Curly Hair Guru

Curly Hair Guru

How to care for your curly hair, product reviews, and easy DIY's to keep your natural curly hair in

Timeline photos 04/03/2017

Secrets behind Deep Conditioning:

When you are planning on deep conditioning it may be hard to find the perfect one you can stick with. Often enough the weather changes meaning our hair may be more dry/moisturized. It is helpful to find out what your hair needs at the time of deep conditioning. When your hair feels weak use a protein based DC, when it feels dry use a moisturizer based DC.

How often should I DC?
This varies from person to person. You have to figure out what your hair needs. If you are just starting out I recommend once a week. If you find your hair needs more or less than adjust from their. DC will make your hair more manageable, soft, and less frizzy.

How long should I leave it in? Heat or no heat?
You may think the longer I leave it in the better it will work! WRONG. DC should start working instantly. You should leave your DC in for no more than 30 minutes. If you find your hair did not benefit anything after 30 minutes then that DC is not the one for you.
When you heat up your DC (preferably a water bath), it will make your hair smoother and softer than it would be if you did not. If your DC is protein based it will feel stronger. Heat=extra absorption.

Should I focus on my ends or roots?
Most deep conditioners say apply to ends and work your way up. Now, if your like me, I do the exact opposite. You are actually supposed to apply it on your ends first because that is the oldest, dryess, weakess part of your hair. When you apply to your ends first it gives the DC time to absorb while you finish the rest of your hair.

Always read the ingredients on your DC!! Remeber, only the first 5 ingredients (not including water) has the most impact on your hair. I recommend making a DIY DC. Let me know if you want recipes πŸ™‚

Hope this helps! Feel free to comment any questions 😊

Timeline photos 01/10/2016

Braids/Pony Damage ?

Braids: A lot of us may think to get our hair to grow we can just throw some braids in it and when we take them out in 2-3 weeks and our hair would be in a healthier state. We think this because we aren't touching and messing with our hair therefore not creating any damage. This is partly true. Braids can be good every now and then but all the time it can be damaging. If hair is braided too tightly it can break away from its roots resulting in splitting hair and damaged follicles. It is good to take a break from braids.

Pony: I can admit I am guilty of this one, I always do my Pineapple bun! 🍍It is quick, easy, and manageable. Putting your hair in a pony or bun all the time in the same spot especially with an elastic band, is actually damaging our hair. The bands are often too tight and causes breakage in the spot your tying it. Now if you put your hair in a pony for like 2 hours a day you should be ok. And if you are not ready to give up pony/buns then don't. Just make your pony as loose as possible and use a silk hair tie.


What products should you use/avoid depending on porosity?

Low: Use products containing more alkaline ingredients. Avoid using products with low pH. Steamers are also good to help open your cuticules.

High: if you hair absorbs moisture fast then looses it just as quickly oils and butters may be just right for you. You should rinse your hair regurally using a apple cider vinegar mix and do protein treatments.

Timeline photos 20/09/2016

Lets talk about hair porosity. This is something that everyone should know but they don't know because they think its way to difficult to understand, but in fact its not! Porosity is your hairs' ability to hold moisture. That's it!
A good way to test what your prosity is to fill up a glass of room-temp water and drop a strand in the water. If your hair stays floating at the top, you have low prosity hair meaning your hair does not absorb water nor moisture as good. If your hair stays on the middle of the glass this is normal. Your hair holds moisture for a good period of time! πŸ‘ Keep in mind tho, if you have normal porosity hair and you apply too much heat or chemicals it will effect your hair prosity level. Now, if your hair sinks to the bottom then you have high prosity hair. This means your hair absorbs moisture fast, but dries out quickly.
Some people think if you have high prosity hair your hair is damaged and low and normal are healthy hair. This is incorrect. But, ideally you want to have "normal" porosity.
I will be making another post for what kind of products you should use/avoid for each porosity type. πŸ™„

Timeline photos 17/09/2016

Ok, so first thing first. Whether you are already a natural or in the process of it is EXTREMELY important to know your hair type. As you can see from the chart below it has every single hair type (You have one of these)!
Many people believe this is not important but in fact it is. In order for you to know what kind of products works best for your hair you need to know your hair type.
As you can see the chart goes from straight to kinky. Straight does not need as much moisture as kinky does.
Also I would like to point out their is no such thing as "good hair" or "bad hair." Everyone's hair is beautiful. 😏 The first step in becoming a natural is to love your own hair, if you don't learn to love your hair you will never be happy with it.


Hello everyone! Welcome to my newest page! I will be sharing tips and tricks as well as DIY's and product reviews! πŸ€— If you are a natural or thinking about going natural this is the page for you. Hope you enjoy 😊
