Breed of Christ Intl

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Psalms 26:7 That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous works.

Gratitude should be a mindset you possess. As Israel journeyed from Egypt to the promised land they encountered challenges but it is not the challenges that stopped them from reaching the promised land, it is their mindset. What killed a whole generation of Israel in the desert is murmuring or complaining, they didn't die because of hunger or lack but complaining. Hardships don't kill mindset does.

Developing a mindset of gratitude helps you to see possibilities like Joshua and Caleb. Complaining on the other opens your mind to all the impossibilities. Reality is not realistic, it gets validity from your mindset. When some see an accident and lose of property some see lives that have been saved.

The attitude of gratitude attracts good news to you, it gives you favour with God and with man. Everything around you is working on conforming to your mindset, every good thing around you can become bad if you maintain a negative mindset. Focus your energy on good things. Appreciate the good in yourself and other people.

A person with gratitude mindset will appreciate you for the smallest things to an extent you desire to do more. This is how other prosper in bad situations it's not the situation that's prospering them it's the mindset. Where someone is giving up, someone else strikes gold. Go back to that situation and start to use a different mindset, you will realise that God has been setting you up for promotion but you could not receive it until you develop a mindset of gratitude.


Holy Spirit help me to develop a mindset of gratitude.


I possess a mindset of gratitude

Bible reading
Jeremiah 8

Breed of Christ Intl




Leviticus 7:12 If he offer it for a thanksgiving, then he shall offer with the sacrifice of thanksgiving unleavened cakes mingled with oil, and unleavened wafers anointed with oil, and cakes mingled with oil, of fine flour, fried. 7:13 Besides the cakes, he shall offer for his offering leavened bread with the sacrifice of thanksgiving of his peace offerings.

When we come before the Lord it is important to be sensitive because our God is a God who talk and moves. Its is easy to sacrifice things that are of value to us but are useless to him, the true sacrifice then becomes obedience not what you have or what you are willing to give. It can easily become a donation not offering if you keep on giving out of convinience, this is why some offerings yield little to nothing in terms of Spirituality.

We have a whole book in the bible that talks about sacrificing and the instructions are precise because if you are serious about him you do as he says not what you can do. There are moments which you should never miss in your life, when God makes specific request, ask Abraham and he will tell you obedience is the sacrifice not Isaac. Its not about your money or property its about obedience.

Thanksgiving is supposed to be specific and accurate inorder for it to deliver the actual message. You need to conduct and an investigation into the one you desire to express gratitude to because he is the one who has to feel honored. It wouldn't make sense to buy someone flowers yet they don't have food in their house, they will say thank you but the gesture is an insult to some extent. Lobola is thanksgiving by the way, you don't pay what you want you hear from the in laws.

How do you let God know you are thankful? You look into scripture and you ask him how to thank him. As the year comes to an end check and see what the Lord did for you, stop complaining and start to appreciate and prepare to hear from him on how you have to thank him. Everything you are not thankful for expires. When you do good and no one thanks you, eventually you stop, why? Thanksgiving gives life. Create a list of things you desire to see grow in 2024 and be thankful for them.


Holy Spirit help me to hear you accurate, I desire to know how to be thankful to the Father.


I have an attitude of gratitude

Bible reading
Jeremiah 6

Breed of Christ Intl




1 Samuel 15:22 And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams. 15:23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king.

At times the devil stands aside and watch as people destroy themselves, it is very easy to find yourself crying after you have brought sorrow on self and still blame those around you. If you always give complete blame to the next person then you need deliverance, especially today's kind of deliverance. Failure to take responsibility of your action is a sign of immaturity and stunted spiritual growth. The only challenge is maturity is not measure by age but by wisdom.

For example King Saul was a people pleaser to an extent he disobeyed and rebelled against God. The major challenge with immaturity is it gathers enemies that are beyond your league. Some people are enemies of God whom they claim to serve, who can save you then if God is your enemy. This is bizarre to many people but the reality is this is your message, if you are quick to say this is another person's message you are the right audience.

Immature people never self introspect and find their faults, they diagnose and find other peoples faults, it doesn't end there they can even find God's mistakes. God has sent numerous people to assist you but they run away from you crying because you are too stubborn, you teach your teachers. Saul apologised but in the same verse he refused to take responsibility of his actions.

God corrects those he love and if you are always correct and right then you are making God's love and spirit useless in your life. Many people are looking for a man of God who says what they want to hear not what God is saying. If the truth is shared many ran away. Be like a child who is ready to learn, who the Father can correct and you see his love through correction. God is not limited to your intelligence, who can save you if there are no true men of God?

Today deliver yourself from self, decide to mature, decide to be ready to obey God at all cost, before you shift blame take responsibility of your own fault and error, most heart breaks are not due to the other person but refusing to take responsibility of your own part. Mature people are not always looking to be heard rather to hear hence they appear weak yet they are strong. Remember the devil is counting on your ignorance to an extent victory for you starts when you start to receive light, if you resist light it's victory to the enemy.


Lord give me courage to confront self and come out stronger than before.


I am delivered from self

Bible reading
Jeremiah 5

Breed of Christ Intl




John 8:10 When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? 8:11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

The absence of condemnation is not the remedy to sin, Jesus is not in the business of condemning rather forgiving but the forgiven has a responsibility to stay away from sin. Condemnation is removed to give room for repentance, its not grounds for justification of the sin at all.

The Bible speaks of sin which you can sin against yourself, there are sins against God and people but rarely do we talk of sins against self. In this case this woman was caught in the act of adultery and adultery is classified as a sin against God, people and self. We ask for forgiveness to God and people but we don't forgive ourselves at all. Be merciful to yourself.

The wages of sin is death, sins against self are killing your body. There are unhealthy lifestyles that create death in your body such that your healing can be taken away if the sin is not addressed. Its your duty to investigate sins or habits that have been bringing sickness to your body. Unforgiveness is sin against your emotional well being, bad diet is sin against your physical well being.

Many people lose their healing because of not repenting from certain lifestyles. God's will is for you to lead a healthy life. God heals you inorder to restore health in your life, emphasis is to be placed on health not healing. Do you know our bodies have inbuilt healing that is the immune system, but this system can become attacked by you and become ineffective so before Jesus can address sickness he addresses the sins against self.

Demons use sins to gain legal ground in our lives, you have an assignment to be guard your body. Be kind and merciful to your body and repent from certain bad habits that are slowly but surely taking life from you. Visit your doctor for check ups to see if your heart and blood are okay. Do not perish because of ignorance, investigate why or what causes that sickness and correct it. Jesus came so that we may have life and life in abundance.


My body forgive me for ignoring and sinning against you, please forgive me and receive healing from Jesus.


My body is full of health

Bible reading
Isaiah 40 and 41

Breed of Christ Intl



Prayer strategy
His presence

Genesis 3:7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons. 3:8 And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.

The first thing carnality takes away from you is God's presence from your life. The reason we call unto God is for us to remain in his presence. The moment Adam and Eve became carnal they realised lack or peace went away from them, from dominating they became desperate survivors.

The manifested presence of God is very vital for daily victory, this presence of God is active and powerful. Daily you have to be a walking flame of fire which is ready to set the whole world ablaze. The enemy is ever trying to put out your flame by bringing situations that remove your mind from God's goodness and kindness.

Defeat and failure are not the defeat and failure rather losing the presence of God from your life by dwelling on setbacks of life. The moment you start to doubt and regret that's the point at which you drive yourself from God's presence, God never leave rather you run away from him.

One of the most powerful prayer strategy is to hold a conversation with the Holy Ghost during the day, he is our companion and everpresent help, talk to him. In its simplest form prayer is conversation and the reason for prayer is to sustain yourself in God's presence. Keep the fire burning within you and maintain thanksgiving for guaranteed daily victory.


Father help me to remain in your presence.


I am a flame of fire

Bible reading
Isaiah 36 and 37

Breed of Christ Intl



Prayer strategy
Prayer cycle

Philippians 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 4:7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

As you pray you will discover that there are levels you move through until you reach dimensional shift and in every dimension there are levels. Not all prayers unlock fire, there is a fire dimension in prayer. There are people who if they say they are going to pray in reality they are going to change things due to their dimensions and they are people who carry an atmosphere of change wherever they go because of their dimension such that they are a walking prayer.

There is a dimension in prayer where after you pray you are charged to an extent whatever you supplicate or ask for responds to you without fail, such that after supplication you move to thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a dimension of receiving, instead of complaining give thanks because you can only receive by maintaining thanksgiving.

The most vital human need is peace, power is used to create peace. Everyone of your request to God translate to peace, prosperity is measured by the peace you enjoy. God's peace is priceless but its accessible to you through prayer, your mental and emotional well being is guaranteed despite what you might be going through. Life will bring challenges but God's peace will make sure nothing takes away your peace.

Finally brethren your thought life is your fortress, keeping your mind and heart peaceful is key in accessing dimensions of prayer. Take note your assignment is to maintain peace within while a heated battle is in progress, Jonah and Jesus had so much peace they could sleep through a storm, God's peace is amazing to an extent you remain unbothered in storms of life. Peace is your portion, as you move to dimensions of fire in prayer.


Father I am thankful for your amazing love that grants me peace and joy daily.


My mind and heart are kept by God's precious peace.

Bible reading
Isaiah 34 and 35

Breed of Christ Intl



Prayer strategy

Jude 1:20 But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,

Believing is not the end of the process because believing is a result of an internal conversation, its yourself convincing the doubting part of yourself. In other words believing is extinguishes doubt, this is what most people call faith but its not yet faith, at least the type of faith that causes things to manifest. Believing is potential energy or we can call it a fuel, its measured by your level of expectation.

Now faith is the substance that materialises your believing or should I say its the fire. Believing is good but being set on fire is the key. Having firewood is very important but you need fire to enjoy the energy in the firewood. Potential is good but its meant to be utilised, if not used it frustrates.

Now praying in the Holy Ghost and power set you on fire such that every expectation or potential in you is turned into reality. Faith is fire and prayer is the fire starter. People of faith are people of prayer. Inorder to create a glorious life you have to create a strategy that aides your devotional life.

To enjoy an effective prayer life your thought life is important. Feed yourself with the word of God and thoughtfully engage in the word until it influences your thoughts such that your prayer life is fueled, faith drives you to victory. You will find courage and strength which produces results in desert like conditions. Faith is fire.


Father Help me align my thoughts with your thoughts so that I can access your desires for my life.


I am full of fire

Bible reading
32 and 33

Breed of Christ Intl



Prayer strategy
The fig tree

Matthew 21:21 Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done. 21:22 And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

The fig tree has no ears to hear, it didn't say any audiable words to begin with but, when Jesus spoke words it responded, Jesus used human language and a tree heard him, how many things are in your life and they have been speaking to you and you have not been answering? Every area of your life that is barren can hear your voice but we have to demystify the contents the voice and words of Jesus.

Jesus spoke coded words, if you go to your fig tree right now it might not respond until you code your words. Prayer is a process of coding such that when you speak people hear words but the environment around you is instructed to respond, this is why the world doesn't understand our power, the very same words that give life can take away life due to the code.

The secret is that, words take the character of the their origin, your job is to create an atmosphere within you that generates power daily. Your thoughts are not tangible but they affect the tangible world. If you spend 24 hours maintaining meditation on the word you have spent 24hrs in prayer. Even if you repeat word for word of what Jesus said you will not get the same results because of the differing mindsets.

After Jesus spent the day commanding and imagining fruitfulness the fig tree stood before him fruitless, your fig tree is what refuses to conform to the knowledge of God you possess, to the disciples the fig tree was just a tree but to Jesus it made an insulting statement against the knowledge of what God promised. Don't be emotional about situations be informed and react based on the word.

Please note, Jesus didn't say a prayer here, he made a decree against fruitlessnes and the tree dried, your words and reactions during the day can negate your prayers or spend your prayers as you exercise authority. Spirituality and emotionalism don't meet, it's not about carnal anger against situations rather spiritual urge to release power through words. You are a powerhouse, a generator of power, your words are empowered to prosper.


Lord grant me hunger for the word and understanding so that I may be effective in generating power from within.


I generate great amounts of power daily

Bible reading
Isaiah 30 and 31

Breed of Christ Intl



The Angelic

Hebrews 1:13 But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool? 1:14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?

Child of God you have a responsibility to know who you are so that God's love is effective upon your life. Failure to be conscious of your identity is failure to access God's love upon your life. Do you know who you are? Do you know whose you are? As long as you are ignorant of who you are then no amount of preaching can change your life. Its not humility to deny your identity.

Pharisees sought to kill Jesus after he openly declared his identity, no matter what life brings to you never ever let lose your identity, as Jesus stood before Pilate he confirmed his identity as the king, even at the point of death he feared nothing. Peter became a pope just by identifying Jesus as the Son of God.

You might be going through tough situations in life just remember who you are and whose you are, you are the apple of God's eye, his beloved and treasure possession. Claim your identity with boldness because when you call, powers, rulers dommions, thrones respond because you are the child of God. Creation honours your word as a child of God.

The angelic has always been present and will always be present and active around you but if you are not aware of who you are then you cannot taste this dimension of power. This is reserved for Kings, priest and princes to wield heavens resources to employ in kingdom business. Confidently Jesus was aware that at his request legions of angels are ready to defend him.

Hold on to your identity with dear life because the enemy is trying by all means to take it away from you so that you remain an unidentifiable entity. The prodigal son remembered that he had a father, you have a father, you are royalty. To access and function in the angelic realm be conscious of your identity.


Father I am eternally grateful for gifting me your name and identity.


I am a child of God

Bible reading
Isaiah 26 and 27

Breed Of Christ intl



The angelic

The Genesis 16:9 And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Return to thy mistress, and submit thyself under her hands. 16:10 And the angel of the LORD said unto her, I will multiply thy seed exceedingly, that it shall not be numbered for multitude. 16:11 And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the LORD hath heard thy affliction.

The subject of seeing angels is a subject that fascinates many believers but there are misconceptions on this subject that if resolved will help you start seeing angels today. What many people desire to receive are visitations without realising that seeing angels is an ability that you can receive and see angels daily.

Angels are present where you are right now, you only need information for you to see them. They exist in this realm at a different frequency so you need to be sensitive to pick frequencies that your eyes and ears cannot pick, once you are aware that there are angels where you then your heart becomes sensitive to their frequencies.

Visions are images from within, your heart is the one that sees angels and gives your brain to see, the same way you can tell you are not alone in a room yet all your sense cannot pick who it is, your heart sees but if its not informed it will wrongly label what its seeing, hence you might feel happy, sad, anxious or afraid for no reason yet its your heart seeing something.

Visititations on the other hand are not visions, your senses are physically engaged in reality it's beyond emotions, angels can take terrestrial bodies or forms to appear before us. Visitations are not common to an extent in the bible visititations are what we mainly see recorded because they mark God's direct intervention in this realm. In someone's life time they can receive one or two. Israels journey began with a visitation through a burning Bush.

In every biblical characters life, you will find these visitations marked a turn around moment personally or for the nation. Before the birth of Jesus the angel Gabriel had to visit Mary, the birth of a child of destiny is marked by visitations. Ishmael's mother Hagai is visited because of Ishmael's destiny. Every visitation is to inform you of what you carry, you carry destiny and purpose that is beyond your life time.

Imagine living a life without visitation you can abort greatness without knowing it. The angel was assigned to you before birth but you have never had a conversation with that angel to find out his or her assignment in your life, before birth your name is announced and known. There are dreams a pregnant mother receives which are not usual, same as you there are things happening to you that are telling you of your destiny and purpose.

Visitations serve many purposes and they are triggered direct from the throne room. Present your case before the Lord and it will be heard and he will visit you with an answer, seeing angels is an ability that everyone can access but visitations are transformational, you don't receive a visitation and walk away defeated. Jacob walked aware with a limp and a new name. Gideon set Israel free after a visitation. Stirr up a desire within you for an encounter with the supernatural and you will soon be changed.


Oooh Lord if I found mercy and favor before you, grant me an encounter with you so that my life can be transform.


Its my season of supernatural visitation

Bible reading
Isaiah 24 and 25

Breed of Christ Intl



The Angelic
The word

Psalms 121:2 My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth. 121:3 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. 121:4 Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.

There is a line that separates empty bragging and actual release of power. The kingdom of God is not in word but in demonstration of power. There is a time to preach and share the word but there is a point where the word has to become flesh, this is the point which we are uncovering.

The word should come alive in your life to an extent every scripture you read has evidence in your life. Angels guard and guide God's word in your life, there are angels that watch over God's word to perform it and they are are angels that makes sure God's word addresses you accurately causing you to be fruitful.

Every scripture you read has an angel watching over it to perform it in your life, God watches over his word to perform it. The word of God is so potent it unlocks ranks within you of the angelic in your life. Jesus said, "the words I speak are spirit and they are life... ", everytime he spoke angels would be activated.

Revelation is not new information, its the opening of scripture which produces light, as you read angels are busy guiding you to the truth so that they are empowered to war on your behalf. At times you need to prayer and cry for yourself to understand scripture because God is actively looking for His active word in your life to perform it.

The word is an instant remedy to any and all situation because it goes beyond your rank, actually the word you subscribe to affords you a higher rank. When you fall into a situation ask yourself what God says about that situation and look for those who have higher ranks to speak to you, their ranks will unlock higher powers. The word should become flesh in your life, the word is powerful, our God watches over his word to perform it, angels are ready.


Merciful Lord grant me understanding of your word.


His word is active and live within me.

Bible reading
Isaiah 22 and 23

Breed of Christ Intl



The angelic
Increasing in rank

Matthew 19:21 Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me. 19:22 But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.

Jesus said with great power comes great responsibility, with every other form of power there are limits and boarders, our kind of power is not limited by any form of barrier its absolute power. Your rank gives you authority and authority is delegated power.

There is a price to be paid for you to access higher ranks in the kingdom. The price is unreasonable if you are not aware of what you are paying for, if you know the product you are purchasing you will feel like you are being given for free yet you are paying the full price.

The price you pay to increase in rank is sacrifice, there is no particular amount or a specific object the price is the same for rank shift to occur. Before you start sacrificing obedience is greater than sacrifice, so the greatest sacrifice is obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ. Your sacrifice loses value if its not in obedience.

The man whom Jesus was talking to became sorrowful because the true price was not money but total surrender. If you have options and opinions power is not cheap, yet to those who are thoroughly broken before the Lord power is availed easily. Remember the goal is to function with angels and not just spectate.

Power is what makes an ordinary person great, it doesn't matter who you are, you can become a wonder in this life and the world will celebrate you. Greatness doesn't happen to the great it locates the humble and unqualified. Who are you listening to? Who are you obedient to? Jesus is Lord give him his place and angels will minister with you and to you.


Father help me to overcome rebellion in me so that I may serve you whole heartedly.


The angelic ministers to me and with me

Bible reading
Isaiah 21 and 22

Breed of Christ Intl



The angelic

Daniel 10:13 But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia.

You will notice that as you got through the bible our God is a God of order to an extent when Israel was moving from Egypt to the promised land they moved in ranks and files, it was not a million people who would be walking aimlessly in the desert. When dealing with the angelic you have to understand that they are highly organised and very efficient beings.

They are not assigned to duty and rank based on appearance, their ability and performance is tested first before appointment, this is why God is confident enough to say when he sends his word it doesn't fail, it returns to him after fulfilling what he sent it to accomplish, his word is trained in accuracy, precision and efficiency.

You will find that Micheal fought with the prince of Persia because he was the chief Prince and Gabriel remained with the Kings of Persia. In one verse we are having an important principle being revealed that is rank responds to rank. Kings don't answer to princes. This is important to know because many at times we don't know our ranks so we answer to any ranks and when we speak we don't know which rank to address.

Your rank determines which angels answer when you pray or issue commands. Gabriel's rank was higher than the prince of Persia so he couldn't respond to him. Gabriel was going to Daniel which gives us the identity of Daniel, having a king coming to deliver a message shows Daniel was a king.

Know your rank, some of you fight all soughts of battles which are not at your rank because you don't know who you are. Strive to grow your rank by rebelling against every carnality in your mind and body and be a person of sacrifices for the kingdom. Fight to grow your rank and be conscious of your identity.


Lord help me discern my rank and grant me grace to increase in rank


My rank in the spirit is increasing daily

Bible reading
Isaiah 19 and 20

Breed of Christ Intl
