

Traditional Maori Healing through the power of IO to support & Empower you on your journey.

We currently operate clinic at Airport West 42 Moore Rd every sunday 1-5pm


From the Tuhua-Ashby family we would like to send our deepest and warmest thanks to all and everyone that helped and supported our family in our loss.

We have so many people to thank and you all know who you are. We are not a family to personalize our thanks just know that we have you all in our hearts each and every one of you.

To my family we love you all and thank you for coming to be with us during this very sad time, supporting and loving each other as we do.

Times like these just confirms that life is short, spend that time with your family and loved ones, reach out, connect and love like you have never been hurt.



Moorena whanau maa…
Over the last week I have been drawing 2 cards daily to showcase the tempeste tarot deck leading up to the interview with Pania the creator. Thank you all for joining us on that journey and do hope that journey provided you all with inspiration to look deeper into your own lives as an individual and reignited the passion to begin self-care, self-journey, self-awareness and self-empowerment.
This week’s journey will be focused on children with AUTISM and in particular the emotional or lack of emotion for children with AUTISM and how it affects the parents or carers of these children.
As adults we need to make decisions it all starts with communication, trust, resilience and truth. Children that are different to the labelled normal patterns of behaviour are labelled this or that but the majority would be labelled to having some form of autism. I understand that there is a need to know supposedly ‘What’s wrong with my child?’, ‘Why isn’t my child/children not like others?’ etc, etc… in most cases unless physically disabled or a severe psychotic break they are just like everyone else they just speak a different language. It is not the child that needs to learn ‘normal language’ of emotions, behaviours, love, etc… it is us and that is sharing number one. How do you communicate with your children? How do they communicate with you and others? Do you embrace them as an independent individual learning their strengths, their weaknesses? Or Do you want them to be what you want them to be?
A wise person said that we must work with others from the level they are at and that couldn’t be more wiser and have more truth than a blind person being able to see more than an eye-seeing person for they see beyond what’s right in front of them and the eye-seeing person cannot see past what’s right in front of them.
Communication whanau maa, open and honest, loving and strong, awareness and knowing…Kia kaha, kia maia, kia manawanui.


Ngaa mihinui, so here is the interview done this morning with the beautiful Pania.
Here is the contact details if you want to book a reading or buy her deck: [email protected]
I want to thank Pania and her deck and I wish you well on your journey.


Moorena whanau maa, hope the last 24hrs have seen you well and today clears away any fog, heaviness and weight that you may have accumulated. Tomorrow is the live interview with Pania about her deck 'Tempeste Tarot' that we have been showcasing over the last few days.


Moorena whanau maa, it seems the cards are becoming rather revealing...find time to pray, clear your auric space, be grateful for what and who you have in your life and ground yourselves. Learn to work from the heart for it is in this space that clarity and truth begins.


Yesterday I shared a post about education, this morning I read a post about educating children with disabilities. I have learnt from experience that children with 'disabilities' are needing a different way to express themselves and as educators you need to be able to:

1. Spot those qualities and communicate those qualities
2. Network and collaborate with others to create a supportive environment regarding those children with those qualities so they can be embraced and encouraged.
3. Be diverse in your thinking and interactions so you are a role model for others.
4. Be the change agent.
5. You are an educator, teacher and so much more it is not just a job it is a passion and a desire to provide a service in which you are provided an income for your services.
6. You have the influence to draw out the strengths of the next generation it is your responsibility as an educator to nurture, encourage and develop those strengths.
7. To be an educator, lecturer, teacher whatever name you choose to carry be a role model and inspire the next generation.

Last but not least maybe it is time that educators focussed on the strengths of each child and have educators that meet those strengths rather than a curriculum that no longer works for the diverse community that we now live in.


Moorena whanau maa, I hope you all had a wonderful day yesterday and if you didn't that's okay for it is now the past and you can let it go and today is a brand-new day. Just to confirm the cards are drawn just before I post, and yes scheduling posts would be easier but where's the fun in that and as you have seen each day brings something new (nek minut...lol) you just never know what the day will bring.


Moorena whanau maa; I do hope your weekend was fruitful and you got the rest and did what you needed to do. Brand new week, new day, new beginnings. So at the end of the week I will be doing an interview with Pania the creator of Tempeste Tarot be kind it's my first live. We will be chatting about the deck. For today's pick is definitely a reflection on what's going on around us at the moment. Gaining understanding and insight will help you to release some of the tension that you may be feeling.


What inspiration did you get? I had a wonderful catch-up yesterday with a colleague and she reminded me no matter how high we have achieved on a personal level the learning is to inspire others and plant seeds but this can only be done if we are on the same level as the person/s we are interacting with, so we can move together from being the survivor to being the creator to create a better way of doing things and inspiring others to create instead of just surviving.


Day 3: How synchronistic have these cards been in picking up the energies that are around us at this moment. I really love working with these two decks. Kia kaha whanau maa when dealing with conflict, be aware of the emotion in the conflict and be the warrior and stand in your truth, authenticity and sincerity without emotion i.e. facts and truth it is what it is...it's not about winning it's about understanding the conflict and being the warrior that brings about change through problem solving.


An awe-inspiring connection between source and neptune yesterday, to inspire me to be surrounded by beauty, dream the dreams and create a plan to bring that into fruition. What Inspiration did these picks have for you?


How inspiring this is what it is to be a role model for our future generations, when those that will stand in their power and share their good and their hard times and how they found the inspiration to get to their 'wtf' moments. I have much respect for the strength of 'Callum' and connect deeply with the work that he creates. May he continue to share his messages through his work in turn encouraging others to do the same for as he said he is sharing his journey and what a wonderful place to end up because we get to watch as he grows and inspires others.

This week, I got a few messages from people who’ve known me for a long time ❤️🌀

They told me I should keep more to myself and not share so much about my life. But you know what? Being silent was half the problem 🤐

My whole life, I felt stuck because I was taught to hide how I felt and to never express myself. I was taught and believed that showing my struggles would make me look weak and sharing my wins would make me seem like a show off.

But I’ve realized that staying silent only made things worse. It let shame and fear control my life, stopping me from accepting all parts of myself – the good and the bad.

Sharing my story has been a powerful way to take control of my life. By speaking out, I’m breaking free from old habits that no longer help me. This isn’t just about my own freedom; it’s about encouraging others who have similar experiences to do the same.

I want to create a place where we can all be real, where we can accept our flaws without being judged. Embracing all parts of ourselves, including our weaknesses, is the key to true strength.

When we share our stories, we heal ourselves and help others find their voices too.

To those who think I should stay quiet, I say this: my story is my strength.

Every time I share, I’m breaking the silence that has held me back for so long.

I’m stepping into my power and encouraging others to do the same because together, we can break free from old patterns and be our true selves, fully and proudly.

And because of this I stand in my mana unapologetically and with no regrets.


Ngaa mihinui e ngaa rau rangatira o ngaa hau e whaa. Another day and another pair of inspirational cards to inspire you all in your journeys.


Yesterday was the first inspirational picks from my favourite crystal and Tempeste Tarot decks. I was aware of 'Namaste' as a greeting like 'Kia Ora' but of course like our language there is a deeper meaning in it and for me to be coupled with the ancient wisdom card it led me on a journey to discover and understand what that deeper meaning of namaste may be, and, yes I was pleased to discover the relevance. My inspiration was to be more open about the different cultures, religions, practices and modalities are around me. What inspiration did you get from these cards?

Photos from Mihiora's post 17/07/2024

Ngaa mihinui whaanau maa no ngaa hau e whaa...

So today I was gifted this deck from the creator 'Pania' OMG...I am so blessed and I am going to pick one card each day from this deck and one from my all time favourites 'Crystal Healing Oracle' as inspiration for anyone and everyone needing a bit of awhi...and together we will share the beauty of this deck.

Pania is a descendant of Ngati Maniapoto and like so many of our uri was bought up here in Australia, nevertheless the connection to spirit, god, had never been lost and I get to live vicariously through her and her wonderful work in the world of tarot created through the journey of 'Dark Night of the Soul'.


Albert Einsteins levels of intelligence which one are you? Smart, Intelligent, Brilliant, Genius or Simple...


To understand intelligence is to understand yourself. Albert Einstein has 5 levels of intelligence: Smart, Intelligent, Brilliant, Genius and Simple. To have something so simple is beyond logic. To create something so simple, To understand and solve problems in a simple way is so unbelievable and yet there you have it from one of the smartest and renowned geniuses of humanity.


Kia ora whaanau; wow...we're already in July and what an emotional month this will be. Such big energies, new moon this saturday, solar flare energy today and tomorrow at it's highest. Be gentle with yourselves, eat that which makes you happy, sleep with intent to rest, take walks in nature or sit in the garden and meditate with music that brings joy and happiness to your hearts. For those that are in your heads most of the time do some deep breathing and focus on silence and breathe, focus on that which makes you feel safe and warm, be with those that or go to that place (real) sit and breathe in the peace and joy that it brings you, be grateful for all that you have, physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally for all too soon it will change or be gone, choose to make memories that brings a smile to your face and the faces of others. Be well, be happy and be thankful...


Kia ora whaanau maa, hope all has been well with you all...
Recently; alot has been going on within our community or humanity whichever is important to you. Alot of innerwork toward what spiritualists call awakenings. Alot of encouragement from channelers toward lifting and heading toward spiritual connection of a higher frequency. On the flipside our youth are committing crimes and they're heinous crimes, that is what the media is concentrating on at the moment. Life is just doing what life does or society is doing what society does. But what about the common ordinary person as a person of commonality it's information overload. What I do know is WHAT IS THE TRUTH? WHAT DOES TRUTH LOOK LIKE TO US AS AN INDIVIDUAL? Do these events effect me, my family? What is the TRUE message of the information that is coming in front of me? Well I know who I am, from whom I descend, to whom I am connected and what my journey has been and what it currently is. Why is it important? Because I know how to communicate. I know communication is the key ingredient to change. Not just any communication but clear, healing, empowering communication that invokes others curiosity as individuals to their own journey. The greatest journey for me is SELF. You know the saying 'clean your own backyard up before you clean others, well what I discovered was that saying was universal and it started with the cleaning up of ME' This journey has taken me over 55 years to reach this AHA moment it has now become imperative to share this knowledge with others as we manage our way through the period of chaos in all areas of our lives. So today's awhi is SELF Look in the mirror for 5mins (use a timer) see you for all you are REALLY look at yourself what do you see? wero; write it down what you experienced and then share the experience in the comments how you felt doing this activity, thoughts, emotions anything or everything that you want to share. I will call this challenge 'TEENEI AU'


Moorena whaanau as you all know a couple of months ago we made announcements of being invited to create a matariki event in thomastown melbourne. We have decided not to move forward with this adventure. We were also creating 'The Amazing Matariki Race' to be held the week after the celebration in Thomastown this has also been pulled back. Although we are a business we are IO guided and the guidance was quite clear, make way for our tangata whenua, make room for them to lead the way and as whaanau we can have our time to shine later. Actually, it was the northern rugby league club that presented the concept to us, and we are going to run with it. You see NAIDOC follows Matariki for us 'he tohu teeraa' so we changed our approach and there has been no movement from Pipeworks Market in regard to collaboration for NAIDOC week but we are always optimistic, always in IO timing. So wanted to inform you all, as to the progress of these events that were announced earlier in the year. Nga mihinui; for those that have been with us from the beginning will know we work from a place of diligence, integrity, authenticity and sincerity for that is the true meaning of 'Mihiora' for us 'Greeting Life'. Let's get ready for winter be here soon and how fast this year has gone. Be protected, be warm, be safe.


Ata maarie whaanau maa, hope all is well and to all mamas' and papas' that are also mamas' hope you all had a wonderful day with the whanau and loved ones and for those lucky ones had self-time to relax and do whatever you wanted.


Moorena whaanau; well what a few weeks it has been. I do hope all has been well for everyone. We have been as usual busy and productive. We will be launching our products for sale on here. So if you are interested in purchasing just pm us. We have three products that are available now and they are:

Pain Oil: This oil has a meticulous blend of nature's best and the results over the last year has been incredible.

Chest Oil: A blend of nature's ability to create an opening of the airways and relieve the heaviness of the chest.

Mentality Spray: This is a tincture blend to create peace of mind, settling of emotions, cleansing of auric energy.

DISCLAIMER: Please be responsible for your health whaanau. If you have any allergies to nature, tinctures or oils then don't purchase for your own wellbeing, we do not take responsibility for your choices.


Moorena whaanau; well the weekend has arrived and it is in name only for in the past it was a time of rest, catching up with whaanau, just relax, well unfortunately with the long hours you dedicate just to live and that's just depending on your lifestyle of course you need the weekend to recuperate. We have the supermoon coming up whaanau so hold on tight to another shift and let it be a shift of awakening, empowering, enlightenment not one of doom, gloom and despair, use the power of the supermoon to cleanse the soul, rest the mind and revel in its beauty, embrace the emotions and let them go if they do not move you to a higher place of being. Embrace and work on what needs to be worked on, make it a goal, make sure your intent for your higher being is peaceful, loving and giving. Be grateful for the little things in your life, for they are truly the priceless gifts of the present, the now. For we are only here for a moment and then it's gone and has become the past. Have a great weekend whaanau...be good to you, to others, to each other no matter who and where and what it's a nice feeling when you do something nice just because you can..


Moorena whaanau; well the illusion has passed and reality has returned what did you see standing in front of you? around you? behind you? EGO... get to know your ego, now is the time to dig deep are you performing from a place of ego, masculinity 'I want', 'I am', 'I have', materialism, or is it from a place of humility, femininity, 'I receive', 'I embrace', 'I give', generosity. Or do you have a good balance of both, freewill. Our most prized gift in the universe is freewill, use it well, for it's not until you lose it or give it away do you realise just how priceless it is, the beauty about freewill is it is yours to have to do with what you may and if you gave it away it is yours to take back. Have a great week whaanau, be aware, be good to yourself, get to know you again, be kind to you, be honest, authentic and sincere to you.


Kia ora e ngaa rau rangatira o ngaa hau e whaa.

Hope all is well with each and every one of you. What an intense couple of weeks it has been.

As we know everything happens for a reason. Intense time for self-awareness, self-empowerment, reflection, and peace.

A piece of advice for today is to work on embracing ego, who am I with ego? who will I be now without my ego? what is my purpose? who do I now connect with?

Videos (show all)

Tempeste Tarot Interview
Open Clinic Dandenong 💙💙💙

