CTP Know the Truth

CTP Know the Truth

This is my page about topics that I like to talk about and subjects I like to get off my chest.

CTP Movie Review Double Feature “The Marvels” and “Loki” Season 2 18/11/2023


CTP Movie Review Double Feature “The Marvels” and “Loki” Season 2 My review of the new Marvel Studios film with Brie Lawson and Samual L. Jackson returning as Carol Danvers Captain Marvel and Nick Fury with Teyonah Paris as...


Wow. A racist statement but what would one expect from a man who uses God to justify his bigotry.


Day 890 of the Biden administration.

CNN airs a bombshell new tape of Donald Trump talking about his January 6th insurrection and admitting that if he had been allowed to go to the Capitol he would have been "very well received" and that he "wanted" to join them.

But it gets way worse...

In the new interview — which was taped for reporter Jonathan Karl's new book Tired of Winning –– Trump said that he wanted to go join the deadly riot but was not allowed by Secret Service.

"I wanted to go back. I was thinking about going back during the problem to stop the problem, doing it myself. Secret Service didn’t like that idea too much," said Trump.

"And I could’ve done that," he went on. "And you know what? I would have been very well received."

Of course, if he had been allowed to attend the siege with his frothing mob he would not have attempted to "stop the problem," he would have made it far worse.

It took him hours just to tepidly tell his supporters to go home after they broke through the police barricades. Imagine if he had been there in the chaotic mix personally. He would have been screeching for blood.

Trump would have egged the MAGA maniacs on to even worse acts of violence and treason.

He wishes he was there because he wishes his coup attempt had succeeded

CTP Know The Truth Primetime 11/16/2023 Trumpers Talk 17/11/2023

Trump is screwed but good

CTP Know The Truth Primetime 11/16/2023 Trumpers Talk Jeanna Ellis and Sydney Powell give dispositions to Georgia prosecutors and videos have been leaked completely destroying Donald Trump defense  ...


So much for democracy. But what do you expect from N**i republicans?


They act like experts. But not.


BREAKING NEWS: George Santos just said he won’t run for re-election.
He knew he broke the law and is trying to get out of dodge.


Day 889 of the Biden administration.

I wouldn’t be talking about anyone being fired Habba. Because Trump should have fired you the second you made your first Fox News interview.

CTP Know The Truth Primetime 11/14/2023 Trump’s Plan 16/11/2023

CTP Know The Truth Primetime 11/14/2023 Trump’s Plan The Trump Campaign released its plans of Trump gets back into office. And its steps away from being N**i Germany. ...



Donald Trump's lawyers asked the judge to declare a mistrial in his fraud trial: "Given the demonstrable partisan bias present on the bench at trial, the only way to maintain public confidence in a truly independent and impartial judiciary and the rule of law is to bring these proceedings to an immediate halt."

Trump knows he's going to lose. His only strategy is: Delay, delay, delay.

That should tell you about his defense…he has NONE!


You might want to rethink those words. Not only are you supporting a N**i. But you might be supporting a convicted felon by the time this is over.


The kind of statement made by a man who knows nothing about military service.


Day 888 of the Biden administration.

They actually see this N**i creep like this. God help this country.

CTP Know The Truth Primetime 11/14/2023 Trump Is Hi**er 15/11/2023

The new N**i regime in full effect

CTP Know The Truth Primetime 11/14/2023 Trump Is Hi**er With his Veterans Day truth social post, Trump has shown that he has not intentions of being a president of this country. He intends on being the American ve...


‪BREAKING: Speaker Johnson Joins With House Democrats to Pass Continuing Resolution to Avert Government Shutdown, MAGA Furious‬


The brown shirts to there N**i leader


Now the Trump Camp is trying to walk back the Hi**er comments he’s made.
Are you f’en kidding me?


And this is the man they want to be president again


Day 887 of the Biden administration.

The rats are starting to talk.

The two layers in the Trump Georgia case who pled guilty, Sidney Powell and Jenna Ellis are talking to Georgia prosecutors.

God knows what there saying to them. And more to the point who’s next to rat? My money’s on Rudy.


You might really want to rethink those threats Habba. You might be sexy enough for Trump. But you’re not sexy enough to avoid prison for posting threats against a judge and prosecutors. I’m looking into the books to find out how we can get you disbarred. Live by the Trump, Die by the Trump.


His own damn sister.

Photos from CTP Know the Truth's post 14/11/2023

The choice is clear.

CTP Know The Truth Primetime 11/13/2023 Trump is Trying to turn coward 14/11/2023

The walls are closing in on him and he knows it

CTP Know The Truth Primetime 11/13/2023 Trump is Trying to turn coward Per an article from Polico.com, Jack Smith’s legal team files a response to Trump attempts to stop the trial in DC. Not knowing that it destroys his own defe...


'QAnon Shaman' who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 files paperwork to run for Congress.

I don’t know what more frightening. The fact he’s doing this or the fact he might actually win


This man shows what he is and his followers have no guts.


Did you seriously think that you were gonna grab votes from the maga? You had no chance. And more to the point you represent the worst in black America. You showed no support for us and you have shown that you side with the worst of this country rather than the best.

So Tim Scott, I say goodbye


Different times. Same monster.


Day 886 of the Biden administration.

Today, Trump tries to mount his defense in the New York fraud case. So what’s it gonna be?

My bet is that he’s gonna throw his kids under the bus. It’s the only way. But he’s still gonna pay and pay a lot at this point.


Day 885 of the Biden administration.

A dictatorship in training.


So you sour losers want to end democracy because you tried to take away women’s rights and got smacked in the face at the ballot box?

CTP Know The Truth Quickie Different Sides, Same Evil Rhetoric 11/11/2023

Day 884 of the Biden administration.

Wondering where the republicans are with there outrage on this?

CTP Know The Truth Quickie Different Sides, Same Evil Rhetoric Florida State Congresswoman Michelle Salzman calls for the murder of Palestinian children echoing the same sentiments of congress in Rashid Talib calling for...

CTP Know The Truth Quickie “Pure democracies are not a way to run a country” 11/11/2023

There not even trying to hide it anymore.

CTP Know The Truth Quickie “Pure democracies are not a way to run a country” Republicans like Rick Sa****um our lashing out against American democracy after the elections of 2023 worked against them. 


Actually I do a lot more then think about those things you named Joshua. Like freedom, justice, equality. The things people like you would destroy with Trump as your leader.


This is just so wrong. Hoping you’ll die if Trump isn’t re-elected shows how screwed up in the head you are.


I highly doubt it. Trump’s Judge will find a way to.


Trump “re-truthed” this stupidity.

One problem with this. Trump and the maga set the fire. They are the arsonists and now trying to be the fire fighters at the same time and it’s backfiring on them.

Actually those flames will burn them, BADLY!


Day 883 of the Biden administration.

Lynda Carter(the original Wonder Woman) on the left at 72 yo, Roseanne Barr on the right at 71 yo.

The results of the two people who take different paths when it comes to there personalities

Lynda isn’t a hateful person. Roseanne on the other hand? You can see the hate in her eyes and after her loud mouth comments at Trump’s latest rally, that hate is taking its toll on her physically.


Turnabout is fair play.

CTP Know The Truth Primetime 11/9/2023 Jim Jordan is blind to who stoked anti-semitism  10/11/2023

He thinks we’re dumb.

CTP Know The Truth Primetime 11/9/2023 Jim Jordan is blind to who stoked anti-semitism  Congressman Jim Jordan used the house to committee to try and find out who started antisemitism in this country but realizing or trying to cover up the fact ...


You idiots can celebrate all you want but the fact is that the Trump Crime family has been exposed and it’s a lot worse than anything that Biden is accused of.

Videos (show all)

Day 860 of the Biden administration. The old Chinese proverb one said, beware of what you wish for you just might get it...
