Intentionally Focused

Intentionally Focused

Helping divorced women take intentional steps to reclaim their health and their lives so they can enjoy a life filled with joy, peace and happiness.


There are so many...where to start?! šŸ˜œ


Happy 4th of July!


Are You Making Progress?

I want you to look back at the last three months and tell meā€¦

Do you feel as if you are making progress in taking back control of your life?

Are your feelings of hopelessness and anxiety
Getting better?
Getting worse?
Staying the same?

Unless you answered ā€œgetting betterā€...then whatever you are currently doing to try to get rid of anxiety, increase your energy and improve your mindset is not working.

So if you continue to do the same thing youā€™ve been doingā€¦where will you be at the end of the NEXT three months?

If you need the next three months to be different than the last three months then type yes in the comments below (or shoot me a message) and Iā€™ll reach out to you!


Just A Little Reminderā€¦

If you are trying to reclaim your health and your life, one of the simplest things you can do is stop comparing yourself to others.

I know that may sound simplistic but when you compare yourself to others you begin to feel discouraged, as if you are falling short of where you think you ā€˜shouldā€™ be. (Keep in mind that others donā€™t always show the real life ā€˜ickyā€™ stuff (struggles) going on in their lives, just the side they want others to see.)

Your journey is your journey alone and with every step you are taking you are getting closer to the life you have envisioned for yourself. Will the path getting there always be straight? Nope, more often than not, itā€™s windy. Sometimes two steps forward, one step back. As long as you remind yourself that this is normal, it makes it easier to tell that self-sabotage/negative thinking to ā€œtake a hike!ā€

Rememberā€¦little changes in habits and thoughts lead to big changes over time. This is especially important when you are taking the steps to create a life filled with joy, peace and happiness.

Give me a šŸ™Œ if you needed this reminder today


Easy Ways To Say No

While there are obvious situations where a straight-up ā€œNOā€ is the only proper response, there are times where you may need to be a bit more diplomatic as you uphold a boundary.

Boundaries are important for your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing and are also a key success strategy to help you take back control of your life.

For instanceā€¦if you are looking to stay away from situations that leave you feeling more stressed than at peace but there is someone or something in your life that is getting in the way of that goal, you may need to start saying ā€œnoā€ more often.

Here are some of the most effective ways to say no without hurting someoneā€™s feelings or having to give a detailed explanation.

ā— Sorry I need to prioritize my health and time right now

ā— Thank-you for thinking of me but I donā€™t have space for that right now

ā— That sounds like fun but Iā€™ll need to take a raincheck

ā— Iā€™m taking a break from X right now so Iā€™ll have to say no

ā— Thanks for the invite/offer but Iā€™m going in a different direction

ā— I wish I could but Iā€™m already committed to something else

ā— My plate is as full as Iā€™d like it to be right now, thank you for thinking of me though.

These short phrases soften the ā€œnoā€™ with a short explanation that should stop the conversation and in most situations not require you to explain further.

Do you have a ā€œnoā€ phrase that you have found works well for you? Share in the comments!


Be Your Own Valentine

Caring for yourself is the best way to care for others so do something just for you todayā€¦

Whatā€™s your go-to self-care action?


Love Others Out of Your Overflowā€¦

As nurturing women, we often take on too much when it comes to caring for those around us.

We love and prioritize others at the EXPENSE of our own health, happiness and wellbeing.

We love others from the scraps of energy that we have leftover because we have not prioritized our own needs or ways that we get ā€œfilled upā€.

When you are ā€œon emptyā€ you canā€™t love others wellā€¦

When you are living in overwhelm you canā€™t be your best for those who need you.

When you are not healthy you cannot give what you do not have to give

And...when we continue to live out unrealistic expectations of ā€œ being and doing all the things for all the peopleā€ we end up depleted...until our bodies or minds say ā€œthatā€™s enoughā€

We MUST prioritize our own health, needs, and investment in ourselves so that we can give out of the overflow of what we haveā€¦

Loving yourself is the best way to love othersā€¦ you need a change?

Do you need to start prioritizing yourself more?

Give me a ā€œYESā€ in the comments if you are needing to make some changes to your boundaries and self care so that you can reclaim your health, energy and happiness!


I Knew Something Had To Change Whenā€¦

I was so fatigued it affected my ability to be a good mom.

I felt my mind had been hijacked, like somehow my brain/mind had failed me.

My youngest was begging me to divorce her dad

I wish I hadnā€™t waited until things had gotten that badā€¦

But I honestly didnā€™t know what to doā€¦

If I knew then what I know now I would understand that

My mental and physical health wasnā€™t going to get better on its ownā€¦

My fatigue, brain fog, fear and anxiety, insecurity, depression and my now non-existent self esteem wasnā€™t going to be fixed by will power, prescription meds, meditation, deep breathing, vitamins or better eating ( at least not on their own, as I had tried)

I needed to address the root cause of all my symptoms/issues by addressing my

-stress levels
-toxic marriage

It is only when I started to focus on the RIGHT things that my mental and physical health began to improveā€¦

If you want to learn more about how I went from hopeless to hopeful and in control of my life, book an Intentionally Focused Breakthrough Call, Iā€™d love to chat with you.

Book here āž”ļø


Describe in the comments how your life would be different in four words or less...


Just a reminder:

The way you speak to yourself internally has so much power over your mental, physical, and emotional health.

Be kind to yourself.

When you catch yourself in a negative self-talk loop, stop it in its tracks and turn it into a self-love pep talk.

It takes breaking this habit to create a new one, which is entirely possible with awareness.

Be aware of your internal talk throughout the day today to take notice of any patterns.


I Canā€™t Help Everyone...

I want to...but I canā€™tā€¦

I can only work with women who areā€¦

-Determined to do whatever it takes to take back their control
-ready to ditch the excuses
-committed to the process of change

If youā€¦

-Arenā€™t determined to do whatever it takes
-Donā€™t believe that change is possible
-Are not open to a new perspective
-Are looking for a quick fix

Then as much as I want to help you transform your lifeā€¦

I donā€™t think we are a good fit to work together right nowā€¦

And I donā€™t want you to waste your time

If you think Iā€™m wrong feel free to reach out and we can chat butā€¦

What I do is very specialized and requires an openness and commitment that not everyone is ready forā€¦and I need to be fair to everyone else in the program who is ready...

If you have any questions about my Intentionally Thriving Method post them below (or shoot me a message)ā€¦


Happy New Year!!šŸŽ‰āœØ

May 2022 be your BEST year yet!!

ā€œThe future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.ā€ ā€”Eleanor Roosevelt


The ONE Resolution I Am Making This Year Isā€¦

The ONE resolution I am making this year only make resolutions that I fully intend to keep.

I know...I know...that sounds like EVERY resolution I have ever made...but what I mean by that is thisā€¦

Any resolution I set for myself is going to come with a plan..

Itā€™s going to come with accountabilityā€¦

Itā€™s going to come with a ā€œno plan Bā€ approach.

Because...what I have learned over the years is thisā€¦

Every time I make a promise to myself that I do not keep...I trust myself just a little lessā€¦

I fall into a pattern of saying I am going to do something...and then donā€™t do it... and THAT is not good for my mental health or my ability to be at my best.


Whatā€™s your resolution and whatā€™s your plan to get there?

Let me know in the commentsā€¦

Happy New Year Everyone!


Blessings of the Season...

May the blessings of this holiday season surround your home and heart, and what brings you the most joy be found in abundance.


What Did You Accomplish?

One of the weird things that tends to happen this time of year is we start to look at all the things that we wanted to accomplish over the last 12 months that remain undone.

This can put us in a feeling state of guilt or even shame for all the things left on our to-do or to-be list.

We get so focused on what we want the new year to look like... and we move all the leftovers from our to-do or to-be list onto the new year that we forget to take a minute to look at all the things that we DID accomplish this year.

I am a big believer in celebrating all accomplishments- big or small - because all the little things add up to big things and celebrating keeps the forward momentum going...

So let me hear it...I want to know what you are proud of - big or small so that I can celebrate with you as we move into this new year of opportunity!


I Want To Change The Worldā€¦

That may sound like a big audacious goal but the truth is we all need to play our part in the transformation of the world..

I want to do my part by showing women who have gone through a divorce (or are separated) that there IS a way to improve your self-confidence, live without fear & anxiety and have the life they deserve and desire...

Because if I can help you with taking back control of your life then , your transformation into a healthier, happier, more confident version of you...will positively impact the world around you.

And...your ability to pursue your own purpose and passionā€¦

Your own way of changing the worldā€¦

So you goal is not really begins through me doing the thing that I am here to do so that others can do the thing that they are here to doā€¦

So...what are YOU here to do and how would taking back control of your life help you do that?

If you want to know how I took back control of my life and how I can support you to do the same, then join me in my upcoming live training The 3 Simple Solutions to Find Your Voice, Your Freedom and Reclaim Your Life Even If Youā€™ve Been Trying For Years


5 Years Ago My Life Looked Very Different Than It Does Today

5 years ago I was a shell of a person, existing but not really living (certainly not feeling any joy or peace).. I was full of fear, anxiety, and was mentally and physically exhausted ALL THE TIME. šŸ˜Ŗ

Any energy I was able to muster was used pretending that I was ok and trying to provide the best life I could for my family.

If you want to know how I went from fear, not having a voice, and sheer exhaustion to my amazing life where I am now in control then join me for a live masterclass where I am going to share my three strategies that helped me take back control of my life , reclaim my health and brought me to a place where I am truly enjoying my fulfilling life. šŸŽ‰
Click here to sign up for The 3 Simple Solutions to Find Your Voice, Your Freedom and Reclaim Your Health Even If You've Been Trying For Years āž”


Things You Think You Need to Reclaim Your Life and Fill It With Peace, Happiness and Fulfillment. vs. What You Really Need

There are many misconceptions around what it takes to get rid of exhaustion, worry and to create the life you desire and deserve.

Some of these ideas that are floating around are based on outdated information or methods while others are simply myths that never really held a lot of value in the first placeā€¦
For example, as long as you treat others with kindness and respect they will reciprocate, or, life has been this way for you for so long that itā€™s too late to change it.

It can be frustrating when you have put your faith in some of these ideas only to have them not work out or worse...set you back further!

What I have learned after working with many women is that they often have a strong desire to change things but feel all over the place when trying to figure out what needs to be done to get there.
All you need is the right strategy along with some support, inspiration and community.

If you are ready to take back control of your life so you can enjoy a fulfilled life filled with peace and happiness without feeling all alone, frustrated, hopeless and defeated because you arenā€™t where you think you should be by now, I want to invite you to book a call so we can gain clarity around where youā€™re at and what your challenges are.

I will help you get from a place of worry, fear, exhaustion to a place of being in control of your life and enjoying your life in the present moment as well as looking forward to what the future holds!

Book an Intentionally Focused Breakthrough Call here


What Is Your Daily Self-Care Routine...Do You Even Have One??

I am hearing a lot of buzz around prioritizing ā€œself-careā€ these days...but what does that *actually* look like?

I see a lot of these posts accompanied by pictures of spa days and facials...but self-care is not all about pedicures, yoga mats and affirmations.

Itā€™s important to practice DAILY self-care.

For some...self-care might mean making sure they take a shower or eat breakfast.

For might mean drinking more water or even making their bed in the morning.

It might mean setting some stricter boundaries on time..or getting some help with childcare responsibilities so that they can go window shopping.

Self-care is going to look different for everyone.

Donā€™t get caught up in the ā€œnice ideaā€ of it.

Think about what you must have/do to be your best on a daily basis.

Then make it a priority.

Ask for what you need and expect itā€¦

Because when you get what you need...everything and everyone you give yourself to in a day will also benefitā€¦

Tell me ONE self-care action that is a MUST for you...


Wishing everyone a peaceful and blessed Thanksgiving!


To delight in the beauty of our lives, we too, must often first go through an unpleasant process. Hang in there, DON'T GIVE UP!! With intentional effort, you WILL get there šŸ’œ


Learn to trust your gutšŸ’Æ


When you feel safe and secure, there is no room for fear.

Find somewhere safe you can retreat to when ill feelings begin- whether this is a real place such as your bedroom, or a place in your mind such as the beach.

This sense of comfort will soothe you and allow you to face your fear.ā£

Mobile uploads 25/10/2021

Youā€™ll feel better about yourself if you try and fail to achieve your goal, rather than if you donā€™t try and always wonder, ā€œwhat if....ā€ #


Donā€™t let a fear of failing keep you from succeeding. You are human, you will fail at times. However, itā€™s up to you whether you choose to see it as a learning experience or an excuse to give up.


and not giving up!!šŸ˜Š


What we say has a profound impact on our feelings. Affirming and positive words promote good feelings. Be kind to yourself! šŸ’œ


"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." -Maya Angelou