Fit Learning Online

Fit Learning Online

The Fit Learning method isolates core reading, comprehension, math, writing, and thinking skills and trains them to fluency - true mastery.


We produce at least one year's gain in reading skills in 40 hours of instruction because we train the building blocks of reading. We use direct instruction and repeated, reinforced practice to produce fluency in:

1) Identifying phonics sounds
2) Understanding phonetic rules (e.g., short vs long vowel)
3) Applying phonics and phonetic rules to decode words
4) Reading words without decoding

We spend the time required to ensure that our learners master each building block before advancing to the next. The result? Highly fluent readers!

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Students get pushed along to higher grades regardless of their mastery of prerequisite skills, which is why a smaller percentage of 12th-graders are proficient than 4th or 8th-grade students. In other words, proficiency rates DECLINE throughout the course of schooling. The only way to stop that cycle is by ensuring students master prerequisite skills through direct instruction and repeated, reinforced practice. Let's get your child to mastery this year!

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People believe that confidence comes before competence. But it's just the opposite! Academic competence produces confidence, not the other way around. We produce highly confident learners because we use effective instruction and fluency-based practice to produce high levels of academic competence. Let's get your child confident by transforming their competence!

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Sadly, academics make lots of kids seize up in terror. Mainstream psychology and education tend to attribute this fear to "academic anxiety". But remember, naming a problem doesn't solve it! We have transformed the confidence of hundreds of fearful learners. How? Through effective instruction and repeated, reinforced practice of core skills to fluency. Let's get your kid confident this year!

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We produce fluency in core academic skills - a measurable level of performance that combines accuracy and speed. Fluency improves long-term memory, attention span, and the ability to apply skills in more complex ways. Let's get your child fluent!

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Learning disability labels involve circular logic. Skills deficits are observed and then given a name, like dyslexia. That name is then used as an explanation for the deficit, but the only evidence for the "learning disability" is the skills deficit. Around and around parents and educators go, with no possibility of designing effective solutions to solve the problem. Get your child out of this vicious cycle! We don't name the problem. We SOLVE the problem.

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The nominal fallacy dominates mainstream psychology and education. Skills deficits or problem behaviors are given names, like dyslexia or ADD, and parents are led to believe that the problem has been explained. Sadly, NOTHING has been explained. Skills deficits or problem behaviors are a product of a person's learning history, and solving those problems involves redesigning the environment so that effective alternatives are learned instead. Naming a problem doesn't solve it. Let's solve the problem!

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We produce fluency in core academic skills - a measurable level of performance that combines accuracy and speed. Fluent learners experience improved memory, attention span, confidence, creativity, resilience, and the ability to easily apply skills for learning more challenging things. Let's get your child fluent in core academic skills!

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Our revolutionary assessment methodology was developed by our Founder, Dr. Kimberly Berens, who is a leading expert in the science of learning. Unlike traditional assessments that only assess large aggregate skill domains, our assessment pinpoints a learner's fluency deficits across hundreds of core academic skills. This type of evaluation enables us to develop fluency-building programs precisely designed for every learner. Let's start your child's transformation! Take advantage of 50% off assessment fees during our back-to-school promo. Kimberly Nix Berens

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Schools spend most of the time introducing new concepts, with very little time devoted to practicing, which ensures that learners NEVER achieve fluency. We do the opposite. We provide effective practice such that fluency is achieved. The result? Long-term memory, increased attention span, and the ability to effortlessly apply skills for the learning of more difficult concepts. Let's flip the ratio for your child this year!

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Timing practice does NOT cause anxiety unless it's poorly designed practice. We are experts in the design of effective practice, and timing performance is an essential element of effective practice. Effective timed practice requires:

1) Individualized curriculum to a learner's instructional level
2) Sufficient opportunities to respond during the timing such that fluency can be achieved
3) Individualized goal setting based on previous performance
4) Ongoing measurement of correct and incorrect responses during every practice timing
5) Established fluency aims for each skill practiced that indicate when mastery has been achieved

We time practice because count per minute is our fundamental measure of a skill. Change in count per minute over time is our fundamental measure of learning. Ongoing measurement of learning allows us to make data-informed decisions to ensure rapid progress.

Effective practice is fun, fast-paced, rewarding, and transformative. Let go of the myths. Let's get your child engaging in effective practice of academic skills!

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Parents are led to believe that their child's strengths or weaknesses are due to talent, genetics, or intelligence. All of these beliefs are myths and prevent learners from discovering their greatness. Expertise is possible for EVERY learner through effective instruction and precise practice of skills to fluency. We are experts in this type of instructional design. Let's unleash your child's greatness this year!

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Take advantage of our Back-to-School Promo with 50% off our Core Skills Assessments! Your child's fluency will be evaluated across hundreds of core skills in reading, math, and/or logic. Fluency is measured as count per minute and predicts long-term memory, increased attention span, and the ability to apply skills in more complex ways. A majority of learners struggle due to fluency deficits in core academic skills. Let's solve the problem!

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Our learners make one year of academic gain in only 40 hours of instruction. Your child can experience a transformation this school year!

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Transform your child's reading skills this year! With effective instruction and precise practice, your child will achieve fluency in phonics, decoding, and oral reading. Enjoy 30% off tuition, flexible scheduling options, 20-min sessions, and convenient online instruction.

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School failure becomes a vicious cycle because students are moved on to higher-level skills without mastering prerequisites. The ONLY way to stop the cycle is effective instruction and reinforced practice of core academic skills until fluency is achieved. Fluency is a level of performance that combines accuracy + speed, which leads to long-term memory, increased attention span, and the ability to effortlessly apply skills to learn more advanced repertoires. It's time to stop the vicious cycle!

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Happy 50th birthday to our Founder, Dr. Kimberly Berens! Thank you for 26 years of science, mentorship, and your unfaltering stand that all learners have the opportunity to discover their greatness!

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Many students sleep through the school day because lectures with infrequent opportunities to participate are BORING and don't lead to learning. Kids can't learn if they're sleeping. We wake kids up and get them actively learning!

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Explanatory fictions dominate mainstream education and psychology. Learning disabilities, learning styles, personality traits, IQ, and talent are frequently used to explain the strengths and weaknesses of learners. However, each of these are constructs that cannot be observed or measured. They lead us down a dangerous path by preventing the identification of the causal variables for learning and the design of effective solutions. We don't admire problems by inventing mythical explanations for them. We solve the problem.

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Grade-level advancement based on age, rather than prerequisite skill mastery, leads to academic failure, which is why more than 60% of students graduate below proficiency. Students don't acquire higher-level skills because of their age. They only acquire higher-level skills if they have mastered prerequisite skills. We produce fluency in prerequisite academic skills with our learners, which leads to long-term academic success. Full podcast episode available at


A majority of kids have breakdowns around academics. Why? Because they are pushed along, year after year, without mastering fundamental academic skills, which leads to meltdowns during homework time, school refusal, disciplinary problems, and social withdrawal. We promise it doesn't have to be this way. With effective instruction, precise practice, ongoing measurement of learning, and data-based instructional decisions, your child can achieve academic success. Let's stop the breakdowns and start the breakthroughs!

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Less than 10% of students graduate at the advanced level in any academic subject. Why? Because education isn't guided by the science of learning. When science is applied to instruction, remarkable outcomes are produced with every learner. Let's unleash your child's greatness this year! Use bio links for more info.

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Guess and check methods dominate traditional reading instruction. Learners are taught to look at the first letter of a word, search for a picture or context clue, and guess the word. The result? Kids who can't effectively read and develop bad reading habits - like guessing. We use explicit instruction and repeated, reinforced practice to produce fluency in phonics and decoding skills. The result? Highly proficient readers who eagerly choose reading over other free-time activities. Stop the guessing and get your kid reading!

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Learners get labeled as dyslexic because of things they do, like guessing words, reading from right to left, omitting phonemes, adding phonemes, or skipping words. Dyslexia is a name for deficient reading skills, which has tragic implications for learners. When kids are told they "have" dyslexia, they believe that something is fundamentally wrong with them. But, "dyslexia" is something learners do...not something they have. The solution? Teach them to do something else like identify phonics and sound out words. We don't name the problem. We solve it.

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We produce extraordinary outcomes because we design instruction according to the science of learning: explicit instruction, precise practice, continuous measurement of learning, and data-based decision-making. Unleash your child's greatness!

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A majority of students are not ready to learn and master the skills expected of them from year to year. Why? Because they are pushed to the next grade without mastering prerequisites. The result? Cumulative skills deficits that interfere with learning grade-level material. Make sure your child is ready!


Sadly, kids often believe that their academic deficits are their fault - that they are stupid or have something wrong with them. The psychological impact of this type of thinking can be devastating for kids. But skills deficits are NEVER a learner's fault -they are the result of ineffective instruction and insufficient practice. The opportunity to effectively learn and master skills transforms a learner's confidence and well-being. Let's get them masterful!


Happy bday to our dazzling COO!


Lots of kids dread going back to school because they have core skills deficits that make learning grade-level content impossible. But with effective instruction and repeated, reinforced practice of core skills to fluency, kids start enjoying school. Let's get them ready to crush the next school year!


Dreading the next school year? End the vicious cycle with effective instruction and repeated, reinforced practice of core skills to fluency! We will bring joy, confidence, and expertise to your child's school year.

Our Story

Where the Science of Learning Meets the Art of Teaching: New York City, Locust Valley, Greenwich.

In 1998, Dr. Kim Berens and Dr. Nick Berens were graduate students in the behavior analysis program at the University of Nevada, Reno and helped to found Fit Learning in a broom closet. Originally, Center for Advanced Learning, its founders were committed to applying behavioral and learning science for the transformation of mainstream, academic difficulties.

By 2003, the success of that very small program (we aren’t kidding when we say it began in a broom closet!) led Dr. Kim and Dr. Nick to privatize it as a large, bustling learning lab in Reno, Nevada. Since that time, the use of precise, progress monitoring systems in combination with the principles of learning science has led to profoundly important discoveries being made about how to rapidly accelerate and transform the learning abilities of any type of learner.

In 2010, Dr. Kim and Dr. Nick rebranded Center for Advanced Learning as Fit Learning and relocated to Locust Valley, New York to open their first east coast location. Since that time - in addition to locations worldwide - they have overseen the opening of locations on the Upper East Side in Manhattan and in Greenwich, Connecticut. They currently have plans to open locations throughout the tristate area.

Videos (show all)

Students get pushed along to higher grades regardless of their mastery of prerequisite skills, which is why a smaller pe...
We produce fluency in core academic skills - a measurable level of performance that combines accuracy and speed.  Fluenc...
Learning disability labels involve circular logic.  Skills deficits are observed and then given a name, like dyslexia.  ...
Our revolutionary assessment methodology was developed by our Founder, Dr. Kimberly Berens, who is a leading expert in t...
Schools spend most of the time introducing new concepts, with very little time devoted to practicing, which ensures that...
Parents are led to believe that their child's strengths or weaknesses are due to talent, genetics, or intelligence. All ...
Take advantage of our Back-to-School Promo with 50% off our Core Skills Assessments!  Your child's fluency will be evalu...
Our learners make one year of academic gain in only 40 hours of instruction.  Your child can experience a transformation...
Transform your child's reading skills this year!  With effective instruction and precise practice, your child will achie...
Happy 50th birthday to our Founder, Dr. Kimberly Berens!  Thank you for 26 years of science, mentorship, and your unfalt...
Happy 50th birthday to our Founder, Dr. Kimberly Berens!  Thank you for 26 years of science, mentorship, and your unfalt...
If you don’t know whether the tutoring you’re paying for is working, then it’s not working! Parents enrolled with us KNO...

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 19:00
Thursday 08:00 - 19:00
Friday 08:00 - 19:00