

Abscondo (Mark Manney) is an entrepreneur, writer and recording artist.


“How simple is salvation! All it says is what was never true is not true now, and never will be. The impossible has not occurred, and can have no effects. And that is all.” -A Course in Miracles

Fear is the belief that something real can be lost. The compulsive urge to hold onto situations, things, or people is confusion about reality.
That which can be changed, lost, or threatened was never real to begin with. Similarly, that which is true cannot be made untrue.

The peace of God is this deeper recognition of reality. The idea of losing our status, losing a job, losing our physical health—even losing a loved one—is what keeps us up at night. That urge to hold on—it is what drives us to push through a waking life devoid of joy, pleasure, and beauty.

The problem is that everything in physical form, in the realm of our senses, in the field of matter—it all changes. Maybe slowly, maybe suddenly, but the truth is it will leave us eventually.

Salvation is the ability to accept what is real.
Your creativity is the source of value. This is what generates abundance in every situation (not one particular job). Love and connection between souls is the ultimate truth (not one particular relationship). Stay aware of what is real.

Reality is consciousness, awareness itself. It is the energy of life, the unchanging laws of nature. Love is the whole truth. This all means the same thing.
Fear, frustration, boredom, anger—all negative emotions are caused by confusion over reality. To shift focus on reality and to always forgive non-reality is to find that state of ongoing joy and perfect love, absent of fear.

We are powerless against truth / reality. All power is found in the embrace of it and the rejection of all that is false.

This is spiritual awakening, the death of the ego. Herein lies everything we truly want and truly are. What is real is eternal.


When we set out to change other people or do something about a situation, we fail. Worse yet, our interference starts a trail of unintended consequences and makes the situation worse.

So we should just do nothing, asks the mind? One might answer to the mind, you should do nothing if there are any negative emotions in me and if there is any unease or suffering. Loveless, ego-based doing is powerless, and it is far better to do nothing. Let things be as they are.

True power is in being, rather than doing. If you can be love, then love will effortlessly correct any error and cause no harm. Love is unconditional, meaning that the reality of a person or situation must first be accepted and embraced for love to exist.

Love without forgiveness and understanding is not love. Wanting to change someone or something is not love; rather, it is an act of resistance or withdrawal, which insanely attempts to go against truth, reality, or the free will of another.

State your loving truths, however and whenever you feel inspired, but make no consideration of the consequence because the true meaning or importance is not found in the realm of situations or consequences.

Unconditional love, joy, freedom, honesty, and openness—all words describing the same truth—this is the core of our being and the cornerstone of all true faith. Nothing outside of this has any importance and can be ignored for healing to occur. After all, healing is nothing other than coming to fully embrace the one truth that these words all point to. We continue tomorrow and each day after that.

What is 3D, 4D, and 5D and what are the differences? 20/01/2023

What is 3D, 4D, and 5D and what are the differences? Spiritual teachers often talk of 3D, 4D, and 5D to describe a person’s spiritual evolution. In these different states of existence, people see and interpret reality very differently. There are, indeed, different perceptions of reality…different ways of seeing and knowing…depending upon our sta...


We can hope and wait for justice, for the truth to be revealed—for a better world of abundance, beauty, fairness, and health. We want it now. Yet we continue to wait because most people are not ready.

Even if all the wonderful promises of NESARA / GESARA were instantly made real now, little would change unless we change. Humanity must awaken or we will continue to be fooled again and again.

If we do not first understand health, we will continue to poison our bodies with sugar and processed foods. We will continue taking the poisons we are told are medicine. We will continue listening to doctors while ignoring how we feel.

If we do not first understand Hollywood, the media, and the music industry, we will continue consuming content designed to confuse us, dumb us down, and program our thought patterns against our own wellbeing.

If we do not first know our values and what we stand for, we will one day again be fooled by tyrants who scare us and then promise safety.

If we do not first understand love, we will continue doing relationships in a way that causes suffering, breaks families, and robs us of joy.

This awakening is the undoing of ego—a simple, 3-letter word describing all the ways we have been programmed and conditioned to think and behave, a state of being that pulls us further from everything we most deeply want.

Ego is the belief that our identity is found in our gender identification, our race, our social status, our wealth, our looks, the neighborhood we live in, or any other external idol. The ego has us obey external (so-called) authority while drowning out the inner voice of intuition and truth. The ego causes such a deep hole inside that we endlessly attempt to fill it with junk food, junk entertainment, shopping, arguments and drama, drugs, or s*x. The ego tells you that who you are is who you were yesterday, but your happiness is out there in the future if situation x, y, or z happen.

The ego is paralysis and death. It is a roller-coaster of fear and hope. Ups and downs. Promises that never come true. Pursuits that never lead to lasting happiness.

Connect the dots. See the truth in the world. See the reality within. Feel the energy of life, which is love, which is what you are. In this state of being, perfect joy and peace exist now. Fear is absent. Health is the normal state. Healing is what your body does on its own. Your love extends from within to those around you.

This is awakening. When most of us finally awaken, the old corrupt and destructive world collapses. Something very beautiful arises, to be enjoyed by beautiful people who will never be fooled again. There is support at the highest levels, but they are waiting on us because there can be no other way.

Nothing can stop what is coming, but it also cannot be rushed. Without a Great Awakening, no fundamental change is possible. Any revolution not based on love—I mean perfect love, God’s love—is no revolution at all. Only drama.

The white hats know that this all must come together at one beautiful moment—not in time but in eternity. We have support and it will happen, but the timing is up to us. We continue tomorrow and each day after that.


Imagine going through life in such a way that you are never exactly honest about anything. In everything you do and say, the question is never about what's true; rather, about what you are supposed to say, how you are supposed to feel, and what you are supposed to want (all according to the opinions and expectations of others).

The underlying principle here is this: I'm faking, I'm hiding, I'm lying about everything, and I expect everyone else to do the same. We all know what is going on here, but by calling it "normal" and pretending there is no alternative to a life of faking, we go on.

As we do go on faking, we accumulate such a heavy and impossible burden; to the extent that we bury ourselves and forget entirely who we are.

I am telling you that another life is possible: your life, staring you, with truth and honesty as your guide. Yes, you can be honest with everyone, even in business, even in romance, even with your family. As you do, a miracle happens: all that you do not want disappears, and each breath of your life is filled with everything you've always wanted.

If you understand this fully and have enough faith that what's real is real, then you can remember this moment as your awakening to a new life. We continue tomorrow and each day after that.



To recognize that governments and institutions have been intentionally trying to harm us is a bitter pill to swallow. Much easier to pretend that what they offer up is good for us. In cases when we find out otherwise, it’s easier to tell ourselves that they meant well and made a mistake—that the system isn’t perfect, but overall, everything is fine.

It seems so much easier to function in the world if we look only on the surface-level. Just believe that mainstream news is credible. School is education. The healthcare system is concerned with our well-being. The military is concerned with our protection, and so on.

This way, you can more easily function in the world. You fit in at work, school, or in any social setting. But at what cost? The cost is that you are enslaved, physically and mentally harmed, and even killed by a system that, in truth, has been intentionally designed to do just that.

So, we all have this choice. Do we fit in for the purpose of convenience? Or do we decide to look at the truth, even if we are shunned by normal people, mocked, and oftentimes punished? This would seem to be a difficult decision.

Yet, when you begin to see that the system is designed to make you sick, fat, depressed and dead, the decision becomes rather easy. The choice for yourself and your wellbeing is rather obvious. Do you want to feel good? Do you want to live? Do you want freedom? Do you want abundance? Do you want deep human connection and love? Do you want lasting joy? You do. We all do.

Even after all we’ve been through, all that’s already been revealed, many continue to see only the surface level of things. Others know that something major is going on behind the scenes but have no idea what it is. Others become obsessed, studying each theory, following every development, placing so much time and attention on trying to figure it all out—in hopes that the day will come when the world will not be designed to enslave, harm, and destroy us (an obvious fact I have understood for more than 20 years).

They enslave us through a rigged monetary system where some people get to print money and others beg for it. Then they tax us to take away whatever we manage to earn.

Doctors and health experts have been recommending a diet designed to make us fat and sick since before any of us were born.

Pharma companies pump us with chemicals—every one of them with serious side-affects.

The media lies about everything all the time.
In the past few years, all institutions have joined together to lock us down, spread senseless fear, restrict free speech, withhold life-saving treatments, and they have poisoned us to weaken our immune systems, cause blood clots, miscarriages, and kill us.

This is the greatest crime against humanity in history. We are only now beginning to look at the aftermath. None of our leaders or institutions are off the hook. Even Trump told us that the vaccine is good and beautiful, just as the DoD and his Operation Warp Speed was running the whole thing.

The rabbit hole goes so deep. I do believe that there are “white hats” behind the scenes fighting an all-out world war with this cabal of people who have dominated us for centuries. I also wouldn’t be surprised if it were these very same so-called white hats who put us through the so-called pandemic to some degree—who may have been the ones involved in this crime against humanity using the logic that the ends justify the means. Art of War, right?

I know that the Cabal is real. Obviously, who designs and runs these destructive systems of the world? I also know there is also another side fighting. Evidence? The mandates and lockdowns have ended, truth is surfacing everywhere, the powers that be are in panic mode.

We simply don’t know the full truth until everything is revealed and explained. The truth must be spoken, or we can never trust any of our institutions again. There will be punishments. There will also be a need for each of us to forgive. We will need to look at ugliness we cannot imagine, and do so without letting it destroy us.

Yet now and all the while, those who are awake are perfectly fine. Even seeing what we see, knowing what we know, those who have escaped the world’s ego, who have found our true identity as love / life / consciousness / truth / beauty / God (all words meaning the same thing)—for us there is nothing lacking, nothing more needed to make us complete, nothing imperfect about all of reality.

See, we know what reality is. Nothing in this impermanent dimension of life on Earth is ultimately real. It is all a dream. Sometimes a nightmare, sometimes a happy dream—but this life is a dream.

Salvation—awakening to the ultimate reality—is possible at any moment. When you decide for it—by aligning with unconditional love, living fully in the present moment, letting go of fear, and wanting the truth—all your problems begin to dissolve.

Now, we do not consume what is sold to us. We do not take terrible poisons. We do not lie or accept lies being told.

We forgive. We love unconditionally. We are free. We create abundance. We speak the truth. We laugh. We rest. We create. We work. We cause no harm. We let go of all fear and worries.

I hope, for the sake of all of us, that the world changes entirely. That we may soon rely on systems that are fair and truthful. That the thousands of years of abuse humanity has endured comes to an end.

I firmly believe that this is coming. I have seen more than enough evidence and I find it so exciting. Still, I am not waiting for this to occur before I can live in joy. Now is all there is. No matter how lost and confused you have been, choose truth and you are healed.


Your thoughts, words and actions can be attacked.
Your body and life situation can be attacked.
But you—your “self”—cannot be attacked.

To believe you have been attacked—and that you are losing anything by attack—is identity confusion. You are consciousness, spirit, love, being—the life force, itself. You are consciousness visiting this world of form. Your thoughts, ideas, opinions, actions, words, and life situation is not who you are. That’s just temporary stuff—ultimately unreal because it is impermanent. YOU are eternal and beyond threat.

Confusion over identity is the cause of attack. Egos attack other egos to build up a false identity. This battle of who’s right and who’s better is the ego’s foolish strategy for happiness, which never works in the end. All the roles of ego—Victim, Prosecutor, Offender, Defender, Judge, and Jailer—are all concerned with making attack seem real…as if it has any power. This is a game that never works and never ends until we decide to stop playing.

When Jesus said, “forgive them, they know not what they do,” he was teaching this lesson. To forgive is to see that attack has no power over the real you. It is only a foolish error. It accomplishes nothing real. A game that causes suffering in the world of hell. When you understand your identity—who you really are—you recognize that you are beyond attack and forgiveness becomes just a natural way of seeing.

The interesting thing is that, when you align your thoughts, words, and actions with your true identity as love, there will be far less attack on your physical form as well. Even when it happens, you will not suffer or feel anything negative. Now you can enjoy life.


The new album, "Always Good" is now out on Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, YouTube, and anywhere you find music. I really like this album and hope you enjoy it!


Some people expect others to understand them even without directly communicating what they are trying to say. They use gestures and facial expressions instead of words. They verbally attack verbally, or withhold response, cut communication, withhold intimacy, or pout—expecting others to wonder why, to care, and to guess correctly about the message being sent and responding accordingly.

Childish communication communicates nothing at all. If you want to be understood, say it. Explain how you feel. Reveal your true self through your deepest honesty. If your tone is sensitive and loving, others will respond with more patience, love, and understanding. Direct communication isn’t going to hurt!

Of course, those who avoid direct communication are not really trying to be understood. They are resisting true human connection for the purpose of protecting the ego.

Thankfully, there is a new kind of human being emerging. Through directness, openness, and a total commitment to honesty, we so easily live our truth—replacing confusion with perfect knowledge, isolation with union, fear with love, lack with abundance.

This is only possible after a decision to shatter the ego, to transcend it, to laugh at its destruction and place all faith in what is real, true, and honest.


You are not a victim. The ego builds itself up through the victim identity. The problem is always someone else—external circumstances. Nothing can be done about it. You are helpless. If anyone questions this narrative, the ego defense is that they are simply horrible in “blaming the victim.”

In this egoic world, friendship is often based on the goal of building up the victim identity. We complain. We rush to friends to share bad news. We look for sympathy and confirmation that, yes, we are indeed victims. It’s no fair and it’s all someone else’s fault. Friendship requires that we agree, shut up, and never offer any insight into the situation. This type of friendship, devoid of love, is cruel because it perpetuates a cycle of suffering.

The truth is that, in any situation, all that matters is internal—within our control. What we choose. How we react. How we learn and grow. How we forgive. How we bring light and love into the situation. That’s all we have control over.

Rather than playing the victim, we can choose to have an honest, heartfelt conversation. We can take responsibility for not bringing enough value to others in a situation. We can look at our errors—our poor choices or self-centered behavior. We can stop trying to use others for self-gratification. We can look inward, ask real questions, and correct ourselves. We can humble ourselves and take responsibility.

As I explain in the free eBook “The Switch”, all suffering and crisis is a result of dishonesty—a not wanting to openly speak or know the truth about things. To the extent that we are dishonest with ourselves and others, we suffer. If the situation is not corrected, there is an outcome that we call a crisis. It’s a law of reality.

In any situation, there is a truth. A reality. You are part of that reality—merged with it. How can any truth about any situation make you a victim? Truth can only destroy that which is false—and only ego is home of falseness. Ego only confuses us about reality.

Let ego go and watch your problems dissolve. See how you will never be a victim again. You will never complain. You will only look at and deal with reality, which is always joyful, loving, and absent of fear.


This new song is called Always Good.
Wishing you and your family unconditional love.
The only kind of love that's true.
Another place, where everything's always good.


Though it is taught using many different words and concepts, there is only one way to end fear and negativity. Only one way to align all thought and behavior with the positive. Only one way to manifest lasting joy, abundance, bliss, peace, and safety. The way is through perfect love combined with perfect truth.

You can experience all your wildest fantasies, live life to the fullest—but only through a total commitment to unconditional love always combined with a decision to always tell the truth, no matter what, and always want the truth, no matter what. To do this is to spiritually awaken and to end the problems of your life and of this world.

Love and truth are never negotiable. Believe otherwise and become lost in the insanity and endless errors of the ego. Love cannot be defined according to your preferences, and nothing can be gained by manipulating or rejecting the truth about anything. All failure, suffering, and crisis are rooted in this error.

A Course in Miracles correctly teaches that “sin is where love is not.” Where there is anything less than perfect honesty and truth, there is no love. Where there is lack of forgiveness or acceptance, there is no love. Where there is an attempt to get rather than to give, there is no love. Where there is attack in any form, there is no love.

Love is the one non-negotiable, the only solution to any challenge and the correct response to any situation. Learn what perfect love is, live it fully, and everything else in life is yours. Just do it; but do it in love.


Mark Manney (Abscondo) - Americký spevák 🎤, gitarista 🎸 a skladateľ vlastných piesní žijúci v Košiciach Vám zahrá a zaspieva túto nedeľu.
28.8.2022 od 19:00
Ukážka: Opposite Side of the Sea by Abscondo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LJL0Ci19gI


I think I've reached a point, for what it's worth...
No longer fueled by wild dreams
Forbidden passions
Nothing more to want or to imagine different from this
Right here
Right now

It's not that I'm resolved, self-limited, or have given up
It's just, I think I've reached a point
For what it's worth...

That I've lived all those dreams
Felt all those passions
Tried to change the world
Lived around it
Fought hopeless battles
Done everything that every ego does
Then found self-love
For what it's worth...

Now I have no wild dreams
No forbidden passions
No guilt or shame
But greet everything that happens
Without any judgement of good or bad
As reality unfolding

To light it up with perfect love
Always honest
Without fear
No desire for the present moment
To be any different
From how it is

To have lost myself
To find who I really am
I think I've reached that point
For what it's worth...

That I can barely remember
All the reasons why
In this world
I do not fit

The dimension of calm joy
Is where I now live


Live at Pivovarsky Dvor Corvus in Kosice.


In Kosice this week? I hope you can make it to one of my 3 concerts!


Writing and playing these songs makes life feel a bit lighter to me. Here's another new one. I will be performing 2 hours of original songs at three different upcoming concerts in Kosice:

* Macielo - July 20th at 19:00
* Villa Cassa - July 22nd at 19:00
* Corvus - July 23rd at 19:00


My brand new song called "Beauty Never Fades".


Is it not yet already perfectly clear that all the fighting, resisting, arguing, debating, attacking, doing something about, and getting outraged has no impact at all?

With each new news cycle, each new election, each movement to change the world comes a swell of hope that ultimately fades or implodes. For how many more thousands of years will humans continue to believe in these illusions when reality is perfectly clear? I think we have reached the end of this fiction.

Is it not obvious that, however forcefully you might splash your hand into the ocean, you cannot change the natural balance, the very equilibrium of the ocean? You will create a wave, believe it is real for a brief moment, then the wave will fall in the exact opposite direction just as far, and finally, in calm weather, it will rest near its natural balancing point where it all began. Such is all of life.

What you can do is to accept reality; which means always tell the truth, which means want only truth, which means greet everything that is and everything that happens with nothing other than complete acceptance. It is as it is. Align with the natural balance of reality and let it carry you. To resist reality, truth itself, is the ultimate act of foolishness.

There will be challenges, there will be errors of all sorts by all kinds of people. None of it is ultimately real because, in the end, every pendulum returns to its natural resting position. Rest there eternally, starting now. Remain there in the eternal now. This is wisdom and it is yours.

These aren't just words. They are meant literally and are meant to be lived (if you want joy, peace, the end of suffering for yourself and others).


To keep the past real is to carry a heavy load. As we go through life, we experience many challenges, we see unimaginable injustice, and we blame others for our suffering just as we hold ourselves guilty for so much.

To hold a grievance is to cling to painful memories. The more they accumulate, the more challenging it becomes for your mind to carry. At some point, non-forgiveness becomes the mind’s full-time job, robbing you of joy because endless attention and energy is diverted toward the telling of so many painful and inter-connected stories.

The mind convinces us that replaying grievances, understanding them, dissecting them, and making them real or fighting back is the way out from this hell. You feel as though you cannot just let it go; otherwise nothing will be resolved, and everyone will be let off the hook. In truth, the only one on the hook here is the one doing the carrying.

Error brings its own punishment, or it wouldn’t be error. The punishment always comes in the form of ongoing suffering and ultimately crisis. Isn’t it also an error to hold guilt over someone who has fixed the problem or is no longer causing it? By doing so, isn’t the non-forgiveness causing the problem now rather than the errors of the past?

If someone attacks or makes us suffer in some way, it is enough to respond naturally. We can point it out or even explain the problem lovingly. We can express ourselves fully, going into the emotions if needed, then we can let it go completely. We can forgive immediately and move on.

The past is not real because it is not here. To hold onto the past is to pull ourselves away from all that is here: life itself, in this eternal present moment. What problem is there here, now? Now we can move through life as guiltless as children because the baggage has been put aside.


Who would accept a way of thinking in which love is feared, guilt is real, suffering is unavoidable, and joy is postponed? Why would anyone choose darkness after having been shown the light?
The underlying belief which makes the postponement of joy possible is this: sacrifice is necessary now because lasting happiness will be yours someday. This, the world celebrates as hope. Let us look at hope.

If you are already spiritually awakened, then hope is a meaningless concept. What is hope for when salvation has already arrived? But continue to rely upon the ego and all you have is hope because, surely, what you want has yet to arrive.

Most people spend their whole life waiting, seeking, hoping but never reaching the destination of perfect and lasting joy. Years can go by in sacrifice, still decades more, and yet the reward for all this sacrifice never quite arrives. You can place the blame on yourself for not working hard enough, or you can blame the world for its unfairness, but the truth is elsewhere: you are seeking salvation in false idols—where it cannot be found.

Rather than looking honestly at this, you may continue to sacrifice feeling good now for a fantasy of the future. You may avoid love now for the purpose of finding true love. You may ignore spiritual teachings, meditation, and a healthy way of living because you are too busy becoming sick at the altar of the future. You may live dishonestly to preserve a relationship that is making you both miserable. You may read the news each day waiting for the world to be declared safe. You may put off doing what inspires you because it is impractical at the moment. Still, you keep hoping that someday, somehow, all your dreams will come true and your life will be wonderful. How so?

A better future doesn’t exist, but a better present does. Patience isn’t a state of waiting; rather a superior way of being and doing. Love isn’t something you are working toward; it is there each moment you decide for it. Rest isn’t found in sleeping; rather, from waking. Joy is detached from external circumstance and is found in freedom.

What you have been hoping for can only be yours now and requires only a real decision for it.

Stop living for the future 17/05/2022

Stop living for the future It is a type of mental illness so common it seems normal. It is a thought system that tells you to do everything you do not want to do now, so that someday you will be able to live the way you want. While your thoughts might tell you otherwise, the way you live now is the way that you...


The reason that the ego wants to want is that it cannot be happy. Why not? Because the mind cannot feel, only think. To realize and accept this would be to look at the ego honestly. If you do that, you will no longer want this parasite and you will leave it behind.

Like any creature, however, the ego does not want to die. Therefore, it must trick you into tolerating it by convincing you to seek happiness in the future. The voice in the head tells you that salvation is found in the future—after you achieve this, have that, if you are with a specific person, or if you have a particular experience. But if you do achieve or experience what the ego seeks, your happiness will not last for more than a moment and you will be left still wanting and chasing the next illusion.

Thoughts regularly cause us suffering, but joy is never found in thoughts. Joy, rather, is the natural experience of life when thoughts subside for a moment or when thoughts are aligned with the reality of life.

Thoughts directed at present moment awareness bring you an appreciation of beauty and a feeling of alertness and vibrance. The joy you experience here comes not from the thoughts; rather, from the experience of true reality beyond them.

Loving thoughts also bring joy because they are aligned with the source of joy and no longer block it. Honest thinking and expressing, unconditional acceptance of what is, thoughts of openness, creative thoughts, pursuit of creative endeavors—this is correct mind activity because your attention is placed upon the source of joy.

You will never “figure things out” in the mind; but if you can align the mind with divine truth, then there will be nothing to figure out or to want because joy is yours eternally.

Videos (show all)

This new song is called Always Good. Wishing you and your family unconditional love. The only kind of love that's true.A...
Live at  Pivovarsky Dvor Corvus in Kosice.
Writing and playing these songs makes life feel a bit lighter to me. Here's another new one. I will be performing 2 hour...
Preparing for 3 upcoming shows! Life (Whispers) is a song from my 2020 album "Life Light".
My brand new song called "Beauty Never Fades".
I'll Die Smiling by Abscondo