Keona Ellerbe

Keona Ellerbe

I help multi-faceted women overcome the pressure to conform by recommitting to the promises they mad So, who am I? in Pre-Med Biology.

I’m a child of God, wife, and mother of four children. I graduated from Virginia State University with a B.S. Served as a nurse for several years before transitioning into the Government. After almost a decade there, I realized I was allergic to bosses and fired mine. Yep, I’m 35 years old and RETIRED! I’m an Author, Speaker and Redesign Coach™ (Life Coach) and Travel Agent. I am truly thankful an


Hello July! Today is the first day of the seventh month and seven symbolizes completion or wholeness. Take some time today to jot down how far you’ve come, milestones you’ve hit (big and small) and your accomplishments from the first half of the year. Also, take time to find areas you need to speak life into this month. Know this, the second half of the year, will be the best half of the year! 💜💜💜 #


Lord, Thank you allowing me to see another day and enter into a new season. I thank you, that you, and only you, hold the world in your hands and because of that, I have nothing to fear. I can stand strong, flat footed and firm on your word. I thank you that despite my short comings you never turned your face or took your hands off me. I repent for anything I said, did or thought that was contrary to your will for my life. I am thankful that I don’t have to be perfect to be in your will, as long as I am actively progressing to be a better person. Lord, I promise to use every gift and talent you placed in me and to be a good steward over everything you place in my hands. I will run the race you have set before me and even when I get weary, I will faint not. I will remain steadfast, unmovable because I know my work is unto you.

I pray right now for every person reading this, that they would come to know you more intimately. That they would allow you to search their hearts and mind. Healing any area that’s broken or weak. Strengthen them for todays fight, not being focused on yesterday or tomorrow because you hold their future in your hands. I pray that when they think you’re far away, each breath will allow them to know just how close you are. Lord, remove all fear, doubt and insecurities. Replacing them with belief, love and patience.

Lord, I thank you for being God ALL BY YOURSELF. You go by many names, but I call you Father, the great I AM, Lord of Lords, King of Kings, One True Living God…it’s in your name I pray and do give thanks, Amen. Amen!


As you’re traveling through this journey called life it’s okay to take a peek at how far you’ve come. You’ll get a glance at the giants you slayed, the missteps, but more important the lessons learned. You will begin to see how you’ve grown and how your perception over the years has changed. The saying, hindsight is 20/20 ain’t nothing but the truth, but the real truth is knowing that you have the power to hit the reset button and design the life you desire. See it’s okay that you aren’t where you want to be right now, but are you striving towards it? Are you working on your mindset? Are you releasing yourself from the mental prison you’ve entrapped yourself in? Are you blocking out the distractions that are telling you, you can’t? Are you surrounding yourself with people that will speak life into, but also tell you the truth? Are you drawing nigh to God, so that He can draw nigh to you? See what you want, wants you more IF you are willing to seek after it! I admonish you today, to take some time to become self-aware and ask yourself these three questions:
1- Who are you?
2-Where are you?
3-Where do you want to go?
These questions will turn on a light switch in your brain to seek after the answers. So, grab your journal and write down whatever comes to your mind when you ask the questions. The more you write, the more God will reveal to you. Remember, integrity is choice, and it first starts with you, understanding YOU! 💜💜💜


Integrity is more important than just being honest and transparent with others, but also with ourselves. Too often folks will look at themselves in the mirror and lie. Why? Because it’s easier to believe the lie, than to face the truth. If we all took some time to face ourselves and be okay with the scars and stains (some self-inflicted) we would be in a position to properly heal and be made whole. Until that self-work journey begins nothing else will make sense. Your journey through life will always feel heavier than it’s supposed to because of the excess baggage that you’re carrying. The bags of fear, doubt, shame and guilt from past experiences were never meant to be carried for an extensive time, but to be used as learning tools for your future. Today, I ask you to face yourself, recognize the past, accept the roll you played, put the bags down and FORGIVE YOURSELF. Why? Because walking in INTEGRITY starts with YOU, facing YOU!


Happy Monday!

Today, I challenge you to use the keys that are already in your possession. Too often, we look for new ways, new opportunities and if we’re really honest new friends/relationships because we have an itch for new. What if I told you, what you’re looking for is already there, but you need to change your prespective on what you see, in order to see it. When we think of new, there are bells and whistles that go off in our brain to sometimes trick us to think that “if we just had” it would be so much better, but what if “the new” causes you to lose your place in line or miss what you needed to see. My favorite book says it something like this, if you’re faithful with little you’ll be faithful with more and if you’re dishonest with little you’ll be dishonest with more. So I ask you today, what keys do you currently have and have you been a good steward over those? Today, don’t ask God for more, ask him to show you how to be a good steward over what He’s already given you. Therefore you begin developing a muscle for great character when the new keys show up. Love y’all 💜


Self-Awareness Saturday

Mirror, Mirror who’s unstoppable and unbothered? You! Okay, just checking! Let’s GO! Sometimes you just have to encourage yourself. What are you saying about YOU?


Working from home will have you in a suit jacket🧥, shorts 🩳 and flip-flops 🩴 for zoom meetings. You begin to get comfortable with being comfortable. So although I’m still working from home, I made a decision to show up for ME today. I’m still comfortable and might I add cute ☺️, but I had to shift my thinking.

My office has now relocated to the penthouse level of an office building in D.C. Out of this office multi-million dollar deals are made and signed with business partners from all ethnicities that impact the world. Integrity by Design is a global company that doesn’t conform to the pressures of culture, but promises to deliver authentic coaching and services to each person and company desiring to elevate to new levels by remaining integral, honest and transparent in their growth.

Shifting your perception, will transform your life. What will you shift today?

Keona T. Ellerbe CEO/Founder
Integrity by Design


Are you a hoarder? Most think about hoarding tangible items, but neglect to think about the gifts, talents and abilities that are being hoarded. So let me ask the question again, ARE YOU A HOARDER? What business have you been procrastinating on starting? What have you mastered that you can teach someone else? Remember, you are someone’s answered prayer so LET’S GO!


My heart is sooo full right now! I just got off the phone with an amazing young woman. This call was initiated because she wanted to hear about the programs that could assist her with purchasing a home and it quickly turned into our love for God. I am quick to tell a client that I am here to serve them and I mean it! Servitude is a lost art because most folks think serving is beneath them, but what they don’t realize is that their blessings are tied to their level of service. You will NEVER reach the next level until you learn to serve. And not just serve expecting anything in return, but truly serving from the heart. As I lit a fire in her today to shift her mindset and prepare for greater, she in return lit a fire in me. Getting someone the keys to their new home is something that I truly enjoy, but making sure their soul is anchored in The Father, building Abba’s Kingdom and renewing their mindset is my passion. Find a way to serve and watch God bless you exponentially! 💜💜💜


Church Folks, Stop this foolishness! The Bible has been used as manipulation by so many and we have to be very careful to not give inaccurate information for something that we don’t understand. This is why I am so passionate about making sure folks know how to hear from God on their own and not through an interpreter.


Well this is disturbing! When do we get serious about what wealth looks like in our community? While some are out here ready to hit the streets because outdoors is open, the focus should be raising credit scores, building businesses, understanding life insurance, buying real estate and making wealth moves! Who should be to blame for the lack of knowledge? YOU! Stop getting caught up in the distraction of everything else going on in the world and taking everyone else’s opinion on what should be done and put your head down and do it! Do what you ask? Whatever is going to cause you to leave a legacy. Stop playing and LET’S GO!


This is going to a May to Remember! Blessings after blessings are coming your way from all the seeds you’ve sown in private! 💜💜💜


Make sure you’re equipped with the following:
Cap, scarf, hoodie, one glove, one mitten, one boot and one flip flop. Oh and don’t forget your Shea butter it can be used as sunscreen and ashy body parts. 😂🤣😂


If you haven’t been told today, I LOVE YOU! 💜💜💜


Oh yeah, she got them keys! Soooo I started working with this Queen October 2020. Since that time,we did the following:
🔑 Increased her credit score by 40 points
🔑 Paid off all of her debt
🔑 Traded in her car for a lesser payment (she purchased a brand new 2021-$150 cheaper than the old one)
🔑 $7500 grant
🔑 $250 refund at the table
🔑🔑 Purchased a brand new construction home (completed 2 weeks ago). She is equipped with a plan to pay her car off early, pay her house off early and how to purchase her first rental property. She trusted me and the process...LET’S GO!


My mindset EVERYDAY, ALL DAY! Try it.


Hey, You!

Stop scrolling and take a minute just to tell God THANK YOU for what He’s done and getting ready to do in your life. I know sometimes it might feel like your spinning your wheels or your situation isn’t getting better, but I promise you that it is. The same grace that was on David, is on you. The same grace that was on Joseph, is on you. The same grace that was on Moses, is on you. The same grace that was on Rahab, is on you. The word of God is jam packed with examples of individuals who sinned and God forgave. Those who ran and God still pursued. Those who didn’t deserve grace, but God extended it anyway. So when you think you’re unworthy, God says you were worth dying for! Pick yourself up, wash your face and LET’S GO! You have work to do!!!




Stop accepting things you didn’t ask for.
🛑 Stop carrying other people’s bags.
🛑 Stop holding onto guilt.
🛑 Stop taking negatively to yourself.
🛑 Stop playing small.
🛑 Stop staying in situations or around people that are there to hold you back.
🛑 Stop putting your dreams on the back burner to build others dreams. 🛑🛑🛑
Simply stated, throw it ALL back!
What’s one thing you need to throw back?


In this journey called life it seems that too many folks operate from a reactive position instead of being proactive. Today, I challenge you to shift your mindset to be ready for whatever life might throw your way.

Photo: My Namesake
Shirt: By Me
Gift: From God


Happy Resurrection Sunday!


The date says it ALL. LET’S GO!


We have officially crossed into the 2nd Qtr of the year. Let’s take time today to think about what did and didn’t go as planned in the 1st Qtr and come up with plan to rock out the rest of the year. LET’S GO!


It’s rough out here in these lending streets! This is how I feel when I get a customer with good credit and money for downpayment and closing. Lawd send me more of these folks please and thank you. 🥴😂


Happy International Women’s Day! 💪🏾💜


These little comfortable pants will have you thinking ALL is well until it’s time to put on real clothes. Sooo today I decided to grab a pair of jeans I hadn’t worn since early last year and it didn’t go well. There was a struggle and a fight. Needless to say they won and I lost. Moral of the story, sweatpants are liars and all isn’t well. 😂🤣😂


Here’s why I tell my customers to match their faith with my FAITH waivers not! So here’s the back story this is a mother who is in a bad living situation for her and her daughter. She didn’t qualify for one of my other downpayment assistance programs because her debt to income was too high, but I shared with her that I have another program that might work. I ran the numbers and realized we’d be cutting it really close to the max 80% AMI based on her income and the location of the property she was looking to purchase. I had two co-workers tell me to prepare for a back-up plan. Nah, y’all don’t know the God I serve! Received her conditional commitment today. She will not only receive more downpayment assistance funds than the first program she inquired about, she will also have a lower interest rate. We’ve cleared all of her conditions with the underwriter with the exception of the certificate for the program and she will close on her new home March 10th. Was it close? Yep, 78% close!!!! Don’t trust me, but the the God I serve! Won’t HE Will!💜💜💜


Such a great way to end the workweek by getting this Queen the keys to her new home! Who’s next? 💪🏾🔑


It’s Wellness Wednesday-Laugh Out Loud Today!


Happy Love Day! 💜💜💜


Today, I reached out to someone that I considered to be a good friend and apologize. I allowed some foolishness that had nothing to do with them cause me to push them away because they were closely associated with the individuals I had an issue with. I can admit, I was afraid to call because I didn’t know what they were going say or even if they would listen to my rationale and accept my apology. After having a conversation with myself, I swallowed my pride and threw out the fear and made the call. They didn’t answer, but I decided to send a text to let them know my reason for calling. After several erased messages I finally hit send. 😨😰 I kept, checking my phone to see if they responded and when they finally did, my heart dropped before opening the message. My mind was racing wondering what they said.🤔 I opened the message and immediately started crying while reading their response. I hurt someone that I never intended to hurt because I didn’t know how to properly deal with the situation and effectively communicate the space I was in. They accepted my apology and understood why I pushed them away and quickly reminded me why we were friends to begin with.

Raise your hand 🙋🏾‍♀️ and let me know if there are some things you need to clear up and make right.

If this is you, today, I challenge you to make that call or send that text not worrying about their response, but understanding that this is not only for you, but them as well. 💜💜💜


365 Black!


Happy Friday!


It’s Wellness Wednesday so choose your thoughts wisely.


Hey, You! Regardless of whose clapping, you’re still winning! I SEE YOU! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


How y’all feeling today? 🤣😂😂


I’m just so happy and thankful. That is it. 💜💜💜


Y’all have fun, but this is the only I’ll be able to do.


This is not just a cute quote for me; this is my daily prayer.

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Integrity is more important than just being honest and transparent with others, but also with ourselves. Too often folks...