Opportunity Cost Studios

Opportunity Cost Studios

A shameless promotion machine for the writings of one Matt Simpson. Thus far this includes the inte


I should point out that if you want to interact with me in a less dead platform, I am on Reddit as Hustler-Two, where I help moderate the subreddits for my publisher, Hosted Games and Choice of Games (and also talk a lot about Battlebots and Final Fantasy Tactics). I'm also on the forums of choiceofgames.com where I go by hustlertwo which is not any reference to actual hustling, just a username I came up with so long ago that the video game series it references was still putting out entries on the first PlayStation.

The Lake of Ake 18/10/2021

A bit of non-interactive fiction news: I have released my first children's book, an irreverent rhyming adventure titled The Lake of Ake. It was illustrated by FaerieWarrior and is available on Amazon in both paperback and eBook formats. I'd love for y'all to check it out!


The Lake of Ake The Lake of Ake