Šola telesne nesmrtnosti. School of Physical Immortality.

Šola telesne nesmrtnosti. School of Physical Immortality.

We practice immortality. School of Physical Immortality. Šola telesne nesmrtnosti. Škola fizičke besmrtnosti. Escuela de inmortalidad fisica.

Timeline photos 26/12/2016

Be as happy as dolphins are!

Timeline photos 23/12/2016
Timeline photos 21/12/2016

Shaolin chi kung.

Photos from Šola telesne nesmrtnosti. School of Physical Immortality.'s post 20/12/2016

Today no exercise, only a special bird saying hello. Danes ni nobene vaje, le ptič, ki nas pozdravlja.

Timeline photos 20/12/2016

Exercise number 3. Breathe in, breathe out. Reading a book about rejuvenation makes mind think differently. Vaja številka 3. Vdih, izdih, ozaveščeno dihanje. Branje knjig o pomlajevanju naredi um bolj dojemljivega za spremembe.

Timeline photos 19/12/2016

2. vaja. Povežite se z Merlinom. Naredite sprehod v naravi. Zastavite eno vprašanje in poslušajte ta en odgovor. Pomlajevanje se začne z dihanjem v naravi. 2nd exercise: Connect with nature. Connect with Merlin. Ask yourself one crucial question and you will get one crucial answer. The rejuvenation starts with breathing fresh air in or near the woods.

Photos from Šola telesne nesmrtnosti. School of Physical Immortality.'s post 18/12/2016

Za dosego ravni nesmrtnosti, začnemo s 1.vajo. Vaja vključuje povezovanj z drevesom. Se ga dotaknite in izmenjajte energijo. Vse skupaj je 108 vaj. To reach the level of immortality you need to do an exercise where you connect with the tree you like. Exchange the energy! Feel well! This is the 1st exercise of 108 for rejuvenation. Tukaj je eno ali drugo drevo.

Photos from Šola telesne nesmrtnosti. School of Physical Immortality.'s post 18/12/2016

Začelo se je leta 1995. S knjigo Vrelec mladosti. To so bile tibetanske vaje pomlajevanja!. It all started in 1995 when I began doing certain exercises for rejuvenation. The process is going to start again now.
