InSanity Blog

InSanity Blog

InSanity is a reality check in a world gone nuts.

InSanity is an independently run blog for conservative writers who think liberalism, political correctness and #safespaces have gotten just plain out of hand.


The NFL takes a knee for "injustice," and the media drools.

A black man walks into a church and kills a white woman, and no one says a word.

Atlanta Gym Owner Refuses to Apologize for 'No F'ing Cops' Sign 10/08/2017

Yet, when a Christian business owner refuses to cater, photograph or bake a cake for a gay wedding it results in a lawsuit. Got to love one-sided tolerance!

Atlanta Gym Owner Refuses to Apologize for 'No F'ing Cops' Sign

Turns Out CNN Is Even More Pathetic Than We Thought – Reality Check 05/07/2017

InSanity's Brittany M. Hughes calls out CNN for the garbage "news" outlet it really is.

Turns Out CNN Is Even More Pathetic Than We Thought – Reality Check Some unidentified person on social media photo shopped a video of Donald Trump bodyslamming someone whose head has been overlaid with the CNN logo. It was st...

Feminists Think You’re Sexist, Even If You Vote For a Woman -- Reality Check 23/06/2017

Liberals are good at two things: losing elections and being walking contradictions. InSanity's Brittany M. Hughes calls them out (again) on their logic that doesn't resemble our earth logic.

Feminists Think You’re Sexist, Even If You Vote For a Woman -- Reality Check According to the left, if a woman’s on the ticket, you have to vote for her, simply because she’s got lady parts. Unless she’s a conservative, in which case,...

Planned Parenthood spent $734,000 in failed Georgia race 21/06/2017

Yet, Planned Parenthood needs that government funding or it'll close... Riiiiiight...

Planned Parenthood spent $734,000 in failed Georgia race Jon Ossoff lost the House race in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District despite receiving nearly three-quarters of $1 million from the Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

Timeline photos 16/06/2017

In her latest , InSanity's Brittany M. Hughes calls out the left's blatant lies in an attempt to push gun control. Check out the video here:


If you don't know what you're talking about, maybe don't say anything.

Six Things We Learned During the #ComeyHearing, Round One | MRCTV 08/06/2017

Six Things We Learned During the #ComeyHearing, Round One | MRCTV After only a few hours in the hot seat, Comey’s testimony had reduced their narrative in complete shambles.

NY parents horrified by drag show at school talent show 05/06/2017

- What do drag shows and school-aged kids have in common? Absolutely nothing, unless of course you live in New York.

NY parents horrified by drag show at school talent show By Allison M. Roberts I think we can all agree that there are certain things children shouldn’t be subjected to. For instance, a drag show at their school. About 200 families had gathered for an...

Kathy Griffin isn’t a First Amendment martyr 04/06/2017

- Don't be fooled - Kathy Griffin is DEFINITELY not a First Amendment martyr.

Kathy Griffin isn’t a First Amendment martyr By Allison M. Roberts Don’t be fooled by Kathy Griffin – she’s not even remotely close to being a First Amendment martyr. She’s an idiot who made a choice (an incredibly poor one), took some heat,...

Liberals attack LSU mascot because it’s racist 03/06/2017

- In this week's edition of , liberals attack LSU, calling their mascot, you guessed it, racist.

Liberals attack LSU mascot because it’s racist By Allison M. Roberts I wish I had a dollar for each time a social justice warrior decided someone or something was racist. I’d have enough money to retire and live comfortably for the rest of my...

Salvadoran Officials Panic As Trump Sends Slews of Criminal Alien Gang Members Back Home 31/05/2017

: Gang members (illegal aliens) are getting sent home in droves and their countries are freaking out.

Salvadoran Officials Panic As Trump Sends Slews of Criminal Alien Gang Members Back Home By Brittany M. Hughes President Donald Trump is booting so many illegal alien gang-bangers back to their home countries, their motherlands are starting to freak out over getting all their criminals...

Gloria Steinem is an idiot 24/05/2017

Fun fact: Gloria Steinem believes climate change could've been prevented if only more women had aborted their children.

Gloria Steinem is an idiot By Allison M. Roberts Sometimes people leave me genuinely speechless. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does it’s for very good reason. Feminist icon and rabid Planned Parenthood supporter Gloria...

Where was the ‘special counsel’ for all of Obama’s scandals? 24/05/2017

Q: Why does the scandal get a "special counsel" while countless Obama scandals were ignored?
A: Because Obama was untouchable. Trump isn't.

Where was the ‘special counsel’ for all of Obama’s scandals? By Allison M. Roberts Unless you live under a rock, I’m sure you’re familiar with the scandals that have plagued President Donald Trump’s first five months in office. Because, as we all know, there is...

While Terrorists Blow Up Little Kids, Katy Perry Says We Should All Just ‘Co-exist’ 23/05/2017

Dear Katy Perry, Just stop it. Sincerely, Everyone

While Terrorists Blow Up Little Kids, Katy Perry Says We Should All Just ‘Co-exist’ By Brittany M. Hughes Just one day after an ISIS-inspired su***de bomber/terrorist scumbag blew himself to smithereens in front of a concert venue in Manchester, U.K. – an act that subsequently killed...

No, Christian Schools Shouldn’t Punish Students Who Get Pregnant 23/05/2017

Pregnant at 18, Maddi Runkles was hailed by pro-lifers for choosing to keep her baby. She was also punished by Heritage Academy, the private Christian school she attended, and not allowed to participate in graduation.

No, Christian Schools Shouldn’t Punish Students Who Get Pregnant By Brittany M. Hughes Heritage Academy, a private Christian school in Hagerstown, Md., has reportedly banned a pregnant teen from participating in the school’s graduation ceremony this year because...

Twitter slams Amy Schumer’s latest bomb 14/05/2017

Amy Schumer's new movie is getting awful reviews. Anyone with eyes probably isn't surprised.

Twitter slams Amy Schumer’s latest bomb By Allison M. Roberts Big surprise – Amy Schumer’s new movie Snatched is awful. Thankfully, the Internet told me this so I didn’t have to watch it. Although, I was pretty sure it would be worse than a...

Chrissy Teigen has ‘crippling anxiety’ and wants Trump to pay for it 13/05/2017

Poor Chrissy Teigen is still stressed out from . The results of the election were so traumatic she has "crippling anxiety" which is treated with Botox shots. And she wants President Donald J. Trump to pay for it.

Chrissy Teigen has ‘crippling anxiety’ and wants Trump to pay for it By Allison M. Roberts Hollywood’s crybaby elite is still managing to find new ways to throw temper tantrums about the 2016 Presidential Election. In case you’ve been under a rock since January,...


I love this, lol. The same guy who took a jet from NY to Paris and back to NY in a day wants to talk about climate change. Liberals are something else. 🙄


InSanity's Brittany M. Hughes is becoming a regular face on Fox & Friends. This is her segment from this morning's show. Make sure you've liked her page so you know when she's appearing.

Clemson University: Expecting people to show up on time is racist 15/04/2017

Oh, good Lord. Let's just say what the left is thinking: if you aren't a liberal, you're a racist. 🙄

Clemson University: Expecting people to show up on time is racist Does your employer expect you …

Oops! Elizabeth Warren Pays Her Female Staffers FAR Less Than the Guys 04/04/2017

101: you don't actually have to do the things you feign outrage over. Example: U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren likes to cry about the "wage gap" for women, yet she pays her female staffers less than the male staffers. Yikes.

Oops! Elizabeth Warren Pays Her Female Staffers FAR Less Than the Guys The pay gap in Warren's office is about 10 percent larger than the national average.

Major networks ignore report of Maryland high school r**e 23/03/2017

ICYMI: InSanity's Brittany M. Hughes was on Fox & Friends Thursday morning to discuss the lack of coverage for an alleged r**e at a Maryland high school.

Major networks ignore report of Maryland high school r**e Managing editor of MRCTV's 'Reality Check' breaks down the coverage


Tomi Lahren is wrong - being pro-choice and a conservative don't match.

Timeline photos 09/03/2017

Finally! A protest we can all support!


Make sure you share this with a snowflake today.


Nothing makes me happier than seeing Brittany M. Hughes sticking it to liberals.

Video: Bill Maher condoned s*x between 35-year-old woman, 12-year-old boy 23/02/2017

Milo Yiannopoulos' comments were unacceptable but don't let Bill Maher and his self-righteous "you're welcome" fool you. Referring to Mary Kay Letourneau's 1988 arrest, Maher said she was in jail for being "in love" with a 14-year-old student who had gotten her pregnant...TWICE.

Video: Bill Maher condoned s*x between 35-year-old woman, 12-year-old boy A video surfaced Wednesday showing HBO "Real Time" host Bill Maher condoning a s*xual relationship between a 35-year-old female teacher and a 12-year-old male student that resulted in the woman getting pregnant twice before eventually being jailed.

Lena Dunham: Trump's Election Victory Made Me Lose Weight 07/02/2017

Lena Dunham is the most miserable human being on the planet. I challenge you to find someone as awful as she is.

Lena Dunham: Trump's Election Victory Made Me Lose Weight The "Girls" star dropped by Howard Stern’s SiriusXM radio show Monday morning and was asked about her slimmer figure.


Brittany M. Hughes has the facts you need regarding the non-existent liberals are freaking out about.

Videos (show all)

Anti-Trump Protest in D.C.