

UniverCity is a revolutionary new 3D “social engagement” platform
for college students to enga

UniverCity is a revolutionary new 3D “social engagement” platform
for college students. Engage, stay current on what's happening, and get big savings from your favorite local hang-outs in real-time. Your student-Id is all you need to enter this exclusive college campus experience that delivers relevant and personalized content to each college student.

New app keeping student purchases local makes Eugene debut 05/11/2013

Hey Oregon Fans! We were also on KMTR. Check it out! http://www.kmtr.com/news/local/New-app-keeping-student-purchases-local-debuts-in-Eugene-230432851.html?tab=video

New app keeping student purchases local makes Eugene debut A new app connecting college students with local business owners will use the University of Oregon for it’s debut before going nationwide.

App Helps UO Students Find Good Deals | KEZI 04/11/2013

Did you see our story on KEZI? Check it out! http://www.kezi.com/app-helps-uo-students-find-good-deals/

App Helps UO Students Find Good Deals | KEZI A new smartphone app will soon be available for University of Oregon students looking for good deals. The application is called UniverCity 3D. The founders wanted to develop an app that would help students stay more connected and help small businesses thrive.

Timeline photos 03/11/2013

Watch for our Co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer, David Koch, tomorrow on KMTR as he talks about our new, revolutionary social platform for the University of Oregon. Also, tune in Monday to KPNW-AM at 6:40 a.m. to hear David Live on the Wake Up Call with Rob Holloway and Bill Lundun. UniverCity3D is taking the U of O and local business owners on a revolutionary ride. Join us!

Timeline photos 03/11/2013

We are now officially launched at the University of Oregon. Hey, Oregon, YOU are our flagship college. Purdue is next. We are going nationwide with this new, revolutionary social platform! Stay tuned for details about our launch party...


Hey University of Oregon, Want to get exclusive deals at your favorite local spots in Eugene? UniverCity3D is going to make it happen!


We are hiring enthusiastic campus ambassadors to help us launch UniverCity3D at University of Oregon! If interested, email [email protected]!


Attention University of Oregon! How would you like exclusive deals at your favorite local spots? Get ready for UniverCity3D! Coming soon to an app store near you!

UniverCity 3D 08/10/2013

Are you ready? U of O students get ready to receive a membership for FREE with UniverCity3d--all you need is your student ID. We are coming soon to your Itune store. Our revolutionary social engagement platform will get you connected like never before AND save you lots of money with your fav local businesses. Our app is made for college students by some of the top game and app designers in the United States, including some recent grads. U of O is our flagship college before we launched this patented app national. GO DUCKS!!!


UniverCity 3D

UniverCity 3D 02/10/2013

Check out our website that just got launched. The count down is on for UniverCity 3D to be launched at its flag ship college: The University of Oregon! http://univercity3d.com'

UniverCity 3D


Join our team! We are hiring enthusiastic talent.
- Campus Ambassadors
- Sales Team
- Programmers
- Graphic Artists
- Photographers
To apply, send resume and cover letter to [email protected]

Timeline photos 01/10/2013

Eugene and Springfield Businesses: Call or email us now to sign up for our introductory rate of $20.00 for the first month. Grow your business fast by engaging with U of O college students in a whole new way! Simple, creative and affordable! Students will be able to check out your ad and receive real deals and discounts on their smartphones, iPads and computers. U of O is our flagship college market before we go nationwide!

Timeline photos 01/10/2013

Hey U of O students: The count down is on! What's your favorite local business? Let us know and we will do our best to get them onboard with Univercity3D so you can save big!!!

Timeline photos 01/10/2013

Eugene and Springfield businesses--this is your chance to connect with the University of Oregon college students in a revolutionary way. It's simple, effective and affordable. We're talking unlimited ads in real time delivered right to their smartphones, Ipads and computers! Just call us to get started--only $20.00 for the first month!


Our seasoned video software team that includes the former head of Walt Disney interactive is now bringing the U of O and its surrounding area to life in real 3D like you've never seen it! Save and Engage with UniverCity, Inc!

Timeline photos 01/10/2013

UniverCity provides students with an easy way to find and learn about local businesses and for local businesses to attract and retain students as regular customers through discounts and promotions. Students stay tuned for this new, revolutionary 3D social platform that will help you save big and engage with fellow students like never before!