Tanya Lacy - Positive Business Strategist

Tanya Lacy - Positive Business Strategist

Your thoughts have power. Use them well.


Keep your focus. Eyes on the prize.


Do you set time aside to sit and talk? Here's what I mean....
Blocking space to have specific conversations is a superpower in the hustle and hectic day to day happenings of your business.

When I speak of your business, I am also extending this to your personal life.
How easy is it to accumulate a whole series of events, happenings, conversations, experiences, and you get out of sync with your colleagues, family or partner.
Then, you're carrying this around in your own mind. Your head a scramble.
This is where blocking out space to thought sort is key.
(To learn about the power of thought sorting (head over to Interecpt.Academy for more).

Back to the thread...Talking is this:
- sometimes its to exchange and update.
- sometimes it's to brainstorm
- sometimes its to share thoughts
- sometimes it's to listen
- sometimes it's to give feedback
- sometimes it's to get feedback
- sometimes it's just to blurt until you arrive at an answer
- sometimes it's to verbalize frustration and let off steam.
Making space to reflect, assess, and plan is how to keep yourself, your work, your family, your life on track to your own goals.
Sometimes, making time, or having a meeting seems like a sacrifice. Because there is a whole bunch of stuff you feel you need to get on with and do.
However, if you make the sacrifice to make space, and to sync with those around you, you will reap the benefits.
1. Being on the same page
2. Understanding how they learn, think and feel
3. Being understood in how you learn, think and feel
4. Feeling support
5. Giving support
6. Sense of purpose & trust
7. Sense of clarity
8. Sense of direction
9. Feeling of accomplishment
10. Stronger confidence, as you, and as a unit or team.

One of the biggest obstacles to making space is the addiction to being busy. When you pause to connect, you will find the quality of your energy is different. When you then go to attend to the task, you will have a clearer head and a purer intention.
This takes a shift, particularly in leadership. Plus you get to model to those around you, the power of space to sync.
Use your calander to make the spaces you need, set the context for what those moments are.
In no particular order...

1. Big chunks of strategic review - Say a quarterly catch up
2. Specific topics - Weekly - as needs
3. Management of numbers and tracking - Monthly
4. On the fly problem solving - updates
5. Bigger vision and inspiration - Yearly

We all need to have a sense of clarity along with purpose.
That's where the juice is.

Make the space to keep yourself and those you're travelling this journey of life and business with. Stay in agreement.

Stay in the same direction, and stay on the same page.
That takes work, and it's work that is totally absolutely worth it.

Thank-you for reading.
To learn more about 90 Day System - Or our same page process, message us.

# Clarity

Webber & Chivell Fertilisers 06/05/2024

On the grow!

Webber & Chivell Fertilisers Experienced in fertilisers. Webber and Chivell, second-to-non fertilisers, ensures that you have the right product, at the best price and in the right time.


As we always say "Language Shapes Culture" Are you asking them why can't they? Or are you asking them "how can you?"
To extract yourself from the day to day, you must lift them up.
Extract capability in your people to extract yourself from the day to day.

We can support you HOW to do it at your own pace - over at our online academy. :)



We are so proud to be working so closely with this iconic Australian company for as long as we have. People People People. Is what it's all about at .

Riviera Boats Riviera handcrafts exceptional yachts from 39 to 78 feet across six distinctive model collections


Every time you jump in and overtake one of your team....
You steal a learning opportunity from them.
If your objective is to build trust? To develop their own self confidence, then it's best to resist jumping in.

By resisting jumping in, you get to support them.
That's where the saying "Support Don't Fix" Comes in.
If you like this idea, you will love learning with me on this e-coach session.

"When you step in you stop them from stepping up" - Coach T
Here's the link. https://global.ecoachglobal.com/FlG119


What does your leadership style say about you?
We are all leaders. We lead our life. And life is about relating and being with other people. Think about it. Without other people as either customers or colleagues, the economy doesn't go around.
If you are too controlling of people, there are negative consequences. It is one thing to control outcomes, processes or situations, however, controlling people doesn't work.
If you are an ambitious and driven person. If you're driven for success, then being patient and actually making and taking time to connect with people can feel counter productive. Yet it is the answer.
So what would your leadership style be like if you flipped the script a little and moved from control to connection?
What would the quality of your customer relationships be like?
What would the quality of your team relationships be like?
What would your family relationships be like?
What would your relationship with yourself be like?

At Intercept, we ask the question "Do you accept that the success of your business is a reflection of you?" if so, what is the state of your business telling you about your leadership?

For strategies to shift and answers on HOW to move from control to connect, start with some online content here:


Trust is earned. And also learned.
Your role as leader is to lead the trust. When you trust your people to run things without you, they learn to trust themselves.
If you're having difficulty letting go, we understand.
It's a process of unlearning and relearning what you as leader must learn to enable you to trust.


Want to shift to becoming a more impactful leader?
It starts with pausing to review the way you currently lead.
Then, to pivot your approach.
And pivoting requires learning.
If you're willing to learn and can relate to "I never stop learning"
Discover online resource at our online academy www.intercept.academy


You are all awesome in your own unique way! Own it baby.

Coach T


So humbled, to be tuning into our Program "Power of".
Now, what I wish to convey is that this stuff is seriously deep, and also transformational.
IF and only IF you are legitimately ready to review your style as a business leader or people leader - (you won't get this).
Ego has a lot to do with this. Having said that - we are so eager to pay forward what totally WORKS in leadership.
Sharing this post - and if you like it, check out www.Intercept.Academy
This particular quote is from the program "The Power of Language"


Misunderstandings can be avoided, with a little more.......
Patience to think.

HVIA welcomes new electric and hydrogen vehicle safety standards - Fully Loaded 01/02/2024


HVIA welcomes new electric and hydrogen vehicle safety standards - Fully Loaded The new Australian Design Rules have been put in place to help improve safety for a wide range of electric and hydrogen vehicles


Dig deep to aim high.


Know Thyself


You Must Think.


No matter your ambition, there is no avoiding the work. You can avoid wasted work, energy and time with correct strategic effort.

Carefully channeled effort is key to obtaining what moves you.
Take care in your preparation and thinking. Take it seriously. Do it well. Choose your journey partners carefully. Succeed.


This is the time of year, to think forward. To design what comes next in your own story.
Honor yourself, allocate the space in your schedule to plan what needs planning. While you remain flexible, you set your course based on high levels of clarity and purpose. Meticulous planning is the ultimate self care and respect. Carve your path.


Think Forward


1, 3, 5, 10
Year Goals.


Riviera owner Rodney Longhurst has credited the tireless effort and dedication of his team for Riviera’s global success as a builder of premium luxury motor yachts.

Speaking to the 900-strong team at the year-end celebrations on the Gold Coast, Mr Longhurst said he was absolutely committed to the continued investment in his people, technologies and their ever-expanding facility.

“Our extraordinary success goes beyond Queensland, beyond Australia. Our owners around the world love what our team is designing and creating, but most of all they love our innovation, constant refinement and our commitment to them, allowing them to enjoy the best boating experience possible,” he said.

“That’s why we keep investing in you, our people, why we continue to invest in new technologies, and our facility so that we can continue to be the very best.”

If you would like to join the Riviera team, you can view our current opportunities at https://www.rivieraaustralia.com/career-opportunities/


A Reminder To Breathe.


You Can Only Support Someone Who DESIRES To Be Supported.


When you're feeling frustrated with those around you....
When you observe yourself and notice you are impatient or challenged by a difference in you and 'them' / 'that individual' etc.
ask yourself this: Are they a drifter or a driver?
What does the evidence in how they show up - tell you?
Do they drift along, awaiting direction OR do they drive forward until they're told to back off? Are they a momentum person? Or are they going around in circles?
Drivers get more done. They may also be impatient. They may also not ask before they proceed. They may make mistakes. However, they are drivers, and they are eager to keep things moving.
Rate the drivers.
Next, dealing with drifters. Sometimes they are like managing clouds.
We do need drifters. However they are relaxed, casual and may not button up things to the level of your expectation.

Train them. Map out your standards and expectations, but at the end of the day a drifter drifts and drivers drive.
A drifter can only become a driver if they decide to be. No matter how much "potential' you see in someone, it's their own will that activates the talent. Don't bother getting frustrated about it.
This came out of a conversation today with a high performing Owner of a Franchise, who is one of the most resilient people I've met. They just bat back issues, problems, challenges, and work them through.
Today they are dealing with someone who handed in their resignation. I asked " Are you relieved?" to which they glared at me and said, "yes actually".

I observed and quipped :" That's because they were a drifter, and you are a driver".
The driver is already moving on in their mind and plans and building out their new next generation team.
And this is how to progress. Those who contributed, we thank, and then we continue to move forward. If they are not a fit, they are not a fit. And so it is.
The faster you move on, the more you will get accomplished.
Life is brief, so don't waste resource on that which is not a fit.

Re-read again if you need to. It's about noticing those who are drifters. those who are drivers and not being frustrated because of it.


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