Galatians 5:2

Galatians 5:2

God’s design of the male body is perfect; we need not fear it! Circumcision is unnecessary, painful, and alters God’s design! Catholic? Circumcision is nothing.

90% of Christians worldwide do *not* circumcise. In the most Christian countries in the world (places like Mexico, Poland, Brazil, Spain, Italy), the practice is almost unknown. The form of circumcision undergone by Christ was nothing like a modern day circumcision anyway. He would have looked more like an intact man than like someone who has had a typical American circumcision. The most common fo


Galatians teaches that circumcision is done, over, and finished.

Galatians 6:15 can be a contentious verse for people who come from a mindset that circumcision is normal or desirable.

They may interpret it to mean that circumcision status doesn't affect our salvation, therefore it is a parental "medical/hygiene"* choice. The first part is correct, the second part is not part of the verse, but something our culture assumes.

*I put "medical/hygiene" in quotes because many people think of it that way, not because circumcision has actual medical value or hygiene benefits...which are a whole different post!

Read different translations here:
Or look at the Greek words here:


Early Christians and . Christians must not circumcise.

Ex-Christian Makes Uncomfortable Small Talk After Running Into Jesus Christ At Store 22/12/2022

Ex-Christian Makes Uncomfortable Small Talk After Running Into Jesus Christ At Store DAYTON, OH—Awkwardly exchanging pleasantries with the Lord and Savior she broke things off with a year ago, ex-Christian Libby McNeil made uncomfortable small talk Wednesday after running into Jesus Christ at the grocery store. “Oh, hey Jesus, how have you been? Still living in Heaven?” said M...


An insightful question with no rational answer.



"I grew up in a very sheltered home. My parents did not exactly educate me about the opposite s*x. I did not even know what circumcision or fo****ins were until I hit adulthood. All of my siblings were girls and most every child that I babysat was a girl. When I had my first two children and they were both female, I felt completely confident in my knowledge and ability to care for these beautiful little blessings. However, when I found out that our third child was going to be a boy, I was suddenly extremely aware of my lack of knowledge concerning the opposite s*x. Yes, I have a husband, and thankfully he is such that I am able to defer to him concerning questions that I have. We were both quite intrigued and disgusted by much of what we learned through the process of researching modern day circumcision.

I began to thoroughly research the history and science of circumcision and even talked to three separate doctors concerning what I had come to realize was not a necessity but a cosmetic procedure.

The fo****in serves a great function. It is not just a flap of skin. The fo****in is half of the skin surrounding the p***s. The fo****in is an “intricate web of blood vessels, muscle, and nerves. In fact, the fo****in contains about 240 feet of nerve fibers and tens of thousands of specialized erotogenic nerve endings of various types, which can feel the slightest pressure, the lightest touch, the smallest motion, the subtlest changes in temperature, and the finest gradations in texture. … In many ways, the fo****in is just like the eyelid. It covers, cleans, and protects the g***s just as the eyelid covers, cleans, and protects the eye. Also, just as the eyelid can open and close to uncover the eye, so the fo****in can open to reveal the delicate g***s. The fo****in’s inside fold is lined with a smooth red tissue called mucous membrane. This type of tissue is also found lining the lips, the inside of the mouth, and the inner fold of the eyelid. The fo****in’s soothing inner fold gently keeps the surface of the g***s healthy, clean, shiny, warm, soft, moist, and sensitive.” (The Whole Network)"

Faith shares more myths about circumcision here on the blog!


Removing a healthy finger from a child won't make them more resistant to disease or injury. That finger can't get disease anymore of course, but neither can it feel, write, point or type.



The only way a man’s p***s can have less nerve endings is if the forskin has been amputated 😭


If you believe that God exists and that everything he made was very good, what are some ways you live that out?


I walked when I was ready.
I held a pencil when I ready.

Don't rush fo****in will retract when it is ready, just like my teeth will fall out when they're ready.

Average age to retract is around 11, and any time between preschool and late teens is common and normal.

There's no inherent risk or problem with not being able to fully retract at age 5 or 10 or 15.

Timeline photos 24/01/2022

Did you know?
Aside from the United States, no other country in the world routinely circumcises its baby boys for non-religious reasons.
Circumcision has no justifiable benefits and is in fact harmful – from pain and suffering, to surgical botches, to reduced maternal-child bonding.

Non-therapeutic male circumcision in infancy or childhood and risk of human immunodeficiency virus and other s*xually transmitted infections: national cohort study in Denmark - PubMed 16/10/2021

Non-therapeutic male circumcision in infancy or childhood and risk of human immunodeficiency virus and other s*xually transmitted infections: national cohort study in Denmark - PubMed Whether male circumcision in infancy or childhood provides protection against the acquisition of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or other s*xually transmitted infections (STIs) in adulthood remains to be established. In the first national cohort study to address this issue, we identified 810,719....