Prevention vs. Detection

Prevention vs. Detection

Are you proactive about your health? We are passionate about education and keeping patients healthy, rather than pulling them out of disease.

Get Rid Of Breast Cancer - Serenity Surgery & Wellness 22/06/2022

Our new practice website is up! Please go to ❣️👏👏

Get Rid Of Breast Cancer - Serenity Surgery & Wellness We help women get rid of breast cancer. We offer surgical services and minimally invasive procedures including Croyablation (freezing of breast cancer tumors)


It's that time of the year: DrB gets her mammogram!


Know anyone who may be interested? If so, please forward cover letter and resume to [email protected]

part time Medical Assistant - healthcare - job employment Exciting, unique opportunity for a medical assistant who is interested in working with an experienced, innovative breast surgeon who truly cares about the patients in our community. Office hours...


"Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it. It flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it."

– Unknown

I always thought that "Happy Memorial Day" was an odd thing to say. This is a somber, virtuous Holiday. Thinking and honoring those who serve and served.


Wishing all moms, whether biological, adoptive, foster, grieving, step, or hopeful to human or furball, a wonderful belated Mother's Day. The celebration should last longer than a day, anyway. 🥰😘😘😘

Effects of music in exercise and sport: A meta-analytic review. 18/04/2022

After a cancer diagnosis, did you know that 30-60 minutes of purposeful movement that makes you a little "breathy" (zone 2) helps to decrease all cause mortality by 41%?! There is also a 22% decreased risk of cancer recurrence with the same effort. 😊
AND... Playing music while you exercise makes you feel better while you do it and makes you feel like things are a little easier, since you can put your focus on the music and not on the effort. 😍
The best Rx for exercise after cancer diagnosis:
30-60 minutes of moderate intensity activity AND
resistance training 2x/ week (body weight or weighted)
What was YOUR movement for today?

Effects of music in exercise and sport: A meta-analytic review. Regular physical activity has multifarious benefits for physical and mental health, and music has been found to exert positive effects on physical activity. Summative literature reviews and conceptual models have hypothesized potential benefits and salient mechanisms associated with music listening....


Hope is a state of mind, not an emotion.


Dr. Bednarski is attending the annual American Society of Breast Surgeons meeting. We are in person this year, after 2 years of virtual meetings.
It is fantastic to exchange information, learn about new innovations in breast care, and network.


Little reminder


Wishing all of you a wonderful Valentine's Day!


Take heed...


Another chapter... Another 365 pages to fill. Wishing everyone a beautiful, joyous, and healthy 2022, full of wonderful possibilities. above all, be kind to yourself, and the rest will follow❣️


Wishing everyone a beautiful Holiday Season, full of magic, peace, love and great health.


Wishing each and everyone of you a wonderful, happy and rich Thanksgiving full of love and family!

Timeline photos 11/11/2021

tomorrow (Thursday) evening! 8PM Eastern, 7PM Central, 6PM Mountain, or 5PM Pacific. Make sure you register. :)

Are you coming to the live webinar tomorrow? Dr. Hania Bednarski has always been on the forefront of surgical care for breast cancer, but she also found ways to care for the whole patient, planning for excellent quality of life in survivorship from day one. Register now to learn her approach to lymphatic care throughout the breast cancer journey.

Timeline photos 04/11/2021

I will be discussing lymphedema diagnosis, considerations and management next week on this webinar. You must be registered to view. Hope to see you then!

Hania Bednarski, DO, FACOS has been asking the same question since residency, "can't we do better?" Board Certified General Surgeon and Fellowship Trained in Breast Oncoplastic Surgery, Dr. Bednarski has an unrelenting drive for better, whole-patient care from surgery through survivorship.

Register now to join us on 11/11 as Dr. Bednarski shares her clinical expertise, practical tips and endless passion for ensuring lymphedema doesn’t get in the way of the survivorship she and her patients fought for together.


In support of all of my patients: past, present, and future:
With the side effects of chemo and radiation, you will never be 100% again because your immune system is weak. Ruins marriages, families and relationships with friends. Because you're not the same again after cancer and treatments.
In the hardest moments you know who your real friends are or who the people are who appreciate you.
Unfortunately, like with most friendships, Facebook friends will leave you in the middle of a story. They want a post to ′′like′′ for the story, but they don't really read your message when they see it is long.
More than half have stopped reading. Someone may have already gone to the next post in their newsfeed.
I have decided to publish this post in support of close family, friends and relatives who have fought this horrible disease.
Now I'm focusing on those who take the time to read this post to the end ... a little test, just to see who reads and who shares without reading.
Cancer is a very aggressive and destructive enemy of our bodies.
Even after treatment, the body is devastated. It's a very long process.
I would like to know who I can count on and who takes the time to read this.
When you have finished this, write ′′Done′′ in the comments.
Sadly, cancer is still the illness of the century. Please, in honour of someone who died, or who is battling cancer. Everyone says, ′′If you need anything, don't hesitate: I'll be there for you.′′ So I'm going to make a bet, without being pessimistic: I know my family and friends will put it on their wall. You just have to copy (not share)!!! It's awareness month for this disease. I did it for someone very very special! We all know someone who stood before us, and who has fought or who is fighting this battle as well as even those we have lost.


Did you know? Now you can't say you didn't... At the risk of sounding like a broken record: Cancer LOVES sugar.


Did you know that breast cancer is the second most common cancer in women in the United States? (Second to skin cancers). Make sure that you do your part to minimize your risks and maximize your detection strategies. We have videos here, and lots of information on our website to help make sense of all of the (mis) information on the internet!


No one chooses to have breast cancer, but if you breathe and listen, there may be something to learn.


Ask Dr. B 05/09/2021 inflammatory breast cancer


Ask DrB


Does breast cancer prefer a side? - Ask Dr. B - 04/11/2021

Learn which is the more common side for breast cancer, in addition to other important subjects.

Ask Dr. B. - 04/11/21 at 3:00 PM EST 11/04/2021

Ask Dr. B. Live Webinar in progress. Click the link below to join:

Ask Dr. B. - 04/11/21 at 3:00 PM EST Does breast cancer prefer a side? Find out which is the more common side for breast cancer, in addition to other important subjects.

Ask Dr. B. - 04/11/21 at 3:00 PM EST 11/04/2021

Ask Dr. B. Live Webinar - 04/11/21 at 3:00 PM EST.

Register and Join at:

Ask Dr. B. - 04/11/21 at 3:00 PM EST Does breast cancer prefer a side? Find out which is the more common side for breast cancer, in addition to other important subjects.


Ask DrB 2/28/2021


Prevention vs. Detection Youtube Channel!


Ask DrB 2/14/2021

Videos (show all)

Ask Dr. B 05/09/2021 inflammatory breast cancer
Ask DrB
Does breast cancer prefer a side?
Ask DrB 03/14/2021
Ask DrB 01/31/2021
Ask DrB 01/03/2021
Ask DrB 11/8/2020
Breast Cancer COVID-19 announcement