Claudia Smith - Better Mental Health

Claudia Smith - Better Mental Health

I'm a qualified nutritional therapist and trained coach and specialise in depression and anxiety, using a functional medicine approach.

I work online or via the phone from my home the Isles of Scilly, UK.

Photos from Claudia Smith - Better Mental Health's post 25/01/2022

Many of my clients tell me how frustrated they feel that other people in their lives often just don't understand their depression. Advice that is offered with good intention but that often just doesn't reflect the sufferer's true experience.

It can be really helpful to explain how you feel by painting a mental picture. Often I'll hear of thick curtains or glass walls, for example, that the person with depression sits behind whilst everyone else is "out there in the real world". Images can be so helpful to get across you feel inside.

Do any of these explanations of what depression can feel like resonate with you? Can you add a different way of explaining it? Let me know in the comments or feel free to share in a private message.

Sending you love



Having regrets is a very difficult experience. Apart from brining up challenging and uncomfortable emotions, it can really affect your self-worth and also your sense of hope for the future. But what if you looked at the things that have happened in your past and you told that same story in a different way?

What if nothing has actually gone wrong? What if you didn't make a mistake? What if everything has happened exactly the way it was meant to?

Then what are you needing to learn right now?

What do you think?



I deeply, deeply believe that depression isn't something that just falls upon you out of nowhere. There are root causes and often multiple things that are missing in your life. In that way, depression itself isn't your problem, but rather the things that are driving it. Depression is like your body and soul's warning signal telling you that something just isn't right.

Part of my work as a nutrition and lifestyle medicine practitioner and also trained coach (and trainee counsellor) is to work with my clients in identifying what has contributed to their depression. Often it's multiple factors. And then we get to work on those in a personalised way, thereby actually addressing those parts that are often missing in life.

If you'd like more info on my work, send me a private message or head to my website via the link in my bio.


Timeline photos 27/11/2021

This simple question would have changed so much for me, back when I was struggling with depression myself.

It’s too easy to believe your negative thoughts that there’s something wrong with you. Some fundamental flaw in your character or perhaps in your brain and the way it’s wired.

But depression arises, most often, because of things that have happened or things that have stopped being there or were never there at all.

So what’s happened to you?

Follow .smith.wellbeing for tips and advice on holistic solutions for depression. From someone who's walked this path herself.


Timeline photos 26/11/2021

The way modern life is setup can really contribute to the shockingly high rates of depression.

Think how hard it can be to support yourself and your family financially. Or how hard it can be to have a job that is deeply rewarding and meaningful to you. How lonely so many of us feel (particularly now after months of surviving within a pandemic). The deep political divide. The climate crisis and what it might mean for the future. The excessive focus on technological advancement. The forgotten benefits of hours spent doing very little in nature. The education system and whether it really prepares us and our kids to lead healthy, meaningful lives. So many of us don't know how to listen to one another. Distractions and consumerism everywhere.

If you are suffering from depression, it's hard not to think that there's something wrong with you. But the reality is that depression is often at least partly caused by factors that are outside our immediate control.

What do you think would you change if you could design modern living? If you could design a village or city, what would you focus on?


Timeline photos 15/10/2021

Burnout can lead to depression and anxiety. Burnout is also very common in our society. In fact, in a sick way, it's almost seen as something to be proud of. You can tell someone you're completely burned out, but the stigma and shame come in when you say that you feel completely depressed.

The sisters Emily and Amelia Nagoski () have just published a book on burnout that I really think you should check out if you're showing signs of burnout.

In essence, burnout occurs when you have constant ongoing demands with unmeetable expectations. You end up exhausted and overwhelmed. You stop caring about what you do, don't get satisfaction from it anymore and then get really upset about the way you are feeling.

Have you experienced burnout? In parenting or some other caring role? With your work? Or your study?

Follow .smith.wellbeing for lots of content around depression including advice on how to overcome it from a holistic perspective.

Timeline photos 13/10/2021

If you met some of my clients you'd never think they're suffering from depression. They might be in excruciating pain with a mind that feels like their own worst enemy - but all you see when you look at them are their smile and happy appearance.

Depression is invisible. Drop 🧡🧡🧡 into the comments if you agree.

Follow .smith.wellbeing for holistic approaches to overcoming depression.

Photos from Claudia Smith - Better Mental Health's post 11/10/2021

Do you recognise any of these signs? I had them all when I was sinking into depression, but I didn't necessarily know what was going on.

It's so important to know what your particular warning signs of declining mental health are. Why? So that you can take action before things get really, really low.

Would you add another warning sign to this list? What do you notice changes when your mental health takes a dip? What suffers? What's different? What's harder? Let me know in the comments.

Follow .smith.wellbeing for holistic advice on overcoming depression.



If you're feeling low and depressed and you don't know what to do, try one of these activities. Antidepressants are not the only way to feel better. And in fact, many of the activities in this image fulfil deeper often unmet needs:

The need for creativity. For connection. For meaning and purpose. Your body's need to be moved, to be fed well, and to detox.

In my own journey of overcoming depression, it really was a whole bunch of things that ended up serving as antidepressants.

Which of these are you intrigued by? Have you noticed mood boosting effects from something else you've tried? Let me know in the comments.

Follow .smith.wellbeing for more advice on holistic solutions to overcoming depression.


Photos from Claudia Smith - Better Mental Health's post 30/09/2021

One of my newest clients read Johann Hari's book "Lost Connections" and had really big realisations about better ways to look at his long struggle with depression. I find his work into the different causes of depression absolutely fascinating and I agree that depression isn't caused purely by a chemical imbalance in your brain. Even when your neurotransmitters do become imbalanced (but there isn't even a real proof for that), we'd need to ask: Why has this happened in the first place?

Swipe through the slides and let me know which of these causes identified by Hari makes sense with you. 👇

Follow .smith.wellbeing for more tips and advice on overcoming depression naturally.

And do share this post if you know someone who might like it ♥️


Shame can hold us back from getting the help we sometimes simply need. Being your own worst enemy in terms of how you relate to yourself might possibly be the biggest problem you’ll ever have. Searching for a quick-fix zero-discomfort cure whilst ignoring the fact that there are root causes likely won’t work. And the good old “I’ll be happy when xyz is in place” myth keeps so many of us unhappy and forever searching (obviously big changes are sometimes needed if your situation is truly troubling).

Drop 🧡in the comments. Or share your own thoughts on what else might be getting in the way of better mental health.
And share away of course 🧡

Follow .smith.wellbeing for lots more posts on holistic mental healthcare



You are not suffering from depression because there's something fundamentally wrong with you or your brain. Instead, depression is a symptom of something deeper: A sign that something (or multiple things) is missing.

What might be missing in your life? What is the depression trying to tell us?

In my own case, it was multiple factors. And when I work with my clients it's always a variety of things we address.

Which of these factors in this post might make a big difference in your life?

Or if you simply agree, drop 🧡🧡🧡 in the comments.



Are you suffering from depression (entirely or in part) because of the modern lifestyle?

Check out my latest podcast episode via the link in my bio. Or search for
“The Better Mental Health Podcast” in your podcast app 🎙

Have you listened to my podcast yet?

Photos from Claudia Smith - Better Mental Health's post 11/08/2021

Every single one of my clients struggles with this:
Deep down they feel or worry that they’re not good enough.
It comes out as guilt when you’re taking time off. Or as overachieving. Or as having to continuously prove to the world (or to certain people) that you can do hard things and be successful.
So you set the bar very high for yourself and then feel like a failure when you can’t live up to the pressure.
When the reality is this:
Right here, just as you are, you are already good enough.
You are good enough without needing to prove yourself over and over and over again.
Drop 💚💚💚 in the comments if you agree and share your own thoughts or tips with us below.

Photos from Claudia Smith - Better Mental Health's post 14/07/2021

I feel this one SO deeply and strongly: if you are suffering from depression (or any other mental health challenge) then the assumption tends to be that something is wrong with you. That you’re somehow not normal. Dysfunctioning. Not quite as good as other human beings.
It makes me so angry.
Because so many people are suffering as a result of things that are greater than themselves!
It’s not always the individual’s fault that they can’t get meaningful work that pays a fair living wage. That they can’t access adequate healthcare that helps them thrive. That they don’t feel safe at night. That they’re lonely and struggle to find ways to feel a sense of belonging and community. That they can’t access quality food or don’t feel motivated or inspired enough to live a healthy lifestyle. That they live in a culture that values instant gratification and capitalism. That they have to work too many hours and then lack the energy to engage in life-affirming activities afterwards. That they feel powerless. That they struggle to feel compassionate towards themselves... the list can go on.
So sometimes when I work with my clients I get so frustrated because the same topics keep coming up (loneliness, lack of meaning and purpose, perceived lack of opportunities, a struggle to switch to healthy choices, lack of time, lack of money...)- and all these issues really need addressing on a much bigger scale.
Yes, of course you as an individual can make the most phenomenal and life changing choices that fundamentally help you to live with more ease and joy and love and better health.
But please don’t ever think that something is wrong with you if you are struggling. Rather ask yourself: What has contributed to me suffering in this way?


Hmmm... recognise this, anyone? Haha!

We have some new stuff at, lower your standards and check again!

Photos from Claudia Smith - Better Mental Health's post 16/06/2021

People don't fake depression. They fake being okay.
Be kind.

A gentle reminder that you don't always know what's going on in someone's life. Lots of people, like one of my clients today, cope remarkably well with the demands of life and look fine- but really do not feel fine at all.


A daily dose of nature is an easy and pleasurable way to support your mental and physical health. It gives your mood a boost and it’s free. Sunlight, movement and connecting with the natural world can really make a difference to the way you think and feel. Creating a small simple habit of spending time outside in the natural world is something I focus on with all my clients.

Where do you like spending time in nature?

And by the way, if you feel disconnected when you’re out and about- know you’re not alone. But keep going out regardless 💛


Hello. If you're new to my Instagram account and my work, welcome. I'm Claudia Smith. Nutritional Therapist, Functional Medicine Practioner and Coach.

I take a holistic approach to mental health care. I believe that drug treatment should never be the only option and that when it is necessary it should be supported by lifestyle changes.

I work with my clients to help them overcome depression naturally.

There are 3 parts to my work;
Identify the root causes
Boost brain health
Nurture the mind & soul.

If you would like to know more about my programme and how I can help you, then please visit my website (link in bio) to read more and you can book a free call with me to talk through your circumstances.
Feel free to send me a private message here on Instagram too!

Photos from Claudia Smith - Better Mental Health's post 11/06/2021

A collection of research providing evidence that dietary and lifestyle interventions can prevent and treat depression. Please share if you find this interesting and helpful.

I am passionate about lifelong learning and continuously deepen my knowledge and understanding through lectures, conferences, and courses. I spent three years studying for my diploma in Nutritional Therapy to become a registered practitioner and am currently upgrading to an MSc degree 🤓

Find out more about my services on my website (link in bio) and sign up for my newsletter if you would like regular updates about my work and research.


It can feel like the hardest thing to reach out for help when you’re facing depression. I know from my own experience and working with my clients that it can feel overwhelming. But know that it really can be the start of feeling better.

“Working with Claudia meant changing my life for the better. When I look back at my progress since signing up to Claudia’s programme, I can clearly see how much working together has helped me become who I am now and shaped who I want to be in the future. Claudia’s approach is very genuine and practical, and I have always felt understood, supported and valued.” - Flavia, a wonderful past client

Photos from Claudia Smith - Better Mental Health's post 09/06/2021

Last week I shared some advice about helpful things to say to someone suffering from depression. It's also really important to know what NOT to say. Depression can be hard to understand if you've not experienced it, so here are some things to avoid saying. Please do share this post, it could help others.


15 Ways To Overcome Depression Naturally is a FREE guide available for you to download now on my website.

The guide includes actionable steps that will help you start to feel better. The key is to connect your mind to your body and to take THE WHOLE YOU into consideration. My holistic approach helps you to focus on everything from your physical health, nutrition, sleep, and digestion, to your thought patterns, relationships, community, and creating a connection with nature and the ways we find meaning in life.

It sounds a lot. But simple steps and actions done consistently can really make a difference.


Spending time outside and connecting to nature can really benefit both your mental and physical well-being. But I know from my own experience and my clients, that when you’re feeling depressed and low, just the thought of getting outside can feel overwhelming.

A few things that might help from ;

Start small - try spending just five minutes paying attention to nature in your everyday life.
Do things you find relaxing – you might like to sit under a tree, look at the stars or just walk.
Ask for support – for example, if you feel anxious in new places or social situations, you could ask someone you trust to go with you at first.
Work with your highs and lows – consider which times of day you feel most energised, and when you find things harder.

Photos from Claudia Smith - Better Mental Health's post 02/06/2021

Depression impacts not just the person suffering but everyone who loves and cares for them.
If you think someone you know is struggling with their mental, swipe to see a few helpful things to say.
Please share too if you think it might help others.


It can be a big step to say you're struggling and to ask for help. I want to make it as easy as possible for people. On my website, you'll find free resources including my guide "15 Ways To Overcome Depression Naturally", a video showing you my approach, and you can also read about my personal experience of depression. If you feel ready and able to talk you can also book a free call with me to see whether my programme is right for you.


Fresh air and movement. Two things that I prioritise daily to support and maintain my mental health. It's 7 years since I suffered from depression . I recovered, but I still take care to support my wellbeing. What works for you?


You may not be able to see depression. Invisible illness can be hard to recognise without physical symptoms, but that doesn't mean it's not there or not real.

If you think you could use some support you can find free resources on my website including my free guide "15 Ways To Overcome Depression Naturally". There are also links to my podcast and blog posts. You can also book a free call with me if would like some additional help to improve your mental health.


One of my favourite quotes by the poet Christine Ann Martine. There is hope in the dark 🌈

Photos from Claudia Smith - Better Mental Health's post 26/05/2021

Five small things that you can do to help support and improve your mental health. If five feels too much, pick one and add more when you can.

Which one resonates the most? I’d love to know!

Better Mental Health through nutritional therapy, functional medicine & coaching

I am a trained nutritional therapist with a focus on functional medicine and also a trained coach, and I specialise in depression and anxiety.

In my work with clients, I try to identify root causes of their symptoms, whether they are related to their physical or mental health. I do that through the use of a comprehensive health and lifestyle analysis and potentially the use of laboratory testing too. My work is very much rooted in the belief that the body and mind are deeply connected, as such my clients and I explore their mental health in a very holistic way.

I help my clients move towards better mental health through lifestyle interventions, so focusing on diet, movement, sleep and rest. I often use personalised supplementation to assist the body in it’s natural healing abilities.

As a coach, I know that making changes can be hard, particularly when you are struggling with mental health, which is why I work with my clients over the course of at least three months.

Videos (show all)

3 Steps to Beat Depression (+ my new workbook for you)