Jonathan Looper

Jonathan Looper

Merry Christmas from us! ❤️



Timeline photos 05/02/2020
Timeline Photos 17/12/2019

Happy Holidays from our family to yours!

Timeline Photos 08/12/2018

New home. New beginnings 😊

Timeline Photos 04/12/2018

The at fire department made it into what was left of our place and recovered what was left - a photo album, two pictures and a table my mom gave me years ago. I tried to give them a gift certificate but they wouldn’t accept it. They’re still fighting for all of us. Let’s find ways to help them when we can ❤️

Timeline Photos 22/11/2018

Yes. Happy Thanksgiving.

Timeline Photos 18/11/2018

Got back in to today after last Friday’s fire. No house to go back to right now, but still feels like home.

Timeline Photos 12/11/2018

Well this is what’s left of our place, but we still have each other, our dog Pucci and absolutely incredible friends and family. Thank you all for your love and support and to the first responders and firefighters for your efforts. Sending love to all of our neighbors going through this too. .

Timeline Photos 10/11/2018

We evacuated and are safe. Prayers for our neighbors and the firefighters going at it for over 24 hours to save lives and what they can. Thank you to friends and family.
As I boarded the plane back home, I sent an email to my friends watching Bowie and housesitting as a “precaution”. An email I didn’t think would be needed. Upon landing, I realized they had evacuated and gotten themselves and our dogs to safety. I have no idea if we will have a home left standing. It’s looking not likely but I’m so grateful that they people I love are safe and my dogs and horse are safe. I’m grateful for the firefighters putting their lives on the line for all of us. My heart goes out to each and every person who is displaced, who lost their homes, lost a loved one and I pray for us all . Thank you and for taking care of such precious cargo.

Timeline Photos 06/11/2018


Timeline Photos 02/11/2018

Timeline Photos 28/10/2018

starts with Capote, Bette and Audrey! Thanks , Kirby and S for the awesome party.

Timeline Photos 23/10/2018

・Had so much fun at the premiere. Congratulations to all the cast and crew!

Timeline Photos 21/10/2018

Tomorrow’s the premiere of Dead Squad Movie! Throwback to me in Bali after filming.


With all those smarts, one can only imagine how valuable Daniel's brains were to the of the ... Jonathan Looper will be at our premiere to tell us all about it!