The Autoimmune Academy

The Autoimmune Academy

This is safe supportive group for people looking for solutions to optimizing their health while livi


Recently I've been asking my clients what is their definition of health.
Everyone is on their own journey with their own goals. I have yet to hear two of the same definitions and I love that!
What's your definition of health?


This post made my body exhale deeply...
It's time we stopped and listened to what our body is telling us and what it needs vs what we think we "should" be doing.


Episode 80 - Lottery Syndrome & Autoimmune Mindset
Join me as we continue on two concepts linked to flares with our health; Lottery syndrome and mindset with flares.
Lottery syndrome is something I see often in clinical practice with not just autoimmune but any health conditions,, you’ll have to listen to find out more.
The other half of the podcast is where we dive into some of the things we say to ourselves when we aren’t feeling well, the thought patterns I hear in clinical practice and how we are “should’en” all over ourselves.
To listen to this episode click here . Or link in the BIO
🎙 .............. Listen in and be sure to share this podcast or tag a friend or loved one below who may be suffering from autoimmune disease. Help me achieve my goal of reaching one million autoimmune sufferers with our messages of hope and inspiration!
Visit The Autoimmune Simplified Podcast Page for all of our amazing episodes -


Health isn’t all about supporting your physical body. While it plays a large role in it, people often forget about an equally important component:
🧠Mindset 🧠
Take this for example. Maybe you want to…
👉Lose weight
👉Change your diet
👉Have more energy
🤔Why do you want to lose weight?
🤔How will changing your diet impact your life?
🤔What will more energy do for you?
The difference in these two sets of bullet points is that the first ones are general and it’s easy to desire those things, however, you don’t really have any motivation behind those desires. The second set makes you define what exactly you want and WHY you want it (your motivation).
If you don’t know why you want something, it’s hard to do the daily things (that seem boring) that will get you there.
How we think about things and how we view things plays a huge role in how successful we are in achieving our goals.
I’d love for you to tell me the WHY behind one of your goals. Feel free to DM me with your reason 💕


These 9 TOXIC everyday items could be lurking in your home😷
You simply can’t avoid these chemicals, but by understanding how they harm us we can slowly eliminate them from our lives👇
1️⃣Store receipts
Store receipts are covered with a thin coating of powder which contains BPA, an endocrine-disrupting chemical which has been linked to breast cancer, diabetes, and more.
2️⃣Bug sprays
Bug sprays can poison us by disrupting neurotransmitters necessary for proper body functions. The ingredients found in these sprays have been linked to cancers, heart and lung disease.
3️⃣Laundry detergent
If your detergent contains phenol, throw it out ASAP! This chemical can be easily absorbed through your skin causing renal and hepatic dysfunction.
4️⃣Fire retardants
Found in most children's clothing, cushions, nursing pillows and other upholstered items, fire retardants have been linked to disorders, infertility, and cancers.
5️⃣Non-stick coatings
Non-stick coatings can melt when they are overheated, revealing aluminum that, when ingested, can lead to Alzheimer’s disease and several cancers.
Certain deodorants also contain aluminum to clot pores and prevent excessive sweating, with aluminum being linked to Alzheimer’s disease and both prostate and breast cancers.
Containing toxic and hazardous compounds, your perfume may smell good but could be harming your respiratory tract leading to coughing, headaches and sneezing.
8️⃣Air fresheners
Artificial ingredients that are added to air fresheners commonly irritate the eyes causing inflammation. Inhalation of phthalates can cause asthma and damage your lungs.
9️⃣Hand sanitizer
Found in more than 75% of hand sanitizers, triclosan is an ingredient that results in reproductive toxicity through alterations in hormone regulation, with links to thyroid disease, allergies and asthma.
Anything else you would add to this list?


Episode 79 - Top 3 things I do when in an Autoimmune Flare
Autoimmune flares happen to EVERYONE!.
Recently I was asked, “what do you do when you have an autoimmune flare?”
In today’s episode, I dive into the top 3 things I do when I have a flare or I can feel the start of one coming on.
To listen to this episode click here . Or link in the BIO
🎙 .............. Listen in and be sure to share this podcast or tag a friend or loved one below who may be suffering from autoimmune disease. Help me achieve my goal of reaching one million autoimmune sufferers with our messages of hope and inspiration!
Visit The Autoimmune Simplified Podcast Page for all of our amazing episodes -


Exciting new!!!! I was a guest on an autoimmune podcast talking all about Autoimmune Fatigue! Thank you so much Julie.. it was a blast!

In today's episode, Dr. Alison Danby, Naturopathic Doctor & Functional Medicine Practitioner explores autoimmune fatigue. We discuss this symptom that 90% of people with autoimmunity experience, and find a challenge.
After working to heal her own autoimmune symptoms, Alison noticed many of her clients were showing up after being told that there was nothing they could do about their autoimmune symptoms, and that's not true! That led Alison to specialize in autoimmunity and make her contribution to folks in this community.
Fatigue is often one of the first symptoms we experience with autoimmunity.
It is NOT tired mommy syndrome or depression!
There is overlap with depression such as smaller social life, withdrawal, and change in mood.
And what Alison refers to as "mall eyes" burning tiredness.
Full Show Notes →



Have you ever felt off 🙁 but your doctor assured you that lab tests are normal and you just need to rest more? or its STRESS? 🤯
Many doctors go by the’ mantra is ‘Don’t trouble trouble, until trouble troubles you 🙄,’ so if your lab ranges are more or less “normal” OR if some indicators are a bit off the normal range there’s nothing to worry about.🤯
‘Normal’ doesn’t mean ‘optimal.’ 🙅‍♀ It means you’re just like thousands of people with light to mild dysfunction manifestation, not necessary ‘completely healthy.’
As a Naturopathic Doctor I dig deep and look at each number 🔎 in the context of your specific symptoms, past diseases, genetics, environment, and lifestyle. If you feel off, we want to know why?
I've never been a fan of the game "wait and see if it gets worse"!!
👉 Do you have a friend or family member who needs their labs to be checked thoroughly? Share this post with them!


“The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me?” Ayn Rand
Women were taught to smile all the time, hold their tongue and be polite, not encouraged to push boundaries…
But things changed: now permission is no longer a question, you don’t have to ask forgiveness for being who you want to be or pursue the life of your dreams.
Don’t let anything or anyone make you doubt that you have the capacity, the tools and the strength to follow the path you choose for yourself.
🎈Do you want to change your lifestyle?
🎈Do you want to lose that extra weight?
🎈Do you want to change your career?
🎈Do you want to live in another country?
🎈Do you want to go back to uni?
Let me tell you something: you, and only you, have control of your own decisions so make your choices, find that extra courage and go for it! 💪
When it comes the time to get what’s ours the question should be: who is going to stop me?


How we talk to ourselves matters.

Yet normally, this internal dialogue is less than helpful.
So instead, today, find one thing nice about yourself by completing this phrase:
✨I am _____
Now repeat this affirmation to yourself throughout the day!
Let’s all give each other ideas by sharing in the comments below your affirmation!


Natruopathic Medicine & Functional medicine has longer practitioner-patient consultations.
According to the latest report, physicians in the US spend on average from 12 to 17 minutes ☝ on one consultation and Canadian's are even less at an alarming 7 minutes and only 1 concern can be addressed per visit!
How much can you *really* cover in this limited time?
What if instead, you could spend 30 to 60 minutes ONE-ON-ONE with your doctor?
We 👩‍⚕ tend to have longer consultation times to hear YOUR story, properly investigate it and try to get to the very root cause of your illness, rather than concentrating on one symptom.
👉Are you ready for your story to be heard?


Episode 78 - Autoimmune & Mental Health
In today’s episode, we have a special guest, Dr. Chrsitine Bkorndal, ND, who has written four books on mental health and created 2 programs for clients and practitioners. Dr. Chris shares her mental health story and her inspiring journey.
People who have autoimmune disorders are at an increased risk of having psychiatric symptoms, such as anxiety and depression. While experts have yet to agree on a single explanation, with an autoimmune disorder you should be aware of the potential impact their condition can have on their mental health.
Dr. Chris walks us through the 4 aspects of health that you think are important to address in clients' overall health. How do you support the physical level of health when addressing mental health? And what are the steps to address the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of health
This was an interesting and great episode… Enjoy! Dr. Chris is amazing!
To listen to this episode click here . Or link in the BIO
🎙 .............. Listen in and be sure to share this podcast or tag a friend or loved one below who may be suffering from autoimmune disease. Help me achieve my goal of reaching one million autoimmune sufferers with our messages of hope and inspiration!
Visit The Autoimmune Simplified Podcast Page for all of our amazing episodes -


Are you eating SMASH fish?
SMASH is an acronym to help you remember fish that are high in brain-supporting nutrients (like Omega 3’s!) while also being low in mercury.
Frequently eating fish that are high in mercury, like tuna or swordfish, can lead to a high concentration of mercury in your body which can lead to chronic health problems.
▷ Salmon
▷ Mackerel
▷ Anchovies
▷ Sardines
▷ Herring
Make sure to always choose wild-caught varieties rather than farmed.
Save this post so you can remember which fish to choose the next time you’re at the market!


“But until a person can say deeply and honestly, "I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday," that person cannot say, "I choose otherwise.” Stephen R. Covey
The decisions you make today will impact your tomorrow.
And I’m not talking about deciding on what to wear that day—these kinds of decisions don’t matter. I’m talking about the little things most of us don’t realize make an impact on our future…
Like what time you stayed up to last night!
Something as simple as choosing to watch that last episode instead of going to bed early can make a big impact on your health. This is down to a little thing called habit. The best habits can bring us a life of goal-crushing success🌟, but the bad ones can keep us stagnant and unfulfilled😞.
If you’re choosing to eat unhealthy, processed foods for lunch on a daily basis, think about the long-term effects of this choice. A bad diet can result in👇:
1️⃣ Blood sugar imbalances & inflammation
2️⃣ Brain fog & irritability
3️⃣ Hormonal imbalances
4️⃣ Autoimmune flares
And that’s to name a few…
Did you know that around 40% of everything we do on a daily basis is habitual?
If you’re struggling with unhealthy habits, such as poor eating, smoking and not getting enough exercise, staying up’s how you can start to crush your old habits to form new, healthy ones✨:
💖Know your habits
Start analyzing your routine on a day-to-day basis and find out what triggers your unhealthy habits—maybe you get stressed out from work, so you smoke every break without thinking about it, or maybe you snack too much whilst watching TV.
💖Stack your habits
According to recent research, the best way to form a new habit is to tie it to an existing habit. Take your morning cup of coffee, for example. This is a great chance to practice meditation or go for a walk.
💖Be patient!
Ever heard of the 21/90 rule? It takes 21 days to make a habit and 90 days to make it a permanent lifestyle change. Be patient and keep reminding yourself of the outcome.
It’s time to start being the person you’ve always wanted to be. I believe in you!✨


Did you know that...
In a self-reported survey done by the American Autoimmune and Related Disorders Association.
98% of individuals with autoimmune reported that they suffer from fatigue.
more than 66% of respondents reported that their fatigue was profound, debilitating, and prevented them from completing simple everyday tasks.
Did you also know there is so much that we can do to help you with this so you can get your life back!
I just spent the last 6 months researching this and now I'm about to present this to close to a 1000 Naturopathic Doctors in Spokane, Washington. They are ready to help you...
Stay tuned...I'll be talking about this in a coming live on how you can shift this too.



“You are what you eat.”
This statement could not be more true; food has both the power to heal AND contribute to disease.
More and more research is coming out every single day touting the power of food. Some examples of that include:
The high antioxidant level in blueberries is linked to lower levels of oxidized LDL (bad) cholesterol particles which can decrease risk of heart disease. PMID: 24077237

Eating broccoli on the regular may help reduce the risk of several types of cancers including:
Lycopene rich tomatoes have been shown in clinical studies to support heart health by decreasing levels of inflammation and oxidative stress. PMID: 16569044
🍵Green tea
Recent studies indicate that regular green tea consumption may reduce insulin resistance. In fact, one study out of Japan found that individuals with the highest consumption of green tea, had about a 42% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. PMID: 16618952
🐠Fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, trout, sardines)
Some epidemiological studies indicate that fatty fish that are rich in Omega 3’s and vitamin D may help prevent or decrease the severity of depression. PMID: 24757497

Want to know what the best part of this is? What you put into your body is within your control!
Focus on:
✅ Lean, clean proteins
✅ Healthy fats
✅ Complex carbohydrates
✅ Eating the rainbow every day
Do you think food is medicine?


Episode 77 Pivoting Careers with Autoimmune.

Today I have April Harris, the founder of Virtually April Michelle. April is a High-Level Virtual Assistant, IBD Advocate, and Biz Coach for Autoimmune & Chronic Illness Warriors.
Every week I have clients telling me that the stress from their jobs caused a flare, that their jobs are too physically demanding or they can’t work this many hours but they still want a career… Que April…
April is supporting people with an autoimmune or chronic health condition to pivot to a career that allows balance, less stress, flexible hours and become financially independent as virtual assistants.
Not only does April share her inspiring autoimmune jouney but we also dive into all about being your own boss, what would that look like? What is a virtual assistant, who is right for this and how long does it take to start your business.
I loved this episode… if you are ready to dive into a career that fits your lifestyle, be your own boss or are looking for virtual assistants this is the perfect episode for you.
To listen to this episode click here . Or link in the BIO
🎙 .............. Listen in and be sure to share this podcast or tag a friend or loved one below who may be suffering from autoimmune disease. Help me achieve my goal of reaching one million autoimmune sufferers with our messages of hope and inspiration!
Visit The Autoimmune Simplified Podcast Page for all of our amazing episodes -


How toxic is your beauty routine?💄
📌 Save this post to use a checklist to swap out your current beauty products!
Did you know that a recent Environmental Working Group (EWG) survey found that the average person uses 9 daily products, which have a combined total of over 126 unique ingredients, with many of those being toxic to our body? 😱
The skin is the largest organ and has a permeable surface with around 5 million pores across the body and about 20,000 on the face, in the average adult.
This means that what we put ON our skin can easily be absorbed into the body!
Use this checklist to check the ingredients of your products and swap out if necessary!

The shower:
📌 Body wash
📌 Shampoo
📌 Conditioner
📌 Face wash
Face routine:
📌 Makeup remover
📌 Face masks
📌 Face cream
📌 Face serums
📌 Mascara
📌 Blush / bronzer
📌 Foundation / concealer
📌 Lipstick
📌 Lip balm
📌 Eyeshadow
📌 Brow gel
📌 Brow pencils
📌 Hand cream
📌 Nail polish
📌 Body lotion
📌 Deodorant
📌 Sunscreen
📌 Feminine hygiene products
📌 Perfume
📌 Toothpaste
📌 Mouthwash
To check how “clean” or safe a product is, I like to use the EWG’s Skin Deep database where you can quickly search for a product and see how safe the ingredients are!
When switching out your products it can definitely feel overwhelming! I suggest either swapping out one to two products at a time or simply replacing a product when it's finished.
Send this to someone who could also benefit from this information!
Share below your favourite clean products?


Did you know that you can have your appointment with me, from the comfort of your own home!?
Telemedicine is available! -- I’m seeing most of my patients via telemedicine!
📍With telemedicine you still get the benefits of an in-person visit.
Here is how it works:
Step 1: Book a free introductory call (link in bio!)
Step 2: We chat! You get to know about me and I get to know about you! If I think that I can help you, I’ll chat about how that specific process will look like.
Step 3: Initial Appointment - This is where we deep dive into your health - we talk about EVERYTHING! You leave with a strategy and a plan to move you forward in your health goals.
Step 4: Get tested! Based on your initial paperwork, I’ll recommend labs that will help us identify your root cause.
Step 5: Follow up visits. These are there for you to ask any questions you may have, to review lab work, and to make sure that we are reaching our goals. These appointments are typically 30-60 minutes in length, depending on the type of appointment!
Step 6: We’re constantly evaluating progress and tweaking your plan where needed!
Ready to learn more?
Type “YES” if so!


Episode 76 From surviving to ultimately thriving with Autoimmune.
In today’s episode, I’m joined by a very special guest in the autoimmune world - Jamie Hartland.
Most of us know Jamie is the founder of the AIP Summit, and the host of many amazing, inspiring AIP events that help people navigate their autoimmune conditions.
However, in today’s episode, Jamie shares with us the inspiring journey of her autoimmune condition. She shares her personal experience of surviving and ultimately thriving after experiencing the worst possible scenarios for autoimmune disease, complications with life-threatening surgeries and then later chronic pain that was close to disabling. Jamie dives into what worked, where she had to dig deeper and the mindset that was required for healing.
This was such an incredible interview with Jamie, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
To listen to this episode click here . Or link in the BIO
🎙 .............. Listen in and be sure to share this podcast or tag a friend or loved one below who may be suffering from autoimmune disease. Help me achieve my goal of reaching one million autoimmune sufferers with our messages of hope and inspiration!
Visit The Autoimmune Simplified Podcast Page for all of our amazing episodes -


What’s one health non-negotiable you have in your life?


🍵Green tea: My all time fave super drink!
While green tea is by no means a recent discovery -- it dates back to about 2737 B.C. 👀 -- it’s benefits have been featured in many recent studies over the past years.
Green tea is rich in polyphenols and antioxidants. The most researched polyphenol in green tea is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). L-theanine, an amino acid, is also found in green tea.
Benefits of green tea:
🍵Supports brain health
The combination of caffeine and l-theanine in green tea is thought to have a synergistic effect that can support the production of GABA, dopamine, and alpha waves. The outcome is typically an increase in focus, concentration, and memory without the jitteriness that’s often associated with caffeine.
In addition, it may protect your brain from neuroinflammation (help with that brain fog!)
🍵Decreases risk of cardiovascular disease
Antioxidant rich green tea extract was shown to reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol particles over 6 weeeks.
PMID: 30400924
🍵May improve insulin sensitivity
Recent studies indicate that regular green tea consumption may reduce insulin resistance. In fact, one study out of Japan found that individuals with the highest consumption of green tea, had about a 42% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. PMID: 16618952
🍵Decreases risk of cancer
Various research studies have linked green tea consumption with a reduced risk of breast, prostatae, and colorectal cancers.
How to add more green tea into your diet:
🍵Drink 1-2 cups of hot green tea in the morning (if you’re sensitive to caffeine, make sure to stop drinking before 12 pm.)
🍵Make a hot or cold matcha latte with dairy free milk.
🍵Cook with green tea! If you search online, there are many creative recipes that use green tea!
Do you drink green tea?

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Listen to the Whispers - Crohn's & Colitis
Master your Gut & Autoimmune
