Marriage Revealed Ministries Inc.

Marriage Revealed Ministries Inc.

Marriage Revealed Ministries Inc. is a 501c3 nonprofit that provides resources, support and encourag Revealing the true heart and intention of marriage.

The way God created it.

Why Your Spouse is So Hostile OR Nice-Standing for Marriage Restoration 11/07/2023

Why Your spouse acts the way they do. Hostile, unkind? Or kind, overcompensating? New Video posted. Please support the ministry by hitting the LIKE on the video. Thank you!

Why Your Spouse is So Hostile OR Nice-Standing for Marriage Restoration ✅ How You Can Support The Ministry and Message?👇~_~_~_~_~_~_~_👇1.) Hit the LIKE Button (It helps a ton!) 👍2.) SUBSCRIBE (and press the bell icon) 🔔3.) Co...

Important Lesson-You Don't Have as Much Power As You Believe! 17/06/2023

If you struggle with, "If I don't show them how hurt I am, why would they ever change?" then this is a MUST watch!!!!

Important Lesson-You Don't Have as Much Power As You Believe! ✅ How You Can Support The Ministry and Message?👇~_~_~_~_~_~_~_👇1.) Hit the LIKE Button (It helps a ton!) 👍2.) SUBSCRIBE (and press the bell icon) 🔔3.) Co...

The Struggle to Stand for Marriage Restoration is Real! 11/06/2023

Have you walked away from a conversation with your spouse that left you fearful, confused, and questioning everything….even to the point of feeling aggravated and wanting to quit?

The Struggle to Stand for Marriage Restoration is Real! The Struggle to Stand for Marriage Restoration is Real! Posted by Sheila Hollinger | Jun 11, 2023 | Devotions | 0 | Have you walked away from a conversation with your spouse that left you fearful, confused, and questioning everything….even to the point of feeling aggravated and wanting to quit? We...

Do You Have Complainers About Your Stand? 07/06/2023

We know well the parables about lost people, but do we know WHY Jesus shared them? Do we know what inspired Him to give these examples? It was to address those that didn't like how He was toward sinners.

Do You Have Complainers About Your Stand? Do You Have Complainers About Your Stand? Posted by Sheila Hollinger | Jun 7, 2023 | For the New Stander, Start Here! | 0 | We are all very aware of the two chapters of Luke in the Word of God, chapters 15 and 16, where Jesus gives us the parables about the different types of lost people, why they a...

Haunted By Your Past Interferes with Your Present 25/05/2023

MUCH of the struggle you are going through with your spouse’s unfaithfulness, forsaking, and rejection could be indirectly related to what they are doing and directly related, triggered, and emphasized by something that occurred in your past that caused a broken place – a root to form and a consequent belief system to be set in place.

Haunted By Your Past Interferes with Your Present The struggle you are facing with your spouse's unfaithfulness could be indirectly related to that and directly related to something from your past

Long Standing for Marriage Restoration 24/04/2023

Long-Standers who are at that place where they are struggling with being upset with God. Or if you have not been standing long, but find yourself hurt and upset with the Lord. This is for you!

Long Standing for Marriage Restoration ✅ How You Can Support The Ministry and Message?👇~_~_~_~_~_~_~_👇1.) Hit the LIKE Button (It helps a ton!) 👍2.) SUBSCRIBE (and press the bell icon) 🔔3.) Co...


Extend an Olive Branch -is used when someone wants to end a confrontation or an argument.

Today in prayer, I feel that God is placing this on hearts that have held a grudge, a hurt, a pain, especially a contempt against God!

I feel that many are waking up today and WANT to end the contempt, end the argument, end the conflict, and put aside the pain and hurt they've been holding which has been KEEPING THEM FROM THEIR FATHER God.

I feel that many are suddenly seeing an olive branch appearing and suddenly, their hearts are desiring this contempt to no longer be there, to finally end the contempt and start to rebuild that relationship with God.

Standers, if that is your spouse, if you see them suddenly go to church, EVEN with the other person, please don't despise this. I know it hurts because we want to be there, we want us to be the one, but for right now, it's not so much about who they are with when they extend the branch, that will come later.

But, if your spouse is with you, choosing to extend that olive branch to God with you by their side, that is also a huge step for them in recognizing that this is the will of God for them to get right, and they KNOW that doing this with you by their side, being with their family is the right thing to do.

We thank You, Father for these olive branches!!! We pray for no interference from the enemy, no weapon against this branch in Jesus name. We pray that every lost person will be BRAVE and humble and put aside their pride, hurt, and contempt and FORGIVE what they have been holding onto and let it go. We thank You Father for opening up communication and for HEALING AND PEACE to come in Jesus , precious, holy, mighty NAME. Amen!!

Is the Hard Heart From God? Marriage Restoration 20/03/2023

This message is a MUST have for anyone new to Standing or even needing a 'refresher' if you have been standing and growing weary. IF you are in a place where your spouse shows a desire to come home but can't seem to get there, THIS IS FOR YOU!

Is the Hard Heart From God? Marriage Restoration Is the Hard Heart From God? Marriage Restoration Posted by Sheila Hollinger | Mar 20, 2023 | Devotions | 0 | I am going to propose a question to you, with some scripture, for you to consider and study so you can come to your own conclusion. We know our spouses have hard hearts when they decide to se...

How It Works-Marriage Restoration 10/03/2023

How It Works-Marriage Restoration If your spouse is unfaithful and dishonest is that an indication that God never wanted you to marry them? What if things are getting worse instead of better?

Why is This Happening? For NEW Standers-Marriage Restoration 02/03/2023

Why is This Happening? For NEW Standers-Marriage Restoration ✅ How You Can Support The Ministry and Message?👇~_~_~_~_~_~_~_👇1.) Hit the LIKE Button (It helps a ton!) 👍2.) SUBSCRIBE (and press the bell icon) 🔔3.) Co...

Goal of the Hard Hearted-Marriage Restoration 28/02/2023

Hard hearts are the worst thing for us to endure, BUT THE BEST thing for them, so they change and are able to make it through that narrow gate. AND many Standers are in the exact same place as their spouse. Going through life lukewarm with no real relationship with the Father. God is wanting you to make it home to Him, to cut off the fat flesh and fit through that narrow gate!

Goal of the Hard Hearted-Marriage Restoration Hard hearts are the worst thing for us to endure, BUT THE BEST thing for them, so they change and are able to make it through that narrow gate.

I Have to Pardon Them? 22/02/2023

If you are struggling in anger how they have left you alone to single-handedly take care of what was meant to be handled by the two of you, and this is creating anger, resentment, and bitterness, watch this 15 min video~

I Have to Pardon Them? ✅ How You Can Support The Ministry and Message?👇~_~_~_~_~_~_~_👇1.) Hit the LIKE Button (It helps a ton!) 👍2.) SUBSCRIBE (and press the bell icon) 🔔3.) Co...

Suffering THROUGH the Waiting for Marriage Restoration 20/02/2023

Are you Suffering through the waiting, or is the waiting causing you to suffer? Here is a different understanding and perspective.

Suffering THROUGH the Waiting for Marriage Restoration Knock with a New Sound✅ How You Can Support The Ministry and Message??...


Valentine's Day Message
I feel the heart of the Father sharing a message to be shared with you.

He has ALWAYS recognized and understood your heart, desire, and relationship with your spouse, beloved, and one flesh. The one that you are cleaved to. That is not in question. He created marriage. He was the one that said, "It is not good for man(kind) to be ALONE." He KNOWS how much we need our spouses and how personal that relationship is.

What He is asking is that you recognize, understand, and KNOW how much HE needs a personal relationship with you, your spouse.

Some of us need to recognize how very selfish we are with our hearts and our spouse's heart. Desiring our relationship to be first and foremost and only wanting God to help us obtain that.

Today is a day of reflection on relationships and love. Today is a great day to feel pain from what we don't have at the moment OR a great day to open your heart to God in a new and deeper way and take the less selfish path.

Today is an opportunity to say, "God today, I am yielding to You, giving my heart and my spouse's heart to YOU so that YOU will be first and foremost today. There will be plenty of other Valentine's days where my spouse and I can recognize each other, but today I want us both to recognize YOU and put Your heart desires above our desires. I want YOUR heart to know how much we love You, appreciate, and honor You. Today, I am choosing YOU to be my Valentine."
Happy Valentine's Day!
Sheila Hollinger❤️💚💛💜

Surrendering is NOT Giving Up on a Restored Marriage 04/02/2023

Today I bring a message that speaks of a crossroads that many come to, repeatedly. A place where you find yourself wondering what do I do now? Keep going as I have, give up.............or a 3 options that many don't understand. Surrender. This is a very important part of every Standers journey and I pray you will take the time to watch this video. If you find the content of the message valuable, please support the video simply by giving it a THUMBS up on Youtube. Thank you.

Surrendering is NOT Giving Up on a Restored Marriage ✅ How You Can Support The Ministry and Message?👇~_~_~_~_~_~_~_👇1.) Hit the LIKE Button (It helps a ton!) 👍2.) SUBSCRIBE (and press the bell icon) 🔔3.) Co...

Will God Come Against our Free Will? Marriage Restoration 28/01/2023

Do you believe that we have the freedom of choice? And with that freedom, do you believe that God will not come against it? Not interfere, influence, or give consequences when we pick and choose something that is against His will, purpose, or plan for us?

Will God Come Against our Free Will? Marriage Restoration Do you believe that we have the freedom of choice? And with that freedom, do you believe that God will not come against it?

Being Destroyed? It doesn't have to be this way 16/01/2023

New Video is up. IF you like the message, please support by giving the video a LIKE. Thank you!!!

Being Destroyed? It doesn't have to be this way Links to crossroad articles:✅ How You ...

Do You Resent Your Spouse? Marriage Restoration 14/01/2023

Do You Resent Your Spouse? Marriage Restoration The main source of resentment occurs when there are unresolved issues from humiliation and feelings of being used or taken advantage of.

Why Faith is So Important in Standing for Marriage? 03/01/2023

Inside of you, right now, you have what you need to stand firm, strong, and handle the pain. You have love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control as a fruit of being born again, accessible to you. What stops that fruit is when we live unrestrained, doing as we please, allowing our flesh to do as it wills, and we PRACTICE any of the things in Galatians 5:19

Why Faith is So Important in Standing for Marriage? Why Faith is So Important in Standing for Marriage? Posted by Sheila Hollinger | Jan 3, 2023 | Spiritual Growth | 0 | The Classic Amplified Bible defines faith as this: Faith in Jesus is the leaning of your ENTIRE human personality on Him in ABSOLUTE trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and go...

Are You Hurt and Offended? Marriage Restoration 02/01/2023

Are You Hurt and Offended? Marriage Restoration Is that offense you are holding worth holding onto if it means you are no longer able to receive God's forgiveness for your mistakes and sins?

Un-Happy New Year? Another Year Standing for Restoration 31/12/2022

When we struggle or see someone else stuck in the same struggle and start to lose faith and hope that it’s going to give way and produce change, we have to let go of that fear, worry, and doubt and trust Him. He knows what He is doing. His timing is perfect, and He is not intimidated by our urgency. He won’t be persuaded to go against His perfect plans for us, our spouse or our situations simply because we have become desperate.

Un-Happy New Year? Another Year Standing for Restoration Facing the new year with dread and loss of hope? Is the new year promising to look just like last year, with no change and continued pain?


Marriage Revealed Ministries Inc. is unlike other restoration ministries because we understand the real reasons behind your spouse’s hard heart and why they have chosen to abandon the marriage. We put relationships with God FIRST because the truth is, your marriage didn’t fall apart due to YOUR relationship having issues; it fell apart most likely because your spouse is having a spiritual identity crisis. And by sharing this insight with you through our YouTube Channel and the many articles on our website,, we can help ease the confusion, pain, and frustration that comes when we don’t understand what is really going on.

I can't emphasize enough how important it is to come out of a place of false assumptions and laying down what you think is the real reason behind your marriage falling apart.

A NEW YEAR is starting, seek the Lord for HIS knowledge and understanding about what is really going on. When we lean on our own understanding, the enemy takes advantage of that and will mislead US into more pain and discouragement. Let that sink in. Leaning on our own understanding is DANGEROUS because it can lead us into following our own will, not God's!

3 By WISDOM a house is built and by UNDERSTANDING it is established; 4 through KNOWLEDGE its rooms are filled with every precious and beautiful treasure.
Proverbs 24 BSB

What do We KNOW?-Standing for Marriage Restoration 28/12/2022

What do We KNOW?-Standing for Marriage Restoration What do We KNOW?-Standing for Marriage Restoration Posted by Jennipher Ringer | Dec 28, 2022 | Healing and Growth, Spiritual Growth | 1 | I’ve wanted to write for a while. I wanted to unleash my feelings, desires, hardships, etc. Every time I scroll though posts on the Facebook Group, I read someo...

Christmas should be EXTRA SPECIAL to those who are standing! 22/12/2022

The entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is God’s plan for redemption and restoration.

Do we really, really, really get this? God is ALL ABOUT restoration of us AND our spouses AND our marriages.

LONG before our marriage crisis – God ALSO had a plan for restoration. In fact, our Father HAD a plan prepared BEFORE the foundation of the world. Yes! Before creation, God already KNEW about our marriage trouble, and He already formed a plan! You’ve read this many times from different sources that God created “marriage” to reflect His relationship with mankind. As the “body of Christ” we are also “His Church” and “His Bride.” And because we’re “married” to Jesus Christ, we ARE in covenant with Jesus Christ…

Christmas should be EXTRA SPECIAL to those who are standing! I pray that all of us Standers would reflect on not just our Father’s plan for restoring us to Him, but also His plan for restoring our spouses to Him

My Youngest Daughter Drew Me Back to Jesus! 10/12/2022

I left because I felt unloved, disrespected, unappreciated, and seen as just a paycheck.

I believed I was unimportant as a man, husband, and father, and if I lost my job, they would no longer need or want me.

My Youngest Daughter Drew Me Back to Jesus! My Youngest Daughter Drew Me Back to Jesus! Posted by Sheila Hollinger | Dec 10, 2022 | Perspective From The Lost | 0 | I thought I would share some of my personal journeys with you. There is a lot, and my hope is to share much of it with you, but in stages. A little backstory. I was married for 14....

Is God Showing Me It's Time to Quit Standing for Marriage Restoration? 29/11/2022

Is God Showing Me It's Time to Quit Standing for Marriage Restoration? ✅ How You Can Support The Ministry and Message?👇~_~_~_~_~_~_~_👇1.) Hit the LIKE Button (It helps a ton!) 👍2.) SUBSCRIBE (and press the bell icon) 🔔3.) Co...

Our Story

Is your marriage in crisis? Are you facing an unwanted separation or divorce? Perhaps your spouse has left you for someone else or is struggling with an addiction, and everyone is telling you “to move on, God has someone better”…..but God is whispering to your heart something else. “Hold on. Trust Me. I have a plan.”


You are not alone! And no, you are not crazy. God has been whispering to many to stand firm and trust Him to heal and restore their marriages. And He is doing just that!

God heals, restores, and saves marriages!

Videos (show all)

Divorce Doesn't Mean the End to Your Marriage