Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd

Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd

Want Event Consultants with original ideas? Want your events to be unconventional & unique? We are y


First wedding videoshoot stint by

Congrats to the newlyweds! 🌷💖

Photos from Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd's post 24/01/2019

Family moments while giving back to society 💐

Photos from Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd's post 22/01/2019

Getting in touch with nature at Pos Senderut

Photos from Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd's post 21/01/2019

Foodie moments 🌷

Photos from Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd's post 21/01/2019

Distribution of care packs to the local folks at Pos Senderut. played the role on guiding the volunteers on the best method to distribute the carepacks while preparing for the potential "mob mentality" that is often encountered when free things are being given out.

We were pleasantly impressed with the management and patience from Pos Senderut. Folks waited in line patiently for their names to be called. No one tried to jump queue. It was a very pleasant distribution.

All funds for the carepacks were raised via Subaru XV Club Malaysia. Each pack consisted of Rice (5kg), Cooking Oil (2 x 1kg), Sugar, Salt, Bee Hoon, Bar Soap, Toothbrushes (Adults + Kids) & Toothpaste

Photos from Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd's post 21/01/2019

After lunch, preloved soft toys which were donated by the members of Subaru XV Club Malaysia & also by Kembara Community Care Centre (K3C), were distributed to the kids at the Pos.

You should see how some of the kids cradled the soft toys as they walked away. It sure was a sweet sight!

Photos from Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd's post 20/01/2019

Lunch of White Rice, Ginger Sesame Chicken, Sweet & Sour Fish, Stir Fried Cabbage with Dried Prawns & Watermelon was served. The folks from Subaru Setia Alam - Motion Beyond & Subaru XV Club Malaysia played a big role in serving the food to the beneficiaries at Pos Senderut.

While it seemed like many of these indigenous folks had little to no experience of helping themselves to food displayed in a buffet line, it was impressive to see that most of them arrived with plates & cups brought from their own homes! 🌻

Photos from Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd's post 20/01/2019

... in the meantime, some of the participants found a Pakcik with durians and "ambushed" him! The entire bakul was sold out the moment they had set eyes on the Pakcik.

Photos from Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd's post 20/01/2019

We had teamed up with our sister company Kembara Kitchen - Catering in Kuala Lumpur & Selangor to have a field kitchen setup at the project site. Lunch was prepared for 450 pax, which also included a buffet spread for the local folks.

Meals were sponsored fully by Subaru Setia Alam - Motion Beyond, while led the kitchen and guided the volunteers from Subaru XV Club Malaysia on mass cooking.


Breakfast/ toilet pit stop at Dataran Bentong for the participants. took this as a videoshoot opportunity

Photos from Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd's post 18/01/2019

Kembara Team A has arrived at Raub. Having their breakfast break.

Kembara Team B is chilling by the highway for a video shoot break, while waiting for the Subaru XV Club Malaysia & Subaru Setia Alam - Motion Beyond convoy.

Photos from Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd's post 18/01/2019

with our clients from Subaru Setia Alam - Motion Beyond & Subaru XV Club Malaysia collecting carepacks which will be distributed to the beneficiaries at Kuala Lipis tomorrow.

Thank you MYDIN Malaysia for assisting us with the preparation of the carepacks.

What role did Kembara play here?
- acted as liaison between client & Mydin
- identified what groceries can be purchased based on the budget given by the client
- finalised the purchases with the client & vendor
- logistics advisory


Our clients are all geared up for tomorrow's event at Kuala Lipis. This is 50% of the convoy that would be participating.


After the site recce, we produced a simple video. This video was shared with our clients to prepare them for their journey.

Photos from Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd's post 10/01/2019

recently journeyed to the depths of Kuala Lipis, Pahang.

The purpose of this trip was to do a site recce for a client's CSR program which will be taking place with the Orang Asli folks here.

Stay tuned for more updates of the services that we offer.

Photos from Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd's post 14/10/2018

KLIP - FY2018-020 , 6 October 2018

Last Saturday was the last class of KLIP. We weighed out the resources needed to run the class and with poor attendance, we regrettably decided that it is best to end the program.

Poor attendance/commitment from the beneficiary students have always been a stumbling block for us even though we have tried different ways to motivate them continuously. We ordered food according to the number of names given to us by the students each week. But, alas, the amount of food leftover on most weeks are disappointing. The students bring the leftovers home so there wasn’t any wastage. However, it is a waste of resources as we could have splurge a little for the committed students. That being said, we do have students who are very committed in improving themselves. You could see the eagerness of these kids to learn. It is unfortunate that we had to end this program but we hope in these short few months time, we have managed to instill some values and knowledge in them. Let’s wish these kids shine bright in what life has in store for them. Best of luck, kiddos.

Lastly, we would like to thank Life College, TLS Bestmas, Yakult Malaysia, those who have sponsored & donated to the cause, and of course the teachers. Without your support, this program wouldn't have succeeded. So, from the bottom of our heart, we thank you. On part of the beneficiary students, we are grateful for what you have kindly provided for them.

Thank you.

Photos from Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd's post 30/09/2018

KLIP - FY2018-019 , 29 September 2018

Since the first class on April till today the last class for PT3, we have been sharing with the students on cleanliness and responsibilities. They still leave rubbish under the table, do not use the designated garbage bag & instead just place their paper cups and plates in classroom bin. Last week, someone threw paper plates from their lunch out the college dining area window 😥 Although some of them will voluntariliy clean up the dining area, mop the floor, collect rubbish left behind by their friends, I believe we still failed to change many of them. Because of this, we might not have the generously donated venue to run the same program next year. What we do today will effect our future. The kids still do not realize it. Because of their irresponsibility, their younger siblings and friends might have lost an opportunity.

Coming from their background for the past 15 years, they have been living in a community filled with "tidak apa" attitude. Grabarge thrown anywhere that it can reach. Monkey see, monkey do. It has been truly challenging to change this habit of theirs.

Nevertheless, we will continue to remind them on the importance of maintaining cleanliness wherever they go. The change has to come from them, and we have to continuously remind them. As a lesson for the students, we only distributed the tummy friendly drink Yakult (the students love it) at the end of the class; after they ensure all rubbish is thrown into the designated garbage bag.

Today we also rewarded 25 students for their good attendance for week 13 till 16. They received a world cup gym bag with some groceries; sugar, flour, biscuit, cooking oil, M&S Santan, instant noodles and food containers. All contributed by the public & by corporate sponsors.

Today, they had yummy breakfast from TSL Bestmas, dim sum, red bean pau and Hot Milo. Lunch prepared by Kembara Kitchen, delicious Tom Yam Fried Rice, Omelette and Lemon Iced. Millions thanks to our sponsors.

We have few more classes left before SPM starts. If you care to be part of this, kindly forward your contribution to:
Acc Name: Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd
Acc Num: 8008251837
Bank Name: CIMB Bank
Reference: KLIP

Photos from Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd's post 28/09/2018

KLIP - FY2018-018 , 22 September 2018

Maths ni senang jer kalau kamu hafal sifir.
😱😱 ... nak hafal sifir tu la yang susah Kak Azren, jawab adik2 KLIP.
Aduhai... susah juga ya... Tak apa, mula dari sifir 2 sampai 6, cuba hafal dalam seminggu ni ya 😉

Dulu, arwah ayah dan ibu memang strick kalau pasal sifir, dulu tak tahu kenapa tapi sekarang baru sedar, bukan sebab nak dapat A bila exam matematik tapi sifir adalah keperluan dalam kehidupan seharian kita. Nak beli barang kena tahu sifir, kalau ada discount pun kena tahu sifir, nak niaga lagi la... Tak kan nak bergantung pada kalkulator jer kan... jom hafal sifir 😍
Semoga adik2 yang nak bakal menduduki peperiksaan UPSR pada 24-27 September dan PT3 pada 1-4 October dapat menjawab soalan peperiksaan dengan betul, tenang dan mudah, Aamiin.

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Simple breakfast today, Fried Bee Hoon, Telur Mata and Hot Milo. Lunch we ordered from Datin Hasnah, delicious nasi minyak, ayam goreng, dalca and acar. Millions thanks to our sponsors.

We have few more classes left before SPM took off, if you care to be part of this, kindly forward your contribution to:
Acc Name: Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd
Acc Num: 8008251837
Bank Name: CIMB Bank
Reference: KLIP

Thank you.

Photos from Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd's post 18/09/2018

KLIP - FY2018-017 , 15 September 2018

PT3 exam will take place from the 1st till the 4th of October 2018. As the students come from hard-core poor families, we would like to ensure that they enter the exam halls with sufficient & appropriate stationaries needed for their exams. We wish to be able to provide a new basic set of stationary for each student at SMK Lembah Subang (124 PT3 students), which consist of:
2 x black pen
2 x 2B pencils
1 x eraser
1 x ruler
Estimated cost per set = RM4
Total estimated cost = RM4 x 124 students = RM496

At least 50% of the SMK Lembah Subang PT3 students are registered as KLIP students.

We hope that this simple gift will give the students extra morale & motivation to ease their exam nerves.

Did you know that some of the KLIP teachers had to provide some of the students counselling as they are stressed out of their minds?

If you care to be part of this, kindly forward your contribution by this Friday, 21 September 2018 to:
Acc Name: Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd
Acc Num: 8008251837
Bank Name: CIMB Bank
Reference: KLIP PT3

Last saturday, breakfast was an array of fuffly and cute paus (check out the photo 😋) contributed by TSL Bestmas Manufacturing Sdn Bhd and washed down with hot Milo and tummy friendly cultured drink provided by Yakult Malaysia. The kids also enjoyed a yummy and well balanced lunch lovingly prepared by Kembara Kitchen - Catering in Kuala Lumpur & Selangor of Nasi Lemak Ayam Goreng, Watermelon and Sirap Ais.

Thank you.

Photos from Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd's post 09/09/2018

KLIP -FY2018-016 , 8th September 2018

Being committed to ensure the students are well prepared before their exam, we still held classes today despite the long weekend due to the Agong Birthday and Awal Muharram public holiday, which most Malaysian might opt for holiday.

Today we awarded 22 of them for their good attendance for week 9 till 12. They received 5kg Rice and basic groceries.

Breakfast and lunch was prepared by Kembara Kitchen, sponsored by the public. For breakfast, they had yummy fried macaroni sardine, hot Milo and tummy friendly cultured drink provided by Yakult Malaysia. While for lunch they finish off the ayam masak merah, stir fried cabbage, watermelon and iced sirap. Alas, no photos was taken due to the happiness seeing them enjoying the meals.

Thank you for all the sponsorships in making KLIP possible!

We wish to continue providing our KLIP youngsters with proper meals during their this weekly sessions. However, our funds are forever stuck in a low state 😭😭😭

So, we hereby sincerely wish for speedy aide. You may opt for dishing up a meal or two for the kids, or cash donations are always greatly appreciated. Kindly forward your contribution to:
Acc Name: Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd
Acc Num: 8008251837
Bank Name: CIMB Bank
Reference: KLIP

Volunteers are always welcome to assist in the classes. Just drop by and say hello to Azren Harun, she will definitely keep you busy.

Thank you.

Photos from Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd's post 02/09/2018

KLIP - FY2018-015 , 1st September 2018

Despite the long weekend due to the Merdeka public holiday, we held classes for the PT3 students, as exams as soon approaching. This is Kembara's commitment to the students. The students are currently doing an intensive revision on all subjects covered by KLIP. Thank you to teachers, who sacrificed their weekend.

Volunteers are always welcome to assist in the classes. Just drop by and say hello to Azren Harun, she will definitely keep you busy.

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Only 4 more KLIP sessions to go before their PT3 exams take place on 1st October 2018.

We wish to continue providing our KLIP youngsters with proper meals during their this weekly sessions. However, our rations are running low 😭😭😭

So, we hereby sincerely wish for speedy aide. You may opt for dishing up a meal or two for the kids, or cash donations are always greatly appreciated. Kindly forward your contribution to:
Acc Name: Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd
Acc Num: 8008251837
Bank Name: CIMB Bank
Reference: KLIP

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Yesterday breakfast was an array of yummy dim sum and fuffly paus contributed by TSL Bestmas and washed down with hot Milo and tummy friendly cultured drink provided by Yakult Malaysia. The kids also enjoyed a yummy and well balanced lunch lovingly prepared by Kembara Kitchen, Mushroom Fried Rice, Tomato Omelette and iced sirap.

Thank you.

Photos from Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd's post 19/08/2018

KLIP -FY2018-014 , 18th August 2018

Last class for August which means 1 more month to go for their PT3 exam. Looking at their progress, it's very very worrisome and I can't deny how much it concerns me. I have never felt like this before. I keep thinking what else I can do to help these kids and I thought of planning an intensive crash course for them but we are running VERY LOW in terms of budget. Sigh, I'm praying hard for them and I hope they'd fill up this coming school break with revisions.

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Breakfast today was an array of fuffly paus contributed by TSL Bestmas and washed down with hot Milo and tummy friendly cultured drink provided by Yakult Malaysia. The kids also enjoyed a yummy and well balanced lunch lovingly prepared by Kembara Volunteers. Lunch consists of white rice, ayam masak merah, stir fried cabbage, and iced sirap.

On the same note, it is our utmost wish to continue to provide for our KLIP youngsters with proper meals during their this weekly session. Our rations are getting low... so, I hereby sincerely wish for speedy aide from kindhearted mamas and papas. If you wish to dish up a meal or two for the kids, you are more than welcome.

Cash donations are always greatly appreciated. Kindly forward your contribution to:
Acc Name: Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd
Acc Num: 8008251837
Bank Name: CIMB Bank
Reference: KLIP

Thank you.

Photos from Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd's post 07/08/2018

KLIP on this coming Saturday (11/8/2018) is CANCELLED because the kids are having Entrepreneurship Day at school!

Activity like this is very stimulating for children as they are able to explore the relativeness of the real world. Instead of building textbook-biding robots, children needs proper guidance and encouragements to assimilates various skills to make a genuine living or basically just survive in this dog eat dog world.

These kids are city kids but they are deprived and often neglected. It’s all sad and unfortunate but YOU can change that. Take a couple hours off your Saturday, spend a little more than your average Starbucks Frapp, and show them the society (YOU) cares! Join SMK Lembah Subang’s Hari Keusahawanan and for once show them that they are not forgotten or simply turned a blind eye on.

Kids are our country’s future and it won’t be a New Malaysia if everything remains the same. Start with yourself and embolden our golongan remaja. In this Merdeka month, pledge that you care.

🔹️11 August 2018 (Saturday)
🔹️8am to 3pm
🔹️SMK Lembah Subang, No. 1, Jalan PJU 1A/41, Kelana Jaya, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor

Photos from Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd's post 06/08/2018

KLIP -FY2018-013 , 4th August 2018

Thank you Puan Roziana for the healthy meal, a breakfast of tuna and egg sandwich from Dapur Nory. As for lunch, Kembara Kitchen had prepared an array of traditional cuisines of nasi goreng kampung, tomato egg, watermelon and sirap iced, and without failed the kid enjoy the tummy friendly drink from Yakult Malaysia too.

For those with culinary skills, we'd be happy to distribute your cooking creations among the teens. Otherwise, cash is always welcome.
Kindly forward your contribution to:
Acc Name: Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd
Acc Num: 8008251837
Bank Name: CIMB Bank
Reference: KLIP

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Volunteers are welcome to spend time assisting in the classes as PT3 exam will be on 1st till 4th October, less than 2 months to go. Just pop by & say hi to our team @ Life College, Level 1, Block D'Aman Ria, No 3, Ara Jaya, Jalan PJU 1A/41, Ara Damansara, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor

Thank you.

Photos from Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd's post 28/07/2018

KLIP-FY2018-012 , 28 July 2018

Its long overdue as our hands a little tight with other projects, today we rewarded 28 KLIP students for week 5 - 8 attendance commitment. Those student with above 75% attendance received their carepacks today and thank you M & S Food Industries Sdn Bhd for the santan.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Our heartfelt appreciation for the fluffy pau and dimsum contributed by TSL Bestmas Manufacturing Sdn Bhd , tummy-friendly drink by Yakult Malaysia, and hot milo.

Lunch was simple, yummy Fried macaroni with sardine from Kembara Kitchen, an apple and lemon drink.

"Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar"

On the same note, it is our utmost wish to provide our KLIP youngsters proper meals during their weekly sessions. Our rations are getting low... wishing for speedy aids from kindhearted mamas and papas. For those with culinary skills, we'd be happy to distribute your cooking creations among the teens. Otherwise, cash is always welcome :-)
Kindly forward your contribution to:
Acc Name: Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd
Acc Num: 8008251837
Bank Name: CIMB Bank
Reference: KLIP

Thank you.


KLIP-FY2018-011 , 21 July 2018


It's not just Mr Tommy who needs to brush up his BM, many of us are still struggling as well. Remember the saying "Jika tiada air, jangan buang air"...?
We're looking for a BM linguist who is happy to teach PT3 learners the correct 'tatabahasa'.

Merdeka day is near the corner. Let's refresh our memory of Malaysia's history. Looking for a kind historian who is passionate to revive the souls of our youngsters! The revision starts in August. Let's make history together, shall we.

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What's the similarity between playing golf and mopping floors...? Yes, both sports require determination and strong will. A habit of discipline that should be embedded from young age.
As part of our KLIP initiatives, Ayah Ayie had successfully enticed the kiddos to learn the correct technique of using the stick, in a fun and rewarding way, that come with a tiny competition for the most hygienic of them all.
How about the prize? Definitely not RM1,300,000 received by our CIMB Classic winner. Just 80 books of RM4.90 each. Happy to receive your prize donation as a reward for these determined players. Our account, Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd
Acc Num: 8008251837
Bank Name: CIMB Bank
Reference: KLIP BOOK

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Breakfast for this week are the fluffy buns from Mimi and prebiotic drink from Yakult Malaysia. Thank you for the cash contribution that allowed Kembara Kitchen to cooked white rice, nyonya chicken curry and fried veggies for their lunch.
Due to the high expenses in maintaining KLIP, your support to help us ensure the continuity of KLIP is very urgently needed. Kindly forward your contribution to:
Acc Name: Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd
Acc Num: 8008251837
Bank Name: CIMB Bank
Do enter "KLIP" in the reference column for easier identification of contributions on our end.

Thank you.

Photos from Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd's post 16/07/2018

KLIP-FY2018-010 , 14 July 2018.

Hey guys, would you like to volunteer as a teacher to teach kids who can't afford to pay for tuition classes?
If YES 😍, do contact us asap ya 😉


As 2 of our teachers' tenure are ending soon, they would no longer be able to conduct classes for the KLIP students. We are looking for individuals who can commit their Saturdays for at least 3 months.
1. BM for PT3 @ 1030am to 1130am (immediate)
2. Sejarah for SPM @ 1pm to 2pm (wef August 2018)

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This week breakfast was a scrumptious dim sum from TSL Bestmas Manufacturing Sdn Bhd plus a yummy premium prebiotic cultured milk drink by Yakult Malaysia , and a simple lunch was prepared by one of the kid mom's as Kembara Kitchen are fully booked with catering jobs.

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Due to the high expenses in maintaining KLIP, your support to help us ensure the continuity of KLIP is very urgently needed. Kindly forward your contribution to:
Acc Name: Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd
Acc Num: 8008251837
Bank Name: CIMB Bank
Do enter "KLIP" in the reference column for easier identification of contributions on our end.

Thank you.

Photos from Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd's post 08/07/2018

KLIP-FY2018-009 took place on 07 July 2018.

In order to ensure the cleanliness of Life College is kept tip top, we have started a bimonthly cleanliness competition between the SPM and PT3 students.

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As 2 of our teachers' tenure are ending soon, they would no longer be able to conduct classes for the KLIP students. We are looking for individuals who can commit their Saturdays for at least 3 months.
1. BM for PT3 @ 1030am to 1130am (immediate)
2. Sejarah for SPM @ 1pm to 2pm (wef August 2018)

Would you like to volunteer as a teacher to teach kids who can't afford to pay for tuition classes?

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Due to the high expenses in maintaining KLIP, your support to help us ensure the continuity of KLIP is very urgently needed. Kindly forward your contribution to:
Acc Name: Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd
Acc Num: 8008251837
Bank Name: CIMB Bank
Do enter "KLIP" in the reference column for easier identification of contributions on our end.

Thank you.

Kembara - Life InsPirasi (KLIP) - Actyvate 02/06/2018

Please vote for us! Thank you yooouuu!!!

We have never applied for any form of financial assistance to run our projects. Since our projects costs have sky rocketed this year due to their scale, we are giving this a go.

We need your support to get a grant to run Kembara-Life InsPirasi (KLIP). Please click on the link & vote for us! 💙

How to vote: After you sign up, click on the icon circled in blue (refer comments for image) to Log In to vote.

Kembara - Life InsPirasi (KLIP) - Actyvate Focus Area Education Short Description To provide free PT3 & SPM tuition classes to the students from PPR flats mainly in the Lembah Subang area. We currently have a total of 113 students registered with us. Besides free tuition classes, we are also providing free Breakfasts & Lunches to the student...


This Saturday, KLIP welcomes Shamsul Abdullah as our guest speaker. He is an energetic individual who has successfully dabbled in many industries; hence the introduction of being a Jack of All Trades & Master at None.

Volunteers are welcome to spend their time assisting in the classes as scheduled below. Just pop by & say hi to our team.

Venue: Life College, Level 1, Block D'Aman Ria,, No 3, Ara Jaya, Jalan PJU 1a/41, Ara Damansara, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor

Photos from Kembara Events Management Sdn Bhd's post 20/04/2018

The kids are all prepped & ready for their Mathematics classes!!! Thank you to all sponsors who came forward with the funds, Geometry Sets, Scientific Calculators. Even little goodies have been purchased to be given as rewards to encourage the more shy students to come forward & participate in class.

Stay tuned for more updates on KLIP!
