Next Level Networking with Michelle Geouge

Next Level Networking with Michelle Geouge

Changing lives one day at a time! Top Earner in Network Marketing, Industry Coaching, and Life Coaching!

A husband and wife team who are raising two wild boys, badasses within Corporate America, and slaying the Network Marketing industry.


Just Breathe! 🤪🤪🤪

No matter what life throws at you... the good, the bad, or the ugly... YOU can take it and smile through it all or you can always ask Why Me? and whine about it all.

Stop with the Woe Is Me s**t and seriously stop whining and crying on Facebook every time life doesn’t go your way. That’s life! It will not always be a win... you have to take the wins with the losses.

Here is the 🔑 key though... YOU are the ONLY person on the face of this earth who can chance YOUR life. You! Take a chance and make a change! I believe in you! Now go out and do it!

♥️ Photo Credit to my wild and crazy boys 🤦‍♀️ I told them they had to run hills in the front yard last night before getting their iPads... I didn’t think I had to explain to them that they had to put pants on first 🤦‍♀️ So I made the choice to laugh my ass off and take a photo. 😂
