NRDG (Niagara Region Disc Golf)

NRDG (Niagara Region Disc Golf)

NRDG is about to start his 24th season making it one of, if not the longest running Dsic Golf Leagues in the country. NRDG runs two divisions.

There is an Open and Amateur Division. NRDG also tries to give back to the public and the Parks by helping to create new courses in area parks.


NRDG is celebrating it’s 35th season of traveling doubles league!! The new season tees off in less than 8 weeks!

There is nightly payout as well as a cumulative points purse that pays out at the end of the season. We also have a fun end of year tournament with free food and a ton of prizes!

All skill levels are welcome (see below if you’re unsure what division to play)

Follow NRDG Wednesday Night Doubles League to stay up to date on points standings and any last minute updates.

See y’all this Wednesday for putting league!


End Of Year Tournament!
Ams and Opens
This Saturday, October 2nd @ Joseph Davis
Sign Up 8:00 - 8:30 am. Tee off 9am
Cost: Ams $10 plus $1 for each week missed, Opens $12 plus $1 for each week missed.
2 rounds, pizza and wings for lunch, lots of prizes, bring your own beverages, see you there!
*Must have attended a minimum of 3 weeks.


Week 25, Tomorrow the Ams are at Ellicott Creek and Opens at Hawks Landing. Sign Up 5:00 - 5:30, tee off 5:45pm.
Don't Forget End Of Year Tournament on October 2nd at Joseph Davis!


Week 24 of Wednesday Night Random Draw Doubles Tomorrow, the Ams are at Hawks Landing, Opens at Ellicott Creek. Sign Up 5:00 - 5:30, Tee off 5:45 pm. Please be on time!
Don't forget End Of Year Tournament is October 2nd @ Joseph Davis!


Week 23 of Wednesday Night Random Draw Doubles Tomorrow, the Ams are at Wilson Tuscarora, Opens at Como Park. Sign Up 5:00 - 5:30, Tee Off 5:45 pm, Early Sign Ups - so be on time!
Don't forget End Of Year Tournament on October 2nd @ JD!


Week 21 of Wednesday Night Random Draw Doubles Tomorrow, the Ams are at Como Park, Opens are at Pinewoods. Sign up 5:15 - 5:45, tee off 6pm.


Week 20 of Wednesday Night Random Draw Doubles Tomorrow, Both Ams and Opens at Joseph Davis. Sign up 5:15 - 5:45, tee off 6pm.
Don't Forget to Mark Your Calender For End Of Year Tournament October 2nd for those who have played 3 or more weeks of league!


Week 19 of Wednesday Night Random Draw Doubles Tomorrow, Ams are at Pinewoods, Opens at Ellicott Creek. Sign up 5:15 - 5:45, tee off 6pm


Week 18 of Wednesday Night Random Draw Doubles Tomorrow, Ams are at Outwater, Opens at Como Park. Sign up 5:15 - 5:45, tee off 6pm.
