

Popcorn Punk!


Just realizing how old we are.. Shelbyville existed (and broke up) before Instagram was a thing 😳


Anyone else out there hoping for a Shelbyville reunion!? Currently boppin' to Avalon 🤘


Harrisburg, next weekend Aaron (aka Benji Madden) is joining up with a crew at XL Live to rock a nostalgic set of Good Charlotte tunes! Popcorn punk has survived! Get your tix in advance.

This isn’t a Little Thing… This is a full Good Charlotte tribute for Halloween Baby!.. it’s time to Riot Girl! Get tickets now!!


Apparently there’s a new Shelbyville album lol. Doesn’t sound like us.

Head Above Water (Acoustic EP), by Shelbyville 05/01/2022

I've always wanted to release an album of Shelbyville acoustic tracks. Finally figured out how to translate the songs to acoustic and put together this short ep. Hope you enjoy!

Head Above Water (Acoustic EP), by Shelbyville 3 track album

The Fall, by Anchor End 11/04/2021

We’ve been hearing for years that you’ve wanted a Shelbyville acoustic album. Well, it’s finally here!! It’s only been 11 years since the release of Head Above Water... take us back. There’s also 8 new originals by Aaron released on his first solo album as Anchor End.



The Fall, by Anchor End 11 track album


Remember when we used to do live shows in person? Well, this one you can join from home! Join me at 5:00 next Wednesday for my album release live stream on YouTube Live. I’ll be performing the whole record from front to back! 🎸🎵

Shelbyville at Sherman Theater 2009 23/12/2020

Found some old footage from Shelbyville at Sherman Theater with Patent Pending! Not the best quality, but it was the best times. There’s a lot of other old Shelbyville content on my YouTube channel if you hunt for it.

Shelbyville at Sherman Theater 2009 Shelbyille at Sherman Theater for Pop Punk Fest with Patent Pending

NEW SONG! Lie To Me (Original) 04/06/2020

I appreciate seeing so many friends, family, and fans of our band using their voices to protest the injustices we’ve witnessed for far too long in this country, and the issues we’ve seen recently. Through music and the community, I had always hoped to have a positive impact on those we shared in these experience with in our hometown and the places we visited. Thank you for being a positive influence on me.

Here’s a new song I’ve been working on that was inspired by many recent issues. Hopefully this movement will transform the lives of those whose voices haven’t been heard. It’s time to listen.

Lie To Me

I don’t know what it is you’re thinking but don’t say it out loud
Whatever’s on your mind it’s probly best to keep to yourself

Cuz if I don’t hold you back you’re gonna say things you’ll regret
I’m gonna give you one last chance to lie to me

We say whatever we want without logic or common senses or consequences
All your belligerent views seem to be rooted in ignorance and opinions
Wasn’t the last thing you told me exactly the opposite of what I just heard you say
This will be over eventually so don’t be on the wrong side of history

This world could use a bit of honesty
You can’t believe what you’ve been told
Everybody’s walls are telling different stories and leaning so hard they could fall
Last night you swore your heart was turning black and blue
I’m starting to feel it too

But if I don’t hold you back
You’re gonna say things you’ll regret
I’m gonna give you one last chance to lie to me

NEW SONG! Lie To Me (Original) Been working on this throughout quarantine, but it feels good to finish and post considering how this week went. What a mess... Stay safe. Be positive. Never...

Shelbyville - How To Fight Something That Eats Planets (Acoustic) 24/05/2020

Last song on Head Above Water redone acoustic, wasn’t expecting it to translate so well. Excited to be playing these again! Hope it’s fun to hear them again, too.

Shelbyville - How To Fight Something That Eats Planets (Acoustic) Song from my old band. Didn’t expect it to translate to well to acoustic. Threw in some hints from either tunes as well.

Shelbyville - Recalibrate & Celebrate (Acoustic) 22/05/2020

Shelbyville acoustic video # 2! Glad I'm actually able to translate these songs into acoustic. Let me know what you think.

Shelbyville - Recalibrate & Celebrate (Acoustic) One of the tunes from my old band Shelbyville. I have a special place for this one. “We promised that we’d never change and since then I’ve never been the sa...

Shelbyville - Avalon (Original) 09/05/2020

Hey! It’s been a while. Hope everyone is doing well. I finally translated the chords in this song for acoustic. Still rocked the solo tho. Check it out.

Shelbyville - Avalon (Original) One of the tunes from my old band Shelbyville. So many mems...