Clements Custom Cleaning
Cleaning with attention to detail and excellence.
Janitor lives a humble life and leaves 8 million to a hospital and library when he passes. Hardly anyone knew he was a millionaire.
Janitor secretly amassed an $8 million fortune, left most of it to library and hospital A one-time janitor and gas station attendant demonstrated that you can become a multimillionaire with a modest salary.
Janitors secret to maximizing the volume of curls.
New vac!
On Christmas Eve night about 17 years ago, me and my brother were helping my mother clean (a company that I still clean for today). Well, I didn't know any better and I locked all three of us into the janitor closet! Keys on the outside. My brother climbed up the fire escape and saved the day by waving somebody down to come and save us. We thought we were going to be stuck in there, but we were set free! That is why Christ came, to set us free from the janitor closets of life.
That awesome moment when you're singing pretty loud and confident while cleaning and then you turn around and someone's right there...and then you just keep singing:) hahah
My blissness is janitorial and so much more.
"Lord, work with me; receive my work and possess all my affections". -Brother Lawrence.
Whistle While You Work - Snow White From the classic film.
The best part about being a janitor is that you get to dance at work.
anybody want to clean with me tonight$$$?
learning to serve with excellence and joy:)
A fun little fact: you can use alka-seltzer to clean toilet bowls. Just drop a few in, wait about 20 minutes and vwalla!
Mopping in flops hahah
time to get some new mop heads
our slogan: "We make cleaning fun."