Centrework Energy Healing

Centrework Energy Healing

Centrework’s Zone Technique healing and SFT tapping sessions facilitate true healing on all levels.

I offer an exceptional approach to healing that balances the body and mind, and restores optimal health easily and naturally. My focus and intent when I work with clients, is to clear any physical or emotional pain or limitation so they can feel well, move well, and live well again. If you have not had success with other methods, this is the work that will get you the results you want and need. No


The power of a healing image ❤️


How to create what you want in your life.

Thoughts are things.
❤️The image of an oak tree is in the acorn.
❤️Create an image of what you want in your life.
❤️Keep the image broad, logical, positive and lawful.
❤️The image will begin to take shape and unfold.
❤️Take any steps needed to bring this image into your life.

This is a natural law. This is also the reason why focusing on negative things in your life will bring about more of the same, most of the time.

Thoughts and images matter.

By creating an image of what you want in your life, there will be a movement towards that end because everything starts with an image.


Zone 4! ❤️
I met with a new client for her second appointment today. She was wanting help for IBS and chronic diarrhea along with a couple of other health issues. After her first session last week, she reported an improvement of at least 60% and has started reintroducing several foods she hadn’t been able to tolerate for a long time.


If you are in need of some self care and healing, I have a wonderful offer for you.

For the month of July when you purchase a package of 3 Remote Zone healing sessions, you will receive 2 additional (remote/absent) Zone Healing sessions at no extra charge.

Contact me at centrework.net for more information.

Wishing you a happy and healthy summer!


The Law of Noninterference by Dr Thurman Fleet ❤️

Each individual soul is destined to fulfill some mission on this earth plane. That soul's life is patterned according to its stage of evolution. The path the soul must travel to fulfill its duties will be burdensome or free from pain and worry to the degree that the individual understands and obeys the laws of its being.

Consider how the rays of the sun individually function to produce part of the great light illuminating the universe. Each ray is an integral unit while being a composite part of the whole-yet they function without interfering with each other.
So each individual soul must play its part cheerfully and willingly, contributing to the whole and yet refraining from any interference with another soul's function or mission.

Each person has a role to carry out in accordance with higher laws. To perform that mission, no one should be unduly interfered with. We see so many people who, in their egotistical manner, assume the responsibility of instructing or otherwise impeding the destiny of others who do not desire such instruction. This is a violation of law. God, with Divine Wisdom, has ordained the true course for all, and each of us should be allowed to pursue that course without unwarranted interference.


The Zone Technique and the Nervous System

The nervous system plays an important role in nearly every aspect of our physical, mental and emotional health.

When your nervous system is balanced you can handle stress much more easily.

The nervous system controls and affects:

👉Memory and retention
👉Movement, coordination, balance and equilibrium
👉The body’s ability to heal properly
👉The stress response and stress hormones
👉Breathing and heartbeat
👉Body temperature
👉Hunger, thirst, and digestion
👉Reproductive health, and fertility
👉The senses - touch, hearing, taste, eyesight

and more...

Having a properly balanced nervous system could be one of the most important things you do for your health.

The Zone Technique balances both mind and body and restores normal health easily and naturally.



For the next few weeks my appointment times will be slightly different to my usual schedule.

If you are needing to book a healing session with me but do not see an appointment time or day on my current calendar that works for you, please let me know. I will be more than happy to accommodate your requests and help you find a time that suits your schedule.



Pet Care Healing Program

After receiving many requests from clients asking for healing help for their pets, I decided to put together a program called Pet Care.

With Pet Care your beloved pet can receive high level healing and Zone balancing for any health issue or concern.

All this work is done by absent remote energy healing which makes scheduling the sessions and receiving the work very easy and convenient.

If you have any questions about my Pet Care program, please feel free to contact me.


Zone 6! The Circulatory Zone
When your circulatory system is properly balanced…

❤️ You sleep better,

❤️ You have more energy,

❤️ Your thyroid gland is healthy,

❤️ Your blood pressure is normal,

❤️ You feel stronger,

❤️ You have more comfort and ease in your body,

❤️ Your hands and feet feel warmer,

❤️ You fight off infections faster,

❤️ Your immune system will be strong and healthy,

Photos from Centrework Energy Healing's post 15/04/2024

Remote energy healing. Last night I didn’t sleep very well. I was awake a lot. I finally gave in and got up around 4:45 am. and then had the feeling that someone needed some help. A short while later I got a message from a client asking for help for her husband. She didn’t give me any details about his health other than saying that he had been taken to emergency, but I “saw” something going on with his heart and lungs and that his nervous system needed balancing which I did. This couple lives in California.


Client’s experience with remote healing session.
“Lindsey is professional, focused and light-hearted. An absolute joy to work with.

6 months ago, my husband of 25 years moved out. To say the least it's been an incredibly challenging time. Emotionally, physically, spiritually.
Throughout that time, Lindsey, in her quiet and unassuming way, has been sending me healing from a distance. When things got rough, I would get a message from her, and a lift in my heart.
However, this last, 30-minute zoom session was more direct. It was subtle and powerful. I woke up the next morning to experience a flow of energy, clarity and sense of myself that I haven't felt in a long, long time.

It's hard to articulate, the shift that has happened, but I know I'm standing on solid ground, that the journey of my healing has been activated, that it will continue.
Ease is the word that comes to mind, along with confidence and clarity. Joy too, which has been a rarity throughout the winter.
I'm both grateful and amazed, that we could connect remotely between Fredericton and Vancouver.”
Lisa Hartley, Certified Life Cycle Celebrant


This individual had been diagnosed with endometriosis and had significant bladder incontinence that was causing her to avoid many of her normal physical activities. Her quality of life was suffering. She had lost hope and was concerned she would have to live this way for the rest of her life.

After a series of Zone healing sessions, she reported to me that her periods were “easy” and pain free and her bladder control was good. Thanks to the Zone Technique, she experienced healing on a physical and emotional level that enabled her to get back to living a normal life.

“ With chronic bladder frequency and pain since 2012, I finally found relief and improvement after working with Lindsey. After many years struggling, trying multiple therapies I was guided to Lindsey. I am glad I did not give up and having her holding the belief that it could get better was what I needed to continue. We had many sessions so don’t give up if you don’t get results right away. I have parts of my life back and there is no price for that.”

How many sessions will you need to heal? The answer is different for everyone because everyone heals at their own rate. That said, the basic guideline is, “come weekly until you are all better” and the symptoms you had are gone.

Photos from Centrework Energy Healing's post 09/04/2024

Solar eclipse totality! I got a little excited. 😅🤷‍♀️


Friday dance day ❤️🎶🎶


Blood pressure medication avoided! A balanced body knows how to heal ❤️



Have you ever considered becoming a certified Pilates teacher but did not know where to start? Curious but want to learn a little more? Here is your opportunity!

Please join Body Harmonics Education Partner Natasha Colter for an information session on Wednesday, March 20th from 6:30-7:30pm in the Hatheway Studio at the Richard J. CURRIE CENTER at 15 Peter Kelly Drive, Fredericton, New Brunswick.

In this session you’ll learn all about the Body Harmonics Pilates Level 1: Mat certification, try a demo class, and have plenty of opportunity to get your questions answered.

A Level 1: Mat Pilates Certification will be taught in Fredericton, New Brunswick at the University of New Brunswick in the Richard J. CURRIE CENTER starting in September 2024.

For more information regarding programming, dates and fees, please visit the following: www.natashacolter.ca www.bodyharmonics.com


I recently returned from another Zone Technique seminar that was held in Boston MA.
I’ve notched after attending the in person Zone seminars, the healing results for my clients keeps getting better and better.
I am very grateful to Dr Peter Goldman for this life changing work and for sharing his knowledge and understanding of the principles of high level healing.

Photos from Centrework Energy Healing's post 25/02/2024

Zone Technique seminar in Boston.
Dr Peter Goldman demonstrating some high level principles of healing.


Zone healing ❤️❤️❤️

My husband had to have surgery on his leg, for arteries blocked with plaque. When they did the surgery, they found a blood clot. After the surgery, the Dr said, if we can get his kidneys stabilized and if the blood flow in the leg works, he might make it. I replied, "He might not make it?" He just looked at me.

I said "I'm going to call Lindsey, my Remote Zone Healer, and she'll work with him and you" (the Dr) . He looked at me funny, and said, that's fine, whatever you want to do.

I IMMEDIATELY contacted Lindsey, and she got right back to me! She began balancing him and checked him regularly. The next morning, the Dr came in, looked at my husband's foot (that was almost purple prior to the surgery). He was shocked! His foot was back to the normal color and leg and foot was WARM again! He said, "Paul, you've had a MIRACULOUS recovery! I can't believe this.." I said my remote healer's been working on him. He said, well whatever she did, it worked. (I'm thinking he's a believer now.) Also his kidney function improved overnight and is now in the normal range. Lindsey is AMAZING! She took my son's chronic kidney failure from 20% to 70%. Do not hesitate to give her a try. I have more testimonials about her, but we'll stop here. God Bless you Lindsey! Don't know what we'd do without you.

~Teri McComsey ~


What is true love?

The nature of true love is to give and to bless, as the sun gives it’s light and the flowers their Fragrance, It does not demand or require anything in return. False love centers on itself. It is selfish, binding, and exacting. Since it is not genuine, it is narrow, shallow, temporary. To the degree that it is influenced by the attending evils of criticism, condemnation, and jealousy, it will ultimately turn to hatred. False love gives only with the thought of getting something in return. It lives for itself and its own gratifications.

Rays of the Dawn by Dr Thurman Fleet

Photos from Theatre New Brunswick's post 10/02/2024


"I met Lindsey about 10 years ago when she instructed Pilates. We lived in the same neighborhood and we would see each other as we were out for our walks. In January, one Facebook post was of interest and I pursued it. I trust Lindsey and have faith that her teachings and healing would be beneficial to me. In 2014, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease in my liver and although I feel fine, I still needed naps every day and was not ready to live like that for another 55 years. Menopause has resulted in 10 years of hot flashes. After the first group session with Lindsey, my energy level increased (rarely need a nap now), my 3/hour hot flashes were reduced to 3/day, my shoulder pain was gone (had not even told Lindsey about that pain), and I have learned about fear and anger and how they can hurt me. Various breathing techniques add to the calmness and ease which Lindsey has provided. I would highly recommend Lindsey’s teachings to anyone, anywhere….it is truly amazing and life changing!"


Zone 2 - The Eliminative System

The Eliminative System is made up of all the organs and tissues that work to clear toxins and waste material from the body and includes the sinuses, lungs, kidneys, intestines, bladder, colon, and skin.

When your eliminative system is working well, you will have regular, normal bowel movements. You will rarely (if ever) suffer from sinus infections and/or headaches. Your bladder, lung, and kidney function will be normal and healthy. You will also be much less likely to experience abdominal bloating, or other types of digestive issues and discomforts.

When your Eliminative System is properly balanced you can also expect:

fewer infections
proper allergen removal
reduced sensitivity or reactivity to common allergens
efficient toxin and waste removal
clear healthy skin

Remote Zone Healing sessions are very effective for resetting, repairing and restoring perfect health to any part of the Eliminative System that has become unbalanced. If you would like to feel better, get your energy back, have a stronger, healthier immune system, better digestion and more, feel free to send me a message.

® 2022 Graphic by Four 35 Design


Friday dance day
Dance your name
s e y yes


The nervous system plays an important role in nearly every aspect of our physical, mental and emotional health.

The nervous system controls:

Brain growth and development
Sense and sensation including touch, hearing, eyesight
Perception (the ability to interpret sensory information)
Thoughts, feelings and emotions
Learning and memory (mental processing and function)
Movement, coordination, balance and equilibrium
The body’s ability to heal properly
Stress (the stress response and stress hormones)
Breathing and heartbeat
Body temperature
Hunger, thirst, and digestion
Puberty, reproductive health, and fertility
A properly balanced nervous system is important because it affects so many areas of your health. When the nervous system is brought back into balance, healing can occur naturally which can help avoid or reduce the need for medication.

If you have been experiencing any of the following,


period cramps

digestive issues

problems sleeping

“low energy”

or any other issue that relates to the nervous system, a remote Zone healing session will help you feel well again physically, mentally and emotionally.

Contact me for more information on remote healing and how it can help you.

® 2022 Graphic by Four 35 Design


I was asked this question recently, “If I manage my life well, do the treatments you provide last forever?”
Here is my reply: “Our state of health is determined by, or depends on how well the body and mind are able to adapt and react to stress. This is key when it comes to restoring, and maintaining a high state of health. This includes stress in any form be it physical as in a fall, chemical as in an adverse drug reaction, or any mental/emotional type of stress. When all the body’s systems are brought back into balance, the body and mind are much better able to adapt and not be as disturbed by stress. This is what the Zone technique does for people and why it works so well.




Friday dance day
Letters L-d 😊

Our Story

At Centrework, the focus is on creating and supporting your ongoing good health and well-being. I offer exceptional healing programs that rebalance all the systems in your body and assist you with any health or movement related issue you may be dealing with. If you have a condition or issue that is preventing you from moving well, or enjoying perfect health, can help.

Centrework offers the highest standard of quality, safety, and client support. Specializing in, back care, myofascial pain and stiffness, Osteoporosis, and Osteoarthritis management, and healing from chronic and acute conditions.

Lindsey Laidlaw BA Dance
Pilates PhysicalMind Canada - Senior Teacher/Teacher Trainer
Zone Technique Practitioner
Reiki Master Healer Usui Tradition
The Voila Method

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Friday dance day ❤️🎶🎶
Friday dance dayDance your names e y yes
Friday dance dayLetters L-d 😊#memory #patience #focus #levelchanges #slowdown #danceyourname
Friday Dance Day!