Crazy Water Coffee Company

Crazy Water Coffee Company

Crazy company offering crazy coffee


Thanks guys for hanging around. I have been approved to offer Apple Pay. Facebook will allow to show adds on their sight, along with take payments. I’m working with PayPal now. Getting closer! Long long process. But it will be up soon!(Hopefully) lol.


Ok. Been a little bit since I posted. I have got a computer now to finish this crazy adventure I took on building this coffee company. Stay tuned and product’s will be available soon! Thanks for all your questions and being patient. It’s been harder than anticipated. But it will be done!! Thanks again.


We are moving along guys. Good things are coming. It’s been a process!! But I promise this place will be an awesome place to visit and get great coffee/accessories for your Crazy Coffee needs!! Thanks for being patient!


Thanks guys for liking the page. Been busy setting up payment options. Facebook, Apple Pay, Amazon pay and all that fun stuff. I’m still trying to set up venders so I can offer mugs, cups, travelers and stuff. Hang in there and give me feed back on what you wanna see out of your Crazy Water Coffee Company!!


Just a little update for today. It’s coming along!! Working on ads, payment options, and inventory! Just hang in there with me guys. I’ll get some affordable, quality stuff in there. I appreciate you all. Thanks.


This is day 1 of the Crazy Water Coffee Company. Come by and shop! Yes, we are in the beginning stages. It will be constantly updated till Harlee gives her approval!