Soul School Videos

Videos by Soul School. Soul School helps you awaken your wisdom and actualize your awesome. Follow us for daily Soul Care.

Give yourself a pat on the back and the acknowledgment you deserve. So what if you haven’t done it all, or gotten as far as you expected — you are trying, and that means you are living! Accomplishment and achievement are fleeting moments, a check mark on a “to do” list ✅ true lasting joy is found in the moment, created by our attitude. Stop putting off celebrating yourself on some future date when you feel you’ve earned the right. Start right now! Give yourself credit for all you are, your impact on others, and the many ways you’ve grown. You’ve had enough pity parties. Today, have an I am pretty awesome party 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 #spiritualawakening #selfloveisthebestlove #lifecoaching #soulcoach #soulcare #beyourownbestie #spirituality #reelsviral

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Give yourself a pat on the back and the acknowledgment you deserve. So what if you haven’t done it all, or gotten as far as you expected — you are trying, and that means you are living! Accomplishment and achievement are fleeting moments, a check mark on a “to do” list ✅ true lasting joy is found in the moment, created by our attitude. Stop putting off celebrating yourself on some future date when you feel you’ve earned the right. Start right now! Give yourself credit for all you are, your impact on others, and the many ways you’ve grown. You’ve had enough pity parties. Today, have an I am pretty awesome party 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 #spiritualawakening #selfloveisthebestlove #lifecoaching #soulcoach #soulcare #beyourownbestie #spirituality #reelsviral

Repeat aloud 3 times to grow into your Ultimate Self and activate the reality your desire. Recite these affirmations throughout the day, so so daily and often, until you feel this to be true and see the reality in your life. The Truth is you are fully loved, protected, and supported by Divine beings, your Guardian Angels who exist solely to help you fulfill you Life Purpose, which is living your most fulfilling life. #soulcare #mantra #affirmations #spiritualawakening #spirituality #reelsviral #creatorweekchallenge #meditation #soulcare #soulschool #spiritualcoach

Affirmations help clear fear and increase qualities you want to cultivate. For affirmations to work it requires more than merely reciting words. 1. To begin, set your intention, “I AM what I say I AM”. 2. Breathe deeply to center in your soul and ground your power. On exhale, release blocks (disbelief), on inhale, breathe in purifying light to open your mind. 3. Recite affirmations with emphasis and energy, commanding it to be so. 4. Declare affirmations both silently and aloud. Write down your affirmations to magnify their power and lock in the learning. 5. Repeat until you believe what you are saying, and feel it to be true. 6. Continue to recite your affirmations frequently, intensifying your believe, bringing your desires to reality. F O L L O W Soul School for spiritual awakening processes, guide meditations, mindfulness practices, Soul Care, and more. #meditation #spiritualawakening

HOW TO MANIFEST: Seeing 11:11 is a reminder from the Universe that what you think will become your reality. It’s akin to the Universe taking a snapshot of your thoughts, saying, “Is THIS what you want to bring into your life?” Seeing 11:11 gives you an opportunity to clear worries and adjust your thoughts shifting your attention to focus on what you most desire. When you see 11:11 (or 111) harness your full energy to focus on one specific thing you most desire to manifest; it can be a quality, like peace or joy, or a particular, like $500 KNOW THIS: We are always manifesting. Our thoughts become the things that show up in our life. But thought alone is not powerful enough to bring forth creation. We must be in energetic alignment with our desires, feeling the joy, love, abundance we desire to attract. We must believe we are worthy. We must have faith our dreams are possible. We attract what we are. Fear attracting fearful situations. The first step in manifesting all the goodness and greatness we deserve is to release our fear— a step might need to repeat until you’ve cleansed your mind of worries. This step requires faith in a benevolent power greater than yourself. Focusing on gratitude, literally counting your blessings, and giving sincere thanks, puts you in the mindset to recieve. Focusing on what you don’t have does the opposite, it creates lack conscious, pushing away that which you hope to attract. Give thanks that the earth will rise to support you, the Universe bends to bring your heart’s desires to life— your job is keeping your mind centered on your heart’s desires with joyful anticipation. Inspired Action is an integral aspect of manifesting. Ask the Universe (God) to show you the way, to guide your steps, clear a path, and when possible, bring “it” to you. Quiet your mind to open to recieve Divine Guidance. Listen. Take action when nudged. Be still. Remain open. Believe. F O L L O W Soul School for tips and tools that

Soul Care is the self-care you need.
Reduce stress & increase your peace and joy with Soul Care, which will quiet your mind so you can hear Divine Guidance. Your Guardian Angels are always giving you messages that will help you move forward on your Highest Path of Purpose; feelings of stress, worry, and anxiety block your reception. Follow us for guided meditations and mindfulness practices that will bring your within to reconnect with your soul and claim your power to create a life you love. Since opening Soul School in 1990, founder, Master Certified Transformation Coach, Krista-Lynn Landolfi, MCC, has helped many thousands to super-size their soul. It’s your turn now. Soul Care is the self-care you need. Coach KL will help you elevate your energetic vibration, awaken higher levels of consciousness, and move forward on your Highest Path of Purpose with Grace, ease, and joy. Click “follow” and select “follow first” to ensure our posts show up in your news feeds. #selfcare #soul #transformation #lifecoach #spirituality

Super Moon 🌝 Power Charge, prep for June 14th Full Moon 🌕 Soul School founder, Krista-Lynn Landolfi shares insights into how to best harness the power of this outrageously potent Sagittarius ♐️ Full Moon, the first of two SUPER Moons in a row giving us an opportunity to release heaviness weighing us down, to clear our mind and hearts of resentments and regret, and clear the path of our Highest Holy Purpose, so we can move forward with Grace, ease, and joy. The old way of struggle and strife is ending No longer do we need to learn through suffering—a JOY Uprising is on the horizon! Tune in for ways you can center with soul and ascend with the rising moon. Gaze at the full moon (preferably outside) with intention to clear and cleanse your mind of all fear and worry. This will help you experience full release, so like the Sagittarius you can connect with Cosmic Consciousness and awaken the wise sage within you. ⭐️ Send STARS ⭐️ to show your appreciation for this broadcast, which is given freely, to assist you in rising into your Ultimate Awesome — your Super Self, which is your soul set free! Send a Blessing of a ⭐️ 1000 STARS ⭐️ ($10) and recieve a 1 card Angel Reading with Krista-Lynn, conducted privately over video on Facebook Messenger 😇

🧘‍♀️ GUIDED MEDITATION 🧘‍♀️ Watch to release stress & center in peace. Reboot your brain with one minute of mindful meditation and breathwork. Visual prompt to harmonize breathing and calm nervous system. Follow Soul School for SOS: Sixty-Seconds of Soul-Care reels & videos. #soulschool #meditation #guidedmeditation #soulcare #mindfulness #spiritualgrowth #stressrelief #mentalhealth #wellness #wellbeing #spirituality #soul #spiritualawakening

💜 Heart Healing 💜 release anger & upset and increase peace & joy as you watch this reel, which has been energetically activated to instantly quiet your ego (monkey mind) and awaken your soul. This simple, yet empowering process helps you to shift and lift your thoughts so you can consciously confront bottled up feelings and let go of that which no longer serves you. #energyhealing #emotionalhealth #heartchakra #wellbeing #soulcare #mentalwellness #mentalhealthawareness #soulschool #spirituality #spiritualawakening #chakras #wellness #soulwork #peace

Soulcare for Success

#3tobefree meditation