Missoula Theta

Missoula Theta

Official page for the Missoula Alumnae Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta


Happy Homecoming Week!

Homecoming week is here! We invite current members and Theta alumni to our lovely home for homecoming festivities! For more information contact Madalyn Gabel —>email: [email protected] phone: (303)-408-0296


This Sunday our lovely ladies will be hosting an ALUMNI ONLY event to celebrate our founders day! To RSVP please email Madalyn at [email protected]


Such a fun evening! ✨

a big thank you for our alumnae coming to help with the last day of work week!

did you know that kappa alpha theta has many famous alumnae including Sheryl Crow and Melinda Gates!


International Women's Day celebrates the past, present, and future impact of women in all areas. Today, and every day, we celebrate the empowering, kind, and hardworking women in our own lives. 💛🖤⁠
In honor of the four Thetas who started it all, tag four women who inspire you. ✨


Happy Founder’s Day! 🖤💛✨

Holiday-Gram Fundraiser | Kappa Alpha Theta 18/11/2021

Join the Kappa Alpha Theta Boston Metro Alumnae Chapter and send your friend a bracelet for the holiday season while also supporting The Friendship Fund! ✨

Holiday-Gram Fundraiser | Kappa Alpha Theta Join the Boston Theta Alumnae as we approach holiday season with a Holiday-Gram Fundraiser! Send your friends and family these adorable bracelets that were handmade


Alpha Nu alumna doing great things in Kalispell! Way to go, Kate! ✨

Alumna Kate Lufkin has been working to help build connections between the local Kalispell students and Flathead employers. She is a native of Redmond, Washington, and graduated in 2013 with an Administration degree. Her current title is Chamber of Commerce Director of Education and Workforce Development. Lufkin says, “Sometimes there is a disconnect between what students are being told about how to have a successful career and what it truly takes to have that kind of career. We are working to bridge that gap both at the K-12 and post-secondary school levels.” She has helped develop several programs and events such as the Workforce Flathead Opportunity Fair, which helps Flathead businesses showcase to area students the types of jobs and careers that are available to them in the valley. 🧑🏼‍🍳 👩🏽‍⚕️ 🧑🏻‍🎨 👩🏻‍🚒


Congratulations, Asia!

Meet Asia Chhon, Alpha Nu/Montana, a first-generation college student graduating this spring! 🎓

"I joined Theta because of the sisterhood I felt without even being a member. I did not join Theta until my sophomore year but I was friends with a good amount of Thetas my freshman year and they were all so welcoming. They made me feel like a sister without even being a part of the house, so going through recruitment and running home on bid day just sealed the deal! Theta has been home to me basically my entire college career and they have been so supportive of my dreams and aspirations. COVID was difficult for everyone, especially when everyone was dealing with their own struggles and we had to minimize sisterhood and Greek life events. It was nice to have my sisters to lean on in support and still be living with all of them in a COVID safe environment!

After college, I will be taking some time to travel and find different ways to gain experience and knowledge about international relations, human rights and different cultures around the world. My goal is to travel to all seven continents and do volunteer work in each, mainly working with children to teach English and improve their language skills. In September, I will be traveling to Africa for a few months to volunteer at schools to help students improve their English and help women in Africa learn about reproductive health. I have been applying to as many opportunities as I can; I am waiting to hear back from a fellowship to China in 2022 to study international relations and cultural exchange.

Theta gave me courage to push for my dreams and have my house support me throughout my entire college career. I live in a house full of leading women that encourage me to be a leading woman as well and push myself to my fullest. Theta gave me a community in college and I have met so many amazing people through the Greek system."


Congratulations to this outstanding sorority woman who will be leading our great country!

We call her sister, and now the nation calls her Madam Vice President!

Congratulations to America's first female, first Black, and first South Asian Vice President - Elect Kamala Harris. You represent the new face of political power and continue to be a barrier-breaker.


The pandemic has taken a toll on all of us, and for people with existing mental health challenges, the effects are sometimes even greater. On World Su***de Prevention Day, take a few actions to support the people in your life. Send a text just to check in. Drop off a meal for a friend who has been really overwhelmed lately. Mail a card to someone you care about just to let them know you're always there. And for friends who have opened up to you about mental health challenges, continue providing support and checking in, and remind them they can always be honest with you about how they are really feeling.

Take the free mental health screening on Theta's website at the link below. And if you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, call the National Su***de Prevention Hotline at 800-273-8255. You can also use the crisis text service at 741-741 (US) and 686868 (Canada).

Love each other a little harder right now, and take action today to spread awareness for others who might need it. Check out To Write Love On Her Arms. for more information, including their 2020 World Su***de Prevention Day awareness effort called Worth Living For, a campaign to educate people about su***de and what we can do to prevent it, give you tools to create conversations about mental health in your community that inspire honesty and openness, and raise life-saving funds for treatment and recovery.

Mental health screening site, funded by Theta Foundation: https://screening.mentalhealthscreening.org/kappaalphatheta


Happy Women's Equality Day! While we celebrate the ratification of the 19th Amendment 100 years ago, it's important to remember it didn't guarantee the right to vote for ALL women. It would be decades before women of color and indigenous women were extended that right, and expanding and improving voter rights is an effort that continues 100 years later.

Just as Thetas today advocate for important social justice issues, Thetas of the past were part of bringing the suffrage movement to fruition. On the blog, Staff Archivist Noraleen Young looks back at Theta's history with the suffrage movement, including an important finding from the Bettie Collection that points to her views on the matter.

How to Talk About Your Sorority Experience in Job Interviews - TheSororityLife.com 28/07/2020

How to Talk About Your Sorority Experience in Job Interviews - TheSororityLife.com As a sorority woman, your experience has helped shape you as a professional. Whether you held a leadership position or contributed as an active member within your organization, you gained key skills that are often forgotten about. Too often we are hesitant to share our sorority experience during an....


With careful consideration, and after hearing from members through emails, online petitions, and listening sessions, Grand Council has voted to eliminate the preferential treatment of legacies during recruitment. This change is designed to allow for greater opportunities for membership, and to help make Theta a more inclusive, representative, and therefore stronger organization. Learn more about this update on the Theta website. -->bit.ly/thetainclusion


For every Theta making a difference in your life, plant a pansy in her honor! Help the patch grow at pansypatch.org.


The Pansy Patch is back!


Students Win! After Stand Up to Harvard plaintiffs filed a motion for injunction today, Harvard said that it will no longer enforce a ban on single-s*x social clubs, after concluding that the prohibition would likely not withstand a legal challenge from fraternities and sororities. (https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/06/29/metro/harvard-will-drop-policy-targeting-all-male-final-clubs/)

Dani Weatherford, CEO of the National Panhellenic Conference, and Judson Horras, CEO of the North American Interfraternity Conference, released the following joint statement on Harvard’s decision to drop its sanctions policy:

While we believe the discriminatory nature of Harvard’s policy was apparent long ago, we are nonetheless gratified to see that Harvard will no longer seek to enforce such an unlawful policy.

Our focus has always been on the freedom of association rights of students and on the particularly acute harm that this policy has done to women’s-only organizations on Harvard’s campus. Today’s announcement from the university is nothing short of an admission that their policy was misguided and openly discriminatory based on s*x. This should serve as a lesson to Harvard and other universities—students are free to associate with other students without regard to their gender, and targeting single-s*x student organizations is illegal and wrong.

While we are pleased that this policy will no longer hang over Harvard students, we are also painfully aware that its effects will linger – particularly for women’s-only organizations that were decimated by this policy.


During Theta's sesquicentennial year, sisters have been submitting memories and experiences as part of the Share Your Theta Story campaign. As we work to build a more inclusive and diverse future for our sisterhood, we feel it's critical to amplify the stories of Black Thetas, such as this one from Nicole Scott Nixon of Gamma Tau/Tulsa.

“I served as an alumnae chapter president for two years in Phoenix and pledged at Gamma Tau/Tulsa. My involvement has grown stagnant within the past several years. My experience in this country as a Black woman (and, now, mother of two Black sons) has been increasingly difficult. I have not sensed the ‘social, intellectual, and moral growth’ of Theta to help me navigate what I have been going through. I have a desire to embrace my blackness and ALSO my white sisters - despite racial tension in the world. I have struggled with, ‘How do I do this without a door open?’ It has been rough. I have deleted sisters for comments; they have deleted me. I have also remained in strong contact with several sisters. Needless to say, the environment has been very, very tough. I am sure most of us are equally drained from its demand.

If there is true, concerted effort from our organization on this topic: I am immediately paying my alumnae dues and signing up wherever I can to help drive this message. Theta Love truly is special...but this touches in a place Theta has not reached in the past. I hope to see where I can be involved in the future.”

Explore more Theta stories on our website: https://www.kappaalphatheta.org/150/share-your-theta-story


Thetas, thank you for the tremendous outpouring of support for last week’s statement denouncing racism and calling for Thetas to engage in anti-racism. We promised a lot with those words, and we intend to make good on them. And we know that as leading women, you will hold us accountable every step of the way. There is now a page on the Theta website specifically dedicated to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Check it out at bit.ly/thetainclusion. And below is an update on the actions we are taking now and in the coming months to advance Theta's efforts in this critical area.

Our new Plan of Aspirations includes diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts as a core component, and Theta has supported an inclusion workgroup since 2013. But these efforts simply must advance with more urgency, and we have heard your calls for Theta to do better and make real changes.

Theta has been, since its founding in 1870, a predominantly white organization. And while we’re proud members of color have been welcomed into our sisterhood in growing numbers every year, recent membership surveys indicate those members often do not have as fulfilling a Theta experience as white members. That is unacceptable. We must do better to support our members of color and stand up to the forces of systemic racism that still plague our world. Here is an update on Theta’s current priorities and what to expect.

We are taking action to right these wrongs. Our first priority is to evaluate our entire organization and Theta's current diversity, equity and inclusion efforts to identify inherent biases, barriers to members of color, and ways we are failing to support and lead our members.

Many of you have written to ask that Grand Council add an official officer position to oversee diversity and inclusion. This petition is in motion.

We’re also evaluating other key operations areas, including our recruitment practices and the costs of membership. Our DEI workgroup has consistently identified finances as a barrier to seeking or retaining membership for many worthy members. We are actively researching solutions.
We will increase education, awareness and discussion of topics related to diversity, equity and inclusion. This is especially important in light of individual members’ involvement in offensive racial incidents.

If you choose to raise money for a movement or cause, we encourage you to seek reputable organizations enacting change in your local community. Charity Navigator is a good source for finding causes that align with your beliefs and goals.

Many Thetas are leading the charge for justice, and we are compiling resources to support chapters and members in their advocacy efforts. In an effort to be as transparent as possible, we will provide regular inclusion accountability updates outlining progress since the last update and outcomes of this initiative.

And finally, because the previous statement did not say it explicitly: Black lives matter. And it matters that we say it.


It’s been a difficult and emotional week, particularly for Black Americans. The values of Kappa Alpha Theta lead us to oppose and condemn racism on individual, societal, and systemic levels, and those values call us to persist in the ongoing work of personal and institutional reflection and change connected to anti-racism. This means acknowledging the loss of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and the many lives lost before them. We see, support, and honor the pain of our Black and African American members and our colleagues.

Theta remains committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion as a core part of our Plan of Aspirations. As an organization that has contributed to racial trauma and exclusionary tactics during its history, it’s even more important to be active in our anti-racism efforts. The first step of that is acknowledging the presence of this insidious and destructive force in our world, in ourselves, and in our organization.

For members looking to educate themselves on becoming engaged in anti-racism efforts, we encourage you to visit www.racialequitytools.org. We also encourage you to research and support groups that fight for racial justice.

Lastly, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Workgroup is constantly evaluating Theta’s efforts to build a more just future for our organization, and we welcome further insights and suggestions. Please email [email protected] to get in touch.


Despite the unfortunate news that Thetas won’t be able to gather in person to celebrate Grand Convention 2020, Pansy Patch will still be brightening Thetas’ days for the month of July! Since its creation, Pansy Patch has been a tangible way for sisters to express how much they mean to each other, and that spirit of loving connectedness is needed now more than ever.

Pansy Patch 2020 will bring Thetas together to celebrate our unique bond and the unwavering power of Theta sisterhood. Stay tuned!

Photos from University of Montana Fraternity and Sorority Involvement's post 08/05/2020

Congratulations, ladies!


Sign up today to write letters to the students joining our UM family this fall!


It’s an anxious and uncertain time for many of us. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, take some deep breaths and try a few of these strategies to manage anxiety and improve emotional wellbeing.


To the dreamers, the doers, the listeners, the leaders: Every time you reach a little higher, you lift other women with you. Every time you claim your rightful place, you remind others of their own inherent value. And every time you choose bravery, you stoke the fire of women's collective power. Here's to showing future women leaders the magic within them, and lighting the path on their way to unleashing that magic upon the world. Happy International Women's Day!


Will you be attending Grand Convention 2020? General registration is now open!

General registration for Grand Convention 2020 is now open! Grab your spot for this milestone celebration. We can’t wait to see you in Indianapolis for the Theta convention of a lifetime! Register here: grandconvention.kappaalphatheta.org

Timeline photos 26/02/2020

Get ready to run, walk or FLY during the Superhero 5K Run & Kids Dash!✨ .
Dress up as your favorite superhero (or villain 🦹‍♀️), meet real life superheroes 🚒🚑🚔, and more!
Hurry, registration goes up closer to the event so register today! 👉https://runsignup.com/Race/MT/Missoula/CASAMissoulaSuperheroRun


Happy Galentine’s Day! ❤️

Happy Galentine's Day! It's the unofficial holiday celebrating the awesomeness of lady friendships. Tag five galentines below to let them know you are thinking of them today! 🥰

Photos from Missoula Theta's post 27/01/2020

Happy Founders Day to all of our Theta sisters! We had a great time celebrating 150 years of sisterhood with our Alpha Nu sisters on Saturday! 🪁✨

Photos from Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity's post 27/01/2020

“In a world determined to exclude them, our founders fought to create something revolutionary: the first Greek-letter fraternity for women.”

Premiering tomorrow at 11 a.m. ET on Facebook, YouTube, IGTV and the Theta website!


The Sesquicentennial Celebration Kit is HERE! Stunning mobile phone wallpapers, social media cover photos, Instagram and Twitter posts, and more. Add some sparkle when you're sharing the on Founders Day! Download all the goodies here: https://www.kappaalphatheta.org/150/celebration-kit


Bettie, Bettie, Alice, and Hannah are in the Theta sesquicentennial spirit. How about you? Update your profile picture with one of our four profile frames!

1. Black Kite: http://bit.ly/3aELWFx
2. Gold Kite: http://bit.ly/2U1wPR1
3. Gold Glitter: http://bit.ly/2tIMeus
4. Gold Theta150: http://bit.ly/38D8uVD


We are celebrating 150 years of Theta at Grand Convention 2020, and it will be a Theta convention like no other. We’re so excited to share more about the incredible line-up of speakers who will bring their passion, energy, and charisma to our Grand Convention attendees. First up: Kate Snow, anchor of NBC Nightly News Sunday.

An alumna of Cornell Kappa Alpha Theta, Kate currently contributes regularly to Nightly News with Lester Holt, TODAY, and Dateline NBC. She is perhaps best known for insightful stories that make an impact, including her reporting on mental health, for which she was recently honored by the American Foundation for Su***de Prevention.

Kate won an Emmy for her 2018 exclusive sit-down with Andrea Constand that led to Bill Cosby's conviction. That Dateline hour followed her 2015 Dateline special with 27 Bill Cosby accusers in one room, which also won both Emmy and duPont awards. We are so honored to have Kate as part of the Grand Convention 2020 speaker line-up! Stay tuned for more exciting convention news in the coming weeks.


150 years of Theta really goes to show how Theta is for a lifetime. We celebrate the connection that binds us all together as Theta sisters every year on Founders' Day, which will be held at the Alpha Nu chapter facility at 1020 Gerald Avenue, Missoula, MT from 10 AM-12 PM on Saturday, January 25th. Brunch and house tours will be provided with a raffling of the Alpha Nu alumnae quilt at the end of the service. Please don’t forget to RSVP to [email protected] by January 15-don’t forget to include your name, the chapter you are from, and any food allergies. This is an event you won’t want to miss!✨


Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity


Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity

It's almost Giving Tuesday! Theta sisters everywhere will commemorate Bettie Locke's bold step to create a supportive space for ambitious college women. This need for support still exists for women today.

In Bettie's memory, every gift made on will benefit the Theta Forever Fund in celebration of nearly 150 years of developing women leaders.

