GreenFuse Cannabis Resource Centre

GreenFuse Cannabis Resource Centre

Medical Cannabis Consultants
St. Catharines, Ontario



Medical Cannabis has been scientifically proven to provide effective relief for a range of ailments due to how the cannabinoids in the plant affect the body’s internal homeostatic systems, this includes pain, insomnia, anxiety, fatigue, digestive disturbances and a whole range of other chronic conditions.

For those interested in exploring cannabis as medicine, GreenFuse is now offering free consultations with qualified cannabis experts.

We will:

1. Set you up with a 15 minute consultation with a nurse practitioner to discuss your conditions.

2. Register you with a number of licensed producers of high quality medical cannabis products. (Medical Cannabis is also tax deductible).

3. Work with you to find the best options and products to treat your particular conditions.

For more information, call GreenFuse at 905-323-9193 or send an email to [email protected].

:- Stuart F. Andrews
ph: 905-323-9193



If you're looking for the mythical fountain of youth, the truth is, any fountain will do as long as the water is clean and pure, and it's the only thing you ingest for an extended period of time.

Prolonged water fasting offers health benefits that can only be described as miraculous, because that's exactly what they are when one fully appreciates what happens to the body when undergoing such an exercise and when one ponders the magic of creation responsible for the incredible healing processes that ensue.

When you run out of dietary glucose and stored glycogen, your body will create in the liver (providing your liver actually works) whatever glucose is required for the brain and will then fuel itself primarily on ketones manufactured from the fat reserves.

This is why we get fat, to store up excess energy for use later on when there's no food in the environment, a frequent occurrence during the first 3.7 billion years of our evolution.

But a lot of interesting things happen to the body when food disappears from the environment. Beyond fuelling itself from our stored fat reserves, a process called autophagy intensifies (and accelerates exponentially as you go deeper into the fast).

Autophagy means, "self-eating" and it's a process where one's cells will recycle dead and damaged proteins, repurposing them for much-needed cellular fuel. In terms of basic evolution, the body anticipates such periods of deprivation and utilizes those moments as an opportunity to repair and recycle the cells. When we invented the agricultural society, we solved the very serious issue of food scarcity and starvation, but inadvertently created a myriad of other problems such as what happens to the body when we don't allow the natural processes of autophagic recycling to occur.

Well, I'll tell you what happens: chronic disease, aging, diminished immune function, cognitive dysfunction, high blood pressure, metabolic illness, diabetes, inflammation, constant fatigue, cancer, depression and all the other wonderful things that make life generally miserable for so many of us.

Given that for most people in the west (not all of us, sadly) access to endless calories is not a major issue, so we must force ourselves into periods of voluntary deprivation if we want to clean up the body and take out the trash so to speak.

Ancient wise ones understood this, hence why every major religion encodes within its doctrines prescribed periods of prolonged fasting.

For 20 years, I've suffered with a chronic condition of the eyes known broadly as blepharitis (a painful, very uncomfortable thing) that occasionally flares up into a far more serious affliction known as uveitis (an inflammation of the cornea) which is potentially damaging to the eyesight. This condition is so excruciating that at the peak of its intensity, you can't do more than sit in a completely dark room. Even a tiny sliver of light is too intense to endure.

Over the last few years, the condition has worsened and the medication that previously helped no longer has any effect. I was getting to the point of learning to live with it, but a typical day with this annoying problem, even a mediocre manifestation, would make most people utterly miserable. I just got used to it.

There are many triggers: eyestrain, humidity and diet (especially all the classic inflammatory foods) so it's a very difficult thing to control. I moved to the Niagara Region in 2017 where it got increasingly worse, I assume due to the slight change in climate. I got into a zone where it was just one endless flare-up cycling into the next, into the next, and into the next.

In the spring of 2021, I did an extended, seven day water fast. I haven't had a single recurrence of this condition since, not even a mild episode.

The pharmaceutical industry doesn't want you to know about the miracles of water fasting, and your indoctrinated doctors certainly won't prescribe such a thing. If you have a medical doctor who understands the healing properties of this practise, you should consider yourself extremely lucky and should take their advice very seriously. Likely, you'll have to find a naturopath if you want any reliable consultation about the process, assuming you can find a competent naturopath that is, a task that's more difficult than it should be.

Since that initial seven day fast, I've done a series of mini fasts, including one, two and three day fasts, and for the last few weeks, I've been following a program where I do a full day water fast every three days.

It's a fairy complicated system, and I've designed a lot of it myself (after much research, trial and error), but I'm seeing some very positive outcomes as a consequence. There's far too many details to get into in a single post but now that I'm knee-deep in the process and seeing empirical results, I'll share some of my findings as I continue to experiment on myself.

For those suffering with debilitating and even life-threatening chronic disease, and you're starting to realize that your indoctrinated doctor is not interested in finding the root cause and will only prescribe endless pharmaceutical products to treat the symptoms, you may want to pay attention to some of these posts.

Many of us were willing to submit ourselves as human pin cushions to a malignant and corrupt pharmaceutical industry. As an alternative approach, I'm offering myself as a human guinea pig to the Gods.

RCMP veteran kicked out of B.C. bar for rolling joint wins discrimination case 10/02/2022

This is an amazing story with a happy ending!

RCMP veteran kicked out of B.C. bar for rolling joint wins discrimination case The B.C. Human Rights Tribunal has awarded $1,500 to an RCMP veteran who was kicked out of a Vancouver Island bar for rolling a joint in his lap, finding that his rights as a medical cannabis user were violated.

Peace during the pandemic: Some people turning to psychedelics to cope 13/02/2021

Peace during the pandemic: Some people turning to psychedelics to cope Interest in psychoactive or hallucinogenic drugs seems to be booming, and some experts say that started even before the pandemic.

Photos from GreenFuse Cannabis Resource Centre's post 12/12/2020


Photos from GreenFuse Cannabis Resource Centre's post 06/11/2020

Nov 02

Police seize 3 kangaroos during $150 million illegal cannabis raid 05/11/2020

No, you're not high, those were actual Kangaroos!

Police seize 3 kangaroos during $150 million illegal cannabis raid Today in "what the actual heck?" we have a massive police bust just north of Toronto in which $150 million worth of illegally-grown marij...

Opinion: Are Canadians ready to accept psychedelics in palliative care? 22/10/2020


Opinion: Are Canadians ready to accept psychedelics in palliative care? New research units are challenging the prohibition on psychedelics and resurrecting some of the historical arguments about the benefits for mental health

Home page 20/10/2020

Tilray is one of two licensed producers that GreenFuse works with exclusively.

All new Tilray patients will receive a 20% discount on their first order of cannabis oils.

For more information on how to get registered, contact GreenFuse at info @

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Just got this from the Doc. A good searchable archive of a wide range of cannabis studies, organized by diagnosis, form of medication, type of study and outcomes:

Broken Coast Cannabis - Medical Cannabis for Canadians 24/07/2020


GreenFuse is now affiliated with both Broken Coast & Tilray.

If you're looking for a physician to authorize the use of medical cannabis in order to register with either of these licensed producers, we can provide our clinic services at no charge to the patient.

Drop us a line at [email protected]

Broken Coast Cannabis - Medical Cannabis for Canadians

Ma*****na May Prevent Coronavirus Says New Study! 20/05/2020

"Goddamn it ma*****na, is there anything you can't do?"

Ma*****na May Prevent Coronavirus Says New Study! Become a Premium Member: Go to a Live Show: Subscribe to Our Newsletter:


CHOOSE WISELY the Knights of the First Crusade famously said to Indiana Jones.

There's a number of clinics offering bargain basement rates on providing medical documents for grow licenses. Some of these operations are not abiding by the proper regulations. As a result, a number of patients are having their applications to Health Canada rejected.

If you believe you qualify for a larger dosage than your doctor is willing to provide, or you've had a bad experience with one of these "fly by night" outfits, we can certainly help.

We don't typically post on social media but GreenFuse has been around for a couple of years, we have reasonable rates, we follow the College of Physicians Guidelines closely and we've never had any issues with Health Canada. Plus, we only work with Doctors who are passionate and informed about medical cannabis.

Call or email for more info.

info @

Why the labels ‘sativa’ and ‘indica’ tell you very little about your pot 12/09/2019


This video, as useful as it may be, only scratches the surface as to why it's time to abandon these misleading (and incorrectly used) terms.

As Dr. Ethan Russo says....

"Since the taxonomists cannot agree, I would strongly encourage the scientific community, the press, and the public to abandon the sativa/indica nomenclature and rather insist that accurate biochemical assays on cannabinoid and terpenoid profiles be available for Cannabis in both the medical and recreational markets. Scientific accuracy and the public health demand no less than this."

To properly understand the effects of different cultivars of cannabis, you have to look closely at both the cannabinoid content and terpene profile:

Why the labels ‘sativa’ and ‘indica’ tell you very little about your pot Ma*****na is sold as sativa or indica varieties. But the difference doesn't predict what kind of experience you can expect to have, experts warn.

High CBD Strains: Where To Find Cannabis With Strong Levels Of Cannabidiol 02/07/2019


Here's a good article on what LPs are currently offering the best CBD strains.

You may have to register with the site in order to read it but it's worth it.

High CBD Strains: Where To Find Cannabis With Strong Levels Of Cannabidiol High-CBD cannabis strains are becoming increasingly popular among veteran and new consumers alike. So we rounded-up the best CBD-rich cannabis options on the market.

World Health Organization Announces Scientific Consensus on Medical Cannabis - ICCI 05/02/2019


Potentially a big step forward for medical cannabis on the global stage.

World Health Organization Announces Scientific Consensus on Medical Cannabis - ICCI Medical Cannabis Policy Now in the Hands of UN Commission on Narcotics Drugs. ICCI experts respond.

Cannabis grown from yeast: does the future of pot lie in a lab? 12/12/2018


Nothing will replace the magic of direct sunlight on actual plants and the rich tapestry of terpenes, cannabinoids and other magical compounds that make up this mysterious plant.

But not hard to see the practical applications of this, especially with respects to isolating and mass producing rare compounds in order to study them more effectively.

Cannabis grown from yeast: does the future of pot lie in a lab? Much like making craft beer, some companies are now using yeast enzymes to synthetically create THC and CBD



I've had a few people ask me if medical patients will be exempt from charges for cannabis-induced impaired driving. Not knowing the answer to this question with any degree of certainty, I decided to call the Health Canada Office of Cannabis for clarification. Amazingly, they didn't know the answer to this question either! (The Office of Cannabis never ceases to amaze.)

They suggested I contact someone in law enforcement so I called my local police station. The woman at the front desk informed me that, absolutely yes, as one may expect, impaired driving charges will apply to medical patients as equally as recreational users.

With that in mind, I'm sharing this tidbit to help correct some of the misinformation floating around — not surprising if even the Office of Cannabis doesn't know the laws surrounding Cannabis (tax payers money well spent there)!

If anyone has any further insight (or even better, facts!), feel free to let me know.



This prayer was given out at the Cathedral of the Holy Rosary in Vancouver, B.C. in 1957.

A history of Canada's relationship with L*D:

Phasing out medical cannabis would leave pediatric patients in the lurch: Opinion | CBC News 16/09/2018


Counter-argument against the CMA's position on phasing out medical cannabis.

Phasing out medical cannabis would leave pediatric patients in the lurch: Opinion | CBC News If cannabis is phased out of the medical stream, and access for children and youth is prohibited under the recreational stream, how will these young patients get access to the cannabis treatments they need?

"Behave more sexually:" How Big Pharma used st*****rs, guns, and cash to push opioids 20/08/2018


If you know anyone struggling with opioid addiction, get them to try cannabis instead. I talk to people all the time who've managed to get off opioids thanks to cannabis which is perfectly natural, has far less negative side effects and isn't "physically" addictive (of course, you can abuse it and develop a dependancy disorder like anything).

This article from Mother Jones will make you feel nauseous:

"Behave more sexually:" How Big Pharma used st*****rs, guns, and cash to push opioids According to recently unsealed whistleblower lawsuits.

Ask Your Doctor if Cannabis is Right for You | O'Shaughnessy's 03/06/2018


This article was penned in 2007. It's just as relevant today. (It's rather sad that it's just as relevant today but that's the way it goes.)

Ask Your Doctor if Cannabis is Right for You | O'Shaughnessy's

Briteside Cannabis Commercial 02/06/2018


This funny ad parody is an actual commercial for the cannabis delivery service Briteside.

Briteside Cannabis Commercial


HAPPY 420!

Here's a bit of good news. And I just verified this today with Health Canada. Beginning on March 2nd, all MCR registrations will be active for a full year from the moment they're authorized, regardless of when the medical document runs out.

So if you were waiting 6 months for your application to get approved, you're not going to lose those months by the time you actually get your license in the mail.

So Happy 420 everyone!

p.s. If you're looking to get a license to grow your own medicine, get in touch with us at [email protected].

The Corruption of Evidence Based Medicine — Killing for Profit 15/04/2018


Unless you're a complete mook, you probably know by now that the medical industry is corrupted by big pharma. This article breaks down some of the devilish details.

The Corruption of Evidence Based Medicine — Killing for Profit The idea of Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) is great. The reality, though, not so much. Human perception is often flawed, so the premise of…
