Little Black Learners

Little Black Learners

Encouraging Black children to learn about various topics of Black history in the diaspora.


There’s still time left to partake in Black Reading Month. 📚
Grab a book and enjoy!


Happy Black History Month! What better time than now for children to learn about Black people from the past, present, and plan who they want to be for the future.

While we learn about who we are all year round, this is the time when we know people are collectively gaining knowledge.

Let's all join together to open our eyes and minds and learn about the many Black people who have made and are making major impacts across the globe.


What a time to dream.

With so much going on around us, it's a great time for children to think of how they'd like to make an impact on the world around them.

The way children can make a difference will be unique to who they are, what interests them, and their future plans.

We have to encourage them, even when the situation looks bleak. Children have strengths that can reach far beyond their understanding, so it is our job to help them attain their dreams for a better tomorrow.


I know, I know, we're so late. But better late than never, right? 😬
A recent move caused us to be behind for Kwanzaa and New Year's, but we hope everyone is off to a great start. ❤

With the new year beginning with a number of schools going virtual and many people experiencing illness, we hope you are staying safe and can adapt to virtual school easily.

We hope the rest of your year is prosperous and that you children increase their love for family, learning, and good health.


It's that time of year, again! Let's start to implement the principles of Kwanzaa in our daily lives.

Habari gani? (What's the news?)
Umoja (Oo-moh-juh = unity)


Making change comes in a variety of ways. One way that Sidney Keys III of has made a change is by creating a book club for young Black boys.

Once he saw the need for such a group in his community, he got to work to create a solution to this problem.

Books N Bros has members all over the United States and now in Canada. Let's continue to encourage our young boys to explore more by reading more.


Everyone has something to offer the world to make it a better place. Talents come in all shapes and forms and are unique to each individual.
Often, our talents are diminished by some people in the world, but we KNOW our greatness and no one can ever take that from us. 💯
If you don't know what you're good at or have not yet discovered your talent, you soon will and can then share it with those around you. 😊


School is great, but it's important to supplement what's learned in school with additional knowledge. These suggestions work for students who want to get ahead, those who attend schools that may not meet their educational needs, and everyone in between.
Supplementing learning not only helps children now, but fosters good learning habits for the future.
Let's give our children the tools they'll need to be successful.


As the new school year is underway, it's important to stay organized so that children can be as successful as possible.
In case you're unsure how to do that, these 5 tips offer easy suggestions to keep everything in order, especially as the year gets busy. It's easy to get off track and being unorganized makes it that much harder to stay focused.
What strategies do you use to stay on top of everything during the school year?


Often, Black people are asked to speak on our strength and resilience, and though we're proud of it, there's so much more to us.

It's important to celebrate ALL of what we are from our past, present, and future.


Happy Black History Month!
(Nevermind being a day late 😬)
Let's celebrate our contributions, strides in history, and the unique characteristics that make us who we are. 😁


There is enough greatness for everyone to have a part.

Use what you have to be great and do good in a way the positively impacts you and those around you.

One of the traits of a good leader is to encourage others by your actions. Go forth and be great! 😊


Get to know a little more about Kwanzaa and some important values it gives us to live by.


Hope your Kwanzaa celebrations are going well! ❤🖤💚


Happy Kwanzaa!!


Happy holidays to you and your family!!


Moving is not always fun, but is sometimes necessary. Grace, a young girl who has to move often because of her dad's job in the military, knows all too well about this.

Her story shows that while she has to adapt to a new culture in Italy, she is courageous and resilient in doing so, and shows that other children can do it too.

Follow Amazingly Shermaine to learn more about this book.


Unfortunately, this is a reality, but it isn't difficult to change.

Along with being inside so much due to the pandemic, it is easy to fall into not-so-healthy eating habits.

It is so important to be mindful of consumption so that our health is the best it can be and that our children are prioritizing their health.


Need ideas on how to get active?

These are easy ways to help you get started.

Once you do get going, it's easy to see how much fun you can have with your family. And while you're having fun, you're also improving your health.

Get active today!


Pandemic...Virtual school/ name it, we've had it.

Though this is all going on, it is so important to maintain some level of physical activity. Children need to be active to be healthy and to let out the energy they have bottled inside.

This isn't going to be the same for everyone, but all of us need to get active! 😊


As we've all experienced, we can achieve our goals when we push ourselves outside of our comfort zones.

This is also true for children. As much as they are comfortable with, encourage them to step outside of what they are used to so they can achieve their goals and aspirations.


There has been a lot going on but we are happy to be back! Sharing more content soon! 😊


A strong foundation gives a person the necessary support they need to be successful.

This is also true for children in that they thrive and do better overall when they have a strong community.

Surround yourself and your child with people you can count on to create a strong community with.


Children can be changemakers, too. If your child recognizes a problem in your community, encourage them to try and make a change.

These general steps will help them to organize their thoughts and what they think is a good solution. It is important for them to be prepared before they visit the city department responsible for making this change.

Get involved and make a change!


I've seen various complaints from parents about virtual learning with their child's school. While this is all a new process for many teachers, parents, and students, it's important give children extra learning attention when possible.

These are ways you can begin to get an idea of what children want to learn about and create fun ways for them to explore these topics.

This is not to replace their daily instruction at school, but to enhance their overall learning experience.


Today, we celebrate African-Native Americans. These are Black people who have an affiliation with a Native American tribe throigh a variety of ways. Many are currently seeking to get their family recognized and to be accepted by whichever tribe they were part of.

Angela Walton-Raji has spearheaded this for her family and seeks their rights to membership and land ownership from the Choctaw Nation.


Now referred to as 'The Black Bush Family', they have achieved so much at such young ages.

This family has learned the importance of hard work and they strive to go after what they've set their minds to.

As a large homeschooled family, they are diligent and focused and they set a great example of the many possibilities of what brilliant Black children can do.


This proverb is crucial to a child's foundation and directly impacts how they function in the world.

In order to have strong communities, our family unit must first be healthy and look out for its members. It is then that we can expand and create village that we can all benefit from.

Sidenote: with all that's going on, isn't it comforting to see Black people just existing and enjoying life? 😍


This masterpiece by encourages children to revel in their creative abilities and to work hard when they want to achieve something great.

Children who express the need should have a creative outlet so they can use their talents and learn more about what they are good at.

Videos (show all)

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Happy Black History Month! What better time than now for children to learn about Black people from the past, present, an...
School is great, but it's important to supplement what's learned in school with additional knowledge. These suggestions ...
As the new school year is underway, it's important to stay organized so that children can be as successful as possible. ...