The Bitter Pill

The Bitter Pill

There's anger in my heart.

Arrogant Corporate Headshots Make Me Sick! 22/04/2023

Arrogant Corporate Headshots Make Me Sick! You know what’s really been grinding my gears lately? Corporate headshots!I mean, have you seen these things? These corporate headshots are a load of dung. ...

Abusing the Word “Love” 05/04/2023

Abusing the Word “Love” Here’s something that really grinds my gears — the abuse of the word “love.”

Testimonial Weasels 03/04/2023

There is something seriously wrong with people who go full-on worship mode as they give corporate testimonials. Click below to see how we believe these people should be dealt with.

Testimonial Weasels I want to talk to you about something that really grinds my gears: that full-of-crap look people make when they’re giving a testimonial for…

The Side Hustle Cheeseballs 02/04/2023

The Side Hustle Cheeseballs You know what really grinds my gears? These cheese bags out there pretending like they’re running a real business when really, they’re just…

I can’t “even”… 02/04/2023

The "I can't even" cheeseballs

I can’t “even”… I need to discuss something that’s been bothering me lately — losers who abuse the word “even.”

Consultants and CEO Worship 30/03/2023

Consultants and CEO Worship Today’s topic is those obsequious sycophant consultants who spout off at meetings insisting that the PR people do a story about the…

The Coffee Humor Crowd 29/03/2023

The Coffee Humor Crowd Today, I want to talk about something that’s been bugging me for a while now — the coffee humor crowd.

The Idiocy of Ted Talks 29/03/2023

The Idiocy of Ted Talks Ted Talks are the Internet’s Cesspool

Stupidest Media Picture Pose 29/03/2023

Stupidest Media Picture Pose Alright, folks, let’s talk about the latest cheesy fad that’s been sweeping the nation — the infamous “arms folded across the chest” pose…

Every Jerk’s on a Journey 29/03/2023

Every Jerk’s on a Journey It seems like every jackass is on a journey these days. That’s right, no matter what kind of mess you’ve made in your life, it’s not a…