Upchurch Consulting Group

Upchurch Consulting Group

My passion comes in helping people and organizations move forward. Upchurch Consulting Group specializes in personal and professional coaching.

Episode 109 - Change and Inluence - part 1 21/08/2024

Episode 109 - Change and Inluence - part 1 In this episode, we kick off a four-part series on change management and influence, inspired by Chip and Dan Heath's book "Switch." We'll explore the relationsh

Episode 108 - Replay Episode 65 14/08/2024

Episode 108 - Replay Episode 65 I’m going to replay Episode 65 on Influence for this episode. I’ve mentioned the importance of influence and the applications of influence many times over t

Episode 106 - Self Confidence vs Self Worth 24/07/2024

Episode 106 - Self Confidence vs Self Worth Last week I listened to an episode of the Greg Groeschel Leadership Podcast. Greg was interviewing Jamie Kern Lima. She was a TV news anchor but wasn’t able t

Episode 107 - replay 8 10/07/2024

Episode 107 - replay 8 This is a replay of Episode 8 - Things aren't always as they appear to be.

Episode 105 - The Brutal Truth 26/06/2024

Episode 105 - The Brutal Truth The concept of confronting the brutal truth, as described by Jim Collins in his book "Good to Great," is a powerful lesson in leadership that resonates deeply.

Episode 104 - Default Mode 31/01/2024

Episode 104 - Default Mode Our Default mode is the intricate web of reactions and behaviors ingrained in your very being. It's akin to an autopilot setting, a fusion of your distinctive personality, the DNA that defines you, and the influences that molded you during your formative years. This intricate interplay raises essent...

Episode 103 - Self Pity 17/01/2024

Episode 103 - Self Pity Self-Pity Let's delve into the timeless story of Elijah, a character from the Bible, and unravel the threads of self-pity that wove through his part of his story. Elijah's saga, as recounted in 1 Kings 19:9-18, serves as an example of the all too human struggle with feeling like a victim, and the co...

Episode 102 - The Greatest of these is Love 03/01/2024

Episode 102 - The Greatest of these is Love From the profound wisdom of God’s word to the lyrical musings of the Beatles to the practical insights of contemporary leaders like Joel Manby. The invitation is clear: make love your operational philosophy. It's a timeless truth that has the potential to not only shape individual lives but also t...

Episode 101 - Grace, Mercy, and Accountability 06/12/2023

Episode 101 - Grace, Mercy, and Accountability Finding the right balance between grace, mercy and accountability is tough, I get it. We want to give people chances to make things right. But sometimes with no consequences, problems drag on. I've wrestled with straddling this line as a leader. Sometimes I’ve found the right path and other times ...

Episode 100 - Technology 08/11/2023

Episode 100 - Technology Episode 100 Wow! I can't believe I've finally reached 100 episodes. I don't know if you have found any of these Leadership Tips helpful in your life but it would be an encouragement to me if you would let me know. [email protected] Picture this: you're steering your ship through uncharted wa...

Episode 99 - Sustainability 25/10/2023

Episode 99 - Sustainability Sustainability. I know this can have different meanings in different contexts. In this episode I will look at what it means to find a solution that will work . . . and continue to work!

Episode 98 - Executive Presence, Conclusion 11/10/2023

Episode 98 - Executive Presence, Conclusion Leadership Tips - These leadership tips are short insights into how to lead more effectively in every part of your life. By sharing them with you I hope to give you a shortcut around acquiring experience the hard way. Time-proven and relevant, if you pay attention you will learn something.

Episode 97 - Executive Presence, Pt. 8 04/10/2023

Episode 97 - Executive Presence, Pt. 8 The final skill/behavior of Executive Presence is resilience. Setbacks and challenges are inevitable. Resilience enables us to confront these hurdles with a sense of grace and poise. It means maintaining composure, remaining composed, and handling difficulties without displaying frustration or agita...

Episode 96 - Executive Presence, Pt. 7 20/09/2023

Episode 96 - Executive Presence, Pt. 7 In this episode I talk about part 7 of the 8 skills/behaviors of Executive presence: Thinking Strategically. Thinking strategically is a cornerstone of executive presence because it serves as a tangible demonstration of a leader’s competence and reliability. It showcases a leader’s ability to no...

Episode 95 - Executive Presence, Pt. 6 13/09/2023

Episode 95 - Executive Presence, Pt. 6 There are numerous memes and stories emphasizing that judging someone by their appearance is unwise, at the very least. That being said, it is human nature to form impressions quickly, usually within the first few seconds of meeting someone for the first time. While there are several factors that ma...

Episode 94 - Executive Presence, Pt. 5 06/09/2023

Episode 94 - Executive Presence, Pt. 5 The fifth skill/behavior of executive presence is Emotional Intelligence. Emotional intelligence, the ability to understand and manage one's own emotions and intuit the emotions of others, is a crucial component of executive presence. Like Goldilocks testing the temperature of porridge, a "just righ...

Episode 93 - Executive Presence, Pts 1-4 recap 23/08/2023

Episode 93 - Executive Presence, Pts 1-4 recap In this episode I am recaping the first four parts of Executive Presence that I've discussed in previous episodes. I've chosen to do this as part of a conversation with Dr. Aaron Metzcar, a good friend and someone well acquainted with leadership. I hope you enjoy the conversation. https://toolstolea...

Episode 92 - Executive Presence, Pt. 4 16/08/2023

Episode 92 - Executive Presence, Pt. 4 Executive presence; what is it and how can one acquire it? Unfortunately you won’t find it on the shelf of even the most expensive stores. Rather, it can be seen in individuals who have found the sweet spot of eight different skills/behaviors; a confluence which is rare but attainable by anyone wi...

Episode 91 - Executive Presence, Pt. 3 09/08/2023

Episode 91 - Executive Presence, Pt. 3 In this episode I will be discussing the 3rd skill/behavior of executive presence: Authenticity. Authenticity is a crucial element of executive presence, as it helps to establish trust and credibility. When leaders are genuine and true to themselves, they are more approachable, relatable, and trustw...

Episode 90 - Executive Presence, Pt. 2 02/08/2023

Episode 90 - Executive Presence, Pt. 2 Executive presence; what is it and how can one acquire it? Unfortunately you won’t find it on the shelf of even the most expensive stores. Rather, it can be seen in individuals who have found the sweet spot of eight different skills/behaviors; a confluence which is rare but attainable by anyone wi...

Episode 89 - Executive Presence, Pt. 1 26/07/2023

Episode 89 - Executive Presence, Pt. 1 Executive Presence is that elusive quality which identifies one person as a leader over another, regardless of the title. In these episodes I will describe the eight core skills/behaviors of executive presence and how to acquire them.

Episode 88 - Adversity 04/07/2023

Episode 88 - Adversity Adversity always seems to come at an unexpected time, from an unexpected source, or both. When it does come the effect is disruptive. It has the power to throw us off balance even if we have an inkling of its impending arrival. You can prepare for adversity, at least to some extent and in this episo...

Episode 87 - Urgency, Part 2 14/06/2023

Episode 87 - Urgency, Part 2 In the last episode I spoke about the necessity of urgency for achieving success. Let me recap the main point: If you can create a sense of urgency for your organization or yourself, and sustain the sense of urgency, you can achieve success. If you cannot generate a sense of urgency, then all the st...

Episode 86 - Urgency 06/06/2023

Episode 86 - Urgency Urgency is all about achieving success, no matter the area of life. Being urgent about the right things can generate and sustain change; it can facilitate strategic accomplishment. Being urgent about the wrong things generates busy people who accomplish next to nothing. Check out John Kotter's book:...

Episode 85 - You are gonna serve somebody 10/05/2023

Episode 85 - You are gonna serve somebody In 1980, Bob Dylan, a singer and musician, won his first Grammy Award for his song: You’re Gonna Serve Somebody, released in 1979. Part of the lyrics of the song say “you’re gonna serve somebody, it maybe the Lord, it maybe the Devil, but you’re gonna serve somebody.” Dylan was right on ta...

Episode 84 - Beware Precedent 19/04/2023

Episode 84 - Beware Precedent Precedent is the small vine growing through the seam of concrete that eventually breaks the slab. Precedent is the small root that eventually grows to fill and close off the drainpipe, causing sewage to back up into the house creating a smelly mess and damage. Precedent refers to decisions or except...

Episode 83 - Complacency 07/04/2023

Episode 83 - Complacency Contentment is NOT the same thing as complacency Complacency is the acceptance of the status quo at a level that relinquishes any personal options for change; like a piece of driftwood floating on the ocean. Complacent people have become fully assimilated by the culture and their circumstances. They...

Episode 82 - Time Management 21/03/2023

Episode 82 - Time Management Poor time management is the downfall of many a leader. The ability to understand the difference between the important and everything else can be challenging. Couple that with the pressure of the urgent and you will often find an individual who is literally swamped with work, but accomplishing little...

Episode 81- Self-Sabotage 14/03/2023

Episode 81- Self-Sabotage If Sabotage is setting into place forces, usually concealed, which lead to destruction, then self-sabotage is the setting into place forces, which lead to our own failure. Self-sabotage is usually unconscious. It occurs when I behave in a way that undermines, or totally blocks, my ability to reach m...

Episode 80 - Right 14/02/2023

Episode 80 - Right At the end of the book of Judges in the Bible we find this statement: “In those days Israel had no king; all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes.” The understanding being that without a King to provide a common standard, the people tended to default to their own perception of ...