Crista Crown

Crista Crown

Crista Crown is an mpreg author. She lives in the woods with her two dogs and her family.


I've got a rad opportunity for you to spend $0 and get some books!

So with Christmas coming up, I bet a lot of us have a little less $$$ for books than normal, yeah? Well then, this is the perfect time for this hop, and I NEED ya'll to run to check out The Magic Missive, but read on for the $0 part.


So The Magic Missive is a newsletter dedicated to bringing you the best news about Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, and Sci-Fi books in the M/M Genre. That's not just for this hop, but all freaking year!

And right now, we're doing a FB hop to introduce you to the authors participating. (This is the $0 for books part!)

At every stop in this hop, you'll have a chance to win an ebook from each participating author! For a chance to win The Outcast Chronicles boxset from me, drop into the comments and tell me what's your favorite animal that you rarely see in stories. (Bonus points if you're thinking of shifters.)

Then hop over to Minerva Howe's page for more chances to win!

And be sure to click below to enter to win the Grand Prize!


I'm so excited to share this with ya'll!
I'm joining with more than 20 other M/M authors to bring you the best news about Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, and Sci-Fi books in the M/M genre AND a FREE newsletter exclusive story at least once a month!!
The Magic Missive will start delivering in January 2023. Two newsletters a month with new releases, sales, AND at least one(but often two!) completely FREE novellas every single month!
Subscribe Here:
If you want to hear more about what this will look like for me, specifically, make sure you're part of Crista's Court!

Knot Again (Knotted Paths Book 4) 03/10/2022

Knot Again is live!

Better grab this book if you like:
* slow burn
* hurt comfort
* teacher/student
* cute kids

The last thing Hunter, an omega with OCD and enough trauma to fill the Chicago River, wants is a mate--especially a true mate. After the mess his childhood cult put him in, he can't imagine anything good coming out of that.

But then in walks Simon, his professor, and that fateful connection kicks off, giving him exactly what he doesn't want... but perhaps exactly what he needs.

Hunter can't just give himself over to the whims of fate, however, and the last thing Simon wants to do is force Hunter into something he doesn't want, no matter how much Simon wants it himself.

Respect and trust take time to build... will they manage to build enough of a connection before the end of the semester and it's goodbye forever?

Knot Again (Knotted Paths Book 4) Knot Again (Knotted Paths Book 4)


This one's for Hawke. I'll be drinking some Irish Whiskey in your honor tonight, my friend.

Don't STAHP Me Now 30/06/2022

New Release: Don't STAHP Me Now

Ronan has his hands full taking care of his team of high-intensity alphas at STAHP--he does not need ANOTHER one in the form of a mate, thank you very much.

And yet, here comes Patrick O'Malley, so certain Ronan is his mate that he pursues him in a high speed chase that ends in a crash into the Chicago River with typical O'Malley chaos.

The two quickly realize each provides something the other desperately needed in their lives, and with a baby on the way, they needed to learn that fast! But they can't easily settle into their happily ever after until they know that a group of kidnappers who are targetting shifter kids are put away for good.

Don't STAHP Me Now Don't STAHP Me Now


Promoting a new book is extremely weird this time around without Susi. She touched a lot of people's lives, whether it was through her books or through actually speaking to her. The number of stories I've seen about her reaching out to readers who expressed some stress or trouble in their lives, of the gifts she sent to help brighten someone's day--they seem never ending.

I know so many of you are feeling her loss and the loss of the stories she didn't get to write, and I thought, with Don't STAHP Me Now coming out in two days, why not give everyone something? Let's make very first book of each series completely free.

So many of you lovely readers already own these books, I know. But if you know someone in your life who needs a bit of cheering up (and won't freak out about men having babies), go ahead and forward this to them. We all need some joy and laughter in our lives right now, and I hope these books can put some of that out there.

Team ALPHA: Grabbed

Alphabits: Rescued

Family Novak: Family Ties

Knotted Paths: Ready or Knot

STAHP: Don't STAHP Believing


I'll be announcing any free gay romance books I find in my group today if you need distraction from the news.

Books will be posted here: Crista's Court

Freedom for his Omega 18/03/2022

Hello, friends! I'm trying something... I've put the first audiobook in The Outcast Chronicles up on YouTube. This is honestly my first time doing ANYTHING on YouTube, so I'm more than a little anxious that I did it right...

I know a lot of you have already purchased this book, read it as we're releasing a chapter a day on the website, or picked up the audio already, and THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your support!

If you do take a listen on YouTube, would you mind leaving me a comment on the video? About anything--whether it's a format you like or not, who's your favorite character or shifter type--it will help me judge whether it will be worth it to continue posting audiobooks to YouTube.

Freedom for his Omega I want more than a chance. I want you. And I won't take no for an answer.Cats are always supposed to land on their feet, but omega shifter Jesse has done eve...


Tomorrow all the current chapters go away! If you haven't started reading... why not?

Starting tomorrow, each chapter will only be available for TWENTY FOUR HOURS. Which means every day, when you visit the website, there will be one new chapter, and only that chapter.

This freebie is for everyone, so if you have a friend who you think wants to read it, let them know today so they can catch up!


One more day before these chapters disappear!

You know what is one of my favorite tropes? The grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one. In some way, I think every book in this series explores a facet of that trope.

These tough alphas have been rejected by society, found a place with each other, but it isn't until their omegas slip into their lives and show them what life could be that they truly get the chance to become themselves.

If this is your first time seeing one of these posts, and you're wondering, "What the heck is this for?" I have an answer!

From now until it's done, I'm posting a chapter EVERY DAY of my SIX BOOK epic mpreg series for 100% FREE.
Right now, you can start at chapter one and catch up, but after December 10th, each chapter will be available for one day only. 24 hours.

So if you have a friend who loves mpreg as much as you, or who you WANT to love mpreg as much as you, tell them about this story before November 11th!

This is a big thank you to you, dear readers. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Two more days until these chapters disappear!

I'm curious: how many of you are reading this in Tennessee? I lived in East TN for 4 years and then Nashville for 4 years, and loved setting this story in such familiar places. The combo of southern hospitality with rugged individualism makes for such sweet and strong characters!

If this is your first time seeing one of these posts, and you're wondering, "What the heck is this for?" I have an answer!

From now until it's done, I'm posting a chapter EVERY DAY of my SIX BOOK epic mpreg series for 100% FREE.
Right now, you can start at chapter one and catch up, but after December 10th, each chapter will be available for one day only. 24 hours.

So if you have a friend who loves mpreg as much as you, or who you WANT to love mpreg as much as you, tell them about this story before November 11th!

This is a big thank you to you, dear readers. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


FINALLY THEY MET! But what did the bear mean by his last words?

If this is your first time seeing one of these posts, and you're wondering, "What the heck is this for?" I have an answer!

From now until it's done, I'm posting a chapter EVERY DAY of my SIX BOOK epic mpreg series for 100% FREE.

Right now, you can start at chapter one and catch up, but after December 10th, each chapter will be available for one day only. 24 hours.

So if you have a friend who loves mpreg as much as you, or who you WANT to love mpreg as much as you, tell them about this story before November 11th!

This is a big thank you to you, dear readers. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


4 more days to catch up before these chapters disappear!

What do you think of silent Caspar? This bear held the most surprises for me out of any character I ever wrote.

Mountain lion shifter Jesse escaped from an institution only to end up alone in the woods with a broken leg and a bear standing over him. This was not how he expected his freedom to end.

If this is your first time seeing one of these posts, and you're wondering, "What the heck is this for?" I have an answer!

From now until it's done, I'm posting a chapter EVERY DAY of my SIX BOOK epic mpreg series for 100% FREE.

Right now, you can start at chapter one and catch up, but after December 10th, each chapter will be available for one day only. 24 hours.

So if you have a friend who loves mpreg as much as you, or who you WANT to love mpreg as much as you, tell them about this story before November 11th!

This is a big thank you to you, dear readers. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


I wrote the first three books of this series in ONE MONTH! And it went nothing like I had plotted. Ready back on yesterday's chapter, I can see all the secrets I buried (UNINTENTIONALLY but deliciously) that fueled each man's story as the series progressed.

Ryan, quiet about his past. Kurt's surliness. Simon's surface devil-may-care attitude... All guarded, all wounded, all so close to my heart.

If this is your first time seeing one of these posts, and you're wondering, "What the heck is this for?" I have an answer!

From now until it's done, I'm posting a chapter EVERY DAY of my SIX BOOK epic mpreg series for 100% FREE.
Right now, you can start at chapter one and catch up, but after December 10th, each chapter will be available for one day only. 24 hours.

So if you have a friend who loves mpreg as much as you, or who you WANT to love mpreg as much as you, tell them about this story before November 11th!

This is a big thank you to you, dear readers. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


* Six more days until these chapters disappear! *

Jesse is probably about as trapped in the wilderness as he was in the institute--maybe even more so, with his broken leg. But is the bear shifter who lives in the cave going the help him... or hurt him? And he doesn't even know about the alpha who's about to prowl into his life...

If this is your first time seeing one of these posts, and you're wondering, "What the heck is this for?" I have an answer!

From now until it's done, I'm posting a chapter EVERY DAY of my SIX BOOK epic mpreg series for 100% FREE.
*Right now, you can start at chapter one and catch up, but after December 10th, each chapter will be available for one day only. 24 hours.

*So if you have a friend who loves mpreg as much as you, or who you WANT to love mpreg as much as you, tell them about this story before November 11th! *

This is a big thank you to you, dear readers. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Yesterday we met Asher, the reluctant leader of a rag tag group of bounty hunters, and he is not ready for the wild cat the new lead is about to bring into his life.

If this is your first time seeing one of these posts, and you're wondering, "What the heck is this for?" I have an answer!

From now until it's done, I'm posting a chapter EVERY DAY of my SIX BOOK epic mpreg series for 100% FREE.

Right now, you can start at chapter one and catch up, but after December 10th, each chapter will be available for one day only. 24 hours.

So if you have a friend who loves mpreg as much as you, or who you WANT to love mpreg as much as you, tell them about this story before November 11th!

This is a big thank you to you, dear readers. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Want to read a SIX BOOK ✨epic✨ mpreg romance series for FREE?

Starting yesterday, I'm posting one chapter a day of The Outcast Chronicles on my site.

These books are NOT available on Kindle Unlimited, so if you want to read them for free, this is the only way to get them!

Here's the catch: starting December 11, the chapters will only be available for 24 hours, so if you want to read that chapter, you'll have to pop over to the website to grab it.

I'll be posting here every day to remind you that the new chapter is up.

This is a thank you to all the readers who've supported me through the last four (OMG FOUR) years of writing. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I love you all! ❤


Today has been outline day! I gave a second pass to first in a trilogy about a former boy-band I'm planning on for this summer and finished up the outline for the first book in a new Outcasts series!


It's over in Crista's Court. Come join us for some sneak peeks!

Abduction (Alphabits Book 2) 07/03/2019

Susi Hawke and I return with a tale of protection, love and babies. (And maybe the funniest scene we've ever written... though that's a hard call! The Team ALPHA boys got themselves into some *situations!*)

Pierce Steele is an alpha who thinks recovering a kidnapped infant will be a simple matter of taking the child from daycare and returning him. He meets his match in Adrian Schultz, a feisty omega who isn't giving any child to some dude with a badge and no warrant. Secrets, heartbreak and misconceptions work to keep the pair apart, while pheromones and that pesky mating urge pulls them together.

Abduction (Alphabits Book 2) Lost. Stolen. Forgotten… until the Alphabits step in.A Team A.L.P.H.A. spinoff series.Pierce Steele was the Alphabits first recruit, and is team leader Sam’s right hand man. This whole investigating thing is fairly new for a man used to being a pilot, but he’s always loved pu...

Available now at your favorite digital store! 25/12/2018

FIRST time at 99c! Grab GRABBED during this limited time offer!

Join this zany group of protective alphas, saving the world one omega at a time. Irreverent and snarky, these dangerous alphas will win you over with their obsessive love of their omegas.

Available now at your favorite digital store! Grabbed: An MM Mpreg Romance by Susi Hawke, Crista Crown


That morning when you forget your laptop cord at home and you'll be gone all day...