is exciting and scary all at the same time. I am learning to embrace life as it comes, to face the fears, embrace the excitement… and go with the flow.


5 years ago one of my besties, more like a brother and I wrote a song called ‘It’s only time’. It’s about that intense love but terrible timing. The song sat in our archives for so long and we finally decided to release it into the world. Us musicians are all about change, progress, figuring out who we are as artists and this is part of both of our evolutions. I hope you like it. Link in bio 🔥🎤🎹


I am feeling a little bold. I have realised in the last few years that you can be kind and nice and want to avoid conflict BUT you NEED boundaries. We all need to decide what what is ok and what is not okay, why? They help us protect our well being and most importantly help us build trust safety and respect in relationships of any kind. Who else agrees?

Photos from Alisha Popat's post 03/09/2023

Photo dump - so game of thrones fans - go there! The old town is just breathing, so many epic little swimming spots of the beaten track such crystal clear water BUT it’s absurdly expensive and that somehow leaves not the best impression. It is totally worth the visit but FYI, mad expensive for Croatia. Here are some phone pics

Photos from Alisha Popat's post 31/08/2023

Capri photo dump 📷 We really needed a holiday, we needed to take the pressure off, learn to relax and live in the moment more. We needed to make our mental health a priority. We needed sunshine and salt, we needed adventure. We needed wholesome food, wine and warm people and gave that ALL to us. It will not be the last visit - I can tell you that for certain. This place is unbelievably beautiful, quaint in the right places, lavish if you want that kind of thing, super fun and adventurous and an absolute dream destination.

Photos from Alisha Popat's post 30/08/2023

I know I haven’t posted in a few days and that’s because I wanted to take a little break and enjoy our little summer holiday. Here is a little photo dump of our time in - it is incredibly charming and the FOOD is the best I have ever tasted ever. What an experience.


‘Talk to yourself like someone you love’ be kind, be reassuring, be patient. YOU lady in the mirror, you are an art piece, you are a mystery, an enigma… you are special and you have so much to offer this world! To all of you amazing women out there- when you look in the mirror, I hope you see a queen! 📸


37 feels good! I’ll tell you why, it’s the comfort I feel in my skin, it’s the comfort of knowing my authentic self and loving myself for all my flaws. It’s for realising how rich in love, experience and friendship I am. It’s celebrating my journey, all the highs and the lows. At 37, I am FILLED with gratitude for every small thing that brings be joy and helps me be a better person. I had such a wonderful birthday so filled with music and love and I wanted to take the opportunity to THANK YOU all for the wishes and thoughts. Sending much love ❤️ #37 📸

Photos from Alisha Popat's post 27/07/2023

DREAMER, never let it be said that to dream is a waste of one’s time, for dreams are our reality in waiting. In dreams we plant the seeds of our future. 📸


I red this and loved it! Loved every part of this truth - so for anyone who needs to hear it ‘ please do not try and rush my recovery, I am in a whirlpool of SHOLUD BE, WOULD BE, COULD BE, when all I need is to just BE, here, as I am’ Brianna Paster-

Photos from Alisha Popat's post 19/07/2023

I am learning to practice gratitude everyday. We always want more, we are always in pursuit of more, more money, more success, more … but I feel we sometimes forget to appreciate what we have. To see really all the magic in our lives. We will never be happy if we are not happy today with what we have. I am grateful for my wonderful family, extended family, my soul mate, my incredible friends all over the world. I am thankful for being able to live in two beautiful continents. I am thankful for my ability to sing and write and express. I am thankful for all the people who motivate me to be better and do better. I am thankful for the sun and the moon and the sky and this gorgoeus planet we live in. I am grateful for music! I am grateful for my body and mind. Infinitely grateful! 📸

Berlin Lights - Alisha Popat 15/07/2023

IT’s FiNALLY OUT. The song I have been most excited about has been released into the world. Click here to watch and listen. It was the funnest video to make- you will see why have the BEST weekend friends.

Berlin Lights - Alisha Popat When I moved to Berlin from my homeland Kenya during covid, it was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. Berlin was this new big city, and I felt ...


You learn in this industry to have a tough skin, you learn that you can’t be a pushover, you learn that if you aren’t hungry for it, if you don’t fight for your passion, you will remain a small fish in a big pond full of equally if not more talented fish lol 😂 The key I feel is never losing sight of the dream, even if if seems so far fetched or sometimes delusional. I have never been so focused on my big dream than I am at this moment in my life. I am making music I am proud of and releasing it into the world and that makes me so happy! I can’t wait for the release of ‘Berlin Lights’ this Friday. You can PRESAVE it or just and 📸

Photos from Alisha Popat's post 10/07/2023

6 years together today and I love you more than ever Hannes Eckmayr - no one can make me laugh as much as you do. I love doing life with you and I can’t wait for many more years adventuring with you.

Photos from Alisha Popat's post 05/07/2023

Mid week mood! You are everything you want to be and more! Embrace your power, embrace your potential… don’t apologise for being yourself 📸


I’ve never wanted to do anything else other than being a singer… never… i always knew somehow deep in my soul that this was my path- despite many bumps in the road, rejections, no’s, false promises, great opportunities that didn’t lead to big breaks… it hasn’t changed my resolve, in fact it just made it stronger. I have learnt to focus on the big picture… I do what I love, I get to share my music with people, do something to uplift of make people FEEL. I found my passion for life early and have been fortunate enough to live it everyday. I have learnt to focus on the small wins as those culminate into bigger wins. This weekend my new song ‘Tiger’ has been out on a few great editorial playlists! That for me is a big deal - it means progress and I am so happy about this little win. Have you heard it yet?

Tiger - Alisha Popat 02/06/2023

I am so excited to put this new musical baby into the world. 'Tiger' is about reclaiming back my feline feminine power. During the pandemic and for a while after, especially during my big move from Kenya to Berlin, I felt that I lost a lot of my carefree wildness. It took writing this song to realize that and come back to that playful and free side of myself. This is for all my fabulous and fierce women out there! May you be celebrated for all that you are!

Click here to watch 'Tiger'

Have a beautiful weekend friends :)

Tiger - Alisha Popat This song was in essence written to reclaim my power. During the pandemic and with such a big move from Kenya to Berlin, I felt I lost a little bit of my edg...

Photos from Alisha Popat's post 26/05/2023

Anyone who knows me well tells me I have some big tell tail Leo traits … It shows in my character and also my hair! I have a wild spirit, a feline protective nature and at times a fierceness ( though not often) ;) my new song is being released next week Friday and it’s a celebration of women and our wildness 🐅 Link to presave is in the bio. Also how amazing it is to have met and worked with this guy he is such a great photographer and human! Which pic do you like the most?


Geared up for summer… geared up for all the summer music releases. Geared up for live gigs, feeling good in my body, making mad new connections and living my best life…


Monday love and advice- Over the years I have had to learn a few important life lessons. When I spoke to my cousin sister a while back, we delved into the theme of ‘you teach people how to treat you’ - meaning if you are too nice, too much of a people pleaser, too accommodating, too much of a push over, always putting others in front of yourself, wanting everyone around you to always be happy but in the process letting yourself come last- you are showing people that they can also put you last. They can underestimate you, not value you, make you feel less than who you are. My new song ‘Tiger’ which will be out June 2nd is all about embracing that strong, wild and fierce side of you- putting yourself first and being unapologetically a tigress! I have learnt that my time is important as I have a bunch going on and I can’t get time back so when I give it, it is valuable- I am valuable and I need to see that about myself first so others see it too! Who relates?


I am gearing up for summer, enjoying spring … looking forward to all the excitement coming in the next few months. It’s that time of the year… re birth, creating new music, gigging, concerts and music videos … my creative juices are running and I am AMPTED. A. Song a month is on its way friends, I can’t wait to share 📸

Photos from Alisha Popat's post 25/04/2023

What a beautiful feeling to have a warm breeze on your skin, wind in your hair and an entire sea to explore! Throwback to Kenyan adventures with 📸 .madebyafrica


So here goes nothing…let me be vulnerable…

Let me give you a little insight into me and a look into the joys and frustrations of being a musician. Oh boy! This industry is like being on a never-ending bloody rollercoaster! The highs are euphoric and the lows are devastating. Almost all artists out there will tell you that being an artist is incredibly rewarding but at the same time, slightly soul-sucking. I feel exactly that, after so many years of experience. Let me tell you why…

Music is not what we do, it is who we are and we can't seem to identify ourselves away from it. It runs in our blood, it makes up our identity.

Our songs are not 'projects', we take pieces of who we are, draw on personal pain, joy, and experiences and pair that with melody and release it for the whole world to hear. Then we hope... we hope that people see or hear what we hear. We hope that the songs make an impact on the listener, we hope that we haven't just made a big mistake by putting our hearts so vulnerably on the line for it to be squashed by mean comments or a dwindling ‘like count’.

Being an artist is a FULL-time job but without the ‘benefits’ of having a secure full-time job. It means so much more than jamming out, writing songs, releasing music, dressing up and creating cool videos, and singing live. It's full work days that consist of strategizing, creating music, consistent content, researching marketing strategies, pitching, booking gigs, handling your admin, creating your graphics, working on your website, and keeping up with the ever-changing trends and algorithm changes! I swear algorithms change as quickly as it takes for me to drink a glass of wine… and that’s quick!

Being a musician means you’re never done. There’s always something else you could be doing such as putting in another hour of practice, streaming Damien Keys musician help videos, or creating that stupid dam TikTok video you are dreading to do!
It provides a constant source of guilt, I won’t go deep into this because it gets really deep but the guilt that comes with not having normal work hours and behaviors, not being able to consistently contribute to a household, the guilt of NOT DOING ENOUGH or at times not doing anything because you’re simply just overwhelmed.

It provides a constant source of self-doubt. Am I good enough? Can I really call myself a songwriter? Am I delusional to believe that this DREAM is possible? What am I doing with my life? Am I going to be 65, mic in hand, knee-high boots dancing around a stage? What am I thinking? I have struggled with this for so long, needing other people’s validation that I AM GOOD ENOUGH. Why do I need that? I am living and breathing proof that I am good enough, I am doing what I love, creating art, traveling the world with it, meeting the most fabulous open-minded humans, and some months making a killing, and for the most part, I feel great about it BUT that ni**le of self-doubt never leaves you. You are always on the brink of breakthroughs but never there and you always get this incredible opportunity only for them never to manifest or not lead to where you thought. It’s mentally exhausting.

Being a musician is a financial drain, a black hole of expenditure. You’ll never have enough gear, never have enough money to REALLY give your music a good chance at being heard by the right people. You have to pay for production, you have to pay for music videos, external content, Facebook ads, google ads, blogs, etc IT’S MADNESS. Some of us are lucky to make good money making music but as soon as it is in… it is OUT. Trust me unless you are killing it in the streams and passive income department or doing major gigs, you ain’t saving. The hustle is ALWAYS on.
Being a musician means having the patience of a freakin saint! You are ALWAYS waiting, waiting for your tracks to be produced and then mastered, waiting for music videos to be edited and graded, waiting for people to get back to you, for responses on gigs, or collabs… you don’t have all the control because you physically can’t do it all. The team you work with is busy and they have tons going on too so you can’t always blame them but the waiting game is like being at the back of the Berghain line in Berlin -in winter on a Saturday at 1 am 🙂 It‘s never-ending and utterly frustrating… so you wait and learn that ‘going with the flow is the only way to keep sane in this industry.

It is the hardest industry to operate in, it’s expensive, frustrating, and creates so much self-doubt and guilt BUT when you finally get that aha moment of clarity, and that change in perspective… everything just makes sense. It’s not about the validation, it’s not about the numbers or the money, it’s about using this gift that you have been given to create works of art that are a representation of yourself and the world around you that CAN and HAVE such a big impact on people who listen. When you realize that you have the ability to do things that not many can do, to be truly vulnerable, to put yourself out there in this way- and really care for that one instance where someone hears that song at the exact time they needed to and it made a difference… big or small… then you know you are winning.

I only recently started being proud of my art, I only recently stepped into myself as a songwriter and I only recently started feeling worthy of that title. I discovered something so powerful yesterday…being a musician means that you’ve discovered, and hold in your hands the only thing that makes life worth living.
Doing what you love! Answering your universal calling and despite it all putting your art out in the world with the hope that someone is touched by it.

Here is my new song with the incredibly talented Bruce Rooke. It’s called ‘Not Really Yours’ and I’m being vulnerable and putting it out in the world and I hope it makes you feel something.


‘Her eyes have their own vocabulary, what a beautiful language to learn’ ❤️ 📸


'Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith'. I want to make incredible videos, create, experience and travel- that means pushing the boundaries and living outside of your comfort zone. Thank you for this moment of absolute freedom.


Loving my time at - a perfect paradise and a perfect place to shoot and film. Myself and Thank you for lending us your paradise to capture for all to see.


A perfect morning filming at some days just begin perfectly.


Catch ElvisWho Kosiso and I today at 4pm on HOT 96


Kenyan Version of Despacito

You can watch it here or on youtube. Our fun Kenyan version of Despacito with ElvisWho Kosiso and some incredible artists, producers, videographers and dancers. Trevor JerryThomas Thome Preston SoFresh NP Quite Peter Martin McNally Shaqtheyungin Svetlana Polikarpova Nicole Yan Shalom Kalule Amit Grabovski Maggie NjeruAndrew Balongo Opere Roua Bennani and many many more. Share the love friends # #


Look at these beauties! Do you guys know about The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust it is incredible. Will be releasing a short video about the organization soon.


Despacito Cover- Alisha Popat & Elvis Who

It's finally out, our Kenyan version of ElvisWho Kosiso and myself and a whole lot of incredible talent. I am so excited about this one. Please comment and share it if you like it # # #

We loved creating this cover. Just loved it. A kenyan mash-up of a great song. Thank you to everyone who was involved in creating such a fun and vibrant song...

Videos (show all)

Live sessions in the park 🎤 I honestly grew up loving @bryanadams and I am so excited to go see him in Berlin later this...
I tell stories through my music. If you like nostalgic Indie/pop, have a listen to my story 'Home'. Listen now :) https:...
When I sing, it awakens something in me. Every time, there is so much power in music and it humbles me that I can share ...
I just stumbled across this rendition of #afterglow that I made with two amazing friends Tommy Brownson and Jakob Gunnar...
Gearing up to the festive season in Berlin. Vocal practice daily is the only way to go to keep being on point. If you’re...
Tomorrow is D- Day! My song Home will finally be released and I am so so proud of this one! To be the first to hear it, ...
Can’t wait for this Friday when ElvisWho and I get to release our original ‘Only Me’. It will be available on all platfo...
In anticipation of our upcoming original dropping SOON ... here is a little Cover of Crazy Gnarls Barkley for you all :)...
A little #mondaymusic for you all today. Just a simple cover of #gnarlsbarkley #crazy with one of my favorite people @br...
A little music for you all today! Here is a short cover of one of my all time favorite songs; Tom Odell ‘s perfectly wri...