Pepperdine History Alumni

Pepperdine History Alumni

"What do you do with a history major?" You tell us!

Join our group and get in touch with old classmates and professors, post what you've been up to since graduation, and share your favorite books you've read lately.

Resolution of the Conference on Faith and History: Response to the Assault on the U.S. Capitol – Conference on Faith & History 13/01/2021

The American Historical Association and many other historical associations have condemned the attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6: The AHA has also compiled a list of resources for educators to place these events in historical perspective. Finally, please note this resolution of the Conference on Faith and History, which grapples with the significant role that Christians played in the assault on the U.S. Capitol.

May we continue to learn and to engage in conversations that promote truth telling and advance understanding of our current crisis and its historical roots.

Resolution of the Conference on Faith and History: Response to the Assault on the U.S. Capitol – Conference on Faith & History To our CFH community,During our annual meeting on Monday, January 11, 2021, the Conference on Faith and History board members voted unanimously to support the American Historical Association condemnation of the violent assault on the United States Capitol perpetrated one week ago today.


Alumni are welcome to join us tomorrow evening (Wednesday, Oct. 21), 7pm PDT, to say hi and watch Bryan Givens compete on Jeopardy against the legendary Ken Jennings (June 24, 2004). Message us for the Zoom link! We hope to see some of you on Zoom!


Statement from Seaver Faculty Historians:

This past summer Pepperdine dedicated itself to being an ally of Black students, staff and faculty. The recent decision by the Dean of the School of Public Policy to endorse a national petition to defund schools that utilize the 1619 project does not meet that goal. Historians disagree on portions of the 1619 project but it represents a voice in the national wrestling with slavery and its legacy. Historical perspectives should be analyzed and engaged, not censored. We believe that acknowledging the deep impact. Of slavery and systemic racism on the development of the United States is not anti-American. Though the Founding Fathers did not include most Americans in their declaration that “all men are created equal,” these words provided the foundation for the expansion of human rights that has since occurred. It has often been Americans of color who have most stimulated the United States to live up to the ideals of the Declaration of Independence.

A comprehensive understanding of our past emerges from analyzing historical interpretations with openness and humility. Threats to defund schools over curricula choices do not advance liberty or greater understanding. If we are to be one nation that values all Americans, then our history must reflect a real reckoning with its failures and achievements.

The Seaver History Faculty affirm their support for an open dialogue on the role of race in American History. We affirm the University Diversity Council’s statement on the importance of recognizing the role of slavery and racism in American history:

“The foundation of slavery in the history of this nation is indisputable and a sin with which the nation has failed to grapple meaningfully. Furthermore, curriculum that fails to acknowledge and engage with the realities and impacts of slavery and racism cannot produce students who are truly prepared to lead this world with the purpose, resolve, and compassion that the battle against prejudice demands.”

Randal Beeman, Sharyl Corrado, Stewart Davenport, Nicole Gilhuis, Bryan Givens, Tuan Hoang, Loretta Hunnicutt, Ed Larson, Darlene Rivas, Todd Wahlstrom

School of Public Policy Dean Shares Petition Against ‘Far Left Indoctrinating’ Curriculum ‹ Pepperdine Graphic 16/10/2020

What do the alumni of Pepperdine's History Department think of Dean Peterson's petition to ban teaching American history that does anything but "celebrate America"?

Read more in a recent Pepperdine University Graphic article: #.X4jHtlwm0O4.facebook

School of Public Policy Dean Shares Petition Against ‘Far Left Indoctrinating’ Curriculum ‹ Pepperdine Graphic Dean of the School of Public Policy Pete Peterson’s Oct. 12 email aims to defund schools teaching The 1619 Project and other “anti-American” curriculum. The petition was addressed to President Donald Trump, and Pepperdine community members such as Seaver faculty found the petition confusing.


Hey History Alumni,
We are updating our website, and would like to update the list of History alumni and their professions. Please e-mail Sharyl Corrado ([email protected]) if you're willing to be added to the list, and let her know what your job is and where you are working. We'd like to see some diversity in careers. Thanks much! Looking forward to hearing from you!


History News Network

It's been too long since we've posted on this history alumni page! Does anyone have any news we can share? How about any comments on articles at the History News Network site? Check out the article on Harriet Tubman, for example, or comment on the national decline in students getting a Bachelor's degree in history. We at Seaver College reflect this national trend. What are your thoughts on how we might address the resulting challenges?


Hey alums! Newer faculty member, Associate Professor Tanya Hart, has just published a new book. Congratulate her on the publication of Health in the City: Race, Poverty, and the Negotiation of Women’s Health in New York City, 1915–1930 by NYU Press!


Work and your wallet: 10 reasons history majors rule the business world

It's been too long: Employers, if you're not hiring history majors, you're missing out. History majors, no more bitching allowed about your job prospects. Here's why, to each party:


The Forum: Stories That Create

Hey all,

I'm currently working to spread the stories of those creating present day history and I'd appreciate any social media love you could give it.


Discover events, find links, and generally frolic through the true stories of Denver creativity → Download in iTunes


Congratulations to James Hudson, who has been awarded a Fulbright grant to China for the 2012-2013! James is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Texas, Austin. He will be returning to Hunan province in south China, where after graduating from Pepperdine in 2001, he spent three years as an English teacher. James explains that his project, "focuses on food riots in the early 20th century, specifically in Hunan's provincial capital of Changsha, where I will be living, working, and conducting most of my research."


Timeline Photos


I'm having way too much fun reading biographies in my first year seminar. We read several, but I particularly liked Watts on Henry Ford and Sutton on Aimee Semple McPherson. Anyone else read a good biography lately? From Darlene Rivas


AHA Today: New Report Finds U.S. History Majors Highest Earners in Humanities

Who knew? History pays. SectionsHomeAboutAdvocacyAnnual MeetingArchives WikiArticlesCommitteesEducationExecutive DirectorFrom the ArchivesGrants & FellowshipsHistory ProfessionJobs & CareersNewsPublicationsResourcesWhat We’re Reading


Judging Maria de Macedo by Bryan Givens

The history faculty, students, and alumni celebrate Bryan Givens new book, Judging Maria de Macedo: A Female Visionary and the Inquisition in Early Modern Portugal, published by Louisiana State University Press. Altoids for all! Maria's trial record includes a unique piece of evidence: a pamphlet she dictated to her husband fifteen years before her arrest. In the pamphlet, reproduced in its entirety in the book, Maria recounts in considerable detail her journey


Senior Thesis Presentations are Wednesday, April 13 at 6:30 pm in CAC 302. Remember when this was you?!


HISTORY TEACHING at Oxnard Community College. OCC is looking for a tenure track, full-time history instructor, M.A. required with a main focus in American history. The instructor "may also teach courses i Western Civilization and/or a sub-specialty within American history as needed." Contact Chris Horrock, Department Chair, Social Science at OCC. [email protected] or 805-986-5800, Ext. 1906.


So, we had the annual history barbecue last night. Professor Davenport read his top ten reasons to be a history major. The PhAT officers and members did an incredible job of organizing the event and their speeches were inspirational. Do you have a favorite memory from the barbecue?


Did you know Professor Givens is still popping and pushing altoids?


Did you know?
Did you know Professor Baird is writing the history of Pepperdine?
We'll be sure to let you know when and how to order when he finishes it!


Watching Nelson Mandela tool around at the World Cup final was an awe-inspiring sight, particularly to students of history. Any thoughts? I would think our rugby historians (for those of you who don't know, Pepperdine history had a rugby "wave" in 2005-2006) are prepared to offer insights drawn from Invictus!


Anyone interested in doing some research for an NBC television show? They are looking for history majors with excellent research skills. Contact Darlene Rivas for more information.


Did you know?

Did you know that the History Program has had two
Seaver College valedictorians in the past five years? They were
Brittany White in 2009 and Kimberly Lowe in 2006.


Did you know?

Did you know that the History Program now has a Modern Europeanist who
is an expert on Russia's Far East? Sharyl Corrado came to us in
2009-2010 with a PhD from University of Illinois.


Did you know?

Did you know that the faculty initiated an Honors Program in 2009-2010,
with three students writing honors theses and graduating with the
distinction "honors in history" on their diplomas? Our first honors
class included Brian Hamm, Sam Pike, and Mia Sullivan.
