

DermaVisit allows you the ability to see a dermatologist online. is a web site that allows you the ability to see a dermatologist online.

In consultation with your primary health care provider, you can be referred to the site, where you will be examined by a board certified dermatologist. Your online consultation will be answered much faster than through traditional means, and most aspects of a traditional dermatology visit, including diagnosing and prescribing can be accomplished through the E-Dermconsult™ or E-Dermavisit™. If you


Blog :: > Three Ways to Combat Winter Itch

Is Winter itch making you downright miserable? Here's tips on how to diagnose your problem and combat the common skin ailment from DermaVisit's Board Certified Dermatologist Dr. Scott Henslee... If your skin is tight, painful, red and itchy, consider talking to your doctor to rule out any causes that just might be coming from inside your body.


Blog :: > Physician's Numbers are Declining...Is Telederm a Solution?

How DermaVisit and Teledermatology are helping to address the impending physician shortage... At DermaVisit we are committed to teaming up with health care providers to address the dermatologic needs of patients quickly and reliably. DermaVisit is moving the delivery of dermatology care into the 21st century to help meet the needs of patients.


MDNews - San Antonio - September 2011

In a recent issue, MD News talks about how DermaVisit's telederm technology brings affordable Dermatology care to local university students...


Blog :: > Campus Clinics Embrace Teledermatology Through DermaVisit

We want to welcome Utsa San Antonio to the DermaVisit family! Like students at Our Lady of the Lake University -- Official Source for University News, St. Mary's University, and Trinity University, they can now use their flex account to pay for a convenient, reliable, and cost-effective dermatologist visit.

Have acne, eczema or other common skins problems? Head on over to your campus health center or our website for more information on how DermaVisit can help you. Last week, Dermavisit and our board certified dermatologist, Dr. Scott Henslee, were featured on San Antonio's KENS 5 new cast. Learn more about how Dermavisit works in their news report...


Have acne, eczema or other common skins problems? Students at Our Lady of the Lake, St.Mary's University, or Trinity University can now use your flex account to pay for a convenient, reliable, and cost-effective dermatologist visit.

Go to your campus health center for more information on DermaVisit and you can also learn more about it works on our site:


Blog :: > Campus Clinics Embrace Teledermatology Through DermaVisit

Last week, DermaVisit and our board certified dermatologist, Dr. Scott Henslee, were featured on San Antonio's and news cast! Learn more about how Dermavisit works in their news report... There’s something new on three college campuses in San Antonio this year. It’s a service that connects students to skin doctors...


Blog :: > The Good News About Stretch Marks

If you're self-conscious about your stretch marks, our board certified doctor has incredible news for you! In our latest blog post, he discusses a recent study that shows they are a non-factor for guys, and he shares the best cure for the common skin condition... I am asked frequently about what can be done for stretch marks (Striae), and the short answer is not much. That being said, there is much explaining with regards this subject. Here is the good news...


Blog :: > Best Over the Counter Acne Treatments

Having trouble with acne? In today's article our board certified doctor shares what he feels is the best over the counter remedy that will help you fight it... We are asked several times each week about what are the best over the counter acne treatments. Basically, they are all different formulations of the same two active ingredients; benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. These are both considered "comedolytics," which means they prevent or treat plugging ...


Blog :: > Top 5 Simple Steps to Healthly Skin

Taking care of your skin is easier than you may think. Here's Dr. Scott Henslee's top five recommendations for patients... A patient asked today, “What is the best thing I can do for my skin?” This is a question that I am asked frequently. I have a top five that I recommend for patients. ...


Blog :: > Are All Sunscreens Safe?

DermaVisit's Board Certified Dermatologist Dr.Scott Henslee sheds light on the sunscreen controversy... As we roll into warmer weather, I want to remind everyone to use their sunscreen. There appears to be some controversy regarding the safety of sunscreen...


Blog :: > The Surprising Truth About Cellulite

There are many myths about cellulite and most of them center around quick fixes to get rid of it. Get the surprising inside scoop on the common skin condition from DermaVisit's Board Certified Dermatologist Dr.Scott Henslee... As bikini and shorts season is here, I am getting more questions in the office about cellulite. Specifically, patients want to know what causes it, and are there any treatments that really work...


How it Works :: We partner with health care providers in your area to provide expert diagnostic services online...


Why :: Convenience - Whether you are an executive, a student, a mother, or a rancher, finding time to get to the dermatologist is difficult. allows you the flexibility to visit the doctor on your schedule...


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