New Hampshire Gun Owner's Rights

New Hampshire Gun Owner's Rights


a small (but growing!) page of people from the 'Shire, showing America how we rock our 2nd Amendment Rights back in the Granite State ^__^

…if our enemies think that there's "a gun behind every blade of grass.."

Foundational Rifle & Handgun Combined Course 02/05/2023

Foundational Rifle & Handgun Combined Course WMTC provides self defense, fi****ms, and organizational training and consultation at an affordable rate. As a local, veteran owned small business we aim to provide quality services at an affordable rate to help everyone prepare for the worst!


An often overlooked aspect of being prepared to defend yourself or your family is knowing when you may be justified in doing so! This course will provide you a base of understanding to work through the legal issues associated with using force in defense of yourself, others, or your home/property! Reach out to White Mountain Training & Consulting for more info!

You've armed yourself to defend your family, make sure you arm yourself with the knowledge to defend yourself from prosecution!

We still have plenty of slots in our NH Self Defense Law Seminars for September, these are done remotely to help make it easier for people to learn when they're legally justified to defend themselves!

We'll cover the the potential charges you may face, how the law protects you (or condemns you) in New Hampshire when you use force, the legal process and what to say if you've been involved in a self defense incident, NH specific case law, stand your ground and castle doctrine, and much more! Register for this course at

Reach out to us for more information or if you'd like to host a private session for your group or organization!


If anyone is interested in learning some new information or delving into a more technical/practical world of fi****ms check out White Mountain Tactical!


Good Morning 2A lovers, since I'm back in the state the page I'm gonna try to post more often. But remember any of you guys can post a discussion on the page, just keep it civil.


A black cat with a...necklace

It's almost here.


BREAKING: Kalashnikov Concern Releases New Micro Assault Rifle to Replace AKS-74U - 21st Century Krinkov! - The Firearm Blog The Russian small arms firm Kalashnikov Concern has announced several new weapons during the International Military-Technical Forum “ARMY 2016” held by the Russian government in Moscow, the first of which is a new take on a promising 20th Century experimental design. The new Kalashnikov MA (Малогаба...


Fellow 2A advocates, just yesterday our country was attacked by an ISIS affiliated terrorist. My heart goes out to the victims and their families. In the wake of this attack our government has chosen not to blame the terrorist let alone the group responsible for this but blame the method of the attack. New and unconstitutional legislation WILL follow and we must all band together and defend our families, our neighbors, each other, our rights, and our nation. Ladies and Gentleman be vigilant, and in this grevious time be compassionate, for we are not black, white, gay, straight, republican, or democratic; we are AMERICANS. Be safe, and good night.


What's everyone's favorite place to shoot in the state?


National Association for Gun Rights

Time is running out! Don't you want to be the lucky one who adds this to your collection? >>


Should suppressors (a.k.a “silencers”) be more widely available for gun owners?

Alright guys and gals, I'd love to hear some opinions on suppressors and whether or not you'd like to see them taken off the NFA The Depression-era anti-suppressor laws are antiquated and these days, ill-conceived.


What's everyone's setup on their ARs? I'm just running a Stag Model 8 with a Diamondhead hanguard.


5.56 NATO vs. 7.62 NATO vs 7.62x39, which round is better and why? (In your opinion)


BREAKING: ATF Issues Final Ruling on NFA Trusts, Eliminates CLEO Sign-Off for ALL NFA Paperwork... The ATF has issued its long awaited final ruling expanding the requirement for fingerprints, photo IDs, and background checks for “responsible persons” listed on a trust used to purchase items restricted under the National Fi****ms Act (such as silencers). The singleRead More


Stag Arms

A statement from Stag Arms on their recent run ins with the ATF
~Black Knight


NEW BRITAIN – Tuesday, December 22, 2015 – "Stag Arms, LLC today announced that the company and its founder, Mark Malkowski, have reached a resolution with government officials stemming from an investigation that began last year relating primarily to the timing of recordkeeping during the manufacturing process and compliance with federal fi****ms manufacturing and registration requirements. Both Stag Arms and Mr. Malkowski cooperated fully with the government throughout the investigation. While both Stag Arms and Mr. Malkowski believe that public safety was never compromised, they have agreed to enter guilty pleas and to pay significant fines, because doing so is in the best interests of the company and its employees. Mr. Malkowski has also agreed to transition the business to new ownership and is in advanced talks with a potential buyer. Mr. Malkowski will continue as a marketing consultant to the business and the industry for a period of time following the sale. Stag Arms takes its obligations to comply with all laws and regulations very seriously and has made comprehensive changes to ensure that similar problems cannot happen again and that best compliance practices are maintained in all of its operations."

– Stag Arms, LLC


~Black Knight

No Fly List, No Guns, No Due Process, No Way

This is an idea being promoted by the Democrats and some Republicans. Its sounds so easy. The No Fly List or Watch List is full of bad actors so we should pass a law that disallows a firearm transfer through a government background check? But it is oh so wrong.

The day that is enacted, guess who will be on the watch list ? You probably will. Certainly many folks reading this post will. Certainly TEA party types would be added to that list. Christian leaders who oppose the White House would be added to that list. Remember how the White House views you, the unwashed masses; “…they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.” Absolutely disgusting.

There is no due process to get on the list, and that is the problem. Not to mention all of the inaccuracies on the list. We all remember the famous story of Sen Ted Kennedy being on the no fly list. There are many articles published about less than 1% of the names submitted to the list are rejected. Nobody is right 99% of the time. Not even Dear Leader.

Should we trust a government that weaponized the IRS to go after their political opponents?
Should we trust a government who seized the phone records of American journalists?
Should we trust of government who because we were in an election cycle for weeks told us the attack at the US consulate in Benghazi was the result of a YouTube video?
Should we trust a government for the first time since the civil war has targeted and killed an American citizen without due process?
Should we trust a government who knowingly lied to 350 million Americans for months and months; “If you like your plan, you can keep it.”?
Should you trust of government where the Press Secretary has Soviet Propaganda displayed in his home as art?
This list can go on and on, but you all get the point.

I don’t have any problem with the government developing the Watch Lists as part of the GWOT, but you cannot start denying Americans their Constitutional rights without due process. It is part of the checks and balances that try to balance power in our government. It should never be abandoned.


Alright Gun Owners of NH, does anyone have any questions for us or any questions about fi****ms in general?
~Black Knight


Horror as terror strikes France again, killing 128

~Black Knight Terrorists struck six locations in Paris with gunfire and explosions, killing 153 people and seizing hostages in a nation traumatized by a second massacre in less than a year. The attacks occurred Friday night as residents and tourists reveled in bar...


Dozens Dead, Hostages Held in Multiple Paris Attacks

Break Break
~Black Knight At least eighteen people were killed in an outbreak of explosions and at least one shootout in Paris Friday, according to police.


What do you all carry? I carry a Springfield Armory XD-45le.
~Black Knight


BREAKING: Federal Bill Would Make Silencers Much Easier to Purchase

I hope this bill passes.
~Black Knight In a move that gun rights advocates have been pushing for years, Congressman Matt Salmon (R-AZ) has proposed a bill to eliminate suppressors from the overbearing restrictions imposed by the National Fi****ms Act of 1934 (NFA). The bill is appropriately named the Hearing Protection Act. "


BREAKING: Federal Court Issues Decision That Paves the Way For National Gun Ban

~Black Knight This week, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit has found that New York's controversial gun control law, the SAFE Act, is constitutional. The SAFE Act greatly restricts what types of weapons can be owned and greatly limits how and when weapons can be transferred between private


On September 11th, 2001 our great country was fell victim to an unprovoked attack. Great men and women lost their lives in a horrific act of agression aimed and terrorizing the free world and making it cower in fear. These terrorists believed that America was populated by sheep. They came to realize very quickly that it was not sheep that made up the United States of America, but rather sheep dogs; those who will put their lives on the line to protect the innocent and weak. These men and women never think twice about lending a helping hand or running into a collapsing tower to save anyone they possibly could. These men and women put their lives on the line locally and abroad. We all remember where we were and what we were doing when the attacks happened. But for a time following this tragedy people weren't black, white, hispanic, asian, immigrants, Muslims, Christians, or anything other than AMERICANS. We need to pull together now more than ever as one; as one family and nation. We need to stop all this petty intolerance and hatred of each other, for without each other we are a colony of ants waiting to be burned by a magnifying glass. Remember all those whose lives were lost on that fateful day. And regardless of the day, thank all those who run towards the sound of madness without any regard for their own well being. WE WILL NOT FORGET
~Black Knight


Basic Fi****ms Safety Course & Training
Outstanding course and even finer instructors. If you or someone you know wants to improve your handling or marksmanship these are the guys to go to.
~Black Knight


Alright Gun Owners, question time, What was your most enjoyable shooting experience? (What kind of fi****ms, setting, targets, company, etc..)
~Black Knight


Oath Keepers to Arm 50 Black Protesters in Ferguson with AR- 15’s for an Epic Rights Flexing March Ferguson Oath Keepers are planning an open-carry march with armed, black, non-members of the group in a show of support and solidarity.


Alright gun owners, I think we need to reinvigorate this page. It started strong but nobody's posted a damn thing in 8 months. It doesn't have to be something that necessarily has to do with gun rights. Start posting anything interesting about your fi****ms or any fi****ms you like! Let's bring the group in for a school circle and start talking again,
~Black Knight


Ron Paul in 1998: Bombing Middle East Makes Us More Liable to Terrorism September 11, 2014 – During a live press conference broadcasted by C-SPAN in December 1998, then-Congressman Ron Paul shared his thoughts on military action by the US in the Middle East and the more significant justification for impeaching then-President Bill Clinton.From the press conference:"I have a prepared statement for tomorrow, and in that statement I talk about a much more serious act that the president committed than anything we've gener...


if you think "obamacare" has "nothing to do with gun rights" ---GET READING!!!

20,202 pages.

- Wolf


Cold Dead Hands

Long time gun grabber Diane Frankenstein, let the cat out of the bag about wanting to go after the first amendment. Long have we said that if the second amendment falls, so shall the rest. She has seen that we will not fall for gun control and wants to get to work on the first so no one will know about the governments encroaching on our other rights. It does not matter if you are a "Bitter clinger" or a "Tree hugging liberal" this should scare the crap out of you, and p**s you of all at the same time. Stand for the second amendment if you want "We the people" to have a fighting chance should the govt turn on us. Share this with both your conservative and liberal friends.

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