The C. Mathew Larry Show

The C. Mathew Larry Show

Dialog that will educate and expose more African Americans to the driving forces behind the conserva


Just in case you missed this in the news prior to Memorial Day 🇺🇸


Have you ever held back your political opinion because you didn't want to deal with the backlash? Being able to keep quiet is a useful tool at times!


When Conservatives lose they change their strategy. When Liberals lose they change the rules!


Drop a "THANK YOU" below to show your support!
Salute to all of the men and women that pay the price for our freedom. Christ paid the price for our eternal freedom, however many people have sacrificed there lives for our daily freedom. AMEN!





Remember when Mitt debated Obama and warned Russia was our biggest cyber threat and Obama laughed it off and said he was crazy? Yeah neither do the Dems!
Had he taken him seriously it would have given the US 4 years to protect against cyber issues! Was Obama too egotistical or clueless to do anything?
Now Dems blame Russia for everything!! But they laughed it off when Conservatives warned them.. another example of Dems being 'out of touch' with reality!

Democrats Won’t Vote For A Woman Or Person Of Color. They Claim It’s Because AMERICA Is Sexist And Racist. 24/04/2019

Dems say they are the party of diversity BUT won't vote for a diverse candidate because they say they wouldn't have a chance to win over Trump they are just not going to even give a chance! They've managed to blame Trump supporters for them not voting for diversity! If it wasn't for US they'd vote for who they really wanted! That my friends is what you call spin! They are making themselves the victim! Genius!!

Democrats Won’t Vote For A Woman Or Person Of Color. They Claim It’s Because AMERICA Is Sexist And Racist. Democrats hoping to nominate the next president of America don’t seem to want to vote for a woman or person of color or gay candidate, but they’re blaming their own prejudice on the idea that such a person couldn’t be elected president over Donald Trump.


This is what pride in your country looks like..I'm sorry if Dems feel this is a horrible place to live.. don't be afraid to be a proud American!


Imagine if roles were reversed in many political situations today...there would be an uproar!

And media


Don't hide your Conservative views share this page! The more like-minded ppl we have the more radio stations will see the need for another Conservative voice on the Houston airwaves!

Thank you for your support..
Phase II - Expanding and preparing to meet with radio program directors!

Any questions please ask!
"Let's be the light on the hill"

Timeline photos 19/04/2019

Don't let liberals make you think races can't get along together!



Amen to that.


Proving Trump's point all along while yelling Trump's point makes no sense! It's backwards but it makes sense to them!







She thinks the right to bear arms means wearing a tank top!! Geez who voted for this dunce? No really who did? I wouldn't admit it either!


The Mexican government said they will cooperate with America to help stop or slow down the caravans headed to our boarder! It's ashame they are doing more to help with the boarder crisis than the Democratic party! Wow!


If only people that fall for identity politics could see this! But to them those who don't are the fools!

Nailed it.


You SURE You Want Socialism In America??

Love, Life and the Conservative way

The official Charles Larry Show page. I am here to shed some light on the image that is the norm of conservative republicans. We live in a society that encourages us to think one way because we come from a certain region or our skin is a certain color. I want to let them know that it doesn't have to be that way. I am a proud African American who is also a proud Republican. I will cover topics that are important in today's society and also things that you would like to learn more about. Please follow me on my social medias so you know when I upload content.
