SexEd Success

SexEd Success

Navigating Adolescence with Confidence 💚👑️


ළමා කාලයේදී මෙන් නෙමෙයි යොවුන් වියට පැමිණීමත් එක්ක ගැහැණු දරුවන් වගේම පිරිමි දරුවන්ගේද ටිකෙන් ටික සිරුරේ වෙනස්කම් ඇති වීම සාමාන්‍ය ලක්ෂණයක්. මේ වෙනස්වීම් සමඟ නව යොවුන් වියේ දරුවන් හිතන පතන විදිය හා හැසිරෙන විදිහ වෙනස් වීම සාමාන්‍ය දෙයක්. ඒ ගැන අවබෝධයෙන් වටහා ගනිමු.

ගැහැණු ළමයෙක් නම් මේ කාලයේදී ඔසප් චක්‍රය ආරම්භ වීමත් පිරිමි ළමයෙක් නම් ශිෂ්ණය තද හා සෘජු බවට පත්වීමට පටන් ගන්නවා. ඒ සමඟම ශුක්‍ර තරලය පිටවීමද සිදුවන අතර මේ සියල්ල ස්වභාවිකවම සීදු වන වෙනස්වීම් බව තේරුම් ගනිමු.

නිසි වයසට පැමිණිමෙන් පසු දෙමව්පියන් වීමට අවශ්‍ය ප්‍රජනන ක්‍රියාවලිය සඳහා සිරුර සකස් වීම මෙම නව යොවුන් වියේ සිදු වන සාමාන්‍ය දෙයක්. ඒ නිසා ඒ ගැන වැඩිපුර හිතන්නවත් ඒ ගැන අනවශ්‍ය බියක් හෝ ලැජ්ජාවක් ඇති කර ගැනීමවත් අවශ්‍ය වන්නේ නැහැ.

ඉතින් අපි යොවුන් විය සතුටින් ගත කරමු.




Photos from S*xEd Success's post 25/10/2023

💚 Article - 13 💚

Myth: S*xual activity can make a va**na loose.
Fact: The va**na is designed to expand and contract, and s*xual activity does not permanently change its size. Factors like childbirth and aging can impact va**nal elasticity more than s*xual activity.

Myth: Ma********on is harmful and can lead to health problems.
Fact: Ma********on is a normal and healthy part of human s*xuality. It does not cause physical harm or lead to health problems. In fact, it can have positive effects on mental well-being.

Myth: Erectile dysfunction is solely a result of aging.
Fact: While age can be a factor, erectile dysfunction can result from various physical and psychological issues, including stress, medical conditions, or certain medications. Seeking medical advice can help identify and address underlying causes.

Myth: Birth control pills cause weight gain.
Fact: While some individuals may experience slight weight fluctuations, significant weight gain is not a common side effect of most birth control pills. Lifestyle and individual differences play a more significant role in weight changes.

Myth: S*x should always be pleasurable and satisfying.
Fact: S*xual experiences can vary, and not all encounters are equally pleasurable. Communication, mutual respect, and consent are vital for creating a safe and satisfying s*xual environment.
Certainly, here is more on the topic:

Myth: S*xually transmitted infections (STIs) are easy to spot.
Fact: Many STIs may not show visible symptoms, making regular testing and screenings crucial, especially for individuals who are s*xually active with multiple partners.

Myth: Only women can fake or***ms.
Fact: Both men and women can fake or***ms. Open communication and mutual understanding can help build a more fulfilling s*xual experience for both partners.

Myth: Condoms reduce s*xual pleasure.
Fact: Condoms are an effective method for preventing STIs and unintended pregnancies. Using the right size and type can enhance s*xual safety without compromising pleasure.

Myth: S*xual health is only about avoiding negative outcomes.
Fact: S*xual health also involves fostering positive and respectful s*xual experiences, promoting emotional well-being, and building healthy relationships based on mutual consent and communication.

By dispelling these common myths about s*x and s*xual health, individuals can develop a more comprehensive understanding of their bodies and s*xual well-being. Open communication, access to accurate information, and regular check-ups can contribute to a more positive and informed approach to s*xual health, fostering healthier attitudes and behaviors that prioritize overall well-being and safety.

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Photos from S*xEd Success's post 24/10/2023

💚 Article - 12 💚

S*xual harassment is a form of unwelcome behavior that involves making unwanted s*xual advances, comments, or gestures, either verbally or physically, that create a hostile or uncomfortable environment. It can occur in various settings, including workplaces, schools, public spaces, and online platforms.

Identifying the signs of s*xual harassment is crucial. It can include inappropriate touching, lewd comments, persistent advances despite clear rejection, or the creation of a hostile or intimidating atmosphere based on gender. Such behavior can cause emotional distress, anxiety, and a sense of powerlessness for the victims.

Creating awareness about the impact of s*xual harassment is essential. It can lead to serious emotional and psychological trauma, affecting a person's confidence, well-being, and ability to function in their daily lives. Victims may experience feelings of shame and fear, and their personal and professional lives may suffer as a result.

Preventing s*xual harassment requires the promotion of respectful behavior and the establishment of clear policies and guidelines in various environments. Education on appropriate conduct, consent, and respectful communication is essential. Encouraging an open dialogue and reporting system can empower individuals to speak out against harassment and seek support without fear of retaliation.

Supporting victims of s*xual harassment is vital for their well-being and recovery. Providing access to counseling, legal aid, and support groups can help survivors cope with the trauma and regain their sense of security and empowerment. It is crucial to create a culture of belief and support for survivors and to hold perpetrators accountable for their actions.

In conclusion, s*xual harassment is a serious issue that affects the safety and well-being of individuals in various settings. By promoting awareness, education, and support for victims, society can work towards creating respectful and safe environments where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.

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Photos from S*xEd Success's post 23/10/2023

💚 Article - 11 💚

Becoming a man is a transformative journey marked by personal growth, self-discovery, and a sense of responsibility. As young boys transition into adolescence and adulthood, they undergo physical, emotional, and social changes that shape their identity and character.

Puberty is a significant part of the journey to manhood, as it brings about physical changes such as the deepening of the voice, the growth of facial and body hair, and the development of muscle mass. These changes often signify the transition into adulthood and the readiness to take on greater responsibilities within the family and society.

Alongside physical changes, the journey to manhood involves emotional and psychological development. Young men learn to navigate their feelings and emotions, understand the importance of empathy and compassion, and develop healthy communication skills. It is important for young men to recognize that expressing their emotions is a sign of strength, not weakness, and seeking support from trusted individuals is essential.

Becoming a man also means embracing a sense of responsibility and accountability. Young men are encouraged to demonstrate integrity, honesty, and respect for themselves and others. They are guided to make responsible decisions, set goals, and work towards achieving their aspirations while considering the impact of their actions on those around them.

Furthermore, embracing manhood involves cultivating a sense of purpose and contribution to the community. Young men are encouraged to participate in meaningful activities, contribute positively to their communities, and act as role models for future generations. They are reminded that their actions and choices have the potential to make a positive impact on the world.

As young men embark on this transformative journey, they are encouraged to surround themselves with positive influences, supportive mentors, and a community that fosters growth and development. By nurturing a strong sense of self-worth, resilience, and leadership, young men can embrace their masculinity with confidence and pride, making meaningful contributions to their communities and society at large.

In conclusion, becoming a man is a journey of personal growth, responsibility, and contribution to the world. It is a process that encourages self-discovery, integrity, and empathy, shaping individuals into positive role models and leaders within their communities. With the right support, guidance, and a strong sense of purpose, young men can navigate the complexities of life with confidence and a commitment to making a meaningful difference in the world around them.

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Photos from S*xEd Success's post 22/10/2023

💚 Article - 10 💚

Becoming a woman is a unique and transformative journey filled with self-discovery, growth, and empowerment. As young girls mature, they undergo physical and emotional changes that mark the beginning of this important phase of life.

Puberty is a significant part of the journey to womanhood, as it brings about various physical changes. These changes include the development of breasts, the onset of menstruation, and the maturation of the reproductive system. While these changes may seem overwhelming at first, they are natural and signify the body's readiness for potential motherhood in the future.

Alongside physical changes, the journey to womanhood involves emotional and psychological growth. Young women often navigate a range of emotions, from excitement and curiosity to moments of self-doubt and insecurity. It is essential for young women to recognize that it is okay to have these feelings and to seek support from trusted friends, family members, or mentors.

Becoming a woman also means discovering one's identity, interests, and aspirations. It is a time to explore personal passions, set goals, and pursue dreams. Education and self-empowerment play a crucial role during this phase, providing young women with the tools and knowledge they need to make informed decisions and achieve their aspirations.

Furthermore, embracing womanhood involves fostering a sense of self-worth, confidence, and independence. Young women are encouraged to celebrate their unique qualities, talents, and strengths. They are reminded that they have the power to shape their own destinies and contribute meaningfully to their communities and the world at large.

As young women embark on this transformative journey, they are encouraged to surround themselves with positive influences, inspirational role models, and supportive communities. By nurturing a sense of self-love, resilience, and empathy, young women can embrace their individuality and contribute to a more inclusive and diverse society.

In conclusion, becoming a woman is a multifaceted experience that encompasses physical, emotional, and personal growth. It is a journey that encourages self-discovery, empowerment, and the celebration of one's unique identity and potential. With the right support, guidance, and a positive mindset, young women can embrace their womanhood with confidence and pride, making meaningful contributions to the world around them.

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Photos from S*xEd Success's post 21/10/2023

💚 Article - 09 💚

The acronym LGBTQIA stands for:

L: Le***an - Refers to women who are romantically or s*xually attracted to other women.

G: Gay - Commonly used to refer to men who are romantically or s*xually attracted to other men. It can also be used more broadly to include the entire LGBTQIA community.

B: Bis*xual - Denotes individuals who are attracted to both people of their own gender and people of other genders.

T: Transgender - Describes individuals whose gender identity differs from the s*x they were assigned at birth.

Q: Q***r or Questioning - "Q***r" is an umbrella term used to describe individuals who do not conform to traditional gender identities or s*xual orientations. "Questioning" refers to those who are exploring their own s*xual orientation or gender identity.

I: Inters*x - People who are born with physical s*x characteristics that do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies.

A: As*xual - Denotes individuals who do not experience s*xual attraction or have a low interest in s*xual activity.

These terms are part of a broader effort to promote inclusivity and respect for people with diverse s*xual orientations and gender identities. They represent a spectrum of identities and experiences within the LGBTQIA community.

Creating a safe and accepting environment for the LGBTQIA community is crucial. Acceptance from family, friends, and society plays a vital role in the mental and emotional well-being of LGBTQIA individuals. Providing support through education, advocacy, and access to resources can help promote a more inclusive and understanding society.

It is important to address the discrimination and prejudice that the LGBTQIA community often faces. Discriminatory practices, bullying, and hate crimes can have severe consequences on the mental health and overall well-being of LGBTQIA individuals. Promoting respect, empathy, and understanding can help combat these negative attitudes and create a more inclusive society.

Access to appropriate healthcare is essential for the LGBTQIA community. Healthcare providers should be knowledgeable about the specific health needs and concerns of LGBTQIA individuals and provide sensitive and inclusive care. Providing access to mental health support and resources is also crucial in addressing the unique challenges faced by the community.

Educational institutions and workplaces can promote inclusivity by implementing policies that protect the rights and well-being of LGBTQIA individuals. Creating safe spaces and support groups can foster a sense of belonging and community for LGBTQIA individuals.

Advocacy and support from allies are instrumental in promoting equality and acceptance for the LGBTQIA community. Allies can demonstrate support through education, advocacy, and standing up against discrimination and prejudice. Embracing diversity and celebrating the uniqueness of every individual can contribute to a more inclusive and compassionate society for all.

In conclusion, understanding and embracing the diversity within the LGBTQIA community is essential for promoting equality, inclusivity, and respect. By fostering an environment of acceptance, support, and advocacy, we can work towards a society where all individuals, regardless of their s*xual orientation or gender identity, are treated with dignity and respect.

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Photos from S*xEd Success's post 20/10/2023

💚 Article - 08 💚
S*xual orientation is a fundamental aspect of an individual's identity that reflects their emotional, romantic, or s*xual attraction to other people. It plays a significant role in shaping personal relationships and self-identity. Here is a simple breakdown of various s*xual orientations:

1. Heteros*xual: This term refers to individuals who are emotionally, romantically, or s*xually attracted to people of a different gender. Many people identify as heteros*xual.

2. Homos*xual: Individuals who are emotionally, romantically, or s*xually attracted to people of the same gender may identify as homos*xual. This is often referred to as being gay or le***an.

3. Bis*xual: Some individuals are emotionally, romantically, or s*xually attracted to both people of their own gender and people of other genders. They may identify as bis*xual.

4. Pans*xual: People who have the potential for emotional, romantic, or s*xual attraction to individuals of any gender identity may identify as pans*xual. They are attracted to people regardless of their gender.

5. As*xual: Some individuals do not experience s*xual attraction or have a low interest in s*xual activity. They may identify as as*xual.

Understanding and respecting different s*xual orientations are crucial for promoting inclusivity and equality. It's important to create an environment that respects and acknowledges the diverse identities within the community. Everyone has the right to express their s*xual orientation without fear of discrimination or judgment.

Education plays a vital role in fostering acceptance and understanding. By promoting open discussions and providing accurate information, we can create a more supportive and inclusive society for individuals of all s*xual orientations. It's essential to promote respect, empathy, and equality for all individuals, regardless of their s*xual orientation.

In conclusion, s*xual orientation is a deeply personal aspect of human identity. It is vital to embrace and respect the diversity of s*xual orientations to create a more inclusive and understanding community. By promoting education, awareness, and empathy, we can build a society that celebrates and supports the rights and identities of all individuals, regardless of their s*xual orientation.

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Photos from S*xEd Success's post 19/10/2023

💚 Article - 07 💚

HIV/AIDS is a serious health condition caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). HIV attacks the body's immune system, making it difficult to fight off infections and illnesses. If left untreated, HIV can progress to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), which is the final stage of the infection.

HIV is mainly transmitted through unprotected s*xual in*******se, sharing needles, or from an infected mother to her baby during childbirth or breastfeeding. It is crucial to understand that HIV cannot be transmitted through casual contact such as hugging, shaking hands, or sharing food.

Prevention is essential in combating the spread of HIV/AIDS. Using condoms during s*xual activity and avoiding sharing needles are effective ways to reduce the risk of contracting or spreading the virus. Regular testing is vital, as many individuals may not show any symptoms even if they are infected. Early detection allows for timely treatment and management of the virus.

Although there is no cure for HIV/AIDS, medical advancements have led to the development of antiretroviral therapy (ART) that helps control the virus and allows individuals to live longer, healthier lives. It is important to adhere to the prescribed treatment regimen to effectively manage the virus and prevent its progression to AIDS.

Living with HIV/AIDS can be challenging, both physically and emotionally. Support from healthcare professionals, counselors, and support groups can provide valuable assistance and guidance. Open communication with healthcare providers and loved ones is crucial in managing the physical and emotional aspects of the condition.

Stigma and discrimination often surround HIV/AIDS, leading to fear and misconceptions. It is important to educate communities and promote awareness to combat these negative attitudes. Everyone, regardless of their HIV status, deserves respect, understanding, and support.

In conclusion, understanding the modes of transmission, prevention methods, and available treatments for HIV/AIDS is crucial in controlling the spread of the virus and supporting individuals living with the condition. By promoting education, awareness, and compassion, we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment for those affected by HIV/AIDS. With continued efforts in research and education, we can strive towards a world where HIV/AIDS is no longer a threat to public health.

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Photos from S*xEd Success's post 18/10/2023

💚 Article - 06 💚

S*xually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections that can spread from one person to another through s*xual contact. They are caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites and can affect anyone who is s*xually active. While they can be serious, there are ways to prevent and treat them.

One common STD is chlamydia, which often has no symptoms but can lead to more severe issues if not treated. Another is gonorrhea, which can cause pain during urination and unusual discharge. Both of these can be treated with antibiotics if caught early.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a serious condition that weakens the immune system. It can progress to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) if not properly managed. HIV can be transmitted through unprotected s*x, sharing needles, or from mother to child during childbirth. While there is no cure for HIV/AIDS, there are medications available that can help manage the virus and allow people to live longer, healthier lives.

Syphilis is another STD that can cause sores and rashes. If left untreated, it can lead to severe complications such as damage to the heart and brain. Ge***al herpes is known for causing painful blisters in the ge***al area, and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) can result in ge***al warts and, in some cases, lead to certain types of cancer.

Preventing the spread of STDs is crucial. Using condoms correctly and consistently during s*xual activity can significantly reduce the risk of contracting or spreading STDs. Limiting the number of s*xual partners and avoiding sharing needles are also important preventive measures.

Regular testing is essential for maintaining s*xual health. Many STDs can be asymptomatic, meaning that individuals may not show any symptoms even if they are infected. Getting tested can help detect any infections early on and allow for timely treatment.

Open communication with s*xual partners about STDs and getting tested together can foster a healthier and more responsible approach to s*xual health. It is crucial to remember that having an STD is not a sign of personal failure, and seeking medical help is a responsible step towards taking care of one's health.

In conclusion, being aware of the risks associated with s*xual activity and practicing safe s*x can go a long way in preventing the transmission of STDs. Early detection and treatment are vital in managing and controlling the spread of these infections. With proper education, preventive measures, and regular testing, individuals can protect themselves and their partners, ensuring a healthier and safer s*xual experience.

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Photos from S*xEd Success's post 17/10/2023

💚 Article - 05 💚

The menstrual cycle is a natural process that happens in a woman's body each month. It's the body's way of preparing for a potential pregnancy. Here's a simple breakdown:

1. Menstruation (Period)
This is when the lining of the uterus (womb) sheds and comes out of the body through the va**na. It usually lasts a few days, and it happens because there was no pregnancy the previous month.

2. Follicular Phase
After the period, the body starts getting ready for a possible pregnancy. One of the ovaries releases an egg during this time.

3. Ovulation
This is when the egg is released from the o***y. It travels down the fallopian tube and is ready to be fertilized by a s***m. This is the best time to get pregnant.

4. Luteal Phase
If the egg isn't fertilized, the body prepares for the next menstrual period. If the egg is fertilized, it might implant in the uterus and start a pregnancy.

The cycle then repeats itself about every 28 days, but it can be shorter or longer for some people. This process is controlled by hormones in the body.

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අඩු වයසින් දරුවන් විවාහ වීම, අඩු වයසෙන් ගැබ් ගැනීම, ගබ්සා කිරීම්, කාන්තා දූෂණ, ළමා අපචාර, යන දේවල් ලංකාව ඇතුලේ එන්න එන්න වැඩිවෙන්න ප්‍රධානම හේතුවක් තමයි නිසි ලිංගික අධ්‍යාපනයක් සහ එකී කරුණු පිළිබද නිසි අවබෝධයක් අපේ රටේ ජීවත්වන බහුතරයක් මිනිස්සුන්ට නොමැති වීම.

ඒ වගේම බහුතරයක් මිනිස්සු මේ කරුණු කාරණා විහිලුවකට ලක්කිරීම නිසාත්, ජීව විද්‍යාත්මකව සැලකුවම ඉතාමත් සාමාන්‍ය මේ සිදුවීම් වලට අසභ්‍ය වචන භාවිතා කිරීම නිසාත් විශේෂයෙන්ම පොඩි දරුවන්ට හා කාන්තාවන්ට වර්තමානය වන විට රට තුළ ඇතිවෙලා තියන තත්වය හේතු කරගෙන මෙවැනි අධ්‍යාපනික කරුණු පිළිබද අවබෝධයක් ලබාදීම කළ යුතුම බව අපි වටහාගත්තා.

ඉතින් මේ රටේ ජීවත් වෙන හැම මනුස්සයෙකටම නිදහසේ, බයක් නැතිව, ආදරෙන්, සාමයෙන් සහ සහයෝගයෙන් ජීවත් වෙන්න පුලුවන් සුරක්ෂිත පරිසරයක් සෑදීමේ පළමු පියවර S*xEd Success අපි ආරම්භ කරා.
ඉතින් ඔයාටත් පුලුවන් අපිත් එක්ක එකතුවෙලා මේ අරමුණට යන්න උදව්වෙන්න.

මේ ප්‍රෝග්‍රැම් එකට සම්බන්ධ වෙන්න කැමති අය පහළ තියන ෆෝම් එක ෆිල් කරලා අපිත් එක්ක එකතුවෙන්න.👇💚

Photos from S*xEd Success's post 10/10/2023

💚 Article 04 💚

S*x hormones are a group of hormonea that play a fundamental role in the development ad regulation of s*xual characteristics and reproductive processessin humans and other animals.

These hormonea are primarily produced in te**es in males and ovaries in females.

💚 Estrogen 💚
This hormone is responsible for the development and maintaenance of female secondary s*xual characteristics such as breast development, widening of hips, and the regulation of the menstrual cycle.

💚 Progesterone 💚
This hormone plays a crucial role in regulating the menstrual cycle, preparing the uterine lining for implantation of a fertilized egg, and maintaining pregnancy.

This hormone aslo helps to regulate moods and sleep.

💚 Testosterone 💚
Testosterone is responsible for the development of male secondary s*xual characteristics, such as facial and body hair, deepening of the voice, and muscle development. It also plays a role in s*x drive (libido) and overall vitality.

In addition to these primary s*x hormones, other hormones, such as luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), play essential roles in regulating the production and release of s*x hormones from the go**ds. The intricate interplay between these hormones is crucial for maintaining reproductive health and the overall well-being of individuals.

S*x hormones are not only involved in s*xual development and reproduction but also have far-reaching effects on various physiological processes, including bone density, metabolism, and mood. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is sometimes used to address imbalances in s*x hormones or alleviate symptoms associated with hormonal changes, such as menopause or andropause. However, HRT should be administered under medical supervision due to potential side effects and risks.

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Photos from S*xEd Success's post 10/10/2023

💚 Article 03 💚

Menstrual hygiene products is a broad category that encompasses various products designed to help individuals manage their menstrual flow in a clean and hygienic manner.

These products are essential for maintaining comfort,preventing leaks, and ensuring good menstrual hygiene.
The common types of menstrual hygiene products:
💚 Sanitary Pads ( Menstrual Pads )
💚 Tampons
💚 Menstrual Cups
💚 Reusable Cloth Pads
💚 Disposable Menstrual Underwear

However the choice of menstrual hygiene product depends on individual preferences, comfort, flow intensity, and environmental considerations.

Proper hygiene and regular changing of these products are essential to prevent odor,discomfort, and the risk of infections.

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Photos from S*xEd Success's post 06/10/2023

💚 ARTICLE 02 💚

The female reproductive system is a complex system that regulates the production of eggs (ovaries), the development of the fetus during pregnancy, and the nutrition and protection of the developing fetus and placenta It consists of many major organs and systems, each with a specific activity. Here is an overview of the major components of the female reproductive system.

Ovaries: The ovaries are the main female reproductive organs and are located on either side of the lower abdomen. They produce eggs (ovaries) and female hormones like estrogen and progesterone. The s***m releases one mature egg each month during menstruation, in a process called ovarian ovulation.

Fallopian Tubes: These are two narrow tubes that lead from each o***y to the uterus. Once ovulation is complete, the fallopian tubes pick up the released egg and provide a passageway to the uterus. A fertilization usually occurs in the uterus when a s***m cell meets an egg.

Uterus (womb): The uterus is the tissue between the lower abdomen, bladder and re**um. Its primary function during pregnancy is to provide a safe and nutritional environment for the fertilized egg to implant and the embryo to develop. If pregnancy fails, the lining of the uterus, called the endometrium, is shed during menstruation.

Cervix: The cervix is ​​the lower part of the uterus that connects to the va**na. It has a narrow opening that allows menstrual blood to leave the uterus, and also acts as a portal for s***m to enter the uterus during in*******se and contraception.

External ge***alia: The ge***alia, also known as the va**na, includes the l***a majora and l***a minora (outer and inner folds of skin), the rest of the va**na (a more sensitive organ associated with s*xual pleasure), the va**na opening, and opening the urethra (where urine is drained)

Breasts: Although not directly involved in childbirth, a woman’s breasts grow and change during pregnancy and lactation. After birth, milk is produced to nourish the newborn.

Hormone regulation: Hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) regulate the female reproductive system and these hormones regulate the menstrual cycle, ovulation, and aspects of female reproductive health.

The female reproductive system changes dramatically throughout a woman’s life, from puberty to menopause. These changes affect hormones and play an important role in women’s reproductive system and overall health.

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අඩු වයසින් දරුවන් විවාහ වීම, අඩු වයසෙන් ගැබ් ගැනීම, ගබ්සා කිරීම්, කාන්තා දූෂණ, ළමා අපචාර, යන දේවල් ලංකාව ඇතුලේ එන්න එන්න...
