Parkour Ninja

Parkour Ninja

📺 TopDogGermany 2023
🐞 Powered by insects @yorapets_de
🏆 Petfluencer of the year 22 (Video)

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WerbungZweitsponsor von #sammysheldenreise war .Eine Reiseplattform für die Hundecommunity.Durch die Reise ...
Haha not even sure what he complained about. 😁..#barkour #parkour #movenentculture--#barkour, #bordercollie, #parkour, #...
A shorty Saturday post. ..#barkour #parkour #saturdayvibes--#barkour, #bordercollie, #parkour, #dogs, #parkourdog, #dogt...
My dream is to become as fast as Ninji 😋..#barkour #parkour #movementculture--#barkour, #bordercollie, #parkour, #dogs, ...
How to go viral?During the last years some friends as well as our selves produced several clips that went viral.And hone...
I was quite stressed the last years creating our content while not knowing if we could always continue the lifestyle we ...
I would have preferred if he would have focused more on his landing. 😅.#barkour #parkour #ostkreuz--#barkour, #bordercol...
He did great, my handstand was 🤢..#barkour #parkour #bordercollie--#barkour, #bordercollie, #parkour, #dogs, #parkourdog...
funnyfrisch lorenz_snacks_de Who is making the race?No advertisement we are just huge crisps fans. 😁..#barkour #parkour ...
Unsere schönsten Wanderrouten mit @‌dogs.creek.official!(Werbung)Schnell raus aus der Großstadt und ab in die Natur? Zum...
We had a fun day shooting with nicolasjansky and chris_guethlein . Guys thank you a lot for this session.We worked for a...
Security: Nah they couldn’t have climbed in, they got a dog.Dog: 😏With johanna.parkour ..#barkour #parkour #movementcult...
