SB Sidh Remedies for Diabetes.

SB Sidh Remedies for Diabetes.

Helping the spirits in people , naturally . Helping people who have been spiritually victimized . I use personally specialized paranormal activity .

I have a commendable experience of 17 years in this field and have very ethically pursued this profession and have helped many people solve their personal spiritual and life issues . Also specialize in diabetes , HBP treatment and severe menstrual pain with herbal and commonly found natural components from trees .


Hi friends.
After very long time I'm posting some thing on diabetes.
Before I proceed and explain you about medication , I want to mention important fact about our life style. .

In today's competitive world , Important thing is to survive and earn money. Our daily routine life style has become so fast that we are not bothered of small small damages occurring in our organs on daily basis. In other words we don't have time to think on our health issues.

We have taken our fast life style for granted . People say nothing has changed much, only our life style has become little more complicated and competitive to earn money and to feed ourself and our family members.

So in short , we put lot of efforts to earn money and feed ourself and feed our family members. In last everything ends on food. But are you sure that you feeding your self and your family members with proper food. Let us discus on this matter for few minutes as this article is specially prepared on this subject.

Yes we proudly say we spend minimum 80 to 200Rs daily on good food which we eat daily. We consume various food items daily. It has become our daily routine to have breakfast - lunch -dinner- evening snacks without thinking. We just pay the amount and we are not bothered what we eating on daily basis.

It has been observed ,people are just filling their stomach in day time to survive till evening.

What Im saying is 100% true. Working people just consume anything in day time to survive till they reach home from work . They don't realize very imp fact, they are harming their organs as days are passing.

May be you are also one of them. Very important thing you have to ask yourself. Are you keeping note of food items you consume daily?
And Your answer will be BIG NO.--

-If you keep track and keep detailed note on your food consumed daily. After 15 days you will be shocked to learn, you -yourself is starving your organs and its you who attracted diabetes toward you.

Yes its true. We did little homework in past 20 months. In 2015 We manage to gather total 50 working gents and ladies in age group of 21 to 55 years. We just asked them to note down few imp things every day.
1) what they eat in break fast - lunch and dinner .
2) How much time are they are in sitting position ?

We asked them to keep writing all food items they eat daily from morning to night. We asked them to do this for 15 days only.

It took us few months to gather 15 days diet from 50 different people.

Results were extremely shocking.

1) Out of 50 people, there were only 3 ladies and 8 elderly gents who ate home cooked food daily and it contained at least of 1 vegetable . Rest all of them were having lunch without proper vegetables.

More than 20 people were dependent on snacks like samosa, burger or similar snack items.

Rest few people use get tiffins from catering services.
They all said only 1 sentence. We just fill our stomach and focus on our job.

2) Out of 50 , more than 30 people sat on office rotating cushion chair for 6 to 8 hrs on doing their work .

Only 12 to 14 people had manual and physical activity work And 5 of them had marketing feild work .

Out of 50 people- there were 4 people with Type2 diabetes. This 4 of them were consuming tablet from past 4 to 15 yrs and 1 man was type 1 diabetic .

After doing blood testing of each person , 3 more were found diabetic with blood gulcose level between 210 to 270. This was surprising shocking news for them as they were quite healthy.
Out 50 people there were 9 people who were suffering from high blood pressure.

But surprisingly none of 11 people were diabetic , this 11 were same ,who were having vegetables in their daily routine.

Well now let me come on treatment.

This article is for Type2 diabetic people,whose blood glucose level is in range of 160 to 210 and consuming low volume diabetes tablets.

Reason I mentioning about this vegetable treatment , because it has helped many of them without starting any proper herbal medicine from our side.
Ok let me come on point .
Vegetables and Ingredients mentioned in this article , are selected very carefully.
And vegetables are selected after watching result of each and every vegetable and also combination of different vegetable.

It took us around 18 months to short list the vegetables.

I don't claim that each and every diabetic person will benefit from this formula .But i have noticed, many people have benefitted from this .And proportion of healing is 4 to 7 people out 25 diabetic people.

This treatment needs little of efforts and it cost less than 500Rs to come out of diabetes..

Only you need is few vegetables in small quantity + patience and keep glucometer handy to check your BGL.

You will be needing following vegetables + 2 type of different plant leafs on daily basis.

1) orange or red carot 6 inch long and 1inch in diameter -1no:
2) cabbage- 70 gm to 100gm.
3) 1 full capsicum of medium size.
4) 5 strips of french beans.
5)8 gawar falli.
6) 2 inch long ginger.( very imp)
7) 3 peices of garlic.
8) 7to 9 curry leaf.(its curry leaf not bay leaf)
9) 5 to 7 tulsi leaf.
10) 1/2 spoon turmeric powder.


Firstly, you have to divide above 9 ingrdient in 2 different section.

1st section:- carrot, capsicum, french beans, gawar falli, cabbage.

Use shredder for carrot. While remaining vegetables cut it into very thin slices.

Take 200ml water and boil with shredded vegetables. Allow it to boil for 12 to 15 min. Switch Off the gas and cover the vessel with plate so that steam doesnt escape.

2nd section:- Ginger, Garlic , tulsi leaf, curry leaf , turmric powder.

Make extremely thin fine strips of this 4 ingredients and put it to boil with same above ingredients and half spoon of turmeric powder.
Boil again with every thing for 2 to 3 min only. Cover the vessel and leave it for 15 to 20min.

After 20 min you just have to add salt for taste and consume it like vegetable soup.

This process if u do twice a day , it will be more beneficial.

If you want to see good effect, have this vegetable soup in morning empty stomach.

Then 2 nd dose you can have in evening time.

Q ) What to avoid ?
Avoid sweet food.
You can have Tea coffee with reduced sugar. Avoid taking sugar free tablets.

Q) How many days they have to take.
Ans: - in start have this for 15 days , see results.

Q)should we continue tablet?
Ans:- yes continue tablet till you get positive. Avoid stopping tablets directly or instantly. Reduce the volume of Tablets or insulin slowly.

All the best.


very soon Im going to post some home remedies to reduce blood gulcose level.

Timeline photos 20/08/2015

What is Trifala ( Triphala)?

Every body eats trifala for constipation.
But very hardly any body knows the combination of trifala.
I have no idea , how much detailed knowledge people have of trifala. Reason I'm posting this subject bcos I have observed people taking trifala in very wrong manner .
let me give some details in short which I have gathered from tribal people from different states .

It is surprising for me to learn that 90% of people who consuming trifala are not aware of combination of three herbs in trifala.

Here are few details of Trifala

Trifala can cure more than 25type of sickness and disease .
few details of sickness are given below.

skin infection,
Utrus fibroid,
intestine clearing,
acute constipation in large intestine
lungs cough infection,
swollen feet,
blocked pores
intestine inner wall pores blockage
blood purifying===etc etc etc.

Now you must be thinking trifala cures above all above disease?????
No Trifala doesn't cure all above disease, it is combination and proportion of 3 different herbs which cure the sickness.
Trifala is combination of 3 different herbs
Amala+ Haritiki+ Baheda--- which can be used to heal more than 25 health problems.

Very Imp:- Amala is common name but Haritaki and Baheda are known with different names in different states.

Now here it is very important to know what type of hartiki you are using.
There are seven types of haritaki fruit:
1) Vijaya: looks just a squash and can be used in any case.
2)Rohini: is round in shape and more effective for healing.
3) Putana: is small in size with big hard seeds, and is useful for external plastering.
4) Amrita: is fleshier, and good for body purification.
5) Abhaya: has five lobes, and is more effective for ophthalmic use (external).
6) Jivanti: is yellow in color and good for all cases.
7) White Chetaki: has three lobes, is good to use in the form of powder, and is more laxative than the others.

8)Black Chetaki :- Also has 3 lobes and it can also be used laxative and it can be also used as face mask mixed with amla powder.

Baheda :-
I have not managed to get much detailed information of Baheda herb, major of experts say that Baheda do have few different type of varieties. But it doesn't have different names as compare to Haritaki different 8 names.

what I have gathered knowledge of Baheda is only this :-
Mostly experts have mentioned me 2 colour Baheda ,
1) Dudhe Baheda:- white colour baheda. Basically it is not white but light yellowish brown.
2) Bhura ( brownish) Baheda:- basically after drying it bcoms more dark.
Some tribal people have mentioned presence of dark bluish brown Baheda which is most powerful and its chemical compound last for many years inside the seed. But it is very rarely found..

Baheda Plant Chemicals (+)-

-sitosterol, gallic acid, ellagic acid, chebulagic acid, galloyl glucose, fatty acid, protein, oxalic acid, tannin, palmitic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, galactose, glucose, ethyl gallate .
(above chemical details are taken from web after doing google search)

Now Let me guide you about TRIFALA.
Trifala is made in various different proportion.

Lets say you making amla powder as base .
Base means volume of amla powder will be 1 spoon.
And other two herbs( hartika + Baheda) will be 1/4 spoon.
This is common proportion of Trifala for all disease .

But lets say if we make other herb as base, lets say we take hartika 1 spoon.
and amla powder 1/2 spoon and Baheda powder 1/4 spoon then this combination is also called trifala but its effect on immune system will be very different.
Now this proportion of herbs in trifala will reduce cough from lungs and it will not clear constipation.

Now lets say if we make Baheda powder as base.
means we take baheda powder 1 spoon,
Amla powder --1/4 spoon and Hartika powder 1/2 spoon,
This combination is also called Trifala.
this combination will help reduce fever and reduce body pain.
But it will not clear constipation.
There are more than 14 type of combination of trifala for clearing constipation.
Now I hope you understand why your Trifala didn't help to clear constipation.

There are many other reasons for herb not effecting.

# 90% herbs dont give effect bcos chemical compound( oil) gets evaporated, which are present in herbal powder . Though taste of herbal powder will be bitter , sour, or sweet but it is lacking with needed chemical compound which is of no use.

# Sometimes herbs do have needed chemical compound but still it is not effecting, this happens when fertilizer is used to grow herbs.Bitter gourd are very good example . people do drink kerala ( bitter gourd) juice daily. But blood sugar level doesn't reduces. in matter of 2 months of drinking keralla juice people get different type of sickness like skin infection, swollen kidney and intestine complication. This complication is not arised by keralla juice but it is due to fertilizer and urea , which is used while growing vegetables.

# In same way now Amla farming is done with help of fertilizer to keep amla fruit safe from insects. So when trifala consist of such amla powder then effect is not seen what we expect.

Now regarding treatment;-

when Trifala doesn't help to clear constipation then it means we have to take whole Trifala as base and add extra herbs.
Still , if constipation is experienced then it means complication is some where else.

Very Imp:- According to Hindu Ved and Puran ,3 herbs which are used in trifala is very positively full of medicinal value and it is never wasted when consumed. it somewhere helps the immune system .

Most of the time in diabetic people , there are many hidden complications which automatically come to surface after consuming herbal medicine for 4 months.
So we just have to wait and keep tracking and following diabetic person immune system.

So if you sufferring from any sickness and if you consuming Trifala , then you just have to consume herbal medicine and wait to see the effect of herbal medicine.




Pure non toxic home made natural herbal Medicine available, according to each diabetic immune system.

Medicine are made from common plants leaf, without any mixture of metal or bhasam.

We make herbal medicine for reduce your sugar level of following type of diabetes.-

1) Type 1 Diabetes.

2) Extreme high Type 1 diabetes ( above 70 unit insulin).

3) Type 2 Diabetes.

4) Extreme high Type 2 diabetes.

5) Diabetes after pregnancy.

Herbal Medicine are made and based on Maharashtra old tribal formula in powder form.

Herbal medicine each dose are well packed manually according to immune system requirements.

We request our each diabetic person to plant 1 tree to support our Earth to Go Green.


( [email protected] )
