South Sea Island Magic

South Sea Island Magic

South Sea Island Magic. Haunting, romantic melodies to whisk you away from your workaday world! Why are the South Seas so irresistible?

Here are the never-to-be-forgotten sounds and melodies of carefree island life. Large orchestras and small island bands, beautiful voices (alone and in chorus) bring the colorful South Pacific right into your living room. Relaxed moods, magnificent beauty, the perfect harmony which exists between the past and the present...all these combine to create an enchanting, carefree image. This magic is ca


Katlyn Conroy and Gavin Snider hit the Burger Stand this Saturday | Loud and Local | was kind enough to feature Saturday's Burger Stand show! Gavin Snider of Kansas City will perform at the Burger Stand at the Casbah this Saturday. Photo by Matt Kleinmann. by jessicasb


Timeline Photos


Photo by Matt Kleinmann


Concert Posters


South Sea Island Magic's Gavin Snider illustrates the rock

Cool write up on the the Pitch's wayward blog yesterday. Plenty of local acts have come up with creative ways of promoting their music over the years: playing shows in odd venues, viral videos, throwing their name on any promotional item that'll have it. However, I think South Sea Island Magic's Gavin Snider might be the first musician to make a webcomic ...


WMBR 88.1 FM : WMBR, Cambridge

SSIM is on the radio at MIT! We'd say they have some pretty smart DJs over there in Cambridge. WMBR 88.1 FM - The MIT Student Radio Station in Cambridge, Massachusetts


02 02 reviews_mixdown 2

KJHK recently put us on rotation and featured us on their "hawtest tracks" segment of the website. The album, according to the DJ, is "a great way to boogie into spring." Call and request it next time you're in Lawrence or listening online!


South Sea Island Magic – Episode I: Dream In The Dark

We could be in heaven 'fore the devil knows that we're dead. The final page of the first chapter. Dream in the Dark by South Sea Island Magic


South Sea Island Magic – Episode I: Dream In The Dark

Page three of The Continuing Saga of South Sea Island Magic. We could be in Kansas, the comfort of a warm bed. Dream in the Dark by South Sea Island Magic


South Sea Island Magic – Episode I: Dream In The Dark

Page two of The Continuing Saga of South Sea Island Magic. You can follow the story on my new twitter account as well, Snider. Dream in the Dark by South Sea Island Magic


South Sea Island Magic

And so it begins: The Continuing Saga of South Sea Island Magic. Every song tells a story, and every week we’ll post a new page from that story. Let the masses cry out: Death to Winter! This is Architect Music.