Caecilia Holt For School Board

Caecilia Holt For School Board

Serving as Vice President, Kutztown Area School Board and seeking re-election to a 4th term.


I appreciate our support staff!

A big thank you to school support staff!

Paraprofessionals, office personnel, security officers, nurses, computer technicians, and other crucial staff members keep our schools running + support our students in a variety of ways. Thank you for all your hard work that is often behind the scenes.


Thank you !


Polls are open 7-8. See you there!


Our opponents have consistently spread full-blown lies about our viewpoints throughout this campaign - in texts, posts, letters and "documentaries". We are always happy to set the record straight on where we stand. Please make it to the polls to vote on Tuesday - it is important to have true leaders on our school board who are focused on our students and teachers!


Teaching has always been a respected profession. We value the expertise our teachers have developed through their advanced education and experience in the classroom. We want to support and empower teachers to light the joy of learning in our students!


Thanks to everyone who’s helping canvass the neighborhood this weekend. Schedule a time to vote on Tuesday and remind your friends.


We humbly ask for your vote this coming Tuesday. We are committed to the continued success of our school district. We have seen firsthand the benefits of our quality public education for our own children. See you at the polls!


It was a great way to start off a gorgeous Saturday with members of our community at St. Barnabas! As we ask for your support at the polls in less than two weeks, we want you to know who we are as candidates and people. It is important to us that we are available and open to your feedback. Thank you for your continued support!


Hope to see you Saturday!

We are excited to spend this time with you! Please join us to ask us questions and help us understand what is important to you.


We need to teach our children the truth about history - so that they don’t repeat the difficult parts of our history. We need to teach our children about the impact that their actions have on others.


Our community is a beautiful blend of people contributing to the betterment of all in ways that align to their individual interests and strengths. We are proud that Kutztown schools support children to follow the path that is best for them.


I was privileged to spend the day with these fantastic Kutztown High School students engaging in the Running Start Elect Her program at Kutztown University. It was a great opportunity to learn about running for public office and taking a leadership role in student government. Thanks to their teacher, Mr. Schumacher, for chaperoning and the Women's Center for sponsoring.


We have strong support in our community and we greatly appreciate the donations that so many have given to support our campaign. Thank you!! If you’d like to donate to our campaign, it’s easy here


We are excited to spend this time with you! Please join us to ask us questions and help us understand what is important to you.


Thank you for your endorsement, Pennsylvania State Education Association! To have the Kutztown teacher’s union recommend us for endorsement as the best candidates to lead our school district is an honor. It demonstrates the trust that they have in our thoughtful, serious leadership focused on student outcomes. To earn this endorsement, we completed a detailed questionnaire and were interviewed by a panel of Kutztown teachers on a wide range of topics from school vouchers to teacher recruitment. Thank you, teachers!


We celebrate the diversity of religions that are represented within our community. We believe that our children should learn about all religions in a safe and welcoming classroom. Public education must support everyone - not just promote the viewpoints of one person.


We are not willing to twist the truth to scare you into voting for us. We are respected members of our community who have lived, worked and volunteered beside you for decades. We choose to run on our own reputation and with a singular focus on maintaining the excellent education our children have enjoyed for decades.


School board directors are leaders within our community. You deserve leaders who will act with integrity and respect for the excellent reputation that we have as a school district.


We are serious, thoughtful candidates running for school board. We are focused on providing the best educational experience possible for your children.


It was fantastic seeing so many of you at the polls yesterday! I appreciate the quiet nods and thumbs up, the encouraging words, support from folks I just met, a friend who drove up blasting “Cecelia” on his phone, everyone who checked in on me and made sure I had water and was protected from the sun, everyone who put in time working the polls in support of me and Laurel, and everyone working inside the polling locations so they’re available for everyone to vote freely and safely and keep the wheels of democracy turning.


Appreciate you and your support.


Remember to vote tomorrow to


Tomorrow's the day. Polls are open from 7am - 8pm. Perhaps I'll see you there!


Laurel and I have spent loads of time over the years building community in Kutztown, not tearing it down. That's part of being a leader. See our response here:

Community Conversation on Proposed Policy 809 26/08/2021

You're invited to join the conversation on the KASD Educational Equity Policy on Monday, August 30th, 6-7:30pm. There is a form to pre-register on the page linked below.

Community Conversation on Proposed Policy 809 The Kutztown Area School District will be hosting community conversations on proposed Board Policy 809 - Educational Equity. KASD residents are welcome to join us on August 30th, 2021, 6:00PM-7:30PM, at Kutztown Area Middle School. 

Incidence and Secondary Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Infections in Schools 18/08/2021

Incidence and Secondary Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Infections in Schools BACKGROUND: In an effort to mitigate the spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), North Carolina closed prekindergarten through grade 12 public schools to in-person instruction on March 14, 2020. On July 15, 2020, North Carolina’s governor announced schools could ope...

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What works, what doesn't: An epidemiologist explains how schools can reopen safely | Opinion | Pennsylvania Capital-Star A COVID-19 vaccine is the single most important tool for preventing COVID-19 in schools, as well as nearly everywhere else.


Thanks for your support! I’ll be sworn in in December 😀


Synopsis: I'd be so pleased to have your support for the position of KASD school director (school board) when you cast your votes in the general election tomorrow. Read on for further detail and feel free to share!

I am seeking election to my 3rd term as a Kutztown Area School Director (school board).

I have moved out of Maxatawny Township into Kutztown Borough. For that reason, I resigned my Maxatawny seat in February, and am running for one of the Borough seats. Since my resignation, I have continued to work with the district's Technology Think Tank and Act 48 committees as a civilian, in addition to serving as secretary of the Odyssey of the Mind Booster Board and as chair of the Kutztown Thriving Committee of the Kutztown Community Partnership.

There are three individuals running for two seats in the borough (myself, Dr. Al Darion, and Mr. Carl Ziegler). If you are a registered voter in the Kutztown Borough, you can vote for as many as two of the candidates.

I hope to continue to serve the community as a school director representing my constituents. I look forward to continuing to provide diverse opportunities for all students to achieve academically, in extra-curricular activities, socially, and vocationally. I will work to continue to de-emphasize focus on standardized testing. I plan to support the ongoing work of the administration to explore creative ways to increase revenues and limit expenses in order to continue to provide students, faculty, and staff with the resources they need, without putting undo strain on the residents of the district.

Some of you who are seeing this post vote in another municipality, but I would appreciate if you share this information with voters in the borough.

With my best regards,
Caecilia Holt
