Foltz Family Tanzania - BAMF

Foltz Family Tanzania - BAMF

We hope to go to Tanzania under the Barry A Murphy Fund, where we will help support a small community.

Our Goal

Over the next six months, Owen, Chase and I plan to raise the funds to cover the cost of our airfare to this struggling community where we will provide support for the ongoing, sustainable projects that have been developing since 1999. I only recently learned about the projects that the Barry A. Murphy Fund makes possible in Maruvango when I was invited to a fundraising event at Leslie Murphy’s home. Leslie, who was integral in establishing Ross Valley’s very own Stapleton School as a non-profit, invited me to learn about these community efforts that she and her husband, Barry began in 1999 after a safari expedition. Their safari driver, Jackson Noel Kaondo, who grew up in the village of Maruvango, shared the struggles that the children, especially girls, experience due to the lack of access to clean water. His story inspired Leslie and Barry to make a commitment to do what they could to help this community. Their efforts have resulted in raising funds for the construction of four water catchments at the communities primary and secondary schools, health and hygiene lessons, solar panels at both schools, monthly food and school supplies for the village orphans, micro-financing projects with chickens, goats and pigs, and there are plans and proposals for more. After Barry’s death in 2007, the Barry A. Murphy Fund was established in his memory and it continues to improve the quality of life in this village through sustainable projects.

To learn more and donate, visit or send checks to:

BAMF Attn: Meghan Foltz, P.O. Box 1733, San Anselmo, CA 94979