Hygienic Innovations Ltd
At Hygienic Innovations, it is our interest and passion to provide customers with cleantech solutions.
Wake up and smell the coffee, literally 😳 share please to make others aware of how their daily coffee could be harmful to their health!
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Next time your are buying a coffee, take a picture of the cloth used to clean the steam wand and tag us/send it to us via private messenger letting us know the shop & location. Each picture gives you one entry into the competition, which will be drawn 1st December 2017. If they ask why you are taking the picture, tell them about the PUCMug! You must also like & share our page to be in with a chance of winning this amazing prize. Terms and conditions apply.
Introducing the PUCMug - Portable Ultrasonic Cleaning Mug - that uses ultrasonic technology to to revolutionise the way in which we clean certain things. It can be used on an array of items in a vast number of industries and in the home. The PUCMug works by placing the item requiring cleaning inside the device which is filled with water. The PUCMug is then activated and the item is subjected to a rapid and complete removal of contaminants while immersed in the PUCMug. High frequency sound waves from an ultrasonic generator in the base of the PUCMug cause the removal. These non-audible sound waves create a scrubbing brush action within the water that allow the PUCMug to clean the whole surface area of the item, and inside if applicable.
The PUCMug was initially developed as a way of cleaning steam wands on coffee machines, challenging the current method of using a cloth, which is usually unsanitised. This cloth, when used, becomes soaked with old milk and coffee residue which then harbours harmful disease causing bacteria such as Acinetobacter, Coprococcus, Paenibacillus and Agrobacterium. These bacteria are transferred to the steam wand during every wipe, the steam wand is then placed into a coffee, transferring the bacteria into the drink. PucMug also removes the need for close skin contact with a very hot piece of equipment.
PUCMug swab v Independent coffee shop swab
Bacteria from the cloth used in the coffee shop will be transferred onto the steam wand when making your latte/cappuccino. This is unacceptable and can cause a wide range of illnesses including vomiting, diarrhea, UTI's and throat infections.
At Hygienic Innovations, it is our interest and passion to provide customers with cleantech solutions. We have developed a patent pending equipment that uses ultrasonic technology to cleanse parts of coffee machines and ensure prevention of cross-contamination of edible products. The instrument is safe to operate at cafes, home and restaurants with minimal training.