Sheswai Beauty is Sacred Self-Care for the Modern Human

Sheswai Beauty is Sacred Self-Care for the Modern Human

Sheswai Beauty is custom blended plant-based potions with seasonally curated offerings for your body, mind, and Spirit.

In-person and virtual Sacred SelfCare sessions are available. . Sacred • Self • Care
These are ancient practices and vital priorities for the modern human. My study & practice with plants and people has evolved steadily from holding space in ceremony, to creating plant-based potions for the body & Spirit, and curating offerings for your personal altar space. From candles with brass holders, brass bells to smoke wands, tarot decks and anointing oils, there is a "bundle" for everyone!

Photos from Sheswai Beauty is Sacred Self-Care for the Modern Human's post 11/07/2024

Herbal Poultices are an ancient remedy used by many cultures to soothe and aid in healing.
My custom herbal poultices include a nourishing blend of plants & petals wrapped in organic cotton muslin and steam heated. With the skin exfoliated and the lymphatic system stimulated, your skin is more ready to absorb the beneficial nutrients. The poultice is lightly kneaded over the body; allowing the herbs to help muscles relax and the nervous system to center & calm.can reduce inflammation, encourage circulation and lymphatic drainage help balance hormones, relieve joint pain, boost the immune system and tone the skin.

The warmth of the poultice and aroma of the herbs combine to create a deeply soothing experience


May we all FEEL FREE!
With Love.



Although there’s been seasonal renditions of this magical mist, this latest blend is here to stay!

This scent was crafted as an offering to the unseen realms ~ our ancestors, spirit guides, and plant spirits.

A potent combination of oils to clear your space & call-in your deepest prayers, wishes, and intentions.
Mist in your sacred space before spellwork or meditation, and anytime your space needs an energetic reset.

*vetiver, holy basil, to***co, lisylang, cardamom, patchouli

A rich, grounding scent reminiscent of the holy smoke of incense.

*Receive a complimentary 2oz bottle with every purchase of our Bathing Bundles ~ until July 20
**available in US only

Photos from Sheswai Beauty is Sacred Self-Care for the Modern Human's post 21/06/2024

It’s such a cosmic time to infuse a fresh batch of the Sacred Serum Body Oil!
With calendula & rosemary infusing in all the rich flesh-loving oils under a ripe Full Moon and Summer Sun!

All Sheswai potions are made seasonally using only organic plants, flowers, and clean cold-pressed oils. The process of infusing the plants in oil and letting it brew moon to moon allows for the extraction of energy & medicinal properties to infuse into the oil. I like to infuse different herbs with various base oils to create a synergy that provides a rich, full-bodied high-vibe beauty blend.
After the infusion is strained, a blend of essential oils and flower essences are added to heighten the scent, spirit, and benefits of the plants. It makes for a truly potent potion to nourish our body, spirit, heart and mind.
This batch with be strained in September to nourish our flesh into the Fall and Winter.
There are a few bottles left from the luscious Spring batch that you can find on the website. 💛

Photos from Sheswai Beauty is Sacred Self-Care for the Modern Human's post 10/06/2024

As the weather heats up we tend to wear less and show more summer skin ~ keep it glowing with a homemade scrub!
I wrote a simple how-to recipe for one of my favorite herbal publications
Botanical Anthology.
You can read the recipe I share as well as many others in the SUMMER issue launching today, June 10

Botanical Anthology is a plant lover’s dream! A seasonally curated, plant centered magazine available in both digital and print form. Each issue offers over 40 articles from over 40 contributors incorporating herbs for almost any facet of your life; from your apothecary & kitchen, to foraging & gardening, to crafts, rituals, and celebrations...
There truly is inspiration for everyone!

Brought to you by ~ a group of creators, herbalists, gardeners, foodies, bakers, crafters, artists, educators and witchy women on a mission to encourage you to deepen your connection to plants. A self-published, grassroots collective supporting herbalists doing their thing!

The Summer issue is available for digital download, or if you prefer the beauty of a printed page like I do, you can order the printed version via Amazon

You can find a direct LINK IN MY BIO 💛

From June 10th – June 19th, you can receive the digital download of
BOTANICAL ANTHOLOGY SUMMER for just $16 and get the ALL ABOUT ROSE booklet free!
*After June 19th the price goes up to $20 and the All About Rose booklet
is an additional charge.

I’ll be sharing more from this special publication throughout the week ~ feel free to comment SUMMER and I’ll send you a direct link 🫶🏽

Photos from Sheswai Beauty is Sacred Self-Care for the Modern Human's post 03/06/2024

Some days it’s about the simple things…just flowers.

with love,

Photos from Sheswai Beauty is Sacred Self-Care for the Modern Human's post 15/03/2024

::Spring Cleaning::
I love a good scrub ~ in home and body!
The accumulated clutter is finding its proper place, the drawers & cabinets with more room to hold just what’s necessary, and the load is starting to feel lighter. ‘Tis the Season!
The same goes for our precious bodies ~
A sweet scrub from toes to top is cleansing & invigorating, and leaves flesh soft for inspiration, with space to hold just what’s necessary.
As we continue to nourish ourselves & those seeds of inspiration this season, let’s keep it gentle, loving, and sweet!

Sheswai’s Sacred Sugar Oat Scrub is a divine way to release & let go of stagnant energy, a gentle exfoliation of what no longer serves, and creates space for the plants and oils to nourish, soothe, and inspire.
You can find this small batch seasonal blend on my website ~ along with some always in-season bathing practices!

with Love,

Photos from Sheswai Beauty is Sacred Self-Care for the Modern Human's post 09/09/2021

Hi! I haven’t tended to this digital space in a while as my three dimensional world required some tending of it own.
I’ve been brewing a fresh bounty of my beloved Sacred Serum Body Oil for this coming Equinox and just poured the golden goods today!
A luscious blend of soothing oils infused with the ever-wise healing energy of plants to nourish your sacred self head to toe.
Made in Love ~
From my sacred space to yours.


To all the Mothers
In all the ways
Thank You.

Photos from Sheswai Beauty is Sacred Self-Care for the Modern Human's post 01/05/2021

I love the first day of May ~ it is Beltane, the beloved ritual of celebrating the pleasures of Spring & the delights of Summer to come, {it’s also the month I was born! ♉️}
Every year I like to share this flower crown how-to as it’s a lovely way to honor yourself and all that’s blossoming around you!
In Joy, Enjoy!


As we come upon another sacred turn of the wheel known as Beltane (May 1), I am clearing & cleaning to let the vibes rise high.
It takes mindful efforts to shift energy to allow for a new perspective, a clean slate, a fresh beginning...
As we approach this portal of play & celebration, let’s get back to the basics of JOY.
Kind, simple, healthy, hi-vibe, smiling, dancing joy!

with Love. 💟


poem by Kelly Jayne

I'm the Mother of you all,
The air in every breath you take,
The magic in the seed that grows,
I am in everything you make,
I'm part of you,
You're part of me,
I'm the sun, moon, stars and sea,
I'm the wind blowing through your hair,
The clouds racing through the air,
I'm the water quenching thirst,
The food keeping you alive,
I'm a million different species,
All this beauty for your eyes,
I'll forever be your home,
Fight not for owns part of me,
I'm a home for every soul,
Here, now, eternally.



Photos from Sheswai Beauty is Sacred Self-Care for the Modern Human's post 21/03/2021

And the Spring Equinox Box from


goes to....

🌸 🌸

We trust you will find inspiration for your sacred selfcare with each of our offerings.
Here’s to Spring & new growth!

please send me a DM for details to receive. 💟


::Spring Blessings::
May this gentle turn toward light & balance bring determination to grow more brave with rooted support.
May we blossom into our most inspired vision of ourselves.
May we share & shine bright for nothing more than the joy it brings to our own hearts.
And So It Is!

Photos from Sheswai Beauty is Sacred Self-Care for the Modern Human's post 20/03/2021

An important part of blooming is being grounded so roots can take hold, allowing for the blossoming to come. Creating a sacred altar space can become the foundation of your growth; a place that is yours alone to drop in to a practice of selfcare.
The Rooted Bundle offers a few tools to encourage that practice ~ an anointed beeswax candle to light with intention & matches that remind you to Make Your Magic.
A brass candle holder to glow warmly with the light of your magic. A pocket size notebook + pen to write & release, and wishes to hold secret.
And a sacred smokewand of selenite/sage/palo santo & a peacock feather to protect, clear, and raise your potent energy. All of this comes bundled in a linen bag that is perfect to hold your treasures & sacred tools.

This bundle, along with an altar cloth from and a tincture from .return is being gifted in our Spring Equinox Giveaway.
There’s is a few hours left to enter...check out my post a few days ago for details.

Here’s to letting your light shine brighter!

Photos from Sheswai Beauty is Sacred Self-Care for the Modern Human's post 19/03/2021

::Herbalist Spotlight::
• • • • •
I had the pleasure of siting in circle with Pia when studying with at the Gaia School of Healing in CA ~ it was an easy & instant connection.
Pia’s knowledge and work in the health & yoga communities is the foundation of what makes her a trusted ally in ones healing journey.
The ease in which she communes with the plants and understands how to be of service to them is what makes her beautiful tinctures so potent.

Nourishing ourselves with the power of plants is a vital part of sacred selfcare ~ I am proud to partner in the offering of ‘Spirit Rising’ byreturn in our Spring Equinox Giveaway!

To Enter:
• Follow .return
• Tag 2 friends
• ends 3/20 at noon

Take Care & Share!

Photos from Sheswai Beauty is Sacred Self-Care for the Modern Human's post 18/03/2021

::Artist Spotlight::

• • • • •
I came across Mary on Instagram and instantly loved her vibe. After moving to Northern CA I was hungry for sacred-circle with like-minded women, and just like that Mary came to town to hold space for a daylong retreat in Marin with Jesse from .eye.healing

At that retreat we were each gifted an altar cloth that Mary had made ~ a plant dyed beauty that is the foundation upon which all my sacreds lay. I have since purchased a few others, as I have many sacred spaces and like to change up my altars seasonally or with the Moon.
Each cloth is one of a kind, made only a couple times a year, and is a true treasure to score.
Swipe left to see the beauty we’re gifting in our Spring Equinox giveaway box!

Mary has been working with the Tarot for over 15 years and draws from a variety of esoteric systems including clairvoyance, astrology, mediumship and reiki to conduct her readings and teachings. She’s tuned in, turned on, and is the real deal.


~ Celebrate Spring ~
with an offering fromreturn

🌸 • 🌸 • 🌸
In service to the Spring Equinox and shining more light, we have gathered some tools
to inspire your sacred selfcare & altar space.

The chosen person will receive:
🌸 a one of a kind ALTAR CLOTH from Mary Grisey

🌸 altar tools in the ROOTED BUNDLE from Sheswai

🌸 herbal tincture SPIRIT RISING from Wild Return

• LIKE this post
• TAG 2 friends

Giveaway ends on the Spring Equinox, Saturday March 20 at 12noon
Winner chosen randomly and will be notified Sunday March 21

We wish you luck & give you gratitude for supporting our small female owned businesses!

*this giveaway is not in any way sponsored, endorsed, or affiliated with Instagram


We are precious gifts to eachother and to ourselves.
We can cultivate more of it within ourselves when we practice sacred selfcare.
Creating a quiet space & place for yourself to honor your sacred Self - your Spirit, is a potent way to heal, dream, and manifest from.
Give your gifts to yourself!



In every way.
I’m proud to be one.


I wandered lonely as a Cloud
That floats on high o'er Vales and Hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host of golden Daffodils
Beside the Lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the Milky Way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
The waves beside them danced, but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee
A Poet could not but be gay
In such a jocund company:
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the shew to me had brought
For oft when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude,
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the Daffodils.

‘I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud’
by William Wordsworth


Here I Am.
This photo was taken at a different time in my life, living in Los Angeles...
holding sacred space, creating potions with plants, and generally making my magic.
Not much has changed other than a move to Marin, more sweaters, and a bigger garden to tend. (*Meanwhile everything changed but that’s a whole other post)
Sharing Sheswai with others has always been a great source of inspiration & joy. It feels nourishing in a way that becomes a catalyst for
more ~ more healing, more blooming, more love!
As I begin to feel my way out of quiet comfortable spaces, I look forward to creating a sacred virtual circle of practices, musings, and magic with you!

With love & care,

Photos from Sheswai Beauty is Sacred Self-Care for the Modern Human's post 03/03/2021

With so much to say at times, I have found great liberation in the listening.

First image by
Second via


As the Earth starts to awaken from the quiet of Winter, with the guide of some herbal allies, I am too.
The infusion of Butterfly Blue Pea and Schizandra are like a couple of great sisterfriends who gently hold space for your blossoming with subtle inside jokes & smiles to cajole you. 💟


::Full Moon Feels::
Rising high & shining bright
In full bloom, with hearts delight
As above, so within
Trusting yourself and intuition

*Sunset, Long Island by Georgia O’Keeffe -1939

Photos from Sheswai Beauty is Sacred Self-Care for the Modern Human's post 14/02/2021

I see you
Seeing me
Being seen by you
Means seeing you in me

In Love,

*photo by the everbabe


A New Moon
Your sacred space
to set with intent
Desires & goals
Light of fire & sacred smoke
A call to Spirit
Your guides so close with the pull of a card
Ring with gratitude
And So It Is.


Happy (sacred) Sunday

Our Story

Sheswai (pronounced she-sway) was created in 2008 by California native and celebrity nail stylist Debbie Leavitt. After launching and growing Sheswai Lacquer with great success, she closed production in 2015 to focus on her other passion - plant-based beauty & sacred self-care.

As an herbalist and 'green witch' her desire to create products & services for others has evolved into a re-launch of her beloved Sheswai brand... Sheswai Beauty ~ Sacred Self-Care for Modern Humans.

Videos (show all)

::Come & Get It::Sheswai Beauty is back in stock 💜Wild Love Apothecary in Topanga Canyon.Butterfly Bliss Mist is an acti...