South Dakota Well Drillers Association SDWDA

South Dakota Well Drillers Association SDWDA

South Dakota Well Drillers Association and SDWDA Scholarship Committee

Photos from South Dakota Well Drillers Association SDWDA's post 24/03/2023

Due to the winter storm hitting the state, the scholarship deadline has been extended until December 23. Everyone stay safe and have a Merry Christmas.


Deadline for scholarship applications to be submitted is getting close. Applications must be postmarked no later than Dec 15, 2022. $10,000 is up for grabs with top award being $4000. Don'rt miss out on this great opportunity.

SDWDA 02/12/2022

Hi everybody,
The deadline for submitting scholarship applications is fast approaching. Applications must be postmarked by Dec. 15 to be excepted. $10,000 is up for grabs, so if you think you or someone you know might qualify please take a look at the application to see if you qualify. There is 1-$4000, 1-$3000 and 3-$1000 scholarships to be awarded. You can find the application on the associations web page at:
Please spread the word. Deadline is fast approaching but there is still time.
Good Luck




The South Dakota Well Drillers Association is pleased to offer the “SDWDA Quality Groundwater Scholarships” totaling $10,000.00 to five deserving students. There will be one $4,000.00, one $3,000.00, and three $1,000.00 scholarships awarded. SDWDA scholarships will be given every other year when the association’s convention is held in South Dakota. The Association recognizes the need for educational advancements at all levels of the industry and seeks to support students pursuing their educational goals.

Rules for Application:
• Applicant must be a resident of South Dakota OR a son/daughter/dependent of an individual employed by a MEMBER COMPANY in Good Standing (having paid all dues for the current year). A higher priority will be given to a relative of an employee of a MEMBER COMPANY.
• Applicant must have graduated from a South Dakota high school.
• Applicant must be a full-time student that has successfully completed, at a minimum, their freshman year at an accredited South Dakota University or Technical School with a major emphasis on a degree related to the water/water well/groundwater industry. Areas of study include, but are not limited to: Engineering, Geology, Hydro-Geology, Environmental or Earth Sciences, Water Conservation, Pump Installation/Plumbing, Geo-Thermal, Sustainability, etc.
• Applicant must have an accumulative grade point average of 2.0 and be able to provide full college transcripts from the current educational institution.
• Transcripts for classes completed through the most recently completed college semester must accompany the application.
• The top award recipient will be invited and encouraged to attend the SDWDA Convention to accept their awards. The convention will be held at The Lodge in Deadwood, SD on March 5-8, 2023. The scholarship presentations will be held on Monday evening, March 6, as part of the scholarship benefit auction and meal festivities. $300.00 will be provided for the winner to help with motel room and expenses if they attend along with meal tickets (max. 4 per recipient) will be provided by the Association. In the event that the convention is canceled, the scholarships will still be awarded as stated.
• Awards will be sent directly to the South Dakota University or Technical School prior to the fall semester of the 2023-2024 school year for sophomore and junior recipients. Senior recipients will be awarded at the time of the convention.

• Applicant must complete the following application in full and be postmarked prior to the deadline. The deadline of this year’s application must be postmarked no later than December 15, 2022. The winners will be notified by February 1, 2023.
• A photo of the applicant must accompany the application.
• Applications postmarked after the deadline will not be eligible.
• Applications must be typed (no exceptions).

Application Procedures:

o To be considered, applicants must submit the following documents:

• Complete Scholarship Application. Incomplete applications or applications not containing all supporting information will not be considered.
• A 500-1000 word statement describing your personal life, your educational pursuits, and how your career goals will relate to and improve the water industry.
• A statement of verification from company owner/representative if related to an employee of a SDWDA Member Company.
• One letter of recommendation from one of either of the applicant’s collegiate academic advisor, counselor, or instructor.
• One letter of personal recommendation (family members and high school and collegiate advisors, counselors, instructors, or coaches are excluded).
• Transcripts.
• Recent photo.

Return Application To:
Dennis Duvall
SDWDA Scholarship Committee
PO Box 636
Huron, SD 57350


Name in full:_____________________________________________________________
Last First Middle Initial

Home Address:___________________________________________________________
Street/PO Box City State Zip Code

Home/Cell Phone:__________________________ Date of Birth___________________

E-Mail Address:__________________________________ Male or Female (circle)

Are you, or a relative, currently employed by a member company in good standing of SDWDA? Yes or No (circle)

If so, by whom?__________________________________________________________

Company name:__________________________________________________________

Relationship to this person:_________________________________________________

Street/PO Box City State Zip Code

High School:_______________________________ Date of Graduation:____________

Name and Address of College:_______________________________________________


Is this a 4-year, 2-year, or technical school?____________________________________

Last year of education completed:____________________________________________

Field of Study:___________________________________________________________


• Describe in 500-1000 words provide an insight into your life (family, hobbies, activities, clubs, special recognitions, awards, honors, or community involvement), the nature of your educational pursuits, and how your career goals will relate to and improve the water industry.
Also address the following items:
• Be specific about the type of business you are interested in and the position you want to hold.
• Why do you want to be in the field you have chosen?
• What persuaded you to choose this field of study?
• Why is a career in this industry important to you?
• What skills do you possess which will help you reach your goals?
• Where do you hope to be, and what do you hope to be doing 10 years from now?


If applicant is related to an employee of a SDWDA member company, a statement of verification from owner/representative of said company stating how and to whom the applicant is related is required.


• One letter of recommendation from one of either of the applicant’s collegiate academic advisor, counselor, or instructor.
• One letter of personal recommendation (family members, high school and collegiate advisors, counselors, instructors, or coaches are excluded).


• Transcripts for classes completed through the most recently completed college semester must accompany the application.


A recent photo of the applicant is required.


Please provide you complete employment history. List full-time, part-time, or summer employment. LIST YOUR CURRENT OR MOST RECENT JOB FIRST. An employment history sheets is attached for your convenience. Add additional sheets if necessary. A resume may be furnished in place of filling out this section.


Place of Employment:______________________________________________________


Type of Business:__________________________________________________________

Term of Employment (from-to):______________________________________________

Your Position and/or Duties:_________________________________________________


Place of Employment:______________________________________________________


Type of Business:__________________________________________________________

Term of Employment (from-to):______________________________________________

Your Position and/or Duties:_________________________________________________


Place of Employment:______________________________________________________


Type of Business:__________________________________________________________

Term of Employment (from-to):______________________________________________

Your Position and/or Duties:_________________________________________________


SDWDA 06/10/2022

Dear FB friends, once again the South Dakota Well Drillers Assc. is awarding scholarship to deserving students. As chairman of the scholarship committee I am pleased to announce that this year we will be giving away 5 scholarships totaling $10,000. 1-$4000, 1-3000, and 3 $1000 scholarships which will be awarded during the
scholarship activities at the SDWDA Convention. The SDWDA Convention is slated for March 5-8, 2023 at The Lodge in Deadwood, SD. The scholarship presentations, banquet, and auction are scheduled for Monday, March 6. Students must be from SD or relatives of an employee of an Assc. member company and attend college or technical school in SD with a major coarse study having to do with the water industry. They must also have graduated from a SD high school. Majors may include but are not limited to: engineering, geology, earth science, plumbing, environmental sciences, earth studies, sustainability, etc. Deadline is December 1st. Applications can be obtained by going to the Assc. website at: Unfortunately, the website has not been updated yet, so feel free to FB message me and I will e-mail you a copy of the application or just hi-lite the application on FB, right click, and hit print Don't miss out on this opportunity to help with paying for your education. Feel free to spread the word.


Photos from SDWDA Scholarship Committee's post 18/03/2021

A few more pictures from Deadwood. SDWDA

Photos from SDWDA Scholarship Committee's post 17/03/2021
Photos from SDWDA Scholarship Committee's post 17/03/2021

We had so much fun at the SDWDA Convention!!
Congratulations to Morgan Wetz for winning the top scholarship and 2M for having the highest bid 🙂


This year's scholarship auction was a huge success. Between the auction, games, and cash donations we brought in a little over $13,000.00. This will help insure that we will be able to provide financial assistance to deserving students in the future. Thank you everyone who donated an item for the auction and especially all of you who opened your wallets for this worthy cause. A special thank you goes out to Chelsie and Jeremy Promes for everything they did to make things run so smoothly.
Thank you
Dennis Duvall
Scholarship Committee Chair

Photos from SDWDA Scholarship Committee's post 08/03/2021

Thank you to all the companys’ that donated to the scholarship fund - we would not be able to help out these individuals without you!!

SDWDA 05/10/2020

The scholarship info and application in now on the association website. You can print it off from there
One thing is incorrect on the application. It says the date of the convention is March 7-10, 2019 and it should be 2021.



The South Dakota Well Drillers Association is pleased to announce it is offering the “SDWDA Quality Groundwater Scholarships” totaling $ 7,000.00 to be divided between four deserving students. There will be one $3,000.00, one $2,000.00, and two $1,000.00 scholarships awarded. The Association recognizes the need for educational advancements at all levels of the industry and seeks to support students pursuing their educational goals.
Applicants must be a resident of South Dakota or a relative of an individual employed by a Member Company in good standing of the SDWDA. Applicants must be a full-time student who has successfully completed their freshman year at an accredited South Dakota University or Technical School with a declared major in an area of study related to the water well/groundwater industry. Areas of study include, but are not limited to: Engineering, Geology, Hydro-Geology, Environmental or Earth Sciences, Water Conservation, Pump Installation/Plumbing, Geo-Thermal, etc.
Applications must be postmarked by December 15, 2020. Applications and rules for application can be obtained by contacting Dennis Duvall, Committee Chairman by email at: [email protected]. or by going to the Associations web site at: Please include your mailing information in your e-mail. The application might not be on the website yet, if not, just e-mail Dennis

Photos from SDWDA Scholarship Committee's post 15/03/2019

Rachel Jensen from Vermillion, SD ($4000) and Tyler Sterrett from Huron, SD ($3000) were the top two SDWDA scholarship recipients which were presented at the 2019 SDWDA convention held in Deadwood, SD. Nathan Powell from Chamberlain, SD was a recipeint of a $1000 scholarship. Rachel is a student at the University of South Dakota in Vermillion, SD, Tyler is a student at Southeast Technical Institute in Sioux Falls, SD, and Nathan is a student at South Dakota State University in Brookings, SD


Dawn and Jerry Hatley of Cotey Chemical Corp. from Lubbock, TX is shown receiving an award of appreciation from Dennis Duvall of Dakota Environmental in Huron, SD, SDWDA Scholarship Committee Chairman, for being the "Highest Bidder" for any one individual item at the scholarship benefit auction held at the SDWDA Convention. The 2019 convention auction, games, and individual donations raised over $ 6,500 to go toward scholarships in 2021.


SDWDA/NDWDA Convention is fast approaching. You still have time to register if you already haven't. Come and take in this great event and while you are there come and support the Scholarship Program by taking part in the auction and festivities. The convention is March 10-13 at The Lodge in Deadwood, SD. Detail and registration forms can be found on the associations website: Hope to see you there


It's not to late to get your applications submitted. You still have one week!


Two weeks left to get applications in. It's a great opportunity to help with tuition costs.


One month left to get your scholarship applications in. Good luck to all of the applicants.


The SDWDA convention is slated for March 10-13, 2019 at The Lodge in Deadwood, SD. The scholarship presentations, banquet, and auction are scheduled for Monday, March 11.


SDWDA gives scholarships every two years when the SDWDA/NDWDA joint convention is held in South Dakota. The scholarship program started in 2011 and has given out 10 scholarship totaling $28,000.


Arden Lemke of Lemke Digging from Mitchell, SD is shown receiving an award of appreciation from Dennis Duvall of Dakota Environmental in Huron, SD, SDWDA Scholarship Committee Chairman, for being the "Highest Bidder" for any one individual item at the scholarship benefit auction held at the SDWDA Convention. The 2017 convention auction, games, and individual donations raised over $10,000 to go toward scholarships in 2019.

Photos from SDWDA Scholarship Committee's post 13/10/2018

Tyler Kleinsasser from Huron, SD ($4000) and Caleb Lang from Freeman, SD ($3000) were the top two scholarship recipients at the 2017 SDWDA convention held in Deadwood, SD. Recipients of $1000 scholarships were Jason Marvel from Huron, SD, Zach Pudwill from Herreid, SD, and Casey Skillingstad from Yankton, SD. Tyler, Jason, and Casey were students at SDSM&T in Rapid City and Caleb and Zach were students at SDSU in Brookings, SD


Our scholarship application and rules have been posted on the association's website. If you are interested go to and look under the scholarship heaading. Good luck to all applicants