The Dusty Disciple

The Dusty Disciple

I am a child of God who desires to share Jesus/Yeshua with others.


On Palm Sunday we hear the word Hosanna used many times in Scripture and in hymns. I've always thought that it was a praise word much like Hallelujah but the meaning of Hosanna is quite different.

The Hebrew word is" hoshi'a na". Translated to Greek it is "osanna" and English, "hosanna". It means "save us please!". So instead of a praise phrase, Hosanna is actually more like a prayer! The Jewish people wanted a Messiah to save them from Rome. They wanted a warrior king. Instead they got the Lamb of God who was slaughtered on the cross to save them from sin and give them eternal life.

In Hebrew the word for save is "yasha" and can mean to be saved or delivered. The actual name of Jesus in Hebrew is Yeshua or in English, Joshua, and means "God is salvation. So you can see the very close association.

In the Hebrew Scriptures we see "hoshi'a na used in Psalm 118:25..."Please Lord, please save us! Please, Lord, please give us success."

Wishing all of you a blessed Holy Week.........

The Dusty Disciple


Welcome to The Dusty Disciple! I plan to share here my Bible study insights. I certainly hope we can share and learn together.

I first learned about being a dusty disciple when I read a book by Lois Tverberg, Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus. To be covered in the dust of your rabbi means that you are following him so closely that you are covered in the dust his sandals kick up on the road. It’s a good book and I plan on reading it again. It also began my study in the Jewishness of my faith and how understanding the Hebrew Scriptures and Judaism better would help me understand my own faith better. It’s been a fascinating journey that I’ll be on the rest of my earthly life.

I thank you in advance for your interest in this page. I’ll certainly try to post frequently and I certainly pray that my posts are inspirational, thought provoking and that we can all learn and share together.

In His Grip…
