The Switch

The Switch

Choose health. Choose compassion. Helping you live a healthy, kind, compassionate and meaningful life. Sharing health tips, delicious food and recipes.

Sharing wellness and kindness.

Milk and Cheese Increase Risk for Breast Cancer 24/02/2017

"Dairy products including cow's milk may be associated with an increased risk for breast cancer, according to a new study funded by the National Cancer Institute. Researchers looked at the dietary intakes of 1,941 women diagnosed with breast cancer and found that those who consumed the most American, cheddar, and cream cheeses had a 53 percent increased risk for breast cancer." via Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

Milk and Cheese Increase Risk for Breast Cancer Dairy products including cow's milk may be associated with an increased risk for breast cancer, according to a new study funded by the National Cancer Institute.

Top 8 Foods & Herbs For Preventing Cancer 20/02/2017

"Here are some of the most potent cancer destroying foods and herbs:". Via The Raw Food World

Top 8 Foods & Herbs For Preventing Cancer The number one prescription for cancer is PREVENTION! Preventing and calming cancer could be as easy as adding a sprinkle of turmeric to your cooking, ordering a wakame salad with your sushi or maybe you are feeling a little more ambitious and want to try some medicinal mushrooms? Discover the top 8...

Forks Over Knives | 10 Tips From a Pediatrician: How to Feed Your Plant-Based Family Without Losing Your Mind 20/02/2017

"Increasingly, people are realizing that what we put on our plates can have more of an impact on our health than most pills or procedures." Via FORKS OVER KNIVES

Forks Over Knives | 10 Tips From a Pediatrician: How to Feed Your Plant-Based Family Without Losing Your Mind Increasingly, people are realizing that what we put on our plates can have more of an impact on our health than most pills or procedures. For some, making personal changes around food is daunting in and of itself. Add to... Read more

Vegan science getting stronger, and so are vegan eaters 20/02/2017

"Esselstyn said he's working now on a documentary to be released at the beginning of next year, called 'Game-changers.' Could be an apt term for Rip himself, no? But he demurred: "If you want to be a true hero, for your health, for the planet, for animals, you'll start eating a plant-based diet - that's what I tell everyone I talk to."

Vegan science getting stronger, and so are vegan eaters Calling animal-free food "plant-based" is simple and factual, but a bit bland, echoing the outmoded stereotype of vegan food as such. Instead, Rip Esselstyn, who was in Philly this week, works to spread the "plant-strong" message.

Timeline photos 14/02/2017


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What the Health NYC Movie Premiere

What the Health Los Angeles Movie Premiere

What the Health San Francisco Movie Premiere

Thanks for your support!" Via Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret


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What the Health NYC Movie Premiere

What the Health Los Angeles Movie Premiere

What the Health San Francisco Movie Premiere

Thanks for your support!

Timeline photos 10/02/2017

"No matter what color you wear today or what message you send to the world, your health will follow your diet. It's not what you say or wear that will prevent chronic illnesses like cardiovascular disease, but rather what you eat.

Wear red for but consider eating green (and red, orange, yellow, blue, purple, white, and all colored whole plants) for heart health.

Cardiovascular disease remains the world's number one killer. In the United States alone, someone has a heart attack every 42 seconds and each minute, someone in the United States dies from a heart disease-related event (!).

A plant-based diet - centered around fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds - is not only effective at reducing incidence of and improving the leading risk factors for cardiovascular disease (high blood pressure and high cholesterol), but it is the only diet ever shown to actually reverse heart disease.

The most important choice you can make is not what to wear, but what you put at the end of your fork.

--->CDC's Heart Disease Fact Sheet:
--->Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine's Five Ways Eating Red Can Heal Your Heart: and Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease:
--->U.S. News and World Report's Absence of Meat Makes the Heart Grow Stronger:
--->The New York Times' Advice From a Vegan Cardiologist:
--->Dr. David L. Katz's Now's the Time to Shift to a Plant-Based Diet:
--->6 Reasons Plant-Based Nutrition Is The Solution to The Healthcare Crisis:
--->Reduction in saturated fat intake for cardiovascular disease:
--->Dean Ornish, MD's Intensive Lifestyle Changes for Reversal
of Coronary Heart Disease:
--->Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.'s A way to reverse CAD?
--->5 Ways to Avoid Cardiovascular Disease Without Medication:
--->What Vegans Eat…Sample Meal Plans Made Simple + Hundreds of Recipes for World Vegan Day and Every Day:
--->Kaiser Permanente Thrive Journal's Plant-Based Diets: A Physician’s Guide:
--->5 Ways to Avoid Cardiovascular Disease Without Medication:
--->ScienceDaily's Mostly meat, high protein diet linked to heart failure in older women:". Via Plant-Based Dietitian

No matter what color you wear today or what message you send to the world, your health will follow your diet. It's not what you say or wear that will prevent chronic illnesses like cardiovascular disease, but rather what you eat.

Wear red for but consider eating green (and red, orange, yellow, blue, purple, white, and all colored whole plants) for heart health.

Cardiovascular disease remains the world's number one killer. In the United States alone, someone has a heart attack every 42 seconds and each minute, someone in the United States dies from a heart disease-related event (!).

A plant-based diet - centered around fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds - is not only effective at reducing incidence of and improving the leading risk factors for cardiovascular disease (high blood pressure and high cholesterol), but it is the only diet ever shown to actually reverse heart disease.

The most important choice you can make is not what to wear, but what you put at the end of your fork.

--->CDC's Heart Disease Fact Sheet:
--->Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine's Five Ways Eating Red Can Heal Your Heart: and Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease:
--->U.S. News and World Report's Absence of Meat Makes the Heart Grow Stronger:
--->The New York Times' Advice From a Vegan Cardiologist:
--->Dr. David L. Katz's Now's the Time to Shift to a Plant-Based Diet:
--->6 Reasons Plant-Based Nutrition Is The Solution to The Healthcare Crisis:
--->Reduction in saturated fat intake for cardiovascular disease:
--->Dean Ornish, MD's Intensive Lifestyle Changes for Reversal
of Coronary Heart Disease:
--->Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.'s A way to reverse CAD?
--->5 Ways to Avoid Cardiovascular Disease Without Medication:
--->What Vegans Eat…Sample Meal Plans Made Simple + Hundreds of Recipes for World Vegan Day and Every Day:
--->Kaiser Permanente Thrive Journal's Plant-Based Diets: A Physician’s Guide:
--->5 Ways to Avoid Cardiovascular Disease Without Medication:
--->ScienceDaily's Mostly meat, high protein diet linked to heart failure in older women:

I Ditched Multiple Meds and Health Problems With a Plant-Based Diet 09/02/2017

"I'm now a full convert to the belief that food is powerful and can be healing. I work six days a week as a hardware store manager, my memory is back, and I feel like I’m reverse-aging. It just goes to show that you are never too old to change." Via FORKS OVER KNIVES

I Ditched Multiple Meds and Health Problems With a Plant-Based Diet Seven years ago, I lost my wife to breast cancer after 49 years of marriage. Besides being a 71-year-old grieving widower, I was overweight and on medications for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and depression. I also suffered from gout,... Read more

Are you a cheese addict? Time to quit 09/02/2017

A much needed new book by Neal Barnard, M.D. Called The Cheese Trap.

Are you a cheese addict? Time to quit Sugar is public enemy number one as far as our diets are concerned and high-fat foods are no longer considered necessarily bad for us — which means we’ve been tucking into cheese with abandon.

Estates man loses 80 pounds on starch-based diet, shares lifestyle at bed and breakfast 02/02/2017

"Looking for a travel destination? Try Pirate Palms in Naples, FL! Carnrick, who turned his health around on a diet, leads this plant-centered retreat, where you can even sign up for culinary classes and personal training.

". Via PlantPure Communities

Estates man loses 80 pounds on starch-based diet, shares lifestyle at bed and breakfast Christopher Carnrick shares his lifestyle through new book and on a plant-based bed and breakfast in Golden Gate Estates

Vegan mulberry & pistachio fudge 30/01/2017

These looks delicious and so easy. Whose going to try the recipe? 💕

Vegan mulberry & pistachio fudge Loaded with delicious goodness, this vegan mulberry and pistachio fudge is packed with antioxidants, magnesium and fibre, and it's super easy to make.

Timeline photos 11/01/2017

"One fourth of all grain produced by third-world countries is now given to livestock, in their own countries and elsewhere."

More on this important topic here:" Via FORKS OVER KNIVES

"One fourth of all grain produced by third-world countries is now given to livestock, in their own countries and elsewhere."

More on this important topic here:

Meet The Man Trying To Build A Plant-Based Food Empire 02/01/2017

Love this news❣

"Matthew Kenney is a pioneer of high-end plant-based cuisine. He won America’s Best New Chef Award from Food & Wine magazine and was twice nominated Rising Star Chef by the James Beard Foundation. He guides a fast-growing lifestyle brand that trains chefs to cook sustainably. And, he may be about to be very, very rich." Via Forbes

Meet The Man Trying To Build A Plant-Based Food Empire The celebrity chef Matthew Kenney guides a fast-growing lifestyle brand that trains chefs to cook sustainably. If all goes according to plan, he may be about to be very rich.

26 Insanely Delicious Vegan Restaurants You Need To Try Before You Die 02/01/2017

How many of these have you tried?

26 Insanely Delicious Vegan Restaurants You Need To Try Before You Die Road trip!!

Do Vegetarians and Vegans Eat Enough Protein? 23/11/2016

"Where do you get your protein?" Here are some helpful stats and talking points for your upcoming holiday discussions with family and friends. via FORKS OVER KNIVES

Do Vegetarians and Vegans Eat Enough Protein? Once and for all, Dr. Michael Greger answers if vegetarians and vegans eat enough protein. A look at how much protein we are all supposed to eat.


Easy, delicious and healthy ~

Atlanta Physicians Prescribe Food as Medicine for Nov. 1 Health Challenge 27/10/2016

Plants instead of pills.

Atlanta Physicians Prescribe Food as Medicine for Nov. 1 Health Challenge ATLANTA—On Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2016, four Atlanta physicians prescribe a plant-based diet to help patients and local residents treat the root cause and early symptoms of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease for 21 days.The dietary pattern—rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes—is scienti...

10 Vegan Halloween Candy Ideas & Desserts, Because What Fun Is Halloween Without Treats? 24/10/2016

Fun and delicious ideas for Halloween

10 Vegan Halloween Candy Ideas & Desserts, Because What Fun Is Halloween Without Treats? What's the first thing you think of when you think of Halloween? If it's candy, and you're vegan, then you might feel pretty left out... but thanks to these vegan Halloween candy ideas, you don't have to anymore! That's right, things are about to get

11 vegan blogs you owe it to your tummy to follow 24/10/2016

Eating vegan is joyous and not filled with deprivation at all 💛

11 vegan blogs you owe it to your tummy to follow With not a nut roast in sight

Blending Up the Smoothie Controversy 22/10/2016

Some food for thought. Are you a smoothie drinker? I know I am and I did first learn about the anti-smoothie or juicing controversy through a plant based course I took.

Blending Up the Smoothie Controversy Articles from Dr. Carney on multiple topics of health.

The EXACT Vegan Food To Literally Get Every Single Nutrient Your Body Will Ever Need (HUGE A-Z List) 15/10/2016

Great information.

The EXACT Vegan Food To Literally Get Every Single Nutrient Your Body Will Ever Need (HUGE A-Z List) Through our upbringing, we’ve all been conditioned to believe that we must eat meat and animal by-products, in order to stay healthy and ‘grow up’. Part o ...

How I Lost 220 Pounds, Became an Ultra-Runner, and Transformed My Life 13/10/2016

"I grew up hunting, fishing, drinking, playing football, and eating a lot of deep fried and rich Cajun foods. Until a few years ago, I was also on the fast track to becoming a statistic." Via FORKS OVER KNIVES

How I Lost 220 Pounds, Became an Ultra-Runner, and Transformed My Life I weighed in at 410 pounds at the ripe old age of 32. Since then, I am most proud that I helped 6 of my family members lose nearly 1,000 pounds combined!

5 Reasons You’re Bloated + How to Get Relief 10/10/2016

Great tips from Kris Carr

5 Reasons You’re Bloated + How to Get Relief Learn how to tame your tummy troubles with these tips!

Is It the Diet, the Exercise, or Both? | 09/10/2016

"Whose blood is better at killing cancer cells? People who eat a standard diet and exercise strenuously or those who eat a plant-based diet and just exercise moderately? Watch this video to find out..."

Is It the Diet, the Exercise, or Both? | Whose blood is better at killing cancer cells? People who eat a standard diet and exercise strenuously, or those who eat a plant-based diet and just exercise moderately?

Creamy Vegan Coleslaw 05/10/2016

"SHARE this recipe with everyone you know! It is soooooo tasty..."

Creamy Vegan Coleslaw This is the best ever creamy vegan coleslaw! So quick and easy to make, and it's dairy free and has no added oil. Healthy and tasty - and whole food plant based... YUM! This is one of my favorite vegan recipes and is great as a side or to have as a meal by itself. Creamy Vegan Coleslaw

Apple Skin: Peeling Back Cancer | 05/10/2016

"The phytonutrients in the peel of apples better suppresses cancer cells in vitro than the flesh ( How might the peels suppress cancer cells? Click to watch the video:"

Apple Skin: Peeling Back Cancer | Apple peels appear to upregulate the tumor suppressor gene maspin, and have strong antiproliferative effects on breast and prostate cancer cell growth in vitro.

Make Yourself Heart Attack Proof - Caldwell Esselstyn MD 03/10/2016

If you haven't had a chance to hear Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.'s entire talk on becoming heart attack proof, you can watch the ENTIRE lecture here:
This talk could save your life (or someone you love)

Make Yourself Heart Attack Proof - Caldwell Esselstyn MD Caldwell Esselstyn, MD of the famed Cleveland Clinic gives a FULL 62 minute talk about reversing heart disease with a plantbased diet, from the 2003 VegSourc...

How to Make Non-Dairy Milks 30/09/2016

"Making plant-based milks is easy, fun and economical. It gives you nutritional control. Avoid added and of commercial non-dairy milks. Avoid the , , and from dairy milk.

". Via Linda Carney MD

How to Make Non-Dairy Milks Getting Started tips and tricks from Dr. Carney to assist in your journey towards adopting a plant-based nutrition and diet lifestyle.

How Not to Die from Heart Disease | 28/09/2016

"The best kept secret in medicine is that sometimes, given the right conditions, the body can heal itself. But if we keep re-damagng ourselves three times a day, we may never heal. Click below to watch the video on how not to die from heart disease, our number 1 killer of men and women:". Via Dr. Michael Gregor

How Not to Die from Heart Disease | Lifestyle approaches aren’t just safer and cheaper. They can work better, because you’re treating the actual cause of the disease.


. These guys demonstrate that being vegan does not limit ones performance or personal gain.
